Make This Last Forever Pt. 01


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Dani actually applied a bit of makeup for a change; just some foundation and a little eye-shadow. She wore a blouse and a nice skirt instead of the tank tops and loose-fitting pants she recently favored. Dani peered into the mirror to check herself out and even though she was more basic than usual she still looked like herself. Cute and sexy as hell too, Dani thought haughtily as she looked back at the reflection to see how well her ass stuck out through her skirt. Even though there wouldn't be anyone there to impress tonight, Dani wanted to look good enough to eat.

Dani, Lindsey, Rita, Paige, and Halley-Anne had been the most tight-knit group of friends at their school. Dani and Lindsey were captain and co-captain of the flag squad while Rita, Paige, and Halley-Anne were cheerleaders. They did basically everything together and acted like they owned the school. Which they kind of did. No one at school had treated Dani worse than her closest friends after she revealed her sexual orientation.

With nervousness and a large heaping of trepidation, Dani drove over to the house belonging to Rita's parents. Dani wasn't worried about taking her car even though she knew she would be drinking. This town was small enough that Dani could walk home in fifteen minutes if it came to that. Assaults and muggings were pretty much unheard of here. When Dani arrived at her friend's house, she put out the cigarette she had smoked on the way there and took a deep breath for fortitude. Dani exited her car and walked up to the front door of Rita's.

Rita's parents were out of town which was the reason the group was drinking over at her place. Everyone was still underage. Dani's old friends cheered when Dani walked through the front door and Dani couldn't help beaming at them. They each gave her a hug and told her how good it was to see her again. It was almost like old times.

The girls offered Dani a beer and a shot of whiskey. It was cheap light beer and bottom-shelf whiskey but Dani gladly accepted them both. They sat around in the living room drinking and gossiping about their old classmates like they were still in high school. It seemed kind of immature and silly to Dani, but she was happy just to be with her old friends again and to be treated cordially by them for once.

Dani's friends did ask some rather awkward questions however. Between whiskey shots and gulps of crappy beer, Dani's old friends asked her pointed questions like how many girlfriends Dani had gone out with and what sex with women was like. Dani answered as politely as possible but felt rather uncomfortable with the personal things they were asking.

"So when exactly did you become a lesbo?" Halley-Anne asked next. "Was it when you fucked those weird girls on prom night?"

Dani answered as patiently and nicely as she could manage, "Well, I've always been a lesbian, Halley. I didn't like, become one overnight. It just took me eighteen years to realize what my sexual orientation was. I didn't know it from an early age like most gay people do."

Rita grimaced and wondered, "So what, does that mean you were checking us out in the locker room or at sleepovers the whole time in middle and high school and we never realized it?"

"Well yes, to be frank," Dani admitted. "But you have to understand I didn't realize what I was doing. I just thought you guys looked cute in your cheerleading outfits or pajamas and chalked that up to innocent curiosity. I didn't comprehend at the time that what I felt was attraction."

It felt kind of weird and discomforting to be put on the spot with these questions, but Dani's friends at least seemed genuinely curious. Fortunately they didn't ask her anything crude like what pussy tastes like or whether a strapon was a good enough substitute for dick. Just for the record, Dani's answers would have been that pissy tastes deliciously amazing and that the query should be rephrased to ask whether dick was a good enough substitute for a strapon.

"So which of us did you think was the hottest then?" Lindsey asked after taking another shot. "Who'd you want to bang the most?"

Dani nearly choked on her beer and replied, "Jeez, talk about being put on the spot. You know I didn't think that way about girls back then."

"Bullshit!" Paige bellowed as she grasped her beer can in her fingers precariously. She seemed a little drunk already. "You just admitted you were a latent homosexual. So tell us which of your friends made you feel the most tingly in your cooch?"

"Nice way to put it, Paige," commented Lindsey with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know," Dani deflected as her face turned bright red. "You are all super hot. There's a reason we were the most popular girls in school."

"Nice try," said Halley-Anne with a smug smile taking up most of the real estate on her face. "We're not letting this go until you give us an answer."

Dani sighed exaggeratedly and took a long drink before she said, "Fine. Well, I've always thought Lindsey was really pretty but we were too close of friends for me to feel much attraction to her. Rita, you're just gorgeous. You are too H.A., plus you have a simply amazing body. But out of all of you, I always thought Paige was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever known."

The girls all grinned and looked at Paige who was fanning herself. She said, "Oh my. I didn't realize you felt that way, Dani. Is it warm in here all of a sudden? What did you like about me so much?"

"Well, H.A. and Rita always looked awesome in them too... but damn, you really knew how to rock those cheerleader outfits, Paige," explained Dani. "I don't know, I guess I always seemed to notice that whenever you did jumps or air kicks your skirt would ride up and I'd try to get a glimpse of your underwear. Whenever I saw your panties I felt a flash of... something. I guess you had me questioning myself long before I realized what those feelings meant. Of course, then I'd go give Trevor a handjob in the back of a parked car and would stop wondering about my sexuality for a while."

The girls screamed in laughter. Dani found herself chuckling with them at how ridiculous being with a guy seemed now.

"Wow, so I was part of your lesbian awakening then?" Paige asked Dani who nodded in affirmation. "That kicks ass!"

Finally they moved on from grilling Dani about her homosexuality and instead began gossiping and giggling together just like when they were younger. Dani had put back two beers and twice as many shots by now. She was starting to feel very comfortable and ready to let loose. Seemingly on cue, Rita went to her room and grabbed a large water bong out of a hidden box in her closet. She loaded the bowl with a very potent strain of marijuana that she had to have bought outside of Cornwell. There was no way you could find that good of weed here in this dead-end town. It was hilarious for Dani to see her friends that used to be so goody-goody about this sort of thing were closet stoners now.

The bong got passed around the room in a circle and each girl took a hit. When it came to her turn, Dani impressed the others not only with the amount of smoke she inhaled but also how long she kept the fumes in her lungs. Dani finally exhaled after half a minute with a loud cough and a huge cloud of smoke that filled the air. Lindsey sat nearest to Dani and she whooped loudly and clapped Dani on the back as Dani recovered from a coughing fit that burned Dani's throat.

Dani felt high instantly. A dumb smile came over her face as euphoria set in. Dani's body felt warm all over from a body high as her mind grew as clouded as the air in the living room. With the addition of mind-altering drugs to the mix, Dani knew the night had taken a turn. Dani always became stupidly horny whenever she smoked pot.

Dani couldn't help thinking of her friends differently while under the influence. Along with Dani, the group of five had been considered by the boys and most of the girls to be the most desirable females at their high school.

Lindsey was too skinny for Dani's taste but still quite pretty. She had the warmest, most infectious smile ever too. Dani couldn't help laughing whenever she caught Lindsey's eye and saw her smiling at her. It felt so nice to have her old friends back that Dani was practically giddy with excitement.

Then there was Paige, who Dani had just admitted to having an attraction to prior to Dani's enlightenment about her sexuality. As Dani inspected her friend intently she noticed for the first time that Paige was more expertly skilled at applying her makeup than truly beautiful. Her dark hair and white teeth were perfect, but her face looked sort of plain. She was certainly pretty, but kind of boring looking and her nose was slightly too large for her face. The boys had considered Paige a perfect ten, drop dead gorgeous piece of ass back in high school but Dani realized now that they and herself had been overrating Paige by a fair margin. Dani had slept with several women that were far more attractive than Paige while at college. Not that she'd turn down the chance to have sex with Paige if she had the opportunity. Not with that sweet ass.

Though always the biggest of the fivesome with her larger body frame, Halley-Anne had still been nearly as skinny as the rest of them a couple years ago. But the buxom blonde looked like she had since gained a freshman forty instead of a freshman fifteen. Dani actually thought Halley-Anne looked hotter now that she had more pronounced curves. Dani wanted nothing more than to run her hands all up and down Halley-Anne's sides and waist and feel those amazing curves for herself. Dani went to the kitchen with Halley-Anne to get more beers for everyone and stared at Halley-Anne's can when she bent over to grab the beer cans out of the fridge. The glorious sight made Dani clench her teeth with desire as she imagined pressing her face into Halley-Anne's butt and biting her teeth down on the meat of her ass as Dani squeezed her friend's fat cheeks.

Rita possessed the same fiery red shock of hair she had in high school that Dani had always been jealous of. Dani's dirty blonde locks looked so boring in comparison. Dani had slept with a few supposed redheads before but most of the time she found their hair was actually dyed once she discovered that the carpet didn't match the drapes. But Dani had a feeling Rita was naturally colored all the way though and would love to make a personal inspection to verify the fact.

Dani felt ashamed to hold such nasty thoughts about friends she'd had since before puberty, but she couldn't help herself. Dani adored women and loved sexy female bodies, and all of these girls here with her were beautiful. They were being so nice to her too. Dani didn't want to, but she found she was already starting to forgive them for how horribly they used to treat her. After putting back more than a few drinks and retreating deep into her stoned mind, Dani speculated internally over whether any of her friends might be bicurious. Dani especially wondered about Paige, who had been giving out strange vibes ever since Dani admitted her former (or not so former?) attraction.

Paige's gaze lingered on Dani for an almost inappropriate length of time whenever they looked at each other and Dani recalled Paige's expression appearing peculiarly curious when Dani had been answering their incessant questions earlier. The overly friendly tone Paige used when conversing with Dani and the giggling fits she constantly devolved into were the familiar trademarks of how Paige used to flirt with cute boys back in high school. But now Paige used these tried-and-true tactics on Dani and they were actually working. Dani felt strange and warm every time Paige gazed at her and she couldn't blame the butterflies fluttering in her chest on the drugs or alcohol. This was all quite strange; of Dani's four friends Paige would have been the last she would have pegged as curious about women.

The drunk and stoned girls started playing some music on Rita's dad's stereo system and soon enough they were all up and dancing to Prince, Journey, and Justin Timberlake songs from some playlist on Rita's phone. Dani only really liked Prince out of those artists, though singing along to "Don't Stop Believing" as loud and obnoxiously as possible while high was hilarious fun. Paige smacked Dani on the ass a few times while they all danced, making Dani giggle and stick her butt out for more. One of the raunchier Prince songs "Darling Nikki" started to play and the girls started dancing up on each other lasciviously.

They used to do this exact same thing when they were younger without any awkwardness but Dani's altered perspective on women could have made it weird. Fortunately, the girls didn't seem too bothered by Dani's sexuality considering how provocatively they danced with Dani, grinding their asses and crotches against her enthusiastically. Dani became so excited by feeling their bodies crushed against her front that she started getting wet and had to disguise how much she enjoyed this. It all seemed to be in good fun though and no one freaked out while Dani danced with them. The girls seemed to enjoy teasing Dani.

After they finished getting their freak on, Halley-Anne, Lindsey, and Rita talked themselves into another round of shots before prank-calling an old vice-principal they hated. Before heading to the kitchen they asked if Dani wanted to join them. Dani's mind was already swimming after the epic bong rip combined with whiskey and beer. Not to mention the confusing, exhilarating signals she was receiving from Paige. Dani decided to be sensible and pace the night out by declining to join for this round. The girls booed Dani mercilessly and insisted Paige come with them too. Paige surprisingly declined as well and a strange look passed between her and Lindsey as the girls went into the kitchen and left Paige and Dani on their own.

Once the other girls had left, Paige stood up without speaking and walked to the couch Dani sat upon on the opposite end of the living room. She plopped herself down on the cushion right next to Dani and put her arm around Dani's shoulder to snuggle in close to her. Paige had never been so friendly in all the time Dani had known her. Since Dani was feeling pretty fucking good at the moment and about to feel even better, she squeezed her arm between Paige and the back of the couch so she could wrap her arm around Paige's waist and rest her hand upon Paige's bony hip.

"Hey there, Dani," Paige said with some awkwardness now that their faces and mouths were mere inches apart.

"Hey there yourself, Paige," Dani answered back happily.

"So... you didn't answer all the questions I wanted to ask earlier," Paige said nervously as she rubbed between her fingers the dark half of Dani's hair that rested on her shoulders.

"Oh?" Dani asked curiously.

The way Paige caressed Dani's hair and nuzzled her cheek against Dani's neck sent very mixed signals. What were Paige's intentions? Dani wanted to make out with her so badly right now.

"I was wondering what you thought was the best thing about being with another woman," said Paige. "What do you like the best about the female form?"

Dani squeezed Paige's side at the spot where her waist slimmed just before widening sharply at her hips. It felt wonderful. Dani was taking back everything she had thought earlier about Paige not being that hot. The girl was sexy as hell, Dani had to admit.

"Oh, I don't know," Dani sighed while deep in thought. "There's just so much to love. I love how sweet and loving the kisses from a woman are. I love how soft and nice it feels to run your hands through another girl's hair."

Dani curled her fingers around the tresses of Paige's dark hair in example while Paige continued stroking Dani's locks.

"Kind of like we're doing to each other right now, actually," Dani said with a nervous laugh. "Lesbian love is also about being your partner being so familiar with their own body that they know how best to love and please your body too. It's kind of hard to explain to someone who's straight."

"No, silly," Paige giggled. She definitely seemed drunk and kind of loopy. "I meant, what part of women's bodies do you like best? I'm not talking about feelings, I'm talking about fucking."

Paige reached down and laid her hand over Dani's, clasping their hands tightly together. She pulled Dani's limb upward and placed it over the chest of Paige's T-shirt. Paige squeezed Dani's hand so that she cupped Paige's breast between her fingers.

"Is it here that you like?" Paige asked.

"Yessssss," Dani whispered.

Dani breathed heavily with desire as the flesh of Paige's breast filled the palm of her hand. Both girls moaned in unison as Dani pushed down on the mound of Paige's bosom to mash Paige's breast against her chest while Dani clenched her fingers around it. Paige had nice, well-proportioned tits and Dani gave them a thorough, loving massage that left Paige gasping for air.

This was all so surreal. Dani was almost too high to believe she was actually fondling the breasts of one of her closest friends. Or former friends. Dani didn't know how to think of them any more. Dani leaned in to kiss Paige on her mouth but Paige turned her head away just before their lips met so Dani kissed her on the cheek instead. Paige removed Dani's hand from her breast and Dani worried she'd gone too far, too fast. But Paige moved Dani's hand behind her and pushed Dani's hand down Paige's back so Dani's fingertips traced along the spine poking through Paige's T-shirt.

"Or do you like this part more?" Paige wondered. "I saw you staring at my butt when I was dancing earlier and shaking my ass. Don't you try and deny it."

Like Dani could keep from staring when Paige wore black yoga pants tonight that fit snugly over her legs and bottom and showed off every curve of Paige's body. Paige filled out the tight pants so her buttcheeks stuck way out and the perfect sculpture of her asscrack was clearly defined. That fine ass had Dani drooling.

Paige directed Dani's hand lower and lower until it became squeezed between Paige's left buttock and the cushion of the couch. Paige's sexy ass felt even more glorious than it looked. Dani clasped her hand over Paige's tight, supple asscheek with her fingers clenching around the curves of Paige's buttock. Only a few centimeters distance separated the tips of Dani's thumb and index fingers from Paige's asshole. Judging by the rest of Paige's ass, Dani assumed that Paige had a cute, perfectly tight pucker of an anus. Dani ran her index finger up and down Paige's asscrack and Paige shuddered at the close proximity of Dani's exploring fingertip gliding right by her pussy and asshole.

"Sweet Goddess in heaven, your ass is fucking amazing, Paige," said Dani huskily before trying to kiss Paige again and being shot down for the second time.

Paige took hold of Dani's hand again and lifted herself off the couch high enough to move Dani's hand from underneath her. Paige brought Dani's limb around to her front and ran it up her inner thigh as she spread her legs wide apart. She placed Dani's hand directly over her crotch and moaned as Dani touched her vulva for the first time. Dani felt the warmth of Paige's pussy radiating through her pants and because of the tight, thin fabric that Paige wore Dani distinctly felt the imprint of the puffy, engorged lips of Paige's labia sticking out through the black film of her workout pants.

Shockingly, Paige didn't feel even slightly wet. Most of the girls Dani knew would have been soaking with their own juices by this point. Dani herself had become too aroused and distracted to wonder where the other girls went and why they were allowing her and Paige such generous privacy.

"I bet this is what you like best," Paige purred.
