Malevolence: CATU Book 4 Ch. 02


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Spencer and Sam follow Nash's lead throughout the small complex of buildings and alleys bypassing many of the soldiers. Only on a couple occasions do they have to resort to using their weapons. Luckily everything they carried that fired bullets is suppressed, otherwise the party would have started ahead of schedule.

The compound is heavily guarded but as they progress deeper into it and closer to their intended target, it begins to thin out. "I guess they don't expect anyone to make it this far in," Sam remarks as the trio walks up to a large steel door with a single security key pad.

"It does seem a little more unguarded than I expected," Spencer replies.

"That's because we are meant to be here," Nash states as he punches in a code on the security device.

"How?" Spencer asks in awe.

"We have good intelligence."

"So do we, but our Intel says there isn't anyone on the inside that will be a traitor against these guys."

"That's because we turn a blind eye on the smaller fish when it comes down to catching the much larger ones," Nash says with a smile. "Now come on, the halls won't be cleared for long."


Mason quickly traverses through the complex unseen. His job is to shut down power to the entire complex or half the island if that's what it took to succeed. The power substation is enclosed by a large brick wall. Its only entrance was a heavy chain linked fence with a massive lock.

The wall doesn't bother him. The lock doesn't bother him. Normally not even the guards would matter. His concern is what the guards are doing every two minutes.

When Mason first approached the substation area he surveyed around looking for soldiers, traps and points of entry. He found the guards were reporting in. With the amount of security placed for a substation meant it was important to keep it running.

He kept twenty feet of distance between himself and the substation and timed the guards' check-in times and quickly found they checked in at two minute intervals. He considered scaling the fifteen foot high wall, but even if he could manage to do so the inside yard was full of rocks. Keeping quiet and working quickly with combat boots would not happen.

"Nash? I got trouble at the substation," he says into his mic.

"There shouldn't be with your task," he replies.

"I've got two guards on check-in intervals," Mason says ignoring the comment.

"No way to cut around them?"

"Not unless you want me to blow this wall to hell and start the party early."

"We're on a time schedule," Nash says with hollowness in his voice.

"Schedules never go as planned," Mason remarks picking up on Nash's emptiness on the subject.

"Do what is needed and we'll just have to pick up the pace," he orders.

"Will do."

Mason slips out from the set of bushes he is hiding in and stalks around to the side of the station keeping his eye on the clock. He withdraws his S&W .40 mm. With his back to the wall he edges closer to the corner. He looks at his watch.

Four seconds....Three... Two.. One..

The guards report in. When the silence takes back over, Mason steps from around the corner and raises his pistol.

Clink. Clink.

Two shots in quick succession take both guards out. Blood slowly oozes from the head wounds each man just suffered. Mason steps over the first man and shoots the lock on the fence. He takes a look around then glances at his watch.

One hundred and ten seconds.

As he passes through the gates he turns and shoots out the light that shines over the entrance.


Bridges crawls through the sewage tunnel trying to ignore the smell and for just a brief moment wishes he had chosen a different career. In reality he wouldn't have chosen anything different. He stops at a grate. It is just large enough to fit a person through. Lying on his back he pulls out a flexible camera and slips it up through the grate.

The image of an empty hallway appears on his PDA. He swirls it in a 360° fashion. When it is evident no one is in the hall, he pulls the camera back down and replaces it in its holder. He sits there for another thirty seconds before reaching up to push open the grate.

He slides out through the small opening and eases the grate back into place keeping as silent as possible. He knows which way he needs to go, having memorized the map provided to the team before hand. His part of the mission is to broadcast a signal to US forces notifying them that the facility is under attack and ready for reinforcements to complete the takeover. The signal is one only known and used by US military.

Slowly he creeps to the door at the end of the hall. His hand rests on the hilt of his knife ready to put it into action the moment it would be needed. The hall only has a single light the lights the center up fairly well but leaves the two ends of the hall in darkness.

As he reaches for the door knob a creaking sound shoots out into the silence at the opposite end of the hall. Bridges pulls back deeper into the shadows pressing his body as close to the wall as possible.

A soldier enters the hall and takes five steps before coming to a halt just on the outer edges of the light. By the outfit and gear the man wears, Bridges determines this was one of the Spetsnaz they were warned about.

"You may as well come out American," he says with a thick and heavy Russian accent. Bridges stands still slowly his breath to try and hides himself even more. If the soldier has any kind of amplified hearing device or night vision there would be no way he can stay hidden. "I say again. Come out American or I will be forced to fill this hall with bullets," the man says, this time with more of an edge to his voice.

Slowly Bridges begins to draw his knife. The man standing under the light will help him greatly in determining his position. He has just freed the knife from its sheath when a similar creak comes from the door knob of the door he originally planned to go through.

The door opens just enough to allow a person to step through. Bridges keeps his eyes on the Spetsnaz and when the man gives a slight nod, the Kukri flies from Bridges' hand. His other hand comes up with the other Kukri clearing the new entrant's throat and spraying blood against the wall.

Bridges cleans his knife and sheathes it, then pulls the man's body away from the door and into the shadows. He then walks over to retrieve his other knife from the other soldier's chest before doing the same with his body.


The compound is suddenly in uproar or at least a quiet uproar. Matthews settles in her second chosen hiding spot in order to keep watch over Mason.

Not long after Mason took out the two men guarding the substation did it seem that all hell broke loose. She knew he had only two minutes before whoever was on the other end of the radio got suspicious when there wasn't a check-in.

Now that the base was alerted she was afraid to break radio silence in case their frequency was to be picked up. Instead she resorted to quickly and efficiently dropping every soldier that neared the station. She didn't have a problem killing people as long as they were the enemy or when a team member was in danger. The bodies are beginning to pile up and it won't be long before the enemy starts looking for a sniper.

"Mason? Status?" she calls into the mic.

Her answer comes in the form of a massive explosion that rocks the area including the ground she lay atop.


Spencer and Sam followed Nash's lead. He runs through halls and doorways like he lived there. Spencer is about to ask about it when Matthews' voice suddenly cuts in.

"Mason? Status?"

Nash is about to reply when the sound of an explosion erupts outside causing the building they are now in to shake. The lights cut off and are replaced by emergency lighting bathing the three in red.

"Plans have changed," he says to Sam and Spencer. "Speed it up Bridges. Matthews, find Mason and you to make sure our evacuation is clear."

"Roger," Bridges replies.

"Copy that," Matthews says.

"I can recall Pierson saying nothing would go wrong with this mission," Sam says sarcastically.

Nash ignores the comment and resigns to leading against the wall with his weapon lowered pointing toward the ground. "Our contact will show, don't worry."

"I certainly hope it's the contact and not a group of soldiers," Spencer says keeping his guard up.

"Humans are so predictable," a voice filters out from the shadows.

Spencer spins around to face the voice. Samantha has her Desert Eagle out and trained just a second before Spencer does. Nash on the other hand doesn't budge from his position.

"You!" Spencer says trying his best not to yell out.

"Don't shoot her," Nash says calmly.

"And why the fuck not," Sam asks taking her eyes off the Succubus to look in Nash's direction.

"Because she's our contact and it would be very unbeneficial for us if she were dead," he explains.

"Yes it would be a shame and funny at the same time," she replies using a seductive voice. "Accomplishing something not even Roger could," she continued without waiting for a reaction.

"What the hell does that mean?" Sam demands.

"Oh forgive me," she says smiling as she began to pace around Sam and Spencer. Neither person turns to face her as she does so, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of fear she ultimately seeks. "I guess since he kept you out of the loop with his secrets everyone else would too."

"You killed him," Sam point blankly states. Natalya nods into the light showing both a complacent smile. "And who's gonna stop me from blowing this bitch's head off?" Sam demands from Nash.

"Nothing," he replies coolly.

"You knew this?" Spencer asks.

"Not until after we left for the mission. It was in my mission packet," he explains.

Sam has already turned back to Natalya and is now currently staring her down. Spencer glares at Nash.

"Like most of the time we operate, it is a need to know basis even for the members of the team."

"And you knew and wouldn't tell us?" Spencer asks ready to rip the man's head off along with Natalya's.

"Look. We can sit here and argue or you can get vengeance and take her out or we can get on with the mission and you can pursue her on your own time," Nash spats. "Decide and stop wasting my fucking time."

Silence fills the hall. Each member looks at each other attempting to read what the other had on their mind. "Let's get on with the mission," Spencer finally says breaking the silence.

Sam lowers her pistol, replacing it back into her leg holster. "This ain't over bitch," she says mustering as much menace into her voice as she can.

"I'm sure princess," Natalya purrs.

"What are we looking at," Nash asks interrupting before things turn to another confrontation.

Natalya instantly turns her attention from Sam, disregarding her as if she wasn't standing there. "I have my men pulled back leaving just the standard Russian troops and Spetsnaz. Avyanna has her familiar, Bezaleel, a Fenrir, a couple Lesser Demons and a handful of soldiers acting as her bodyguards."

"A handful of troop seems strange considering that is all we have faced so far," Nash states.

"Let's just say Avyanna has distaste for humans, unlike us newer demons that can handle your presence."

"Anything else we need to know about?"

"You will need to work fast. This attack is expected but not by you. She will inevitably combat you to test you, but ultimately she will escape."

"Doesn't sound like much of a threat unless you are lying about the whole thing," Spencer remarks.

"Now what would I have to gain from such trivial nonsense?" Natalya questions.

"I can think of at least five," Sam interjects.

"Ooohh, I'd love to hear them all," Natalya mocks, then she turns serious. "I've got much to gain here to betray you. Let's just say a Demon Lord is a major hindrance to my plans. You will need this as well." She pulls out an ancient and beautifully crafted sword. "The Kotetsu," she says holding the sword out toward Sam.

"It's beautiful," Sam replies as she accepts it from the demon.

"It is one of five legendary swords. They have been used by various Demon Lords and subsequently lost throughout time."

"Why give it to me?" Sam asks.

"Because a Demon Lord is not an easy thing to destroy and besides I knew you'd appreciate its beauty." She begins to back up until she is in the shadows. "Now I have done all that I have promised. The next time we meet it may not be on such good terms."

As quickly and mysteriously as she appeared she has disappeared.

"Shall we?" Nash offers gesturing toward the door.


Matthews suddenly finds she is pinned down. The group of soldiers carrying AK-103 assault rifles with what appears to have a GP-30 40mm grenade launcher attached, hasn't spotted her just yet but with the way they are combing the area she knows it won't be long before they do.

She isn't without resources, however. One thing needed to qualify to become a sniper was the ability to move undetected even if it meant moving right under the feet of the enemy. It was a skill she excels at.

She buries her Bor rifle under some brush and branches then withdraws a CRKT Ultima. The black blade, made to not reflect light, stretches only five inches, leaving the bottom half with a serrated edge. Five inches was all she needs to do the job.

She could have easily just slipped by all six men, but with Mason MIA she wants to ensure there will be six less threats should the time come. Slowly she crawls silently like a snake slithering through the grass unnoticed. She quickly circles around the group and begins to stalk the soldier furthest back from the rest. Once she is within reach the blade slide effortlessly across both the man's Achilles tendon forcing him to drop fast. Before he can cry out, Matthews has the soldier covered with her body and the Ultima sliding smoothly along his throat.

"Cho bylo ztim? Vysoko trevoga! Derzhite vashi glaza otkrytymi!" the leader of the soldiers yells out. "What was that? High alert! Keep your eyes open!"

Matthews silently curses. The fall caused too much noise, a mistake that won't happen again. With the men on even higher alert it makes her task slightly harder but she is always up for a challenge. She edges near the tree line and tosses a small rock a short distance away catching two of the soldier's attention.

"Petr? Vy slyshali zto?" one of the soldiers says pointing in the direction of the sound with his rifle. "Petr? Did you hear that?"

"Da. Poydite vidyat, kakovo zto bylo. Ya udu nablyudat' vashu spinu," Petr says pointing. "Yes. Go see what it was. I'll watch your back."

"Vy trakhaete rebyachestvo? Vy idete. Yabub nablyudat' vashu spinu," the other soldier argues. "Are you fucking kidding? You go. I'll watch your back."

"Vy oba idete, ili obe vashikh zadnitsy budut moimi!" the leader yells. "Both of you go or both your asses will be mine!"

"Da szr," the soldiers answer in unison. "Yes sir."

"Doberites' tam i pomogite im promyvat' ee," the leader says ordering the two soldiers near him and pointing to the other two. "Get over there and help them flush her out."

The leader, referring to her as a she causes her some curiosity. How does he know? She has a few ideas but now isn't the time to sort through them. The two men in front of her peer cautiously into the trees ready to shoot anything that moves or makes noise. With her blade in hand, she leaps up thrusting out her arm and slices the first man's throat open spilling out blood. He falls to the ground grasping his throat and withers in agony attempting to suck in the air he so vitally needs without success.

The other soldier spins to face her only to have her knife thrown into his chest. She runs at him, stops, pivots and sidekicks the knife deeper into the man's chest and sends him reeling backward into the tree.

The other two men have their guns up about to fire when Matthews spins bringing her S&W .40mm to bear.

Clink! Clink!

Two clean head shots take both men down before either man can pull the trigger.

Two? There should have been three.

She is beginning to question where the leader has disappeared to when she feels the muzzle of a pistol press against the base of her skull.

"Udivlenie, udivlenie. Ne ozhdali menya, a suka?" the man says venomously. "Surprise, surprise. Weren't expecting me, eh bitch?"

"I vy ne ozhdali menya." Mason says before Matthews can respond. "And you weren't expecting me."

The man's eyes grow wide just before Mason pulls the trigger.

"Thank you," Matthews says breathing out a sigh.

"Hey, no problem."

"What the hell happened to you?" asks Matthews acting like a concerned mother wanting to know where her child has been.

"Shortly after I began setting the charges, a team of Spetsnaz like them," he says pointing to the dead soldiers, "attacked me. I was able to quickly take control of the situation and take each of them out."

"Well I'm glad to see you alright. Nash and the CATU agents may be in trouble or even Bridges."

"And we have our orders Matthews. We follow them out and clear and exit for them," Mason injects.

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