Martha in America Ch. 10


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"Funny, the things you learn to like when you to have sex," his sister remarked softly.

"Um-hmm," Martha agreed as she stood up and the water started to come down.

"But we didn't really do it, ... all over, ... real raunchy."

"Raunchy enough," Martha replied as she made space for her under the shower.

"Not too much," she replied as they started to wash each other: "... just enough."

"If you say so, ... think so," Martha acquiesced.

And then they were just washing each other in silence, almost embracing to wash each other's back, and then snickering a little as they washed each other between their legs and reached around to wash their assholes, and then separating to be able to wash their legs, holding them up in turn for the other to wash. And then they were drying themselves and finally brushing their hair.

On the way back to their rooms, his sister asked:

"Are you going to wear a bra?"

"Since you asked; yes, and you'd better, too."

"Yeah, I guess, in case anyone we know sees us, ... and can notice."

"Um-hmm, ... what else should I wear?"

"Oh? ... Shorts and a top, anything. We could wear our bikinis, like some people do. ... Oh, if you're going to buy beer, maybe something that suggests you're old enough. Can you buy beer?"

"I had no trouble in the City."

"Oh, that's good."

Then they were dressing in their rooms and met in the hall; she in shorts and Martha in a dress, then they closed the house and got in the car. Martha started it, and then tried the gears and pedals and then carefully backed out and turned onto the road, driving slowly at first, but then a little faster, and then they were in the village. Martha found a convenient parking space, since they had agreed that they should walk rather than drive around too much. First, they ate, hamburgers and French fries, and then she showed Martha where she could buy beer and said that she would meet her back at the car.

As she ambled back, taking her time, Martha caught up with her, giving her a triumphant smile as she whispered: "No problem, two six-packs."

"Oooh, good," she replied, glancing at the brown paper bag Martha was carrying, and they walked to the car and were soon driving home.

She took the bag with the beer into the house while Martha locked the car. She was putting the beer in the refrigerator when Martha found her and said:

"Oh, we should have called your mother before we went out."

"Oh, yeah, I'll call her. We were out on the beach, if she says she had already called.

She closed the refrigerator door and went in the living room and called home. Her mother had called, but didn't seem upset and hoped they were getting on well, and she told her that they were - without blushing - and her mother reminded her of what food she had bought for them and that Martha should use the ground meat "today, or at latest tomorrow, for hamburgers or a meatloaf - she made one for your brother." At the mention of her brother, she did start to blush, but managed to finish the conversation and even remembered to tell that Martha had said how much she appreciated that she could be there and sent her greetings and promised to call earlier the next day.

After she hung up, she made a note and put it in the kitchen and then was surprised when Martha came in with nothing on, then looking a little embarrassed as she asked if everything was all right. She told her what her mother had said about the meat and what she had said. Martha nodded, and she started to take off her shorts with a snort and told how she had felt herself blush when her mother mentioned her brother. Martha smiled with a nod and said that she would have, too, and that she was going out to read some more, "from the beginning," and they both smiled, and she hurried back to her room, hopping to take off her panties as she went, and then taking of her blouse and bra in her room and hurrying back to the living room, just remembering to put on his shirt, and grinning at finding the one Martha had used still hanging on the chair. She took it with her out onto the deck and dropped it next to her with a smirk and said:

"You forgot something. You must really be accustomed to going nude."

Martha turned her head up and agreed:

"Yes, I guess so. Thanks," and smiled, as she sat down and stripped off his shirt and then asked: "More lotion? You should, the first couple of days." Martha nodded, and she applied it, more familiarly and thoroughly than in the morning, and then they were both reading again.

When Martha sat up and reoriented her towel to the sun and lay back down on her back, holding the book up at arms' length towards the sun, his sister asked.

"More lotion?" and Martha nodded with a "yes, please," and let her apply it to her front, chuckling when she more than just applied it to her breasts, and again as she rubbed it on around her pubic hair and down between her thighs. She also moved her towel, and then she too was lying on her back and reading.

Engrossed in their books, they turned over a couple of times, but didn't speak, and a hour or so passed before Martha lay down her book, and rolled over on her back again, like his sister already was, again holding her paperback up against the sun with one hand. After a minute or two, Martha lowered her hand and drew her knees up a little and opened them to the sun, lying there with her eyes closed, and then her legs relaxed, her knees dropping lower, the movement catching his sister's eye as she read, and she glanced over at Martha with a slight smile, seeing that her eyes were closed as she lay there all relaxed. Her own thighs unconsciously opened slightly, and she assured herself that Martha's eyes were still closed, and then lowered her book and drew her thighs up and let the sun shine between them, after a moment, turning her heels out so that her knees wouldn't drop lower.

They lay like that for some time, almost dozing, and then she was aware that Martha had moved, and immediately let her legs slide back down as she glanced over and saw that she had sat up and was looking down at her as she started to get up.

"Shirt!" his sister reminded, and she sank back down and slipped it on and then resumed getting up, just holding it closed as she went in the house.

His sister drew her knees up again, but then lowered them and sat up and reoriented her towel to the sun, and then moved Martha's and lay back down again with her legs outstretched and waited for Martha to return.

"Would you like a beer?" Martha called. She rolled onto her side and saw her standing in the door with her shirt open.

"Do we deserve one?" she asked back with a snort and then grinned.

"I don't know. I hadn't thought of that."

"Have we been good?"

"Were we supposed to be?"

She sat up and grinned at her as she replied:

"Do you know the joke about the girl who when she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad, she was better?"

Martha nodded with a chuckle and smile and answered:

"Yes, a boy at our school who was an AFS student here told it to us. Sounds like y... us."

"Um-hmm. We've been being very, very good. I think we deserve one."

Martha nodded with a grin and disappeared into the house and came back with two cans, glancing out at the beach and just holding the bottom of her shirt together as she joined her and sat back down, handing the cans to her and slipping her shirt off again. She handed one of the cans back to her, and they opened them and skaaled each other, snickering slightly as they looked at each other again.

Martha snickered again with a snort and remarked:

"But he told me only the 'very, very good ones' did it to him."

They both laughed and had a sip of their beers, and she replied:

"I told you, we've been being 'very, very good.'"

They both laughed again and Martha agreed with a smile:

"To each other, too."

"Um-hmm, ... 'very, very', ... thank you."

"Um-hmm, you too."

They smiled at each other and then faced the sun again sitting in silence, both of them sipping their beers occasionally but not speaking.

After a while, Martha took a deeper breath, and then took a sip of beer, and exhaled and breathed in again and with a mild snort said:

"Yes, 'very, very good'," ... thank you," as she looked towards the western horizon:

":.. I guess I was still having ... difficulty admitting that I really like it, ... but I do, ... really like it. ... Hmm! ... Why not? ... It's just good."

She glanced over at his sister with a smile, who nodded as she returned her smile.

"Just good," Martha repeated, then adding:

"... why not? He was right, we would like it," and she glanced at her again.

"Um-hmm, he was. ... We ought to tell him; he would like it, ... I think."

"Maybe, ... yes, maybe he wanted us to, ... at least, it would have occurred to him, having talked with both of us about it."

"Um-hmm. ... At least, he won't mind. ... Oh, he'll like it, ... that we like it, confirming that we are 'very, very' ones."

Martha nodded with a wry grin and replied:

"I guess we are. At first, I didn't think I want to - all the way - but then I was thinking that I didn't want to be just 'very, very'; I wanted to be the nicest and best and worst one, ... and told him that afterwards."

"Hm-hmm! And I bet you were!"

"He didn't say I wasn't."

"I bet he liked that, that you told him."

Martha nodded with snort and agreed:

"Yes, he liked that, that I told him, and I liked it too, talking about it, and we joked about my learning that I could do something else with my mouth."

They both laughed and then had a good drink from their cans and snickered.

"And can't we!" his sister responded and then added:

"If he were here, we could show him."

"Hmm? I don't know? 'Could,' don't know if we should, but he is not here."

"Oh, ... maybe he could pick us up, ... on the weekend? Come out on Saturday, ... with the train. Oh, then he could come out Friday evening. ... He would want to."

Martha snorted and smiled at her again and replied:

"You really want to, ... want him to."

"Why not, if it could work out?"

Then they were both silent, sipping at their beers, and then emptying them.

"Why not?" Martha murmured, and his sister nodded with a little smile.

"I want to," Martha murmured again and reached out and stroked her thigh without turning to look at her as she added softly:

"Like this morning, ... in bed."

His sister saw that Martha's nipples were all stiff as she held her hand on her thigh - and hers were, too - and agreed softly:

"I do too."

"No, just me. I really want to, and then you can. ... I want that."

"Um-hmm, if you want," his sister replied in a soft, aroused voice and lay back, and Martha leaned over and extended her legs as she laid her head on her thigh, slipping her hand under the small of her back as her other hand found her breast. His sister sighed and drew up her other thigh as Martha's fingers found her aroused nipple for a moment, and then her hand slid down her side to her hip and urged her to roll towards her. Martha's head slid up between her thighs as his sister did with a sigh, and then a deeper one with a moan, as Martha's mouth found her pussy.

Then she just gave herself up to what Martha was doing: clutching her hips to her face as her tongue aroused her, and soon her fingers, too, as his sister gasped and moaned, and the movement of her pelvis encouraged Martha.

"Unnn! That's good!" his sister murmured: "... you know how good that is," and Martha nodded.

"Um-hmm," she agreed: "... we know, ... uhn-unnn! ... just how good that feels, ... what you're doing ... ummm! ... what your tongue is doing. And I know how good that is, too, ... oooh! ... like that! Your tongue knowing what feels good ... for it, ... unnn! ... and for me! ... Oooh, yes! Do that ... with your finger. ... Why do we like that? ... And he does, too." ... Oooh, yes! ... Like that ... with your tongue, ... like his cock, ... oooh! Unnn! ... Unnnn! ... there too! ... Ummm-uhnnnn! ... Un-un-un! ... Ooh! ... Ooh-ooh! Unnn! ... Ooh! Ah! Ha-ha! ... Ooh-ooh-un-unnn! Oh-ha! Ha-ha! Un-un-un-unnn! Oh-ha! Ooooh!! Yes!! Un-un-un-un! Ooh! Ha-ha-unnn! Oh-ha! Unnn-un-un-un! Unn-un-un-un-un!!"

With a final gasp, she was silent, her stomach just heaving.

Finally she extended her leg and reached down and stroked Martha's wet cheek, sliding her fingers down to find her mouth, stroking over her lips, as she whispered:

"Oooh, that was good! Thank you!

"Um-hmm, it must have been, just like I wanted it to be. I really did want to, and not just for you. I wanted to do it so you'd know that I really do, really like it. It is so good, ... like you were saying: my tongue knowing what would feel so good. He - his - doesn't know that."

"But ours do."

"And how! ... But his does it just as good."

"Um-hmm! ... Hm-hmm! Thank goodness!"

Martha sat up and smirked, starting to lie down next to her, as his sister replied:

"But only those of us who know that, and he does do it just as good, if you don't mind?"

"Hm-hmm, I think so too. ... Aren't we lucky!?"

Martha nodded as they embraced with their arms under each other's head, hugging each other a little close, and then after an exchange of nods, kissing, as good as they could for a few moments with their heads down parallel, their noses overlapping.

When they stopped, looking in each other's eyes, Martha murmured:

"But he's got something we haven't."

"Um-hmm, ... that occurred to me when I mentioned it, ... when you were doing it."

"Do you really think he could come out and get us, like you suggested?"

"Why not? ... Hm-hmm! And he wouldn't just 'get us', he would 'have us'."

Martha snickered as she continued:

"He couldn't have anything better to do on the weekend."

"Hm-hmm! That is true."

"Shall I call him this evening?"

"I don't know. What had ..., what were your parents planning?"

"Oh, ... yeah, I think they said that they - or one of them? - no both - for the cars - would come out. I'm not sure."

"Then your idea of his coming out on the train would be convenient, ... unless your parents were wanting to spend the weekend out here again."

"I hope not."

"Me too, but maybe we should wait till you call your mother tomorrow, ... and suggest it, ... maybe after asking what they had planned."

"Um-hmm, ... if she doesn't know yet, then they haven't anything planned, and maybe would like the suggestion, ... and we're pretty sure that he would."

"Um-hmm. Hm-hmm! If he knew what we have in mind, ... his, ... what he has ..."

They both chuckled, they stomachs moving on each other, and they held each other closer again, their knees finding their way past each other, and kissed again.

"You want me to, too? I want to," his sister murmured.

"After a shower?"


They let go of each other and sat up, finding their shirts and quickly going into the house and taking them off again on the way to the bathroom, snickering as they hung them on the top corner of the door, and got into the tub, looking at each other, and then they both raised their eyebrows questioningly. His sister said softly:

"Yeah, I want to, ... want you to: 'all over'."

When Martha nodded slightly, she dropped to her knees, waiting expectantly, staring at Martha's pussy, snorting as she saw her stream start and splash on her thighs. She glanced up at Martha and then back at her stream and leaned forward, holding her thighs, and put her face in it and then turned her mouth up to catch it, moving closer to its source as it started to die down, finally kissing Martha's hair, who snorted and murmured:

"You're just as raunchy as I am," and sank down as his sister stood up, looking down at her with a nod and smile, and then closed her eyes for a moment as she spread her knees slightly, and then watched Martha do what she had done, smiling slightly with a snort, that moved her stream for a moment. And then Martha was kissing her, holding her hips, and then pressing down on them as she stood up again, snorting, herself, as she looked at her with a wry smile, and then turned and started adjusting the water as she snorted again and asked:

"Why do we want to do that, ... like to do that?"

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leBonhommeleBonhommealmost 11 years agoAuthor
Her name is Becky.

Psst! But tell anyone; don't want people to think every Becky they meet could be my sister - so charmingly incestuous and bi sister.

At the end of chapter 11, she introduces herself.

mBrowmBrowalmost 11 years ago
Accept Feedback?

Tried to Send Feedback, but it seems blocked. I wished to send a ticklish suggestion discreetly rather than in public comments. leBonhomme, would you allow Feedback?

mBrowmBrowalmost 11 years ago
Her name would be helpful

Though the complaint about 'his sister' could be made less crudely or more eloquently, I must agree that giving sister a name would make for easier reading and a nicer story. The frequent sibling reference seems out-of-place, when most friends in normal conversation would share the names of their siblings. I still enjoy the story, but the suggestion would improve it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
no name

the sister shit has got old, did you forget her name ?

his sister his sister his sister

or are you just doing it to add to your word count?

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