Martha in America Ch. 14


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Becky's thighs clutched together:

"... 'yeah, like that. Don't make me come yet. Just keep on like that. Oh, it's so good! I don't want it to stop. Oh, yes! That's right. Hm-hmm! Martha knows how good that is, ... like that, just on and on. And when I come, ... Oooh! Mmmm! ... like that! And when I finally come, don't stop. I won't be able to say anything, but I'll want you to keep on, even if I can hardly bear it, but I want you to, I want it!' Hm-hmm! 'Do it like Martha does, she knows how good it is, how much we both want it again!'"

Her thighs had clutched together again during her fantasy - and Martha's, too - and again as it ended, and they both snickered and laughed again.

"Oh, that was good! Maybe you can tell him. Oh, I'm sure you can, like that, when he's doing it to you. ... And I hope he can do it as good as you want. ... But maybe you could leave me out of it."

"Hmm! Oh no, that makes it good - what makes it good - letting him know how I know I want it like that ... and that you do, too, ... yeah, telling him indirectly that we want it better, ... well more and different from what he may have thought. ... Yeah, I like that."

They both snickered again, glancing at each other's aroused nipples, and then Martha replied:

"Maybe, ... yes, maybe. It does sound better than just telling him, sometime when we weren't doing it. That would sound like criticism; yes, maybe that was what was bothering me about it before."

"Yes, I guess you're right. I hadn't thought of that."

"I hadn't either, but not directly, as I said. ... Hm-hmm! And then?"

"And then? If he does it that good, I doubt there will be any 'and then.' Hm-hm-hmm! But if I see that he is aroused again - yeah, I'll do it that way, so I can see - maybe I won't tell him, ... or tell him, but then tell him to do something else instead. Hm-hmm!! I did that once, but we were planning to - the last time, Sunday morning. No, I was doing it to him, we were both doing it, and did, and then told him to - with a word we shouldn't use any other time."

"Hm-hmm! I can imagine; I did, too."

"Um-hmm, then it's the only way to say it - what you want. Hm-hmm! Maybe I will, don't be surprised."

"Hm-umm, that's all right," Martha agreed with a chuckle and nod, adding:

"But now I want to finish my book."

Becky nodded and turned onto her stomach, and Martha, onto her back and returned to her reading, holding the book up against the sun. After a while, she drew her thighs up like Becky had done, letting them lie open, but Becky didn't notice, lying peaceful with her head turned the other way. But she did notice, when Martha put the book down after she finished it, turning her head back towards her and asking:

"Did they keep doing it."

"Not like you would have liked them to, or at least to read about. The story wasn't about a week on Fire Island, ... or in your apartment last week."

"Hmm! I guess not. We're spoiled."

"Not me, I'm just making up for lost time."

"Hm-hmm! And we're just trying to help you."

"Thanks, and I'm just loving it, even if you two got a head start, ... but then maybe it all wouldn't have happened, certainly not this week."

"Um-hmm, thank you, too."

They smiled at each other, and then Martha tilted her head back and looked up at the sky and said: "Oh, the clouds are really building up." Becky sat up and looked at them and agreed:

"Oh yes, there's going to be a thunderstorm somewhere."

"You think so? I don't really like them, not after that night with my brother, ... even though I liked what happened."

"Oh, I love them! Nature pure! I hope it hits us!"

"You do?"

"Oh, sorry, if you don't like them."

"That's all right. ... Hm-hmm! If I'm really frightened - lots of thunder and lightening - I can go jump in your brother's bed."

"Maybe I'll be frightened then, too."

"And what we will tell your parents' friends that we did during the storm - if it comes?"

"Not that! I'll tell them that I liked it, that I just love it, ... the way it is when a thunderstorm comes, ... even if it so frightening that I have to jump in my brother's bed."

She grinned at Martha, who snorted and smiled back as she replied:

"I hope not, hope that you're just getting such remarks off your chest now."

"Off my chest?" She cupped her hands under her breasts with another grin and replied:

"I hope so, too, but maybe there's place for more such remarks ... that haven't occurred to me yet."

"Probably, but I hope they don't, ... at least, this evening. Otherwise, they're usually pretty witty."

"I'll try. Oh, with them it will be no problem; I don't think anything like that will occur to me, ... but it is fun, the play on words ..."

"And finding any way you can to ... to do so."

"Um-hmm. I have to work it all out, while I can - maybe, work it out of my system."

"I hope so."

"Me, too. But it worked out last week, with my parents, just being a better daughter than they had expected - and than I had."

"Well, that was sort of a test, and I guess that you passed it. I sure hope so. ... Want a beer? "We've been good girls for hours, and if we aren't going to have any lunch ..."

"Oh yes. ... Your shirt!"

Martha was already getting up, but sat back down again and put on her/his shirt and picked up her book and went back into the house and soon returned with two beer cans, sitting down on her towel and handing one to her. They opened them and said "skaal" and drank and smiled at each other.

"Oh, if it rains, I want to just lie all naked in it!"

"You already are - all naked."

"But you aren't. You didn't take of your shirt."

"I thought I had had enough sun, today, without lotion."

"Um-hmm. I always wanted to run around in the rain when I was little ... and later, too, but, of course, then couldn't."

"And did you?"

"Once, when I was four or five, before we had this place, in a cabin somewhere on a lake. I guess my parents rented it. Yeah, I was five, ... it was that summer."

"Why that one?"

"Oh? ... I told my brother about that."


"He remembered, I guess the first time he saw me naked."

"Hmm! Not the last time!"

"No! But not after that that. Maybe my parents also found it funny, but that evening Mother told me I shouldn't do it again."

"Hm-hmm! I can imagine, knowing her."

"Um-hmm! Oh, there's a joke about two little children - a boy and a girl - and they look in each other's underpants, and one says: Oh, I didn't know there was that much difference between Catholics and Protestants."

They both laughed, and then drank from their cans, and Martha said:

"They couldn't have been too young, if they knew about their religions."

"I hadn't thought of that, thinking of them as maybe three or four. Yeah, it was a cartoon, the picture of them holding out their underpants and looking in them - yeah, that young. I always knew we were Jewish, and that others weren't."

"I guess at home, where almost everyone is Lutheran; we just take it for granted, ... and besides, I had my brother."

"Of course. They would have had to be only children - and not have seen their parents."

"Um-hmm. 'Only children'? ... Oh, an 'only child', with no siblings?"

"Yes. Yeah, I guess that sounded funny: 'They would have had to be only children.' Of course, they were only children, and the expression is seldom used in the plural."

They drank again, and then looked up at the clouds, seeing a thunderhead developing.

Martha took off her shirt and said:

"I guess if it's going to rain, I can take some more sun," and they moved their towels and lay down, looking up at the sky.

After a minute or two, Martha said:

Oh, of course, I saw my Daddy's when I was little, but I'd already seen my brother's, so it didn't surprise me. What did, was all his hair, at least the time I remember. I probably saw him when I was even smaller, but that time - the only one, I guess - I really looked at him - right in front of my face, I was just that tall, hm-hmm. And he let me for a moment; he had just come from the bathroom - in their bedroom, with my mother there, too. I just looked at it, surprised by his hair, the color of mine. Later I asked my mother about it, and she told me that when I grew up, I would have hair there, too, which also surprised me, of course. I had never seen her naked, ... never have. Funny."

"I haven't either, my mother, also not my father, of course. She didn't tell me that, and I didn't ask, but it didn't surprise me when I was eleven and discover a couple. I wonder why? Had I seen it on pictures - that girls do? I can't remember any. Or my sister? She - my mother - took me to the museum - before that - and let me see nudes, or maybe she was showing them to me, but all of them have no hair - or it's covered - and on statues they never show any ... - hmm - or well maybe, just suggested by a little swelling at the start of their thighs, but I never thought of that as being supposed to suggest their hair."

"I hadn't either. On male statues, they show it, when they show everything. ... Hm-hmm! A girlfriend who went to Italy, told me that in Florence, the American girls just stare at Michelangelo's David."

"I probably would, too, will too, this summer. I've seen photos of him, and did stare at his. He should have been shown circumcised, being a Jew, but they never show them that way, but that only occurred to me after I had seen my brother. Hm-hmm! And we don't need a statue of David to know what a strong man looks like, having my brother."

"Hm-hmm! Um-hmm, but they all don't look like that, ... so don't be disappointed."

"I guess you're right, ... pity."

"Um-hmm. ... Oh, we forgot our beers; they're going to be all warm."

They both sat up and drank, smiling at each other, and then drank again, finishing them, and then burping and snickering. The clouds were now threatening, but the sun was still shining in over the ocean. Becky put on her shirt and stood up went to the railing, looking out at the beach and then towards the base of the clouds, and called back to Martha:

"Yeah, the people are starting to pack up, and over there I can see that it's raining already."

Martha joined her, buttoning the bottom buttons of her shirt, and agreed:

"Yes, like in the mountains, you can see the rain coming," and they watched the people hurrying to get their things together and leave the beach. Then they heard a distant roll of thunder and looked back at the approaching clouds, and saw a flash of lightening in the dark center of them, and then another, before the sound of the thunder reached them. Then there was another stroke of lightening, and Becky started counting slowly: "one, two, three, ..." and reached seven before they heard the thunder.

"Over a mile away, she murmured.

"Oh, we count to three, for a kilometer, then it was still more than two kilometers away."

"Um-hmm. Oooh! Another one, it's going to be a really good storm!"

"You do like them."

"Um-hmm, nature pure ... - Hm-hmm! - like us. Oooh, you can smell the rain now."

"Um-hmm. ... Us, nature pure?"

"Um-hmm, just naturally doing what we want, ... with no respect of conventions."

"Hmm! That's for sure. Oh! Another one, ... two, ... three, ... four, ... five."

The clap of thunder was louder than before as they felt the cooler air from the storm, and both shivered slightly as Martha said:

"Less than two kilometers now."

"Um-hmm, just a mile. Oh, I like this!" and her hand found Martha's and clasped it, and they held hands as they waited for the next stroke of lightening, a flash of light behind the clouds and then a long roll of thunder, and then there was another stroke that they could see clearly, that they could see hit the earth, and Martha started, her hand clutching Becky's as the clap of thunder reached them, and she murmured insistently:

"Let's go back in the house, ... at least under the eaves."

Becky let her draw her back from the railing until they were standing under the eaves where they could still watch the lightening and feel the cool wind from the nearing downpour.

"I'm going to," Becky said and let go of Martha's hand and stripped off her shirt:

"... no one will be watching us. Martha unbuttoned her shirt, but left it on, standing behind her as though seeking protection from the display of nature's violence. Then after another stroke of lightening that was immediately followed by it's thunderclap, she put her arms around Becky, holding then warm together in the cool air as the rain began to come down in big drops. Becky nodded with a glance over her shoulder and put her hands and arms on Martha's, but then as the rain really started to pelt down, spraying on their legs, she grasped Martha's hands and started to remove them as she said:

"I'm going to. I just have to!"

"Don't!" Martha begged, but she let her escape her embrace, and she ran out in the downpour, standing for a moment with outstretched arms as she turned her head up to the rain, and then danced around, going out to the railing and looking at the beach - now bare of people - and then prancing around with delight, her nipples aroused as delightfully as she was. Martha smiled at her exuberance, and she grinned back as she turned and spun in the rain, but then there was a near stroke of lightening, so close that loud thunderclap was almost simultaneous.

Becky ran back to Martha, embracing her as her momentum pushed them back against the wall of the house. Martha put her arms around.

"Hmm, that's nice, all warm. I just had to do it, and loved it, until the lightening struck again."

"Um-hmm, it looked like you did. Shouldn't we go back in the house?"

"No, let's just wait, like this. Usually the lightening passes, and then it just rain, and we can go out in it again, ... if you want to."

Martha just nodded, and they held each other as they watched the rain, both starting when there was another clap of thunder, their arms suddenly tensing. Then, as they waited, Becky slipped one and then the other arm under Martha's shirt, and the lightening did move on as it continued to pour.

"Want to? I'm going to," she said and let go of Martha, who hesitated, watching her step back into the rain, again outstretching her arms and turning to look back at her as she said:

"Come on; it's lovely. I just love it," and she grinned: "... even more than I remember, ... and being naked." She lowered her arms and waited.

Martha smiled with a snort and slipped her shirt off and joined her, remarking:

"Oh, it's warmer than I expected; it is lovely," and she raised her face to the rain and then raised her arms as Becky watched her and spun around, letting her arms fling out as she replied:

"See, I told you. I knew you would like it - 'nature pure'."

"And you too: 'nature pure', a piece of pure naked human nature. You look like a picture."

"You do too. This is the way we were meant to be, all naked, in nature - 'au naturel'."

"'And God created woman.'"

"Yeah, like that, that's the way I feel, ... don't you?"

"And the way you look, someone's vision of Eva in her first thunderstorm."

"Yeah, that's me, Eve," and she did another turn.

"Oh yes, 'Eve' in English. Hm-hmm! And you are, having been eating freely from the Tree of Knowledge."

"Oh, that's good! Yes, that's me. ... Oh, do you think that was what it was about, the serpent and apple, learning about sex?"

Martha snickered and raised her arms to the rain, holding her hands up open in front of her breasts as she smiled at her and replied:

"I don't think so. I think He told them to 'go forth and multiply' before that. And if it were, then you should be feeling ashamed at your nakedness, so I guess I was wrong. It doesn't look like you have yet - eaten from the Tree."

"I don't think so either - well, not right now. But maybe if someone else were looking ..."

"God Father, or just a human one?"

"Yeah, then - Hm-hmm! - or maybe not, ... if you think I haven't eaten from the Tree yet."

"I hope no one can," and Martha looked around at the beach.

"There's no one there, I looked already, and if there were, they couldn't see us very well through the rain. Isn't it just grand! And being able to be out in it all naked?!"

"Um-hmm, and that it is almost warm. At home, the rain is always cool, too cold to enjoy being out in it, ... - Hm-hmm! - especially like this."

"Um-hmm. Aren't you glad that you didn't run back in the house and hide in his bed?"


"But it is getting cool, just standing around in it."

"Um-hmm, a little. Want to go back in?"

"Okay," and she did a final turn in the rain and joined Martha under the eaves and picked up her shirt and said:

"Wait, I'll get us towels," and quickly wiped most of the rain off herself and went in the house and came back with their towels, and they dried themselves and went into the house.

"I almost hope it rains on the weekend, so we can do that with him," she told Martha as they hung up their towels in the bathroom.

"Umm-hmm, and play Eve again."

"Both of us. ... Oh, I guess there can only be one Eve, but that doesn't matter. He can pick which one he wants to be Eve, ... and it doesn't matter; after Adam, they all seemed to have two wives. Oh, he'll know about the Tree of Knowledge - whether they knew how to 'multiply' before eating the apple."

"Hm-hmm! I bet they didn't - could just count on their fingers."

"Not like that, of course, ... - Hm-hmm! - but if they knew how, I can't imagine why they would want - Eve would want - to know anything else."

"I hope your brother knows."

"Hm-hmm! He'll want to 'know' us."

Martha nodded with a grin. By now, they were back in the living room, and it was still raining. They stood at the open door watching it, Martha behind Becky, who murmured:

"It's cooling off, outside."


"But it's still warmer in the house, ... or is that just you?"

"Me, maybe," and she took a step back, and then came closer behind Becky again, closer than before.

"Yes, it's you. I thought so."

"And you, too."

"Um-hmm, like when the lightening struck."


Becky reached back and found Martha's hands and drew them across her stomach, drawing Martha's body closer in contact with hers, and Martha held them a little closer.

"What do we want to do now?" Becky asked.

"I don't know, whatever you want to."

"I don't know. I asked first."

"Something we can tell about this evening."

"If you want to."

"Or we can make up something to tell," Martha suggested.

"Not that we were standing out in the rain."

"I don't think so, even if he would maybe like to hear about that."

"Um-hmm, but then she would tell ..."

"But something we would have done while it was raining."

"The puzzle? Or backgammon?"

"If you want to."

"We don't have to."

"We said that before."

"Hmm! Um-hmm."

"So many times, till ... we didn't believe it any more."

"Did we, before?"

"We said so."

"And we didn't have to, ..."

"It just seemed like it, afterwards."


"Is this before, ... or afterwards?"

"Before or afterwards, what?"

"Hmmm? Maybe both."

"How, both?"

"Maybe, ... before: doing it; and afterwards: agreeing that we had to?"

"Maybe, that was clever."

"We don't have to. ... but it's sort of a nice idea for a rainy afternoon."

"Um-hmm, since it's cooling off, a nice warm place to be."

"Um-hmm, even if we decide that we don't have to."

"Um-hmm, ... or maybe this is like you said: 'before and afterwards.'"

"Maybe, that would be nice, too."

"Um-hmm, I can't think of anything nicer."


During this conversation, they had been holding each other closer, Becky drawing Martha's hands tighter around her, and Martha pressing her hips up against her ass, and then towards the end, Becky had drawn Martha's hands up on her breasts, holding them to her aroused nipples, and then Martha's fingers were playing with them despite the feigned indecision in what they were saying, and her own nipples were just as aroused, and she had been moving them on Becky's back, either to let her feel them or for her own arousal.