Maverick Cattle Company Ch. 06


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"Stop it! You're worse than a little kid in church!" said Darrin under his breath.

"This suit itches, and it's hot," whined Mitch.

"Stop bitch'n!" ordered Darrin. "We're here to see Josh graduate, you'll survive an hour in a suit."

Mitch settled back on his chair, his arms crossed, looking very unhappy and uncomfortable as they waited. Darrin chuckled and settled back, watching the crowd around them. He knew this wouldn't take very long. There couldn't be more than 75 or 80 kids graduating. A few speeches to listen to, the parade across the stage, and it would be over.

The typical greetings and words of wisdom from various adults started off the events. Soon the graduates were parading across the stage as the ceremony wound to an end. Mitch and Darrin cheered and whistled as Josh got his diploma, and were rewarded with a beaming smile from him. As Darrin thought the ceremony was about to end, Josh walked back onto the stage. From the look on his face, Darrin was afraid he was about to do something either really brave, or really stupid, and probably a little of both.

Josh began the typical student response, talking about his positive high school experiences. But as the speech continued, there were more and more pregnant pauses in Josh's delivery. Finally he raised his head and looked over the crowd.

"I do love this school, I really do. And I have some great friends here. But I was also beaten by my parents when I tried to tell them I was gay. Fortunately for me, Darrin and Mitch agreed to take me in, and they've given me a home. Otherwise, I would be one of the thousands of gay teenagers who are homeless, or worse dead. It was a really bad time a year ago, but the guys saved me.

When this school decided that same-sex couples shouldn't be at the school prom, they threw a kick-ass prom at the ranch. Sorry for the cussing, but it was. When a guy I thought was in love with me dumped me, they were there to help pick up the pieces. I've become a better man because of them, not because of some of the—"

Suddenly the microphone went dead; everyone was looking around trying to figure out what had happened. In moments, they saw the high school principal walk onto the stage.

"That will conclude the graduation ceremony for today. If you will—"

Mitch was about to jump to his feet, when the woman a few rows over beat him to it.

"No! Earl you turn that darn speaker back on and let this boy finish!"

"Now, Charlene. That wasn't the approved speech. You know the rules."

"Bullshit!" boomed a loud male voice from the other side of the room. "Turn the damn thing back on. I may not agree with him, but last time I checked we do have freedom of speech."

Soon the comments were ricocheting from all around. Most were defending Josh; a few were siding with the principal. Darrin could see this was getting ugly. Then he glanced at the stage and saw that from somewhere Josh had gotten a bullhorn so he could be heard over the uproar.

"Hey!" yelled Josh.

The crowd hushed and looked at him. Darrin watched him take a deep breath and begin to speak.

"It wasn't my intention to start an riot. I just wanted to say what I was feeling. I'm very thankful to those two men who I consider my dads. And to say that you shouldn't judge people. This high school needs to be more accepting of everyone, not just the majority. That's all. I'm finished."

As Josh turned to walk off, Darrin and Mitch rose as a unit and started clapping. Moment's later almost the entire graduating class followed suit. Soon the din was deafening as the crowd reacted. The principal tried to regain control several times but finally gave up. Motioning to the back, he had the doors opened and people began stream out to their celebrations.

Josh was standing waiting on them as they made their way out. Wrapping his arms around them both, Mitch could see the tears rolling down his face.

"I hadn't planned to do that, I swear. I'm really sorry if I embarrassed you," said Josh in a tear filled voice.

"Josh, that was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. We weren't embarrassed at all," said Mitch with Darrin nodding in agreement.

Josh sobbed and wiped his eyes on his sleeve, "Damn, I'm crying like a big ole baby."

Mitch smiled and pulled Josh into a hug, "It's ok. You're entitled to cry when you feel like crying."

Darrin patted him on the back, "You did a great job, Josh. I think you left them with a great message."

Just then Zach and Emma Ruck walked up. Emma immediately embraced Josh, then kissed his cheek. He blushed as she wiped the lipstick off his face and then grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Damn fine speech, Josh. Damn fine! I'm proud to know you."

"Thank you, ma'am. It just kinda happened. I wasn't really planning to try and start a riot!" said Josh with a shaky chuckle.

"They needed a riot! Damn, principal."

Turning, she acknowledged Darrin and Mitch. When they looked back, Zach had found his way to Josh's side and was looking at him with adoring eyes. Darrin turned back to Emma with a smile and asked, "Why are you here, Emma?"

"A friend's kid was graduating, so I had a front row seat for the whole thing. Wouldn't have missed it for the world!" explained Emma.

After a few more minutes of small talk and a lot of photos with Josh in every possible combination of people, they headed to their pickups. Josh had driven himself, and Zach rode with him. Everyone arrived at the ranch at the same time. Mitch and Josh raced for the door, resulting in good-natured jostling to see who was the first one through. Finally Josh burst through the door, to be confronted with a table filled with cake and presents. Turning, Josh grabbed both men and pulled them into a hug. Releasing them, he glanced over the table. Looking up with tears again in his eyes, he started—

"Thanks guys, this really wasn't necessary though," said Josh quietly.

"Shut up and open your presents," said Mitch with a chuckle.

Josh smiled and tore into the packages. He soon found a new watch, wallet, and cash from friends and sympathetic relatives. One long, flat package he looked at suspiciously and opened it to find a pair of assless briefs. Embarrassed, he glanced up at the pair but it was Zach who was turning red.

"Those were for later . . ." said Zach in a low voice.

"Woohoo! Someone's get'n lucky," squealed Mitch. Darrin casually reached up and popped him in the back of the head, amid ruckus laughter.

Once everything was opened, Darrin disappeared into the bedroom and brought back an envelope, which he handed to Josh. Unsealing it carefully, he pulled out the document and read it. He glanced up at Darrin in disbelief and read it again. Finally letting it drop at his side, he looked over both men.

"This is too much. I can't let you give me this," said Josh quietly.

"What are we going to do with it? We're both very finished with school," replied Mitch as his smile broadened.

Josh shook his head in disbelief. Finally Zach leaned over to see what it was. Josh opened the letter so he could see that Darrin was giving Josh his faculty tuition release from the university.

"Usually it can only be used by immediate family, but since you're our foster son, they let me do it."

"I'm your foster son?" asked Josh with a tremble in his voice.

"Yup, the Sheriff helped set that one up," said Mitch as he pulled paperwork from a cubbyhole in the desk beside him.

Josh looked at everything, staring from one document to the other. Finally he looked up at Darrin and Josh. "I get to go to college? I never thought I'd be able to do that, especially after . . ."

"Yup, your college is paid for. If you go to grad school though, you're on your own!" said Mitch with a chuckle.

Josh laughed with a little shake in his voice. He sat at the table with a thud and watched in silence as the cake was cut and passed around. By the time everyone had finished their celebratory piece of cake, Josh had calmed down and was having a good time. They enjoyed each others company as they talked about the day for quite some time, but eventually Mitch could see that the boys were ready to begin their own celebration.

"You guys must have something planned. Go ahead, get going. Darrin and I will clean up here."

Zach nodded eagerly and smiled at Mitch. "Yes sir, I do have plans. Thank you, sir."

Mitch shook his head that Zach was still so nervous around him. But he waved them both off and watched out the door while Darrin cleaned the table.

"Josh is going to get a piece of ass tonight isn't he?" said Darrin.

"Oh yeah, and my guess is Zach is a screamer."

Darrin laughed as Mitch came to help him clean up.


Zach closed the door to his dorm room, glad that his roommate went home for the weekend. Pulling Josh further inside the room, he guided him into one of the two chairs. Zach grabbed two beers from his dorm refrigerator and offered one to Josh.

"Thanks Zach, but the last time I drank beer I puked and I haven't really gotten over it. You got any DP in there?"

"Sure!" said Zach as he grabbed Josh a bottle of Dr. Pepper. He darted in for a quick kiss as he handed it to Josh.

"You don't need to kiss and run. You can smooch all you want," said Josh with a chuckle.

With that invitation, Zach straddled Josh's lap and gave him a heated kiss. Josh could feel Zach's hard cock as it ground against his own growing cock as they started making out. Zach opened Josh's shirt and was soon nursing on his erect nipples, causing Josh to sigh softly as the sensations filled his body. He looked at Zach and saw his little hair-trigger boy was working toward his first orgasm of the evening. Josh let his hands roam over the smaller man, opening his shirt and rubbing his work-roughened thumbs over Zach's nipples. When the gentle touches caused an eruption of loud moans, Josh reached up, pinching the nipples hard and then rolling them between his fingers.

"Oh shit, yes. Damn that feels good," said Zach.

Josh leaned in and gently blew in Zach's ear, enjoying the soft moan it garnered. Moving lower, he bit down on Zach's neck and sucked while he continued the nipple play. The combination was enough to send Zach over the edge and with deep grunts of pleasure; he soaked his underwear with boy juice. Josh looked down and smiled as a wet spot grew rapidly at the end of Zach's cloth covered cock. After a few minutes, Zach's body relaxed as his orgasm receded.

"Sorry, Josh. I always shoot too fast. I never mean to, you just get me so hot."

"It's ok, Zach. You reload just as fast and I love that I can make you cum like that," said Josh as he caressed his lover.

"Hmm, give me a minute. I have a surprise for you."

Zach climbed off Josh and went to the restroom to clean up. He returned shortly, stripped bare with his still hard cock leading the way. He climbed back on Josh's lap and leaned in to give his chest soft nips with his teeth while tugging on the trail of hair that disappeared into Josh's pants. Josh sighed as the delicious sensations traveled through his body, and then watched Zach move until he was kneeling between Josh's legs, caressing the bulge in his pants. Carefully opening Josh's pants, Zach slowly slid them down as Josh moaned softly from the sensation of the hair on his legs sliding across the denim. Zach pulled the wadded pants off Josh's feet and tossed them aside before running his hands upward, and rubbing on Josh's cloth encased cock. Zach slowly kneaded his boyfriend's crotch until Josh's briefs were translucent with precum. Settling back on his heels, Zach rubbed his fingers over Josh's full nuts.

Letting his hands slide to the waistband, Zach curled his fingers around Josh's briefs and started tugging them down. As the base of Josh's cock was uncovered, Zach ran his tongue through Josh's bush and licked the base of his dick. Working his mouth across his groin, he soon had Josh's pubic hair matted down. Squeezing Josh's dick a final time, he pulled the briefs off, freeing Josh's heavy cock, which swung slowly upward. Zach loved the heavy veining and the almost corrugated feel of Josh's cock when it was rock hard. Grabbing the thick shaft in his hand, Zach looked up at Josh while he slid his hand under the bed and retrieved a handful of condoms.

"I put 'em there, just in case," Zach explained as he stroked Josh's cock.

Josh nodded, panting softly as Zach rip open one of the packages. Zach's hands were trembling with emotion, making an awkward task especially difficult. After a few moments, Josh gently took the condom from him and quickly unrolled it over his dick.

Josh caressed his face, running a finger along his jaw. "It's ok, Zach. They're a pain to get on sometimes, and I think its worse since I'm . . .bigger. Just relax, tonight will be wonderful."

Zach hesitated for a moment, but saw in Josh's eyes that it really wasn't important. Released from his worry, Zach lost himself in worshiping Josh's groin, tasting and licking over it until Zach was sated on the flavors. He slowly jacked Josh's cock while he listened to the larger boy moan with pleasure.

"Ready for your surprise, Josh?" asked Zach with a shy smile.

"There's more?" asked Josh with a chuckle.

Zach turned his ass to Josh and slowly bent over. As his cheeks separated, Josh could see a small circle of blue in Zach's butthole. Reaching out slowly, Josh pushed his finger against it, causing Zach to groan loudly and precum to drool from his cock.

"What is it?" asked Josh, fascinated with this new fun.

"A butt plug, I bought it so you wouldn't need to open me. I've been wearing it all day," said Zach.

Josh gave a lecherous smile at Zach, "No wonder you shot fast, you've been getting screwed for hours."

"Fuck me, Josh. I really need for you to fill me up," said Zach as he moaned again.

"Fuck yeah! I want that little hole wrapped around my dick."

As Josh reached up to take the plug out, Zach suddenly moved again. Grabbing a towel from the floor, he handed it to Josh.

"So you won't have to get dirty . . ." explained Zach.

Josh chuckled and shook his head at Zach's cleanliness obsession. But took the cloth and gently gripped the bottom of the plug. As he slowly slid it out, Zach's moans took on a new urgency. Once it popped free, Zach was panting with need as Josh ran his finger over his gapping hole.

"Please Josh, fuck me. Fuck me hard. I'm ready, you don't have to be gentle this time."

Josh was horny and ready to give Zach exactly what he was wanting. He quickly pressed his cock against Zach's lube filled ass. Driving forward, he met no resistance, and was quickly buried to his pubs in Zach's ass.

"Oh fuck! Fuck, oh fuck! Do it Josh, take my ass," screamed Zach.

Josh pulled almost out, and then pushed back in slowly. When his slow fucking met with nothing but groans of pleasure, he increased his speed. Soon he had Zach's slender hips in a vice-like grip, his pelvis slapping against Zach's ass. The harder Josh screwed Zach, the louder his moans. Josh lost his careful control and soon had Zach on the bed, one leg pinned under him and the other on his shoulder as he drove his hard pole into Zach's tender ass. Time drew out as the pair shared their passionate lovemaking. With Zach pinned under him and his legs on Josh's shoulders, sweat was dripping from Josh as he pounded the bubble butt under him. Josh was succeeding in hitting Zach's prostate with each thrust, causing Zach to yell with building passion. As Josh rammed it with a particularly powerful thrust, Zach exploded.

"Shit! Coming! Fuck me! Harder!" gasped out Zach.

Josh rose to his toes and started wildly pounding Zach. His own orgasm had been looming, and Zach's body convulsing around his dick was all it took to lose himself in a mind-bending climax. Josh pinned Zach under him as his body shook. He could feel his balls emptying, filling the latex sheath with his juice. Zach's body was still bucking beneath him as his own orgasm overwhelmed him. When his orgasm slipped away, he released the smaller man, letting his cock slide out as he kissed Zach gently. This time Josh got the washcloth and soaked it with warm water, cleaning first himself and then Zach.

Once he'd tossed the wet cloth onto a pile of clothes, Josh crawled into the bed behind Zach and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. Zach lifted Josh's hand to his lips and kissed him gently. Looking over his shoulder, Zach smiled at Josh.

"That was amazing," said Zach with a sigh.

Josh gently drifted his fingers over Zach's soft face and kissed him softly. "Yes, it was amazing. Mind blowing!" said Josh with a chuckle.

Zach snuggled back against Josh until he was curled inside the shelter of Josh's body. Feeling very secure, he started to drift off to sleep. With a final conscious thought Zach whispered, "I love you."

Josh pulled the slender man against him and kissed the back of his neck. "Love you too, Zach."

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PleasepleasePleasepleasealmost 8 years ago
Pure beauty in compassion, love and caring

I just love how you so delicately wrote of M & D both imparting wisdom to Josh about, I believe you wrote, 'gay sex 101' and too on how to properly prepare for intercourse, particularly the first time.


Graduation and post-grad party were both awesome. Not sure how you manage to pull so many tears out of me! It's a good thing you include plenty of comic relief in your stories.

PleasepleasePleasepleasealmost 8 years ago
Warm thoughts go out to Dinkyboots and those who loved him


dairetodairetoover 10 years ago

Great story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
very sorry to read about Dinkyboots

My condolences go out to his friends and family.

He made me laugh and I'm going to miss him on this site

TimothyMTimothyMalmost 12 years ago

Recalling how scrupulously careful Mitch and Darrin were about instructing Josh on the safety matters relating to gay sex, I'm going to assume that they did not neglect to inform him of the important preparations for anal sex, in spite of the even more embarassing nature of such a talk. Even if we rarely see hints of the older couple dealing with this part (as is the case wth most GM stories here). And the reference Zack made to reading led me to believe that he was aware of the necessary hygienic stuff too, in spite of his inexperience.

In any case I was happily convinced when I read the shower scene. It was totally hot and made the subsequent tongue-and-ass play very natural and believable. I kept this in mind as I read the next chapter, where you also hinted skillfully at Josh being prepared for Zach's attentions (to his boyfriend's very natural relief and enjoyment).

Nicely done without offending anyone's sensibilities with something that seems to be a taboo here on Lit. Just another sign of your skills as a writer of erotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago


dinkybootsdinkybootsalmost 12 years ago
WONDERFULL wonderfull

fucking fantastic story encore more

dabe5090dabe5090almost 12 years ago
bloody brilliant

Once again you evoke a rollercoaster of emotions with another fantastic chapter. Can't wait to read what's going to develop with Boorman and Iosh's f'cked-up parents. Xoxo

avidreadravidreadralmost 12 years ago

I love this story and love the way it's coming along. What I am really looking forward to is Boorman getting what's coming to him. I hope his fall is long with a short hard stop at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
great read!

Glad to see this chapter and loved how Josh has been handling himself. Jonathan, good luck with your cancer!

hk47enclavehk47enclavealmost 12 years ago

You never disappoint me Red, another totally great chapter!

Loved it!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Always Awesome!

I just love this series so much!!

Another amazing chapter. Love the action between Darrin and Mitch. Glad to see the developments with Zack and Josh.

Interested in seeing when Darrin uses that info against Boorman, can't wait for that encounter,lol


jonathanlovescockjonathanlovescockalmost 12 years ago
it is simply wonderfull

i am currently fighting cancer. and it warms my heart to see such beauty full writing such as this is.? it has brightened my day so much .. hope fully there will be more to this delightfull series. love best wishes (dinkyboots) jonathan.x x x x x x x

91ndsykes91ndsykesalmost 12 years ago
Agree with FBG

A Maverick CC excerpt is enough to always start my day off right.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

These hot couples are awesome. I wish Darrin, Mitch, Josh and Zach were my best friends or the sexy neighbors next door.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66almost 12 years ago

I love reading about these guys another great chapter and good on Josh for standing up for himself with his Dad and the school

FatBottomedGirlFatBottomedGirlalmost 12 years ago
it made my day

To see this update :-) thank you for your continued sharing of this very sexy, yet relateable story!

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