Mel's Adventures in BDSM Ch. 06


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Reg just ignored them as they wheeled in the carts and began to set the large rectangular table in the far end of the room with a table cloth, cups, glasses, what looked like orange juice, a tea pot and many covered dishes. I just stared at them bewildered.

"Now, little Mel. You may choose a name. I will allow you to eat first to ensure your mind is of full clarity, of course. The name must be perfect and feel right rolling off your tongue."

He said standing up. I looked up at him, still looking and feeling bewildered. Who was this guy? He put out his hand to me and smiled. I took it and he lifted me up from my seat and held me tight against his strong chest. It took my breath away, and I felt a bit strange with the other two women in the room, even though they weren't looking at us and were still busy putting the table together. It looked amazing! So did they, what did he want with me if he had these two hotties...obviously younger than me, here to amuse him? The women were done preparing the table. They stepped backwards to the wall, crossed their hands in front of them, bowed their heads and stood motionless.

Reg seemed amused at my reaction to the women and half smiled at me as he walked me over to the table and pulled out a chair for me. He then sat at the head of the table and smiled again taking my hand and squeezing. He turned to the women and said.

"That will be all; Gwynn and Lorith, leave us."

He commanded. They both bowed and said,

"Yes, my Lord."

And seemed to glide out of the door closing it softly behind them.

What was going on here? Did he want me to add to his harem or something? I'm not sure I want to go that far, but it did sound kinky, For some reason I became insanely jealous of those girls, I didn't like the idea of sharing Reg...or whatever name I was going to call him...I didn't want to share at all.

"Who were they? Are you dating them or something?"

I blurted out, feeling a little unsettled and heated.

Reg just looked at me and chuckled, while pouring me some sort of juice.

"They are my servants and no I am not dating them or anyone at the moment. My spare time is currently reserved for your training little Mel."

He said wiping the smile from his face. Then he softly said.

"Do not fear. I do not intend to break your heart."

This made me blush. I sighed and smiled back at him. I took a sip of the juice. It was God awful! I almost spit it out but didn't want to insult Reg...or whoever. I swallowed the sip in my mouth and pushed it away.

He began taking lids of serving dishes and I could smell eggs, ham, toast, roast potatoes, waffles and fruit. My stomach grumbled. Reg motioned for me to put food on my plate as he was doing. A true Saturday lunch, the way I loved it. It's as if he read my mind because all of my favorite foods were right in front of me.

"I'm not that hungry...Re..."

I said softly and with a blush because I almost said his name. I didn't want to call him Reg anymore, I need to pick a name from his list. I want to please him.

He chuckled at me.

"Drink your medicine. All of it. "

He said pointing to my glass of nasty juice.

"'s...I don't like it."

I said determined that I was not going to drink it.

"Drink it. Trust me. It is a remedy for your hang over."

He said encouragingly.

I didn't want it, but I reached for the glass, I'm going to puke if I have to drink this, I thought. Reg leaned into me and said.

"Little Mel, part of your training is to trust that I know what is best for you. Now let's start with this one little gesture. Show me that you trust me."

He said intensely and I could tell this was an important point for him...for us. I took the glass and trying not to taste it I drank the entire thing down in three gulps. Tasted like dirt mixed with berries. It was fucking nasty! But I did it for him.

"Good girl Mel! You have no idea how proud I am of you. I know that was unpleasant for you."

He reached over and gently stroked my face with the back of his hand.

"Now eat!"

He instructed, sitting up straighter and turning to his own plate.

I ate, apparently I was half starved because I even took seconds. I hadn't eaten well all week if at all because of my obsession, I mean my day dreams, about Reg...or My Lord..or Sir or whatever. Geez I need to pick a name. But what? My Lord seemed too royal, but those girls called him that. Hmmm, that made me jealous again. Sir? Maybe, he did seem like a teacher, or a Daddy type. I liked that idea too, kinda gave me tingles in my nethers when I thought about calling him Daddy. But I'd feel silly doing that around others. Maybe I'll ask him if Sir is alright.

Reg...errr...Sir was calmly drinking his second cup of tea from an exquisite tea cup. I looked at him thinking how so beautiful he was and how I could just jump on him right now and let him penetrate me while I scream Daddy for all to hear. I must have sighed or made a noise I wasn't aware of because He turned to me and chuckled and gave me that sure divine look of his with his penetrating green eyes.

"A penny for your thoughts little Mel?"

He said chuckling and taking my chin in his hand. He leaned towards me and breathed out. I took in a breath to catch it. His eyes sparkled and he smiled and gently shook my head.

"A name...tell me little Mel."

He breathed again, then pulled away quickly leaving me breathing hard, and my nipples tight. He looked down at my nipples and smiled.

"Very nice, my little one...very nice. You respond so quickly."

He said approvingly.

"Thank's Sir...I pick Sir okay? I mean if you want something else or prefer me to be like those other girls and call you My Lord, I can do that...I can...but I thought Sir..if that's alright." I said bumbling through yet another sentence to Sir....

Sir leaned into me and chuckled softly and rubbed his nose against mine.

"You may call me Sir. You will address me this way as long as you are with me. In the vanilla world you may not address me. If you want my attention or if you have a question you must wait until I notice you then I will instruct you to speak. Do you understand?"

He said sternly pulling back from my face and pushing away from the table.

"Yes, Sir."

I said softly. I looked down and started fidgeting with my fingers again. Sir made me nervous.

"Speak up!"

Sir said sternly. I gulped and immediately sat up to attention.

"Yes, Sir!"

I said louder startled by his response.

"Good girl, Mel...well done!"

Sir said patting me gently on my hand.

"Now, we have so much to do. Let's get back to your training."

Sir said walking over to the couch. I followed and sat beside him.

"You may not sit, little Mel, unless I instruct you. Remember what I told you. I am a Dominant and you are a submissive. As part of your training, I will be guiding you. Which includes when you can sit."

He said firmly. I stood immediately and waited.

"Again...a very good girl, Mel. You responded quickly."

He said smiling approvingly.

I waited as he looked through the books and was writing on a note pad. I stood. He didn't say anything to me. So I continued to stand. More than 10 minutes went by then another 20 as I watched the ornate clock on the wall. He finally looked up at me.

"You may sit, Mel."

He said firmly. I sat carefully next to him on the couch and crossed my hands on my lap and waited sitting still as he continued to write in his note pad.

"Now little Mel, I have made some notations of areas we need to discuss regarding our agreement that we will enter..."

He turned and faced me and looked down at me and seemed very serious.

"...that is of course you want to enter this agreement."

He said scanning my eyes back and forth.

"Agreement Sir"

I asked politely.

"hmmm, you are a clever one. Yes, agreement."

He smiled gently.

"It's an agreement where we talk about what is expected while we are in this relationship together."

He continued.

"Now, let's talk about what I expect from you."

He said looking down at me and glaring for a few seconds before looking at his notebook. He seemed very serious yet happy to share this with me. But what did he mean by relationship?

"What do you mean by relationship? Like we're going steady or something?"

I asked. He turned and glared at me.

"Did you ask me a question little Mel? Did you forget something?"

He asked sternly.

Oh shit, I forgot the Sir.

"Sorry Sir, I forgot to say Sir."

I said sheepishly.

"We'll talk about punishment later...but for now let's talk about the concept of our relationship."

He said firmly.

"If you agree to my terms then we will be in a relationship. Which means yes we will be going steady if you like."

He said chuckling at me.

"Silly little Mel, you do amuse me."

He said smiling.

"Now my conditions: When you are with me you are with me only. No more blow-jobs in the park...understood!"

He said piercing me with those eyes. I almost died right there on the spot. How did he know? Neil? How? He left before me and The Book Store didn't open till this morning. Fucking big mouth, however he did it.

"I..I...err....don't know what you're talking's a lie!" I blurted out.

"A lie? Mel...Mel..."

Sir said shaking his head at me and tsking.

"Do you take me for a fool! I know what you were doing last evening at Le Club and I know about your walk in the park. I'm just thankful it was one of my people that you left with or something terrible could have happened to you. Silly girl!"

Sir scolded me. I felt sick to my stomach I wanted the couch to swallow me up so I could hide.

"'t feel like this. You did this last night. You didn't know the rules. Nor did we agree to be 'going steady'. So I will forgive you...perhaps."

He said giving me a mocking smile.

I let out a breath that I had no idea I was holding and relaxed my shoulders as I sat next to Sir.

"I..I'm sorry Sir."

I said softly.

"Let's continue."

Sir said completely ignoring my apology.


1. You will not see other men or even women.

2. You will always address me as Sir unless I change this and I could change this to suit me at any time.

3. You will read any and all material I deem fit for you to read.

4. You will follow any instructions I give you quickly and without complaining.

5. The above are not open for discussion. Any questions so far little one?"

He asked turning away from his notepad to glare at me down his nose.

"No questions, Sir."

I said obediently.


He said with a triumphant smile.

"Now most importantly, Mel. Do you agree to these terms I have just out lined?"

He asked firmly.

"Yes...yes...Sir. Yes Sir!"

I said quietly then built up momentum and said the last Yes Sir louder. I was determined to do this. I wanted this.

"Good girl Mel.

"These books I want you to read in the upcoming week. Tomorrow I want you here, clean and dressed respectably, by 10:00 am sharp when the store opens. Do not be late."

He said glaring at me.

Sir handed the books to me. How to be a good submissive, Rules of Submission, How to serve your master, BDSM for Dummies (they made these books...crazy!), and Punishment: What to expect from your master.

I just looked at the covers of the books over and over again and couldn't believe I was getting into this. I was a little scared...maybe a lot scared. But as I looked at fears all seemed silly. His green sparkling eyes looked down at me and His full lips smiled so tenderly at me, how could I say no to Him. How...I didn't want to say no...I wanted him to command me to do things. Holy shit, I am losing it for this guy. I'm going off the deep end. Was I falling in love? Why did it feel I belonged here. I have never fit in anywhere in my life. I always just went along for the ride or the blow job or whatever. But here, sitting next to Sir, I felt a sense of belonging and sense of that the right word? I was after all obeying my Master of sorts, but I felt more in control right now than I have in my entire life...I felt free to be myself.

Sir took the books gently from my hands.

"I know it's a lot to absorb right now. Don't worry little Mel. I will be here to guide you and answer your questions. I will ensure you are trained precisely the way I want you to be."

He said taking me in his arms and pressing me against His hard chest for the second time. I melted to Him and let out a sigh.

It was hard not to want to obey him. His smile, his eyes, his mouth...I wanted him. I would do anything to have him at this point. Even play the slave...was I playing or was I fitting into this role because I belonged here. I guess time would tell if I tired of this game or if I tired of Sir.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I want more.

Aqua317Aqua317over 2 years ago

Will there ever be more? I feel cheated…would like to see where this goes.

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