Midlife Correction Ch. 03


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He let go of her briefly to light the candelabras and turn off the lights, and then he seized her again and she was lost in his kisses, the rings in her cuffs jingling softly as she moved her hands over his back. There was something deliciously lewd about his being clothed while she was so close to nakedness, and she pressed her body against him as if she could hide. She felt his hands unhooking her bra and she clung to him, not ready for this last bit of revelation, but Miles pushed her away and slid the garment down her arms and Julia stood there uncovered and embarrassed, but only for a moment. Miles covered her nipple with his mouth and sucked her breast into his mouth, causing chills to swell in her body.

He pushed her down onto the bed and laced his fingers in hers, stretching her arms out to hold her helplessly as he kissed and sucked her breasts and Julia could only gasp and moan in humiliation and total compliance. This was her dream, to be forced down and devoured by a man's passion as she was held in feral submission, and she arched her chest up toward his predatory mouth even as her head jerked back, spilling her dark hair over the pillow. This was madness. She'd never known anything like this, even when he'd bound her and whipped her, to be devoured like this on a strange bed.

Miles let go of her hands and concentrated on attaching the chain from the right head post to her right wrist, then, when that was secure, he rolled off her and attached her left wrists to the left chain, leaving her arms outstretched on the bed as if she were crucified.

"Miles!" she began. "Miles, what are you—?"

But there was little need to ask when it was all so obvious—had been obvious from the time she'd first seen the bed with the chains attached. He silenced her with a kiss, a deep, probing kiss of her open mouth, that trailed down her face and over her collar, over her chest and breasts and down her ribs and belly as his hands worked their way into her panties and he grasped them and pulled them down over her hips, off her legs and feet and tossing them aside. She was naked now, entirely naked, but the embarrassment she should have felt was nothing compared to the erotic heat that surged through her body.

Remember who you are! One part of her yelled.You're Julia Lynch! You're a mother and a homemaker! A pillar of the community! People respect you!

But Miles couldn't hear her. He took her ankles and pulled her roughly down the bed, pulled her till her arms were stretched tight, then held her right leg as he attached an ankle cuff to it and fixed the chain from the right foot post to it. He did the same with left ankle, pulling her leg tight, then taking up the slack in the chains so that Julia was stretched so tight that her back arched, her ribs and the bones of her hips standing out prominently.

"Oh my God!" she gasped. She'd never been bound like this in her life, and the snugness of the cuffs and tension of the chains as they stretched her out made her drip with excitement. "Oh my God! Miles!"

He looked at her laid out before him, his eyes glowing. He reached out and dragged his fingers along her skin.

"Mine," he said. "You're totally mine now, Julia. My captive. I can do whatever I want with you."

She could move nothing but her fingers and her head. Her fingers spread out and then clenched helplessly into fists as she felt how tightly she was bound. She raised her head off the pillow to look down at her body and then let it fall back in abject surrender.

Miles had her. Just as she'd wanted in her fantasies, he had her completely,. His hands closed on her breasts and he squeezed, his fingers finding her nipples and pinching, then rolling, sending shards of delicious pain through her body, causing her to pull at the chains but totally without effect. She was spread-eagled immobile on the bed, and the only thing she could feel beside the sensation of his greedy hands on her flesh was the cloying seepage of her own salacious juices in her swollen pussy. She was hungry for him. Tied down like an Aztec sacrifice, rendered totally immobile, her body was famished for him, hungry for the brutal thrust of his cock within her.

"Miles, please! Take me! Do it!"

"Not so quickly, Julia! Not so quickly. This is a moment to be savored!"

He slid a hand down her body, over her ribs, over her tight-stretched stomach, down over her mound and the little patch of pubic hair she'd so coyly shaped there just the other day. Who had done that? Had that been her? Had that been Julia Lynch? Paralegal, divorced mother of two? Oh god! Now his hand played there briefly, toying with her, then slid down, slid down to her most private parts, down to where she was soaked and feverish with need for him. He touched her. He touched her and felt her wetness. He felt it and he knew how she needed him.

"God, you're soaked," he said. "You're just soaked, Julia, did you know that?"

"No... I..."

"You love this, don't you? You love being my little slut like this, don't you? Knowing you're going to be fucked? Knowing I'm going to shove my big hard cock into you and fuck you till you scream!"

"No..." But there was no point in saying anything. She was tied tight and spread out on the bed, and his finger was sliding along the wet cleft of her pussy, making her shudder and tremble. He leaned over and kissed her, and Julia cried out in protest, her cry swallowed in the hollow of his kiss, but how could she protest when her pussy was doing everything in its power to draw his finger into her? Sucking at him, snapping at him, clinging to him. His other hand seized her nipple again and pinched it and she groaned, sobbed, sucked on his tongue, begging him to do anything he wanted to her, torment or pleasure, she didn't care which. She wanted to be entered and violated, that was all that mattered. The tendons in her thighs and neck stood out as she strained against the chains.

"Fuck!" he swore. "I can't stand this anymore. I have to have you, Julia. I can't take it anymore!"

"Yes, yes!"

She watched him as he stripped out of his clothes, exposing his body to her, and she felt a thrill of goose flesh as he revealed himself—the broad shoulders and strong arms, the lean hips and the rigid, out-thrust cock. She pulled again at the chains but they didn't yield an inch and for the first time she felt a delicious frisson on fear as Miles climbed inexorably onto the bed between her outstretched legs. She was so helpless, so exposed, so vulnerable.

He lowered himself down onto his knees and she felt his cock bumping at the tender flesh between her legs and she knew he was doing it on purpose, taunting her with her own helplessness. She saw the insane fire in his eyes as he looked down at her, spread wide, held immobile, and then his prick touched her opening, right there, right where she was vulnerable, and he pushed into her, pushed stubbornly, opening her and spreading her wide and he entered her.

"Oh, God!" she cried.

It had been years since she'd had a man, and never like this, held down so severely, such a sacrifice to his lust. Her own helplessness thrilled her, her utter inability to do anything to stop him or impede his progress as she felt him enter and possess her. He was so hard, so insistent, and he slid into her like a sword into a sheath, filling her completely.

"Damn!" He swore as he bottomed out in her, and the pleasure and pain was such that her toes curled against the bottoms of her feet. His weight on her drove her body into the mattress and only made the chains holding her pull more tightly, stretching her arms and legs and thrusting her chest up against him, and Miles seized her breasts and squeezed, as if he meant to possess all of her.

Julia saw stars. This wasn't lovemaking. This was a male invasion and conquest and she'd never felt so absolutely possessed and taken. Her body throbbed around his hardness and she capitulated, simply surrendered to him, and her surrender seemed only to egg him on, to bring out the roughness in him. He began to fuck her, pulling out and sliding back into her with jarring thrusts as if laying claim to her, as if his cock were a conqueror's flag that he planted into her twice, three times, before he was satisfied she was his and he began to fuck her in earnest.

"Oh Miles! Miles!" It wasn't the kind of lovemaking she knew, but it was just what she wanted, and it went with the cuffs on her wrists and ankles and the collar around her neck, selfish and greedy and possessive, and while his cock plundered her below, his lips were all over hers, kissing her, biting her mouth, whispering obscenities in her ears until she was just overwhelmed by his rabid sexuality.

"Oh Miles, I'm going to come! I'm going to come!"

She felt it start. She actually felt it start, an overflow of nervous pleasure where his cock rubbed her clit due to the odd angle of her hips. The rest of it was psychological—the chains, the immobility, his savage treatment of her. It all built up to an excitement she couldn't deny. It was something her body was determined to do, whether she wanted to or not.

"Do it!" he snarled. "Come for me! Come for me Julia, because I'm coming too!"

He increased his speed, the depth of his plunges, and Julia's body went limp in the chains, or as limp as it was possible to go, rocking with Miles's powerful lunges. She felt nothing but his energy battering at her, lifting her up and out of herself, her legs and torso dissolving in a haze of violent pleasure, and then she was falling as he was throbbing inside her, the hot stain of his release spreading within her as he slipped his hands under her ass and lifted her up against him to receive the violent discharge of his ejaculating cock, spitting into her in enraged homage to her female power.

Slowly, his muscles relaxed. He relaxed his grip on her ass. The turgid bar of his cock inside her relaxed. All the tension, the furious tension dissipated, and Miles seemed to contract and grow smaller. Only Julia remained stretched tight on that altar of a bed, her chest heaving with the laborious breathing of her orgasm.

Without a word, Miles unclipped her right wrist, then her left. He slid down and undid her ankles, then gathered her into his arms and held her close, wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh, Julia, that was good, that was good," he whispered. "That was so good. That was just the way it's supposed to be. Do you understand now?"

A great wave of feeling welled up inside her. She felt possessed and owned, as if she'd been tied down on the beach while Miles's feelings had rushed over her and washed her clean. She was full of him now. She knew what his need felt like now, and what his experience of her felt like, almost as if she'd been him, and all she could do was hide her raw and exposed nerves in the shelter of his arms, as if she no longer had a body of her own.

"It was more than I thought, Miles. Is it always like this?"

"When it's good it is. And now you know why I wanted to wait till the time was right. It's so much more than just taking you to bed, Julia."

She turned her face into his chest and felt his arms around her, warm protective. Slowly her body was assembling itself around her again, familiar and comforting, but cutting her off from that amazing intimacy she'd known. She wanted to say something, to tell him that she wanted to stay as she was, a part of him, but she didn't know how, and she felt that it would be inappropriate somehow. It wasn't entirely her decision to make.

"I've got to go," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't stay. It's too much for one night."

"But you said the girls were with your ex."

"Yes. They are. But still. Miles, I just can't stay here overnight. This is too much to process. I have to think about this."

"What's to think about?"

He lifted himself up on one elbow and she looked at him. She steeled herself and said, "You frighten me, Miles. The things you make me feel frighten me. They're so powerful."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know exactly. Something inside me. Something that wants to come out and it feels dangerous. It's something you bring forth."

He said nothing. In the dim candlelight his profile was dark and saturnine. He slid off the bed and retrieved a velvet jewelry box from a chest and brought it to the bed.

"I want you to have this, to wear it and to think of me."

Inside was a gold chain with a simple pear-shaped opaque stone that looked black in the shadows, but when he held it up, appeared a rich, deep, dark blue in the candlelight.

"Lapis lazuli," he said. "One of my favorite colors. You can't wear my collar in public, but you can wear this."

"Miles, I can't take this. You've already given me too much."

"But this is special. You have to take it as a favor to me. I made it just for you.. See? It fits close to your throat, like a choker."

He unbuckled her collar and took it off, then made her sit up while he fastened the chain around her neck. The stone was cool against the base of her throat, but soon warmed up to body temperature, and she felt the odd thrill of being possessed by him in a way she'd never experienced before, not even with Ryan. She'd always found the idea of belonging to someone slightly distasteful—the idea of being someone's "little lady"—but with Miles it was different. She wanted to be the object of his desire, and that's what the stone meant.

She lay back down and Miles reached out and took her hands and lifted them above her head. Julia just lay there, watching him as he slid the fingers of his left hand through the rings in her cuffs and held her hands together and pressed into the pillow, holding her as if her wrists were manacled together, and immediately she felt herself begin to melt once more, as if her body were turning into some molten liquid for him, her resistance fading. There was nothing she could do in the face of his strength and determination, and when his other hand slid down possessively over her breasts and her belly and delved between her legs she hardly had the power to hold them closed. Miles parted them easily, almost arrogantly, and touched her there as he kissed her, and his kiss swept away all resistance. If he wanted her so badly, who was she to refuse? His hand was like a greedy thief between her legs, probing and exploring, filling itself with her treasure, and his hunger thrilled her and made her a willing party to his crime.

She began to move against him, opening her thighs wider, shameless under his touch and her tongue sought his as if to confirm the avarice in his kiss and confess to him where all her secrets were buried.

Take me, her kiss told him.Take all of me, and use me for whatever you want. I'm of no use to myself. I'm only what you make of me.

If only it were that easy, he thought. If only it were that easy.

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olsaltyolsaltyover 5 years ago
The Way It Should Be

This is how an introduction to submission should proceed, with all her emotional reactions laid out.... Awesome understanding of the process.

subkfsubkfover 6 years ago
fantastic and realistic

The pace is rapid and yet the process is true. Thank you for presenting well developed characters and story. Great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This has the passion and emotion that a woman such as myself is seeking in the lifestyle... like your other fans, I do hope you will continue this story... it is incomplete as it is... please submit further installments and put us out of our misery!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please complete this story.

Its one of the best on this site.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
Julia's Conflict

She stands at the shore of so much passion and fulfillment, but fears what it will mean if people notice her wet toes.

What is Miles to do? If he pursues her, she will flee. If he leaves her alone, she will regress into the barren propriety of the past seven years. Or worse, accept the conventional mediocrity of her old high school admirer.

How can Miles confer courage to put Julia's fears to rest? What could make her dare to be something different than she thought she was? She seems to choose the safety of daydreams and a life unlived. What a tragedy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I have never written these words about another submission. This series left me wet and unfulfilled. You make me want this. You make me want to explore this world, and for that, I humbly thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
another well written story

Incredible gift-your insight into the fascinating world of BDSM..

GlasgowgirlGlasgowgirlover 15 years ago
Oh my!

Speechless with admiration. What extraordinary writing and incredible insights. This is testament to your power as a writer - your best ever. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
May I call you Doc?

Another of your glorious, insightful probings into mutual submission. Yes, mutual. Each must submit to the power of the other in order to achieve the frission. Each must submit, to achieve the one hundred percent that the partnership requires.

Thank you for all your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Brilliant story, beautifully written!

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