Mike & Karen Ch. 14


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Alexa leaned forward now, bracing her hands on his strong thighs and pumping up and down, flexing her pussy around him as she did so. Alex stifled a loud groan and gripped her waist, helping to move her rhythmically, matching her pace perfectly. He never ceased to marvel at how tight she felt, how wet and yet the lovely friction her felt the entire length of his shaft. He'd never fucked anyone like her, and he knew there was no one else. She was his world.

Even as his cock throbbed and began to expand, Alex shuddered and almost slammed herself back against him, pressing down as hard as she could, crushing her mouth to his to stifle a scream. Her body writhed and he gripped her tight. Alex's entire body was overcome with that blazing tingle, and he began cumming deep inside her. Alexa's pussy squeezed and rippled around him fiendishly, her essence glazing his lap. They thrashed and ground together for nearly a minute, lost in one another. This was exactly what they'd needed.

Breathing heavily, they just rested against one another, his arms around her while she caressed his cheek. They were both flushed, and sweating, something they would need to correct quickly, before they went back on stage. Forget the crowd noticing, Karen would kill them, probably with her mind.

She smiled and made a weary fist, showing off her little plastic ring she almost always wore. He grinned and pressed his Ring Pop against hers, a symbol of their devotion to one another. Mike and Karen had suggested that the plastic be set into or surrounded with gold, to remain an essential part of their wedding rings. They loved the idea and couldn't wait.

She kissed him again and smiled blissfully. "Guess we'd better get going, hm? We don't want Kar looking for us."

They could still hear an a cappella group singing onstage, and they knew still had time, but why dawdle? She shivered as she leaned forward from him and then stood, his cock coming out of her with a loud, wet plop! She giggled as she leaned against the wall to one side to steady herself.

"Damn you, nephew," she teased. "You always make me weak in the knees when you make me cum."

"Yeah, like I'm doing any better, auntie," he replied as he stood, feeling his legs tingle as blood rushed back into them, mostly from his softening cock.

"Oh, God, never call me that," she sighed as she turned and knelt in front of him, taking his member into his mouth and cleaning him off quickly and thoroughly. Once she was done, she pulled up his pants for him and then began arranging her own clothes while he did up his belt. She'd go clean up in a bathroom nearby, but Alex came so much that she knew to carry pads to line her underwear with, just in case.

"Love you," she said, kissing him quickly before turning to exit. "See you back behind the curtain!"

Alex waited several seconds before exiting, hoping he wasn't too flushed. He found another bathroom and checked himself- he looked okay, aside from slightly dilated pupils, and he didn't seem to be walking funny. That wouldn't mean his mother didn't know, however. He'd just have to risk it.

He walked back to the staging area, where his mother was standing and listening to a performance with her eyes closed. He stood next to her, waiting quietly. Seconds later, Karen had a sniffing sound, then inhaled deeply. Her eyes flicked open and she turned her head to look at him, a wry expression on her face. She then went back to watching the show, shaking her head. Busted. He smelled like sex with her little sister. With any luck, that would be the end of the censure.

Alexa showed up shortly after, standing with Freja and Jeanie, talking quietly. Maybe she was just conversing, or maybe she knew not to stand close to Karen, whose sense of smell had been more acute than that of a T-Rex since giving birth to him. Pregnancy nose was apparently a thing, although she asserted that it patently didn't make up for the effort of trying to squeeze out his asteroid-sized head.

And she now wanted another kid?

He'd never understand mothers.


1986, The Bridle Path...

"Oh, Jonathon, it's lovely," Miranda breathed he clasped an elegant necklace around her slender throat, a diamond glittering in the gold setting. She looked down at the stone as it sat just above her collarbone and set a lace-gloved hand against it. "You always know somehow what will look best, don't you?"

"Maybe it's easy because everything looks perfect on the two women in my life," he replied, setting a similar necklace around Karen, but this one with a fiery ruby set in it. "Do you have any idea how hard I would have to try before something looked terrible on either of you?"

"Honey-dripper," his wife purred as she twirled, displaying her elegant black dress for him, now complete with her necklace. He looked over at Karen, who likewise turned about, even more elegantly than her mother, displaying her regal finery. She was wearing an emerald dress, with subtle gold thread accents, and now the pigeon's blood ruby seemed to glitter with an inner light. Karen indeed felt like a princess.

Miranda now approached him with her hands behind her back. He looked at her curiously, but then she held out his present- a gentleman's walking cane, with a silver head shaped like a maned lion, the symbol of the senior branch of the Blackwell family of which he was the patriarch. Two cadet branches of the family existed as well, one in the States, represented by an eagle, and the branch back in England, represented by a greyhound. The English family had retained the hereditary title and lands, after the main branch had moved to Canada, disqualifying itself from holding titles.

He weighed it in his hand, twirling it around slowly, feeling the strength of the dark, blackened wood, and its surprisingly light weight. The lion even had two tiny topaz eyes, golden-yellow when they caught the light, just like his daughter's. It was perfection.

This was to be their final night out, since tomorrow would involve church at the cathedral in the morning, followed by lunch and dinner with relatives and friends. Karen enjoyed these gatherings well enough, but found herself wondering what Christmas was actually like for other families, those of less means, but who still had family. Lisa had often talked about small intimate affairs that involved lots of turkey, mashed potatoes, and everyone going into a tryptophan coma afterward. It sounded fun, Karen had to admit.

"Well now, shall we tell Jordan we are ready?" Jonathon asked, assessing his wife and daughter. He assisted them both into their coats and then called for the chauffeur. Before long, they would be in the company of many of Canada's most powerful people, enjoying an exemplary celebration at the Empire Club. As the sat in the back of the limousine while it took them into the city, they conversed on various topics, but mostly about who they were likely to see.

"Aaron and Sarah will be there, won't they Jonathon?" Miranda asked. Karen remembered the names, Aaron and Sarah Milgrom. There son had been stationed in West Berlin earlier that year and died in the discothèque bombing by Libyan terrorists. "I hope they're doing alright."

"Last time I spoke with him, Aaron was just usual, stoic self, but he said Sarah was still in pieces," Karen's father said. "I don't blame her."

"It's a terrible thing to outlive your children," Miranda agreed somberly. "I hope she's okay tonight."

It's a terrible thing to outlive anyone you love... Karen thought to herself.


The present: Convocation Hall...

Alexa now stood by herself in front of the microphone. Overjoyed as she was with her new life, her heart felt heavy as she presented the next song.

"This one is dedicated to my mother, who was lost to me, and to my sister, earlier this year. As ready as I thought I was, I'll never be truly ready. I don't now if we can be. But here's a beautiful song, about a beautiful woman..."

In the background, a piano and other instruments started slowly, and Alex closed her eyes as she began to sing. From the wings, Karen looked on, with her hand pressed to her lips and her eyes stinging.

"She's gone two thousand miles
It's very far
The snow is falling down
Gets colder day by day
I miss you

The children will sing
She'll be back at Christmas time,

In these frozen and silent nights
Sometimes in a dream you appear
Outside under the purple sky
Diamonds in the snow sparkle
Our hearts were singing
It felt like Christmas time,

Two thousand miles
Is very far through the snow
I'll think of you
Wherever you go,

She's gone two thousand miles
It's very far
The snow is falling down
Gets colder day by day
I miss you

I can hear people singing
It must be Christmas time
I hear people singing
It must be Christmas time!"

She ignored the crystalline tear on her cheek as she finished the song, feeling strangely light and even cleansed. She was only dimly aware of all the loud applause from the audience, but acutely aware of her sister hugging her.

"That felt so good..." she breathed as she opened her eyes and smiled, nodding her head to the audience. They were still applauding. "Think she liked it?"

"What a silly question," Karen giggled as she led her sister off-stage. "Of course she did. Aside from the finale chorus, you're done for the night, so now you can relax, Alli."

Alexa smiled as she heard Alex on stage, using an electric guitar to play a rock version of 'Carol of the Bells,' along with backup musicians. She sat next to her sister, just lost in thought. It had been a long year, and often a very hard one. But these would become the happiest days of her life, once they were free to be open about-

"I have a little announcement to make," she heard Alex say as the crowd applauded once his song had finished. The clapping died away, and everyone waited to hear what he had to say.

Alexa didn't know why, but her chest tightened, as if anticipating something.

"Come the new year, there's going to be a challenge in the courts about marriage laws," he continued. Alexa's eyes flicked to the side, and she could see Karen sitting silently, equally stunned. What on earth was he up to?

"Because I'm in love with my aunt, and she is with me. We have been since the moment we laid eyes on each other earlier this year," he said, his voice firm and confident. His poise was like thunder in her ears. How could he not sound worried?

He smiled at the audience. "Avunculate marriage is already the law in many countries in Europe and elsewhere around the world, and it's about time we caught up. Alexa and I invite you to join us in this petition, because love is love, and you don't always know where you'll find it, but you embrace it all the same. Thank you for your support, it means everything to me!"

What followed were several moments of absolute silence, but then someone began clapping. It was an older alumnus, one his father had introduced as 'Ben', who rose to his feet, nodding as he clapped. The chancellor and several deans rose next, also applauding. Their example was followed by more and more attendees, until only a scant few in a hall filled with nearly eighteen hundred people were not clapping very loudly at his words.

The applause was followed by raucous cheers as Alexa dashed through the curtain from the wings and threw herself into Alex's arms, her feet leaving the ground. He held her tight, the ongoing clapping little more than a roaring background noise for him. With his wife in his arms, nothing else mattered. He felt her shaking, and he knew she was crying. Calmly, and smiling happily, he stroked her hair until she'd composed herself.

He turned her to face the audience, and the applause got even louder. She smiled beautifully as she wiped at one of her eyes. They were joined by Freja and Jeanie onstage, who hurried up and hugged them both. Mike and Karen followed, both of them beaming proudly at their son.

"I can't believe even he did something that brazen," Karen commented quietly to her husband as she looked on. "Did he mention anything to you?"

"Nope," Mike said, smiling as he watched. "Probably made the decision on a hunch, and we both know how good his intuition is."

"True enough," she sighed, putting her arm around him and leaning her head against his chest. "After all, he chose Alli, didn't he?"

Down in the audience, Jordan was smiling happily and clapping along with everyone else. He was so glad to know this remarkable family's story would continue.


Later that night, Pearson Airport...

"So you are remembering, you must not open our presents until we are Skyping, ja?" Freja pressed as she and Jeanie finished checking their luggage for storage. Each girl only had a small backpack for carry-on. Jeanie was smiling rather wanly, as if something was wrong.

"We promise, we won't open any gifts until you're on Skype with us," Alexa replied, rolling her eyes. "I just feel bad that we have to wait until you get back before you can open yours."

"I am not at all worried, Alexandra, because you always have given the best gifts," Freja purred, pressing herself into Alexa and kissing her deeply. Neither girl seemed to notice as endless numbers of other people in the terminal stared as they walked by. They made out for several seconds, caressing one another's backs and behind before Karen coughed, causing them to part.

Freja gave parting kisses to Alex, Karen and Mike, while Jeanie smooched Alexa, and then Alex, subtly grinding her crotch against his. Or maybe not so subtly, she didn't really care. She smiled again and took a deep breath.

"I guess I'm a little bit tired, but more than anything, I guess I'm just nervous about seeing my in-laws again," she confessed. "Yeah, they liked me when I met them, and I talk with 'em on Skype, but what if I bore them?"

"Yndling, you will be fine," Freja assured her, subtly crinkling Saran Wrap in her free hand while stroking her hair. "They love you and cannot wait to see you again. You can sleep on the flight to Copenhagen, and you will be much better, I promise."

"Gnnn, not the crinkling trick again..." Jeanie sighed as she allowed Freja to take her hand and lead her into the boarding area. The Danish girl waved back at everyone, and then they were gone. It would be nearly two weeks before they were back. It was going to be almost... sane... in the interim.

"So, it's officially Saturday," Mike mentioned, looking down at his watch. "How're we going to spend our time until Christmas Eve on Monday?"

"I'm sure I'll think of a way to keep you occupied," Karen sad, snuggling against him. "I've never been unsuccessful at the holidays before, after all."

"True enough, wife of mine," he said cheerfully. "All right, let's head back. We'll take Jordan, so we'll see you at home, Alex."

"Eventually, dad," Alex replied as he was pulled by his wife toward a unisex bathroom. "Eventually..."


Kapuskasing, Christmas Eve, 1986...

Holiday music played on the old radio in the corner of the living room, Mike grinned as he watched Orion, Josh and Ronnie open their presents from him. His sister squealed as she held up the box of cosmetics and skin treatment products from Cover Girl.

"Thank you!" she cried out as she crashed herself to him, giving him the biggest hug that she could.

"Happy to do it, squirt," he laughed, holding as she cried. She must have been really happy, because it was usually Josh who cried when presents were passed out. Mike knew his sister dreamed of owning a salon and spa, and he wanted to keep her dream alive.

"Oh, wow," Connor breathed as he looked at the set of engine tools in the gleaming red metal box. "Mike, this must've cost you a small fortune."

"Fortunately, no," the older brother replied, still waiting for his little sister to detach from him. "I did some work for a guy, and he gave me a deal on the set. Thought you'd find 'em handy, and you'll be the envy of everyone in Shop class."

Mike waited while his youngest sibling, Josh, opened his slender gift. The young man's eyes widened in shock as he held up two tickets. "These... these are tickets to go and see HMS Pinafore at the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto..."

Mike nodded. "Keep in mind, it's not 'til October, but those are some of the best seats in the house. I got you some other stuff to tide you over unt-"

"I don't mind waiting!" Josh said as he joined Ronnie in hugging Mike. Mike glanced over at his parents and shrugged. They were sitting on the chesterfield, nestled under the enormous Hudson's Bay Company comforter he had brought back for them. It was a beautiful gift they would cherish from their eldest.

"I gotta admit, I feel kinda bad and lazy," Connor said, coming and sitting next to Mike. "All we got you was the venison, jerky, preserves and other stuff you asked for."

"But that's exactly what I wanted," Mike pointed out. "You know how expensive any of that stuff is back in Toronto? And I'm heading back with nearly fifty kilos, that's several months' worth at least. I've got plenty to give out to friends, and I can keep my own stock, too. It's my little piece of home I bring with me."

Family members were arriving, bringing food and small gifts. Connor blushed mightily as a girl from his school named Stevie dropped by, to give him a homemade mincemeat pie, 'from her family'. Anne asked her to stay, but she politely declined and exited, after wishing everyone a merry holiday. Connor was still blushing minutes after she left.

"Mark my words, Con," Mike said, towering over everyone in the living room. "That girl is going to marry you one day."

"Yeah, right," Connor snorted, blushing even redder while everyone laughed. "Don't I get a say in this?"

"You never do, son," Orion remarked from the couch, causing Anne to giggle and pinch his cheek. "And we're the better for it, never forget that. Any of you boys."

Michael watched the loud festivities as people exchanged gifts and hugs, music hanging in the air. He loved Christmas with his family, but something was different this time around- everyone he loved was here, and everyone was healthy and happy.

But it all seemed so... small.

Not small in a bad way, of course, but he felt like he didn't fit somehow. As in, this environment was feeling confined, and he needed ever more room to be himself. It was a restlessness, a yearning for something larger than this world that Kapuskasing could provide for him. He felt a tinge of sadness at the thought, because no one should ever feel dissatisfied with such a wonderful life. What was he to do?

From her place on the chesterfield, Anne watched her oldest child and blinked away a stinging tear. After all, it was a parent's job to make themselves progressively unnecessary. It wouldn't be long now...


The Bridle Path, Christmas Eve, 1986...

"Lully, lulla, thow littell tine child,

By by, lully, lullay thow littell tyne child,

By by, lully, lullay!"

Karen was sitting at her large, ornately gilded Salvi harp, the dulcet tones floating over the room as she played The Coventry Carol for her gathered Blackwell and Gordon family. One of her little cousins was singing nearby her, decidedly off-key, but nobody really minded. She smiled, enjoying the company of her kin and knowing how her playing pleased them.
