Mike & Karen Ch. 32


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"Ha, y'see, Mongo?" Lisa declared, looking up at Mike. "The world's first computer language programmer was a woman."

"That might explain why it's so difficult to understand," Mike replied with a shrug.

Mona and Janet both burst out laughing while Lisa made a frustrated sound as she pulled her hands down her face. Even Karen was tittering behind her hand at the riposte. The redhead began stomping around in her customary circle, muttering to herself in Yiddish, while Janet and Mona got up and wiggled over to Mike, hugging him.

"God, I love you, DeBourne," Mona sighed, snuggling into him and closing her eyes. "You always know when a girl needs a good laugh."

"He deserves a reward for that," Janet said, starting to unbuckle the titan blond man's belt. "Li, close and lock the door, willya?"

"What?!" Lisa blurted in exasperation as she watched her friends undo Mike's pants and drop them to the floor, followed by his boxers to reveal his huge member. "He disses our entire gender and you two blow him as a prize?!"

"Yuuup," Mona replied, kneeling now and putting on a ridiculous cotton-picking slave girl accent. "Us womens is complicated, dat true."

"You breeders are lunatics, that's what I know," Lisa groused, trudging over to the door and locking it. She may have wanted to throw a brick at DeBourne's head, but she didn't want people to see her friends disgracing themselves. She ignored Mona and Janet now taking turns holding and kissing Mike's dick, cooing at it and giving it long strokes as she went over to the work table and sat beside Karen, who had pulled herself up to the desktop, examining what Mona was doing.

"Big jerk," Lisa grumbled again, scowling in the direction of the threesome in the middle of the room before returning her attention to Karen. "Where's he get off, insulting women everywhere like that?"

"It's going to continue happening if you keep baiting him, darling," Karen replied in a carefree voice, scrolling up and down through Mona's interactive assignment without changing anything. She seemed to just be reading it. None of it made any sense to Lisa. "And you insist on learning the hard way. One would almost think you had a fetish for it."

"Are you sayin' that Jewish redheads are stubborn and not good at learning from their mistakes?" Lisa grumped. "Because I'm kinda comin' around to that point of view myself."

"Since he repolarized your neurons a few weeks back when you maligned his manhood, you mean," Karen said with a smirk, still reading. "I thought Gadhafi had it coming when Tripoli got bombed last year, but that wasn't a patch on your comeuppance."

"Don't remind me," Lisa sighed, gently touching her nose and crossing her eyes to look at it. Her sinuses hadn't felt quite the same since DeBourne brained her with his giant erection. "So you're really related to Lord Byron and Ada Lovelace through your mom?"

"If the official genealogies are to be believed, yes," Karen said idly, still studying the screen. "I cannot think of any particular reason the British archives would conspire to lie to me. I am also distantly related to Winston Churchill via the Spencers and Lady Jane Stewart. Jenny was related to the Duke of Wellington."

"I can't think of anyone famous I'm related to," Lisa seemed to lament, ignoring the increasingly loud sounds of oral sex coming from nearby. "Except for my cousin Shmooey, but he's only famous in the drag community by accident. So if Janet, Mona, Mike, and me are related to nobody worth mentioning, are you just making up for it?"

Karen paused and turned to look at her beloved friend and roommate, smiling, with her back to the tawdry mess happening in the middle of the room. "Lisa, my intention is to have them all looking down from Heaven and bragging about how they're all related to me."

They both ignored the sounds of women's clothes hastily being shucked, along with heavy breathing. Seconds later, they heard Mona grunt.

"Gn, yeah! Right there..." she hissed.

"In any event," Lisa sighed, shaking her head. "What're you doin' for M?"

"I was just going over her work, and making sure she was on the right track, even if she is not progressing as quickly as she would like," Karen explained, gesturing to the screen gracefully. It never ceased to amaze Lisa about how elegant Karen was about, well, everything. That courtesan training she'd taken for years really paid off. "I wasn't going to cheat for her, but I was going to write down some hints and leading facts, to make the learning curve easier, if you will."

"Never needed to take any programming courses for my activist career, danken meyn mazldik faking stern," Lisa mused. "I haven't even taken a keyboarding or typing course, to be honest. I hunt and peck with the best of 'em. Drives my granny Edna crazy, since she says I won't get a good job in the secretarial pools if I don't know it."

"And you don't know any forms of shorthand," Karen pointed out.

"Pft, and how many do you know, Princess?" Lisa asked, trying to keep the sneer out of her voice.

Karen counted on her fingers. "Eight, if you include the Tironian of Marcus Tullius."

"Which I was," the redhead sighed, rolling her eyes. There was a wet sound and a gasp nearby, and she was unable to keep from glancing over Karen's shoulder to see what was happening.

Mike was lying on his back in the middle of the floor, decidedly naked. Mona was sitting on him, writhing up and down on his massive cock, which glistened obscenely at Lisa each time it almost left Mona's pussy. Janet was also naked, straddling Mike's face and leaning in to Mona. They had they arms around one another's shoulders, foreheads pressed together as they looked into one another's eyes, panting and whispering, sharing the occasional kiss while they rode the giant stallion beneath them.

"Jeeeezus..." Lisa muttered, wincing and looking away, sorry she'd looked to begin with. She scowled at Karen. "Why did you let me look?"

"It was funny to watch your expression," Karen said simply.

"You breeders are nuts."

"You know better than almost anyone that I am bisexual, my dear girl," Karen chided. "So the 'breeder' label is not exactly dead on with me."

"Yeah, you may be bisexual, Princess, but you're still gonna have a kid," Lisa pointed out. "Gotta carry on that thousand-year legacy of your family and all. 'sides, I can't imagine you not wanting a child, you'll be the greatest mom ever."

Karen smiled warmly and caressed her friend's cheek, both of them ignoring the spludgy sounds emanating from not far away.

"Y'ever considered what you might wanna name any kid you had?" Lisa asked.

Karen considered. "I've always been partial to the name Alexander or Alexandra. Apparently my parents have a lock on the name, though, if they manage to have another child."

"They still wanna have another at their age?" Lisa queried, looking surprised. "Aren't they in their mid-forties?"

This drew a shrug from Karen, another graceful gesture. "My mother's doctor says she is still in excellent health and more than able to conceive and give b-"

"Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuck!" they heard Mona grunt through clenched teeth as she surrendered to her climax. They also heard Janet squeak and whimper as she tumbled through an orgasm. The sounds of the two women kissing almost feverishly as they rode out their tsunami of pleasure was almost all they could hear now.

"Okay, swap," Mona panted, and they listened to the two girls shuffle around. "He busted in me last night, so this load is yours."

"Thanks, M," they heard Janet says breathlessly. "You're the best and I br-oooooooooooo!"

"How are those two not lez?" Lisa sighed, pinching her eyes. "It defies all logic. I'll bet even you and that differentiating contraption couldn't figure it out."

"I am rather inclined to agree," Karen said, knowing better than to look. The sight of DeBourne's huge tool gave her tingles she would rather not admit to or deal with while in the company of others. "While it doesn't make sense, it doesn't exactly need to, either."

"I'm getting used to that mantra," Lisa admitted. "Any expectations I had of my university days making more sense than my earlier life were clearly off by a wide margin. At least I've got you."

Karen smiled and leaned in, putting her hand on the back of Lisa's head and stroking her fingers through her curly red hair while she pressed their foreheads together.

"That you do, Melissa Ruthelyn Heyman. That you do..."

They shared a tender kiss while the tiny orgy carried on behind them.

Karen reached out and pressed the 'Save' button before the computer's screen saver came on.


Present day, near the solar clock, late Monday morning...

"You're late," Alex said, smirking and pointing at the position of the sun on the device as his friends approached.

"Oh, shut it, DeBourne," Ted sighed as he, Dave, and Anthony walked up. "Two minutes, maybe. And how accurate can that damn thing be?"

"Only as accurate as the sun, Galileo," Alex laughed. "But I didn't bring you here to look at your ugly mugs, I've got real people to introduce you to..."

Alex stepped aside and gestured. From around the corner of the building they were standing at, two women came out, smiling at them. One of them was a quiet and pretty brunette, the other a tall, gorgeous blond woman with big tits and a very attractive figure. The blonde had her hair up in some classy do, and she was wearing a snug cashmere sweater under a bolero jacket. Her jeans were practically painted on, above ankle-length leather boots. The brunette was rather more modestly dressed, but she still smiled pleasantly.

"Gentlemen," Alex announced. "I'd like to introduce you to my aunts, Lady Jenny Penrose, the countess of Greymoor, and Lady Millie Penrose, the baronetess of Fraggle Rock- I mean, Sheppey."

Millie gave her so-called 'nephew' a look, but otherwise stayed quiet, choosing to simply wave at the newcomers.

"Aunties, these guys are my friends, Ted, Dave, and Anthony. With our powers combined, we are that garage band you've been hearin' about, Kaiju Sex Massacre."

The aforementioned friends said nothing, just staring dumbly, mostly at Jenny. Millie didn't mind, she hated being stared at, dumbly or not. Millie stepped forward and shook each of their hands, rather amused by their inability to speak. Then she moved aside, and let her older sister do her thing.

"Hullo, boys," Jenny purred, stepping forward and smiling at them all. "Nice to finally meet you. I am indeed the countess of Greymoor."

She shook Dave's hand first, followed by Ted's. She was shaking Anthony's when Dave looked at Alex, since they all seemed incapable of speaking to the women. "So, like, she's a real countess? The kind who can send us on quests, and give us gold and stuff?"

"Idiot," Alex chuckled, shaking his head while they all stared at the blonde woman, who was now standing between Millie and Alex. "I dunno about giving you gold, since you guys can't complete a quest to save your lives, but be nice and you might get laid."

"Alex!" Millie hissed, looking at him in shock while the boys' eyes all went wide.

"The day is young, Mill, and I am open to possibilities," Jenny lilted, giving them a flirtatious smile. "Soooo, do any of you strapping young men have game in bed when compared to the mighty lord of the DeBourne household?"

The three 'strapping young men' all groaned and hung their heads in despair.

"Well, not to worry, that is a simple matter of training, really," Jenny said simply. "I could use some cabana boys in the meanwhile. After all, I can't be expected to carry my own drinks and trinkets if I am to wander around in various stages of undress or skimpy lingerie and bikinis, can I?"

"Jesus, Jen," Millie muttered while Alex chuckled and the boys looked like they were ready to faint.

"Fine, Aunt Jen," Alex said readily. "I'll leave them to you. They're yours now, but I still need 'em for Warhammer, band practice, and to act as roadies for the Replicants. Don't wear them out until I hold replacement auditions, okay?"

"You have my word, lovey," Jenny purred, fondling Alex's butt as he walked by. Millie nodded to them and went with him. Jenny turned back to the young men she was still with and gave them a sly smile.

"So," she began, walking up to the three of them and holding out her arms. "A little bird named Alex told me that you three are all off for the next two hours. Who wants to go and grab an adult beverage at the local pub? Kat's treat, of course."

Dave and Anthony each took one of her arms. Ted didn't seem to know what to do, the odd man out.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to lead me along by the buckle of my belt, won't you?" Jenny tittered, winking at him. "Come now, spit-spot. To the Heisenburg Pub we go..."

Ted nervously reached in and took hold of the countess' buckle.


"That woman is going to eat your friends alive, you know that, right?" Millie said as she walked with Alex. He was holding her arm, because he'd been trained properly by his father and mother. She actually enjoyed how strong he was, she didn't mind a bit. Normally, she did. Mike and Alex, however, were welcome to lead her around. "And she won't even need to have sex with them."

"Still the best way any of those ding-dongs could die," Alex chuckled. "They need confidence training, since they're so intimidated by my mom and Alexa. Who better than the Countess Greymoor?"

"Okay, I'll give you that one, young man," Millie allowed. "And for the record, everybody is intimidated by your mother and Alli, with the exception of you and your father."

"Are you kidding?" he replied. "Mom scares the Hell outta me. You know about how I greeted the bishop and she nearly threw me off the third story; you were there when your sister told my other aunts."

"Can't imagine why," the brunette said with a smirk. "You do seem to be something of a troll, my dear boy."

"I'm really glad you're staying for the housewarming and beyond," Alex mentioned as he guided her toward a café now. He knew that Millie wouldn't want to watch her sister play Black Widow with his friends, and everyone else was busy, so he was more than happy to keep her occupied for an hour or so. "Gotta admit, you're a refreshing change of pace around here."

"Boring, you mean," she said somewhat flatly.

"You're not boring, Aunt Mill," he laughed. "You're just quiet, especially compared to your sister, who's an absolute whirlwind. And it's pretty obvious you like it that way, y'know?"

Millie sighed. No point in denying. "Jen's always been prettier, grander, smarter, and more talented than me, but the price was she had to always be on the go and living that crazy, posh life of hers. She's never 'off', if you will. And you're right, I don't want that. I meet my obligations to our so-called peers, but I much prefer the quiet life. It's why I'm content on Sheppey, even if I complain about the local yobbos."

"And that's a good thing around here, funky fresh," Alex said with that charming, genuine, and infectious smile of his. He absolutely believed what he was saying, it was so obvious to her. "Everyone else is so much larger than life- mom, dad, Alexa, and now your sister."

"You're rather that way yourself, you know," she pointed out, giving his arm a gentle squeeze and returning his smile.

"Maybe, but having a low-key person around is refreshing," he continued. "Even Freja and Jeanie are completely nuts."

'Yes, they must be if even my sister is impressed by their antics," Millie sighed, shaking her head. "Were they really camgirls who nearly got murdered by an incel?"

Alex nodded.

"Don't think I've ever known a camgirl before," she mused. "Well, except for Lady Finknottle, but she was an eighty-five-year-old widower who tried be a camgirl and make money to bring her husband back from the dead. She was off her nut, mind."

"Did she hit her funding goal?" Alex asked.

"Once Jen and I donated to her cause for the jollies, yes," Millie laughed, now enjoying herself.

This boy would be a delight to have coffee with.


April, 1987, a dorm room...

Lisa was lying on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling. Originally she'd just been in her underwear, but they got itchy and so she took them off. Mona was lying in the opposite direction, her head beside her friend's, also staring at the ceiling and having shucked her bra and panties. They had opened the window, lest their be complaints around the floor about the smell coming from Mona's room.

Mona blinked slowly. "Y'ever wonder what water tastes like?"

"Nnnnnno," the redhead said finally, her eyes nearly the colour of her hair. Maybe they'd overdone it a little. That Northern Lights stuff was strong. And she had no damn idea what water tasted like. "What... what was Pufnstuf? Was he, like... an ogre?"

Mona squinted slightly as she tried to think about that. Because she was in art and animation, everyone assumed that she was gonna know things about all kids' shows. Even if they weren't cartoons. It was more of a DeBourne thing, she figured. He was the one who knew all that weird shit. "I... he's got a tail... I think... maybe he's a dragon?"

Lisa frowned. "He doesn't look like a dragon. He looks like Mayor McCheese if he was addicted to meth."

Mona burst into snickers, unable to control herself. Lisa was so funny! She curled up, holding her stomach and laughing, kicking her feet. Lisa began to giggle as well, not exactly sure what was funny, but not wanting to be left out.

The black girl rolled slowly onto her side, facing into Lisa now and smiling warmly. Lisa slowly did as well, and now they were face to face, staring into each other's eyes. They shared a gentle upside-down kiss, a couple of seconds long before sighing contentedly and just resting like this, their noses touching.

"Did you gettny of your homework done?" Lisa asked.

"I don' remember, probably no," Mona murmured, a little shake of her head. "You?"

"Nuh," the smaller girl replied. "I'll get Princess to help me finish it later... offer to lick her pussy if she will."

Mona giggled. "Lick mine and I'll help you with your homework too."

They both broke out in giggle fits now and somehow squirmed around into an embrace, rolling around naked and wrestling. Before long, they'd settled down again, simply hugging one another close and holding still.

"Mmm, nice boobs," Lisa whispered into Mona's neck.

"I know they're not Princess boobs, but I like 'em," Mona agreed. "They get me what I need."

Outside the door...

"So we have an accord, sir?" Karen asked as she stopped just beside the door of Mona's room, smiling at the young man she was walking with. "You give me that pass you scored to the exhibit..."

The young man nodded and held out the ticket. She took it from him and smirked as she slipped it into her deep-cut sweater, probably into her bra. "Are you ready?"

He nodded, seeming almost anxious.

Karen glanced left and right, making sure the hall was clear of other people. It usually was at this time of day, but you couldn't be too careful. Once she was convinced they were alone, she put one hand on the hem of her sweater and the other took hold of her skirt. With a tingle inside, she pulled them both up...

The boy's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she exposed herself to him. He gaped in awe at the sight of those lovely, huge breasts contained within the lacy black brassière, which deserved an award for the job it was doing holding her tits in place. Her tiny, lacy black panties concealed next to nothing, and it was perfectly obvious that she shaved smooth, except for the little trimmed strip of coppery hair that sat on her pubic mound.