Mike & Karen Ch. 32


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"Annnd ten," Kare said, finishing the count and lowering her sweater and skirt, the goods disappearing beneath. The boy blinked and looked up at her now almost in a panic. But she was right, it had indeed been ten seconds, and she'd probably counted slowly, if he was honest. She'd given him exactly what the trade called for. "So now, are we square, sirrah?"

He nodded, not showing his disappointment that his trip to heaven had ended. "Y-yeah, we are. Thanks."

Karen nodded simply, straightening herself out and not caring that he was watching. A few bonus seconds of nothing, really, but he seemed enthralled. "Excellent, and I thank you as well. I would say keep quiet about this, but who would believe you anyway?"

He considered and shrugged. She had a point. Not to mention if he started bragging, she'd find out and have him killed, probably messily.

"Off with you now, I have matters to attend to. Adieu, sir," she said, nodding to him, looking her imperious self again. He snapped out of his stupor and returned the nod before trotting off.

Karen watched him depart and shook her head, giving a little sigh. Boys were such uncomplicated creatures, after all. Even men were, if she was honest, never more than a single chemical reaction away from doing what she, or just about any other girl, wanted. It took a true titan of composure and will to withstand feminine persuasions. And such men were, thankfully, precious few.

She turned and opened the door, immediately hit by the smell of the room, making a wry face.

"Goodness," she remarked, making a note to change her clothes when she returned to her own room. Good thing it was laundry night. "If I didn't know better, I'd say I had walked into a Grateful Dead concert. Northern Lights, oui?"

She looked down now and saw Lisa and Mona tangled up in one another on the rug, naked as the day they were born. They were face to face, sharing little whispers and kisses, their hands tangling in each other's hair. Mona had one of her legs slung over Lisa's thigh.

"And you two must be quite altered if you're lying here naked and... oh, what's the term Remington uses... 'lezzing out'."

"We're not lezzing, we're just sharing naked cuddles and kisses," Mona sniffed, finally looking up at Karen for a moment before going back to Lisa.

"'sides, lezzin' out is all I do," Lisa added, stroking her hand along Mona's flank and down to her butt. "You'n'me do it all the time, Kar."

"An' I've snuggled with you like this lots of times," Mona said. "How many times've I been squished up in those big ol' boobies of yours?"

"You probably won't be able to remember before the semester ends, at this rate," Karen pointed out, waving a hand in front of her face before going over to the window and pulling the heavy curtain open, actually allowing the acrid air in the room to escape. "Opening the window doesn't do any good if the curtain is acting like another window, ladies."

They both groaned and rested their foreheads together. The curtain. They just knew they'd forgotten something.

"In any event, I need Mona's un-hazed attention," Karen continued, going over to the bed of Mona's roommate and sitting down on it, resting casually back on her hands and crossing one leg over the other. "Go to the window and take some deep breaths, woman. This is worth your while."

Mona sighed and slowly peeled herself away from the redhead, rolling up into a standing position. She walked somewhat unsteadily over to the window and leaned out, taking some deep breaths. It didn't faze her that her pert dancer's butt was popped out so that Karen and Lisa could both see it, and she probably wasn't aware that she was leaning far enough out of the window that her tits were on display to anyway who happened to walk by and looked up. At least her dorm room was at the back of the building and not facing out toward the green.

"Now what's so important that you're trying to kill my buzz, Princess?" she asked finally, pulling back into the room and looking at Karen while leaning on the windowsill.

"Oh, I don't know," Karen said, reaching down into her cleavage and pulling out something that she held up for display. "Maybe this?"

Mona squinted for a moment before coming closer. Karen was still holding the ticket aloft, waving it subtly between her index and middle fingers. The black girl took it from her and looked closely to see what it said. Hey eyes shot open, all traces of her buzz evacuating her system immediately.

"Kar, this... this is a ticket to the Raphael exhibit at the art gallery," she breathed, her voice betraying her disbelief. "They've been sold out for over two years now, since before we even got here to the university! How did you... did your father give you this?!"

"No," Karen said with an elegant shake of her head. "Even my parents couldn't get their hands on any."

"It must've cost a fortune," Mona said, still staring at the ticket.

"Barely anything, honestly," the bronze-haired beauty answered. "But I know how much it meant to you, so I thought I would procure a ticket for you. Pity it was only the one."

She wondered how that kid had managed to get a ticket to such an exclusive event to begin with.

"Omigosh, Kar," Mona said in a trembling voice, begin to bounce up and down in excitement. "I... I... EEEEEE!!!"

Before even Karen was ready, the naked girl tackled her, sending her back on the bed and holding her tight, planting kisses all over her face. "I love you! I can't believe it! God, I could just lick your cunt right off for this!"

"Maybe when you're not higher than a kite," Karen tittered, yet allowing herself to be kissed and molested. She knew Mona would quit momentarily because the excitement about the ticket for admission to see Raphael, one of her favourite Renaissance artists, would win out. Lisa was just sitting on the floor, her feet pressed together, holding them and bouncing her knees while she watched the antics on the bed.

"Eeeeeee!" Mona squealed again, flopping down on her back on the bed, holding the ticket to her chest and kicking her feet in the air. "I've got a golden ticket!"

"You're welcome, Charlotte," Karen said, managing to sit up again now that her friend wasn't on top of her. "Maybe we will go out later to celebrate your acquisition, hm? In the meantime, I no doubt need to get Red here back up to our own room and quiz her on her homework."

Lisa shook her head. "One cunt-licking coming up..." she grumbled.

A few minutes later...

"Well, y'certainly made Mona's incarnation there, Princess," Lisa said as she closed the door behind them now that they were back in their room. She began removing her clothes once again, since she was still high enough that they made her itchy. That, and she just liked being naked with Karen. Good things happened when she was naked with her roomie. "How did you even get a hold of that?"

"An equitable trade," Karen lilted as she stood in front of her vanity, slipping her sweater off to reveal her large bust, encased in the lacy black bra. Her short, pleated skirt followed, and then the leg warmers she was wearing. Karen somehow made those look sexy. Then again, her legs would make burlap look sexy.

"Well, if anyone was gonna have something lying around that would match the value of that ticket, it's gonna be you," Lisa concluded, since her roomie didn't seem all that intent on elaborating. Karen had her methods, and sometimes mere mortals were just not meant to know. That happened a lot with Princess and DeBourne, actually. Sometimes Mike would do the exact opposite and go into detailed explanations until you asked him to stop. Just his way of making you pay for asking to begin with. "She'll be on Cloud Nine all week."

"I would hope so," Karen said simply, checking her hair in the mirror, running her elegant hands through it. Lisa smiled, knowing that she was the first person today to see Karen Gordon in her underwear. "And since Mona is unlikely to follow through with her threat to, pardon my vernacular, 'lick my cunt right off', I don't suppose you would care to pinch-hit, would you, darling?"

"Now you're talkin' my language, Kar!" Lisa laughed as she almost skipped across the carpet and into the arms of her roomie and lover.             


One of the gymnasiums on campus, the present...

"Sooooo, y'got deets yet?" Jeanie asked as she and Freja pulled Alexa into the seats running around the upper deck of the long space. Down below, some basketball team was practicing loudly. They sat her down between them and made her talk.

"Well, nothing concrete, of course," the gorgeous blonde said with a shrug. "Gotta give it a little time, right? Apparently aunt Li is holding a meeting in the Chestnut cafeteria, and Janet and Mona will be with her. Then she's holding another meeting after that. We'll see what happens, but I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with a lot of volunteers."

"What will these volunteers be doing?" Freja asked, holding her bestie's hand.

"I don't know, exactly, but aunt Li's the expert in this, along with Mike and Kar. If they think there's a need and that they can whip up an army here on campus, well, they're the ones who would know. Instead of just a shouting mob, an organization. People assigned to do different things, I guess. Get the word out, recruit new people, run back and forth to make copies of documents or flyers, people willing to attend hearings if the case is public... that sorta thing."

"You'n' Alex are both so calm about this all," Jeanie sighed, squeezing Alexa's other hand. "I mean, if this was happening to me, I'd be fainting. It ain't happening to me, and I'm still getting the jitters and butterflies, y'know?"

"I'd probably be a lot more nervous if I didn't have Alex," Alexa admitted. "He's like Kar and Mike. Once his mind's made up, he stops worrying and just does his thing without blinking. It's mostly the DeBourne in him, Kar says. He's relentless."

"Well we've all fucked him, so we know that much," Jeanie quipped, and the three girls giggled, huddling together. The noise on the gym floor below no doubt drowned out anything they were saying, so they didn't have to worry about people listening. And even if they were, so what? What they were talking about was hardly a secret these days, and hadn't been since Christmas.

And with Alex, Kar, Mike, Mona, Janet, Lisa, Jenny, Freja, Jeanie, and others on her side, how could she possibly not get what she wanted?

"It's weird to be here and not havin' the boys starin' at me," Jeanie said, looking down at the action below. "But we just kinda slipped in, and they're really involved in their practice. I doubt they even know we're here."

"Oh, they know we're here," Alexa said in a certain voice. "Best believe it."

"Nobody's looked up even once," the brunette pointed out.

"Guess a li'l demonstration's in order," Alexa sighed, shaking her head. "Watch the floor..."

The tall, buxom blonde stood up. Alexa was wearing very snug, low-rider jeans that hugged every glorious curve of her hips, legs, and ass. She was wearing a tight, cropped tee that showed off her large bust, the bra beneath just visible. Without a word, she had a strong hair tie in her mouth and was pulling all her golden locks back behind her head, starting to make a long ponytail.

Even single guy below who was supposed to be working with a basketball missed or lost it, the ball bouncing by because they were gawking up at her.

THAMMMP! went one of the balls as it bounced off a player's head.

Another kid who had been leaping to complete a slam dunk whiffed and crashed into one of the walls.

"See? They were watching," Alexa said simply, never completing putting her hair in the promised ponytail. The floor below was still a confused mess, with the practice coach yelling at his players. "Any boy who likes blowjobs will never miss noticing when a girl is pulling her hair back."

"Dayyyyum," Jeanie breathed, never ceasing to be amazed by the shock and awe Lexi wielded so casually when she chose to. "I need me some blonde superpowers."

"I am needing me some tits," Freja grumbled, shaking her head as the basketball team tried to get back in some semblance of order.


The Chestnut Cafeteria...

"And that's what we're doing here," Lisa announced, standing in front of a group of tables and addressing a few dozen students. Janet and Mona were sitting behind her, letting her take point. She was the expert, after all. "Every important movement in history has a seed it starts from, and germinates into something bigger, something grander, and achieves a desired end. You're all here because you support Alex and Alli as a couple, and you think they should be able to get married."

Several students agreed vocally, and just about everyone visibly nodded.

"And that means that the laws need to change about avunculate relationships," Lisa continued. "Genetically, they're actually pretty darn safe, unless the people being married have serious defects to begin with. Who here thinks Alex and Alli are genetically defective, based on their looks?"

A round of laughter from everyone.

"If you want more info on that, I've checked out medical sites that can be trusted, the Mayo, and so on," she said. "There are already quite a few countries where avunculate marriage is legal, even if it's not common. France, Norway, Australia, Finland, Argentina, Germany, Chile, Russia... why are they so far ahead of us on social issues?"

"That might be a bit of a stretch," Janet leaned in and whispered out of the side of her mouth into Mona's ear.

"We've been marching for gay rights for decades, and Canada was one of the first countries to legalize it nationally," Lisa said proudly, leaning forward, her hands on the table in front of her now. "Who we love, in an open and consenting relationship between adults, and who can be married, should not be regulated by a government. If anything, a government should be eager for the chance to tax a new, happily married couple, right?"

More laughter. Janet and Mona just watched in amusement, loving how Lisa the activist could work a crowd. When they were alone, she was very often the same old nervous, neurotic, gassy redhead they'd grown to love over the past thirty years. But when there was a cause to be fought for, Lisa was an expert, and a total firebrand. They'd watched her stare down racists, bigots, and police much larger than herself without flinching. People's rights meant everything to her.

Janet smiled, because as much as Mike or Karen had, Lisa was the one who compelled her to not only fight for expensive lawsuits, business ventures, or high-priced criminal cases, but also the rights of the marginalized, the oppressed, and the downtrodden. She'd fought for gay rights in court almost as soon as she'd graduated and while she got her doctorate. She'd spent the past few years in Alberta, fighting to protect indigenous lands from oil companies and developers. And she almost always did those cases pro bono.

Lisa had truly inspired her about that.

Mona felt the same way. Thanks to her friends, especially Lisa and Mike, she was always pushing to have marginalized people included in animated cartoons or movies in prominent roles. She didn't consider herself 'woke', not in the commonly understood sense of the term. She couldn't stand screamy, 'woke' kids. But she figured that if you slipped stuff in when nobody was looking, and made it the norm, sooner or later it was much less work when the time came to address the issue.

She remembered the time Mike had told her about the DC character Power Girl, and the iconic (and infamous) 'boob window' of her outfit. The artist Wally Wood had been drawing Kara Zor-El, and believed his bosses weren't paying much attention to what he was doing. He kept making the cleavage window on Power Girl's outfit subtly larger every issue until the higher-ups had a 'Whoah, what the Hell?!' moment months later. But by then, it was too late to change anything.

Mona was glad, she enjoyed drawing Power Girl's tits in her spare time. She hoped she could get Alli to pose for it. And maybe Supergirl with all that long blonde hair of hers.

But comics and even cartoons had been platforms for social issues over most of the course of their histories, even if it was only in the form of satire. Mona loved creating and working on compelling characters who made people want the change the representation. She wasn't quite sure just yet what her part here today was, but she was eager to play it.

"What I'm looking for are not just supporters, because I know Alex and Alli have legions of those," Lisa said, moving on to the next phase. "I'm looking for volunteers, people who believe in this enough to want to get involved, make a statement and make a difference. People in Social Studies, this oughta be right up your alley."

Many of the attendees nodded.

"And yeah, sorry, while it can't count as practicum for your courses, it's a great chance to cut your teeth on real issues and see how activism, truly applied and focused activism, works and can change things. Not just milling about in large crowds on the street and yelling, although there is indeed a time for that. But volunteers who will carry out tasks, recruit, and other important items, I want you to come and see me after this meeting is over."

She was aware of the fact that even people who were just walking by, or sitting at other tables and not part of the gathering, were listening in. Let them. She kept speaking. "There's a job to do, and a cause to win. And maybe it's a long-overdue cause, but here we are, and it's time to get going. Thank you, all of you for attending, it means the world to us. And I'll be right here. Dismissed!"

There was loud applause, and Lisa was flush with excitement. Some of the attendees dispersed, but pleasingly large number stayed and crowded around her now, complimenting and congratulating her on such an inspiring speech for a cause. They were asking about how they could volunteer, and what might be involved.

Janet and Mona were acting as her secretaries now, taking down names, numbers, emails, and interests for the people who were determined to be a part of this crusade.

A crusade...

This is what I'm meant to do, Lisa thought as she began giving directions and instructions, even while she heard Mona laughing behind her and promising to do a giant cartoon caricature drawing of the mighty team that was created. Not filing petitions about dog parks, or a school not having the requisite number of steps to it's secondary entrance. This is where I feel like I'm making a difference.

She only hoped Donna would see that and let her do it for as long as was necessary.


The Heisenberg Pub, not far away...

They were sitting at a small round table large enough for four in a quiet corner of the establishment. Jenny was sitting between Ted and Dave, and across from Anthony. She was drinking an English stout, while the boys had all opted for a domestic. She grinned at them as their second rounds and her third were dropped off by their server, a cute girl who smiled at them pleasantly.

"Don't try to keep up, gentlemen, it wouldn't be fair," she said simply, once the girl had departed. "That's not me impugning your masculinity, I'm just saying that I have been drinking almost twice as long as any of you have been alive. And frankly, I'd rather keep you sober for our little chat, yes?"

They all just nodded. Jenny took a stiff drink from her oversized glass, and beamed her dazzling smile. "I expect you to answer this question honestly, gents, no egos allowed. Are any of you virgins?"