Mistress to Slave


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Once all three men had ejaculated inside of me, I was left laying on the grass. I had orgasmed three times as they held me airtight. As I was recovering from my bliss, I heard a strange sound. It seemed to be a cross between euphoria and agony. Looking up, I saw that Mistress had her large strap-on dildo buried inside Tom's ass. I saw the look of pure humiliation on his face as cum dribbled out of his caged dick.

When we recovered from our ordeal, we were ordered to shower. Per previous orders, we showered together. That way I could shave Tom, and he could shave me. We were to be completely hairless from the neck down. Showered, shaved, and dried off. Then it was applying lotion all over our bodies. Finished, we checked in with our Mistress. She ran the house. Our former male slaves could use us whenever they wanted, but it was Mistress that gave us our orders.

"OK." She began. "You want to wear a uniform? I will give you a uniform to wear. Dicklet there will also wear a uniform. He will obviously need to change into a different uniform when he is working outside. I don't want him ruining his inside uniform while he is working in the fields. Also, his inside uniform would be more than a bit uuummm, impractical for manual labor."

Mistress directed us to the dining room table where there were two boxes sitting. One had 'CUNT' written on it, the other had 'MICRODICK' written on it. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which box was for who. We each took our box and looked inside at our new uniforms. Be carful of what you wish for, you just might get it.

OK. So at least we would not be completely naked. I mean, that was a plus, wasn't it? I saw Tom look over at me in horror after he opened his box. Yeah, I was horrified as well, but I could see how much worse it would be for him. We both began pulling our uniforms out of the boxes. Black stiletto pumps with 6-inch spiked heels. Matching. They were even the correct sizes for each of us. Black seamed silk stockings. Again, matching. Black lacy garter belts. Yes, matching. Black with white lace trim maid's caps. We each also got a large anal plug with a strange wire sticking out the end. The only part of our 'uniforms' that was not perfectly matching was the thin gold chains. It took a bit of figuring out, but I finally realized that one of the chains fit around our waists. That's where they differed. On mine, the second chain connected to the waist chain at the back, then ran down my ass crack, up through my cunt (very snugly), and connected to the front of my waist chain. It only took two steps to realize the torture that I would be put through during the day. No, not pain, but the chain would be pulling and moving with every step. It was embedded inside my cunt lips and sat directly on my clitoris. I knew that by the end of the day I would be horney enough to fuck a cactus in the middle of Times Square. Tom had a chain that connected to his waist chain, then went down and connected to the end of his dick cage.

Having no choice, we donned out 'uniforms'. I had much more experience with stockings and garters, so I had to assist Tom in putting his on. I also had to give him a crash course in walking with the high heels. Eventually, we were able to return to Mistress for further orders. For the rest of the day, Tom and I performed out duties as maids. That was mainly spent cleaning the house. Picking up, dusting vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry, preparing meals, refreshing drinks, Oh, and, of course, orally serving Mistress and the men whenever their whims called for it.

As expected, by mid-afternoon my cunt was gushing with desire. That fucking chain in my crotch was driving me insane. As if that wasn't bad enough, I finally figured out what that strange wire handing out of the base if the butt plug was for. I was vacuuming the living room. I glanced up at Mistress as she was sitting on the couch. She had her cellphone in her hands. I saw a wicked smirk on her face. As I watched, with exaggerated gestures, she tapped a couple of times on her phone. Suddenly, I dropped to my knees as powerful vibrations suddenly exploded in my ass. I dropped to my hands and knees and automatically began thrusting my hips back and forth in an attempt to fuck the non-existent cock behind me. I heard a strange groan from across the room. I looked over and saw that Tom had dropped his duster and was trying to stroke his caged dick. His hips were also thrusting back and forth as the anal vibrations were causing him distress as well. Just as I was on the verge of orgasm. Mistress tapped her phone and the vibrations abruptly stopped.

"No, no, Slut. I haven't given you permission to orgasm." She scolded me.

It took a few minutes and a stroke of her riding crop across my ass before I could stand on shaky legs and continue my chores. It took Tom three strokes of the crop on his ass. Throughout the day, both Tom and I experienced random vibrations in our asses, but it was never long enough for us to cum. Dinner was spent with Tom under the table giving blowjobs as Mistress and the men ate. I spent the time serving food and refreshing drinks. Yes, everyone groped and fondled me throughout dinner. After dinner was done, Tom and I cleaned up, then were allowed to eat.

With dinner completed, Mistress and the men adjourned to the living room. Tom began clearing the table as I served drinks. Once drinks were served, Tom and I cleaned up, quickly ate dinner, then completed putting the leftovers away and cleaning the kitchen. Returning to the living room, I quickly refreshed the drinks, then we awaited further orders. Yep, you know what came next. Fucking FINALLY! I was hotter than a two-dollar whore on the day a battleship made port. After being given the commands, Tom and I almost ripped off our waist and crotch chains, pulled out our butt plugs, and got into position. My position was with my head buried in Mistress's pussy. For some reason, she never had Tom lick her; it was always me. Just before I sank my tongue into her center, I noticed some white fluid seeping out of her. Yep, the salty taste told me that Jerome had just fucked her. Seriously people, I had sucked all of them off enough times by that point that I could tell who's cum it was. Mistress was sitting in the wingback chair. I was on my knees with my arms wrapped around her thighs. As my tongue was giving Clarise a severe tongue lashing, Patrick took the opportunity to sink his 7-inch cock deep into my cunt. No, I don't have yes in the back of my head. I distinctly said it was a 7-inch cock. Patrick has a 7-inch cock. Jerome has a 10-inch cock. Marcelles has the 8-inch cock. At this point, I don't need eyes in the back of my head to know who is fucking me. I couldn't see Tom, but I heard him. It was obvious that he was being double teamed most of the evening. Each man had fucked me in both my cunt and ass. As a reward for giving her several nice orgasms, Mistress had Tom lick my cunt and ass clean before we went to bed.

The next morning, Tom and I got up when the alarm sounded. We showered together and helped each other wash and shave. We donned our new uniforms and went down to prepare breakfast. Breakfast was served by me, and the men were serviced by Tom. Yada, yada, yada. Same thing, different morning. The dishes were removed, Tom and I quickly ate then cleaned up. Kitchen cleaned, then it was time to see Mistress and get the day's orders. Tom had been in a cock cage since that awful day when our worlds were turned upside down.

Mistress decided that it was time to inspect Tom's dick for any adverse effects from the cage. No surprise that the second she removed the cage, his dick inflated to its full 5-inches. OK, so I didn't marry him for the size of his dick. He had other admirable qualities. He had a good career, was a loving man, would make an excellent father to our future children, and I actually did love him. OK, so maybe I faked my orgasms when he was fucking me, but I didn't fake the ones when he was licking my pussy; he was actually pretty good at that. The bad news was that Mistress couldn't get the cage back on his dick until it was fully flaccid. That' where I came in. It took sucking him off twice before he became flaccid enough to put the cage back on. I had gotten used to the taste of the three men in the house by that point. I had never really enjoyed the taste of semen to begin with. Of course, Tom's was the only one I had tasted before the government was overthrown. Since then, I had gotten used to the younger men's taste. They had actually tasted better - marginally - than Tom. I don't know if it was just that Tom had not cum for a while, or that he had changed. I actually gaged at the rancid taste when he came in my mouth those two times. Still, I was ordered to swallow it.

I was actually surprised when I orgasmed. No, it wasn't from swallowing Tom's rancid semen. It was from when the leather strap that Mistress was whipping me with struck dead center on my clitoris because I couldn't help spitting out Tom's nasty cum after the second time he came in my mouth. For God's sake, the first time gave me the dry heaves. Regardless, I spit it out and Mistress whipped my cunt with a leather strap. Strike number five was directly on my clit. Mistress made a big deal of measuring how far my squirt went. Six feet, for those of you that need to know. I guess that I am turning into a pain slut.

So, life went on. It was six months since the revolution ended. Mistress informed us that she was having company later in the morning. The house needed to be spotless, and refreshments prepared. Tom was tasked to clean, and I was tasked to help Mistress prepare. By this point, I had been trained and conditioned to enjoy sex with women. It was not really a chore to get my hands and tongue on Mistress as I bathed her. I managed to bring her to a few orgasms as I washer her in the shower, and another one as I applied lotion to her skin after drying her off. My only regret is that she deemed to not give me an orgasm after I had satisfied her. I had that lesson instilled in me long ago. Mistress owns my body and soul. I am only allowed to orgasm at her pleasure.

At 10:00 AM, the doorbell rang. I had become accustomed to being naked by this point, but that was only with those in the house. I was suddenly flush with a new humiliation of realizing that I would now be naked in front of other people as well. That shot a fresh jolt of excitement through my cunt. I was soon to discover an even deeper humiliation.

"Slut, answer the door and welcome my guests." Mistress ordered.

Blushing furiously, I opened the door and almost passed out from shock. There on the porch stood Natalie and Simone, the young twin slaves that the Henderson's owned. Standing behind them wearing collars and leashes with their hands tied behind their backs were Donna Henderson and her two sons and daughter, 22-year-old David, 20-year-old Jeff, and 18-year-old Trish. Donna's husband Michel was not with them. Worse for me, they were all fully dressed, so I was again the only naked person in the room. Still, I had a task to complete, and I didn't want to earn another whipping.

"Welcome to Mistress's home. Please come in. Mistress will receive you in the living room." I welcomed them.

I closed the door behind them, then escorted them into the livingroom where Mistress stood to greet them. Mistress greeted the sisters by clasping their hands and kisses to their cheeks in turn. She then offered them to sit. Of course, Donna and her children were ignored with the simple command to remain standing beside the couch that the sisters were sitting on. I scurried off to the kitchen to get tea and snacks.

The women were talking animatedly when I returned to the living room with the silver platter carrying the teapot, cups, milk and sugar, as well as some light snacks for the guests. I discovered that Donna's husband had been killed during the revolt. He was one of the guards for the Presidential Palace. Their property was smaller than ours, but it was adjacent to us. Along with the two sisters, they had four male slaves to work in the fields. After serving the tea, I took my spot standing beside Mistress.

"So, ladies, what can I do for you today." Mistress asked her guests.

"Well, it's just that owning these slaves is more trouble than it's worth. They are pretty much useless. They can't do anything. That bitch," Natalie said pointing at Donna. "Has no clue about doing any housework. She can't cook, and she just fucks up everything she is told to do. That one (pointing to Trish) is even worse. I swear, the only thing that she seems halfway capable of is breathing and complaining. We tried having the two boys work in the fields, but they also have no clue about actually working. Then, they are too weak to be of much use even with the simplest of tasks. It's to the point that our guys find it easier to just work the fields by themselves. These four wastes of breathable air just sit around doing nothing except eat and sleep.

"Then, there is the issue of the rest of our family. Their corrupt husband and father saw us out shopping one day and decided that he wanted us as slaves. What he wanted was two young women to use as sex slaves, and his wife wanted a couple of slaves as maids. He framed us for a crime we didn't commit, then used his influence to get us convicted. We were just a normal family going about our own business. We never owned slaves. We didn't need them. Thankfully, that allowed my family to escape most of the issues with the rebellion and not become slaves themselves. Since we are now the owners of the estate, we are moving the rest of our family into the mansion. Our parents have already sold their house, and are getting ready to move in. These useless idiots are just taking up space that we need for other purposes. We just want to get rid of them."

"Hmmm. Yes, I can see how that is a problem. Have you, perhaps, thought about using them differently? Maybe training them to perform less strenuous tasks that would help you besides doing housework and cooking? There are even a few things that I know that they can already do adequately and can quickly increase their skills at."

"Really? What kind of tasks?" Simone asked.

I really hadn't considered that my humiliation could get much worse. I was wrong.

"Slut, go get Dicklet and the men and bring them here. Quickly!" Mistress commanded.

I had a bad feeling about this. A few minutes later, I came back into the room with Tom and the three men following me. I heard Tom gasp at the sight when he came into the room. I knew that he must have been humiliated beyond belief by being seen by our neighbors and friends in his condition. He was wearing his house uniform, stilettos, stockings and garter belt, and his dick cage. Our humiliation was about to get much, much worse.

"Slaves," Mistress commanded. "Remove your plugs, get on your hand and knees, and service my guests." She then turned to the men. "While they are servicing my guests, feel free to use their other holes."

Natalie and Simone looked shocked. "You mean that they are going to lick our vaginas?" Simone asked incredulously.

"Actually, you should use the correct wording." Mistress informed them. "Little girls have vaginas. Women like us have pussies and breasts. Slaves have cunts and tits. But yes; they are going to lick your pussies, and my friends here will be fucking their asses. Well, the slut will also be having her cunt fucked as well."

The girls looked at me. "Uuuummm, we're not lesbians." Natalie stated.

"No one said you were. Don't worry about the slut. A tongue is a tongue. Getting your pussy licked by a slut doesn't make you a lesbian or even bisexual. It's only the slut that is doing the licking that is the lesbian." Mistress encouraged.

They looked at each other, shrugged, then agreed. By that time, I had removed my crotch chain and butt plug. I was kneeling in front of Natalie, and Tom was in front of Simone. They lifted up a bit so we could raise their dresses and pull down their panties. As I leaned in to begin my oral task, I felt one of the men kneel behind me. As he began pushing his cock into my cunt, I heard Tom grunt beside me. One of the other men had just pushed his cock into Tom's ass. For the next half hour, Tom and I licked the girls to several orgasms. Marcellus had fucked my cunt, and Patrick had fucked my ass. I'm sure that my crying out in orgasm spurred on at least one of Natalie's orgasms. Jerome had taken Tom's ass.

"Wow. OK." Natalie huffed out after I had licked her to one last orgasm. "You think that those two bitches can be trained to do that?"

"Of course." Mistress assured. "Sure, they probably won't be very good at licking pussies at first, but practice will improve their skills. You can even have them practice on each other to entertain all of you. As for fucking the guys, they will naturally be able to do that. Besides, for the guys, even a bad fuck is good. They do say that there is no such thing as a bad blowjob. If they try and balk or just refuse to try and learn, you simply whip them until they start improving."

"So, what about the boys?" Simone asked.

"Well, they are slaves, so I wouldn't let them fuck you. That would give them a false sense of superiority. My men don't really care that Dicklet isn't a full woman. He still has a mouth and an asshole. Other than that, I have him doing household chores, and the guys have him out helping in the fields."

"We tried the housework and fieldwork with them. It didn't really work out. The women sound interesting, but we aren't really sure that supporting them just to be sex slaves is really worth it. We don't think that our parents would approve of having them around as sex slaves. It might also become a problem when relatives with children come to visit. The guys keep us pretty well satisfied. Can you take them off of our hands? I mean, as long as we can come over occasionally and play with them for a while." Natalie offered.

Mistress smiled. "Sure. I can do that. Now, let's get a good look at my new property. Rule one, slaves are not allowed to wear clothes on my property. Strip them!"

They struggled, but it did them no good. Jerome, Marcellus, and Patrick were just too big and strong. They also worked well together. The boys had their pants and underwear quickly pulled down to their ankles. Donna and Trish were wearing skirts and blouses. Their skirts and panties were easily removed. They were left only wearing blouses, bras and low-heeled pumps.

Two of the guys held Donna's arms while the other unbuttoned her blouse. It was quickly stripped off. Her bra was next. When she was fully naked, they reattached her cuffs behind her back. Trish was next. Both women were left wearing only their shoes. The boys were easier. They only had pullover shirts. Those were simply pulled over their heads and down their arms. The guys got some ropes from the toy box and tied their elbows together. The cuffs were removed, and the shirts were pulled off their arms. Their shoes and socks had been removed when their pants were pulled off.

Obviously, there had been no training over at their house. All four of them had been screaming and fighting. Mistress decided to make an example out of Donna. She first had the guys tie the boy's ankles and knees together and sat them on the floor. This ensured that they couldn't cause any problems. Donna was bent over the back of the couch with her ankles tied spread apart to the couch legs. The guys then uncuffed her wrists and pulled them out in front of her. Her wrists were tied to the front legs of the couch. This left her bent over the back of the couch with her ass up and her head was slightly lower. Trish was moved over and knelt down beside her mother's right leg.