Montana Summer Ch. 08


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Ryan saw the other man reach for something inside his jacket, reflexes took over, Ryan wouldn't remember drawing the Colt from its holster, his thumb cocking the hammer as he brought it across Bernie's back. The second man's arm was coming up with an automatic as the Colt exploded into life, the lead slug hitting him in the shoulder, sending him sprawling onto the ground. Ryan's thumb automatically cocked the hammer again, his arm rotating towards Hank.

"You two, put your hands in the air, and keep them there," Ryan ordered.

Hank had been in his line of work all of his life, and recognized the tone in Ryan's voice, it was the sound of a man in control of a situation. He slowly set his duffel bag on the ground; he carefully watched Ryan's face for any sign of weakness, there was none that he could perceive.

"You fucking shot me," the wounded man cried out.

Ryan ignored the man on the ground, he pointed at the woman, "You, move those bags up here, and be quick about it."

The woman would have been willing to trade sex for what was in the bags a few seconds earlier. She had thought about the young cowboy, and what was in his pants, the thought of what she would find there had turned her on. Now she knew there was no bargaining with him, she thought that he looked young, but he also seemed to have nerves of steel. For her, that just heightened the sexual attraction. Stella, that was her name, moved the bags to the spot where Ryan wanted them.

"Now, get his gun by the very end of the barrel with your thumb and finger, and bring it up here," Ryan looked at Hank, "You might as well toss your gun over here, with your left hand, and don't try to tell me that you don't have a one. I can see the bulge in your coat."

Hank swore softly under his breath, he couldn't believe that a kid on a horse had taken them. He slowly reached in his jacket and tossed his gun to where the duffel bags sat.

Stella dropped the other gun on the ground where Ryan directed.

"Toss the keys to the car, and your wallets up here now."

"What, you're fucking kidding me, you're going to rob us now? Hank had the sound of surprise in his voice.

"Nope," Ryan responded, "You can pick them up at the sheriff's office when you get back to town."

After the keys and wallets had been deposited on the ground, Ryan motioned with his pistol, "Pick up your friend and start moving down the hill."

Hank and Stella helped pick the wounded man up and Stella looked at Ryan, "He's hurt, we need to get him to a doctor."

Ryan nodded, "When I leave you will find the keys on the trail."

He watched them move down the hill, and once they were far enough down the hill he climbed down from Bernie, collected the wallets, and the two guns, and put them in one of the saddlebags. Then he tied the duffel bags together and slung them over top of the saddlebags.

Ryan and Bernie started down the hill and gave the trio a wide berth. About halfway to the gate Ryan dropped the keys on the trail, and spurred Bernie, "Ok fella, it's time we rode."

It was only when Ryan and Bernie rode up to the ranch that Ryan began to shake. Uncle Bill had coming running from the house when Ryan and Bernie had ridden in at a full gallop. White foam was around Bernie's nostrils and mouth, his big chest heaved, as he sucked in air.

Uncle Bill took one look at Bernie, and then at Ryan, "What the hell..."

As soon as Ryan had told his uncle what had happened Uncle Bill headed into the house and was on the phone with the sheriff.

Ryan was pulling the saddle off of Bernie when Uncle Bill came back outside, Ryan had a tear in his eye, he looked at his uncle, "Bernie was at a full gallop all the way from Baxter's, and he didn't slow up once."

Uncle Bill whistled and ran his hand through his hair, "God almighty, that's close to fifteen miles."

About the time they had Bernie cooled off, and rubbed down the Sheriff and one of his deputies arrived.

Milt Walker, the sheriff, climbed out of the passenger side of the Ford Expedition, Tom Baker, the deputy was driving.

"Over here Milt," Uncle Bill waved.

"Afternoon Bill," Milt said as he walked up with his deputy in tow, "How's Suzanne, and Jessi."

"Just fine Milt. Howdy Tom," Uncle Bill acknowledged the presence of the deputy.

"Ok, now tell me, what the hell is going on, the dispatcher said something about a shooting up in the hills," Milt looked at Ryan who was still shaking a bit.

Uncle Bill pointed at Ryan, "He was riding the fence when he found the gate open under Baxter's Canyon, seems that he came across a group of people trying to steal stuff out of the canyon."

"What kind of stuff?" Milt asked.

Ryan pointed to the two duffel bags, "Looks like it's all Indian artifacts."

"Who got shot, the dispatcher said something about someone being shot?"

"I shot one of them, he was going for a gun, and I shot him in the shoulder," Ryan explained.

"Your gun was holstered?"


"You're telling me, that one of them went for a gun, you were still mounted, and you drew, and fired, and got him the shoulder," Milt took his hat off of his head, and ran his fingers through his graying hair, "Who the hell do you think you are, Wild Bill Hickock?"

The radio that Tom was carrying crackled, "King One, Dispatch."

Milt took the radio from Tom and responded, "King One."

"We got a call from the hospital, they have a man in the ER with a gunshot to the shoulder."

"Roger that, get three units rolling to the Hospital code red, there should be a man and woman with the wounded individual. They are to be held on charges of trespassing, theft, and attempted assault. I'll be bringing Ryan McFayden in to identify the suspects, and to get his statement."

"King One roger, King 3, King 5, King 8 code red, repeat King 3, King 5, King 8, code red, St. Luke's Hospital ER." Milt handed the radio back to Tom as the dispatched units acknowledged.

Milt looked at Ryan, "You don't mind coming in do you?"

"No, not at all," Ryan replied.

"Well Wild Bill, you might want to take that gun belt off, and take off your chaps, and then we will get going into town.

Ryan handed the gun, and holster to Uncle Bill and headed to the barn to take his chaps off, he stopped, and turned, and pointed to the saddle bags on the ground, "Look in the saddlebags, I took their wallets, they're in the right side, along with their two guns."

Milt looked at Tom, "Take care of that, put the wallets in evidence bags, make the guns safe, and then have dispatch run the serial numbers of the guns."

Aunt Suzanne drove up the driveway and immediately noticed the Sheriff's Expedition parked by the barn, and she noticed the serious look on her husband's, and the Sheriff's face. She shut off her car and walked quickly to where the men were standing.

"What's going on?" there was a look of concern on her face.

"Ryan caught some people trying haul some Indian stuff out of Baxter's, and," Bill paused, "He ended having to shoot one of them."

Suzanne's face blanched, she grabbed her husband's hands, "Ryan, is he okay?"

"Yes, yes, Ryan is fine, he's taking his chaps off, Milt and Tom are going to take him into town, they think they have them at the hospital, Milt wants Tom to identify them, and then give his statement," Uncle Bill tried to allay his wife's fears.

Just then Ryan walked out of the barn, and Aunt Suzanne ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him, and began to cry, "Thank God you're okay."

"Just a little shaken up," Ryan patted his Aunt's back as she continued to hold him tightly.

Milt looked at Ryan, "Okay let's get going, the other units are at the hospital, and have a man and woman matching your description in custody."

As Ryan climbed into the Expedition Uncle Bill ran up to door where Ryan was sitting in the back, "We'll meet you over at the Sheriff's office.


Becky answered the ringing phone, "Jessi, it's your mom."

Jessi rolled her eyes and took the phone from her mom, "Hi mom."

"What!" Jessi's face went white.

Becky immediately became concerned because of the tone of Jessi's voice; she looked at Jessi and mouthed the words, "What's going on?"

"No way," a little of the color had returned to Jessi's face, "Where was it?"

"Is he okay?" Jessi's hand gripped the phone tightly, and then relaxed.

Jessi looked at Becky, "Dad is getting on the phone, Ryan...Hi dad."

Becky hissed quietly, "What about Ryan?"

Jessi mouthed the word, "Wait," at Becky.

"Oh my god, you're kidding," Jessi started laughing, "Really? He's on his way into town now? Okay, we'll meet you at the Sheriff's office."

Jessi hung up the phone, tears started coming from her eyes.

"What's going on?" Becky was beside herself, anxious for an explanation.

"Ryan was up around Baxter's Canyon, and he found three people trying to take some Indian stuff out. According to dad a guy went to pull a gun on Ryan, and Ryan drew down and shot the guy in the shoulder. The Sheriff is bringing Ryan into town to ID the people, and mom and dad are going to meet him over at the Sheriff's office, and we can meet them there."

Becky's mouth dropped open in disbelief, "Ryan shot a guy? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, a little shaken up, that's all," Jessi wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"Let me get dressed, we'll take mom's car," Becky headed into the bathroom to get ready.

Jessi stood at the window and looked towards the mountains, tears still flowing slowly down her cheeks, she softly whispered, "My cowboy..."


Ryan had positively ID'd Hank, Stella, and the third man at the hospital. The one called Hank had tried to protest saying that Ryan had held them up and shot his buddy in the shoulder, but the Sheriff cast a dour glance in Hank's direction, and hadn't even responded to the man's accusations.

Hank and Stella had been taken into custody, and the man in the hospital was placed under arrest, and a deputy posted at his hospital room door.

Now Ryan's stock in the small town had already risen because of what he had done at the rodeo the past weekend, people in town thought of him as a local now, one of their own. Old men who gathered at the local café for coffee and a good chin wag in the mornings said they hadn't seen cowboying like that in many a year. On this day Ryan could have run for mayor, and the mayor would have voted for him. Word had spread through the town like wildfire, and when Ryan emerged from the Sheriff's office a crowd of about forty people had gathered to slap him on the back.

What Ryan had done meant something to them, they could relate to it. He had defended his land against interlopers. As the story spread through the town it had become embellished, people had gathered to see the young cowboy who had remained as cool as ice. Like a tale that could have come out places like Deadwood, Dodge City, or Tombstone, they came to marvel at the young hero who had slapped leather with the villains and had come out on top.

As soon as Ryan had come out Jessi had run up to him, wrapping her arms tightly around him, "Oh God Ryan, if you would have been hurt, I don't know what I would have done," her tears started flowing again as she buried her head into his chest.

Ryan held her tightly fighting off his own tears, he had missed her, missed her more than he thought humanly possible. He was afraid that his voice might betray him but he managed to whisper out, "Oh Jessi..."

They had stopped at Becky's on the way home after eating in town, Jessi had decided to come home, and needed to get her belongings. She sat in the back seat of her mother's car with Ryan; the darkness hid her hand that was locked with Ryan's hand.

Ryan had gone out to the corral to check on Bernie, and to give him an apple. Bernie nuzzled Ryan's shoulder as Ryan began to slice the apple, and feed it to him.

"I'm going out to see Ryan," Jessi told her parents.

Her mother had objected, "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Damn it, I'm not a child anymore mom, he could have been killed up there today, I'm an adult, and I'm going to go see him," Jessi had a look of determination on her face as she walked out the door.

"William!" Aunt Suzanne looked at her husband.

"Leave them be, haven't we done enough to screw things up these past few days," Uncle Bill's face was tinged with sadness, "And she's right, he could have been killed up there today. They'll be heading off to school soon, and maybe that will cool things down. But tonight, just leave them be."

Uncle Bill got up and gave his wife a hug, "Things will work out, they always do," he let out a big sigh, "Damn, I meant to call Charlie, I wonder if he is still up?"


Jessi walked outside, and out to the corral, she rubbed Bernie's head, "Hey mooch."

Ryan smiled at Jessi, "You should have seen him today, he ran at full gallop all the way from Baxter's to the ranch, and didn't slow up once."

Jessi shook her head, "He amazes me, since you started riding him he has changed to what Dad always thought he could be," Jessi looked into Ryan's eyes, "And you amaze me too cowboy," she wrapped her arms tightly around him, "I don't know what I would have done if you had been hurt up there. I don't even want to think about it."

Ryan held her in his arms, never wanting to let go, he knew it was wrong of him to feel the way he did, but he couldn't help it, "Naw, I was pretty careful up there."

"I've missed you so much," she whispered as she laid her head against his chest.

Ryan felt his heart melt, "God Jessi, you have no idea how much I have missed you."

"Do you want to go up to your place and talk for a while?" Jessi asked quietly.

"Yeah, I would, but what about your mom and dad?" Ryan replied.

"I told them that I was I was an adult, and I was coming out to see you, tonight they can go to blazes, I want to spend some time with you, we don't have a whole lot of time left before we both will be gone."

Ryan took Jessi's hand, and they headed up to Ryan's place in the barn.

Ryan sat down on the couch, and Jessi lay in his lap looking up at him, she reached up and touched his cheek, and giggled, "My cowboy is going to be the talk of the town tomorrow morning. They might even put a statue of you downtown, the last of the gunslingers."

"I hope not," Ryan laughed at the thought, "I doubt if anyone will remember my name by next week."

Jessi grinned, "Well I bet you could go into town tonight and get laid in under five minutes, especially if Hot Lips Hannah spots you, I saw her the other night, I think she has the hots for you."

Ryan playfully tapped Jessi on her head, "Hell I don't even know her, and I don't think I've said more than two words to the girl."

"Well, I saw the look in her eyes the other night, and if we hadn't have shown up, no telling what she might have done to you," Jessi enjoyed teasing Ryan, she loved the way he blushed.

"Hmm," Ryan pretended to be thinking hard, "Maybe I should go into to town and look her up, I'm kind of feeling my oats tonight."

"You brat, you do that, and I'll never talk to you again."

"Well, a fella needs a little action every now and then," Ryan sensed that he might be gaining an advantage.

Jessi sighed softly, "Yeah I guess you do, hell I needed a little action myself," Jessi blushed, her voice got very quiet, "Becky and I played with each other last night, like we did when we were camping."

Ryan groaned, "Oh god, don't tell me that."

"Maybe I shouldn't have told you," Jessi teased.

"No, you shouldn't have," Ryan could feel his erection swelling quickly.

Jessi was feeling mischievous, "And just why, pray tell, why shouldn't I have told you."

"You know damn well why," Ryan sighed and shook his head, he had no control over the ever swelling organ in his jeans.

"Uh uh," Jessi shook her head, her face as innocent looking as she could get it, "I have no idea what you mean."

"Damn you Jessi," Ryan laughed, "You know what you do, you make me so damned hard."

"Oh! Are you hard? Oh poor boy, maybe I should leave so you can take care of yourself," Jessi felt herself getting more than just a little turned on, but she was also having conflicting thoughts about Ryan, after all, he was her half brother. She pushed that thought out of her mind; he was her cowboy first, and foremost.

She loved teasing Ryan, "Would you like me to get you a movie to watch, or maybe one of those magazines, maybe they would help," she sat up and reached her hand down to the bulge in his jeans, "Oh, I see what you mean, you have a real problem here."

It felt so good to Ryan, to feel her hand rubbing up against the hardness in his jeans, "Yeah I do, and your not doing anything to help it."

Jessi's voice purred, "Well maybe I could do something to help it, what would think about that?"

Ryan closed his eyes, her hand felt so good on his swollen erection, he too was having a battle of wills in his mind, he knew it was wrong, but the way he felt about her, it wasn't the way a brother should feel about his sister, in the end he whispered, "I'd like that, having you do something to help it."

Jessi felt her own lust rising, she could feel the heat growing between her legs, her clit began to get that feeling, a sort of an itch, an itch that needed to be taken care of, "Would you like me to take my top off? I know how much you like my boobs."

"Yes," Ryan licked his lips in anticipation, "You know I'd like that."

"Do you want to go back to your bedroom, I think we would be more comfortable back there," Jessi's hand kept moving up and down along the bulge in his pants.

Ryan nodded, "Yes, let's go back there, we will definitely be more comfortable."

Jessi stood up first; she pulled on his hand, pulling Ryan up off of the couch. She put her arms around him and pulled him tightly against her. Jessi could feel Ryan's hardness pressing against her as she moved her lips to his and began to kiss him deeply.

Their tongues slid in and out of each other's mouths, their lips ground hard against each other's. Ryan pulled Jessi tightly against him, his hips grinding his stiff erection hard against her. Jessi's hands dropped to Ryan's butt and she began to squeeze his firm ass cheeks in her hands.

"Do you think this is wrong?" Ryan whispered.

"No, not now," Jessi whispered back, "I don't care right now, I just want you."

Ryan led Jessi to the bedroom and began to slowly remove his clothes; Jessi took her shirt off, and then her pants. She watched as Ryan unzipped his jeans, and pulled them down. His stiff cock was already poking out of his boxers, she licked her lips, and how she wanted that cock.

As soon as Ryan was naked Jessi pointed at the bed, "Lay down," she paused for a moment, "Please."

Jessi pulled her panties off, but left her bra on, and then straddled Ryan, his engorged member just inches from her smooth, shaved pussy, "You've said that you want to watch me masturbate, now you're going to get your chance," Jessi smiled at Ryan, "Would you like me to take off my bra?"

"Oh yes, I want to see your breasts," Ryan eyes were glued to her hands as she reached and began to undo the clasp at the front on her bra. Slowly she undid the black lacy bra, and slowly let go, the bra cups stayed in place on her firm breasts. Ryan's breathing increased as he watched her slowly bend over, her bra finally dropped away revealing her naked breasts, her pinkish nipples already fully erect.

With one hand Jessi spread her swollen pussy lips open, allowing Ryan to fully explore her sex with his eyes, "Do you like that Ryan?"

He reached for his throbbing member, "Yes I do, that looks so hot."

Jessi pushed his hand away from his cock, "Don't touch yourself, not yet, I just want you to watch me for now."

Ryan let go of his erection and watched Jessi as she spread her legs further, her pussy mere inches from his aching cock. Her right hand went between her legs, and she began touching her swollen clit, her finger beginning to bring the relief that it sought so desperately.