Montana Summer Ch. 08


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"Do you want to know what I'm thinking about while I'm playing with myself?" Jessi's voice was laced with lust.

"Yes," Ryan's eyes were locked on her fingers that were deftly touching her clit.

"I'm thinking of your big hard cock, and how much I love it," this just made Jessi even hotter, she continued, "I like sucking on your cock, taking as much of it as I can, feeling it fill my mouth completely. Do you like it when I suck you Ryan?"

Ryan wanted to touch his cock right now, it was all he could to refrain from taking his aching organ into his hand and begin stroking it. He was so hard, and so turned on that he could feel his manhood throbbing, "Yes, oh fuck yes, I love it when you go down on my cock, sucking me off the way you do."

Jessi's finger sped up, rubbing up and down on her clit, "You like that do you? Do you like cumming in my mouth? I love it when you cum in my mouth, you taste so good."

"You know I like it when I cum in your mouth, My cock just aches right now, I need to stroke it," Ryan moaned, he was in near agony watching Jessi.

"Wait," Jessi said, she reached down and gave his cock a few strokes and then held the tip flat against his body, she scootched forward and spread her puffy labia open and began to move her hips in quick little movements, rubbing her wet clit against the under side of his aching dick.

"Play with my tits," Jessi moaned, "Squeeze my nipples."

Ryan moaned as she began to rub her wet slit along his rigid shaft, it felt so good; he reached up and began to fondle her jiggling tits. They felt so firm in his hands; he ran his fingers over the smooth surface of her breasts, down to her nipples, pulling on them gently.

"Does that feel good Ryan?" Jessi whimpered as her hips went faster and faster, stimulating her hard little button.

"That feels awesome," Ryan's eyes were half closed with lust, 'I've never felt anything like it before."

"Oh yeah baby it does feel awesome, your cock is so hard," Jessi's hips continued moving in short, sharp thrusts, moving as fast as she could move. The stimulation that her clit was receiving was sending pulses of pleasure flowing through her body fueling her lust even more.

Ryan would cup her breasts, squeeze them gently, and then pull her nipples, and then let go, and then watch her breasts jiggle and shake with her movements; he could feel the pressure in his balls.

"Oh baby, you're going to make me cum soon," Ryan's voice was hoarse with carnal desire.

Jessi moved further up on Ryan, her hand went between her legs, she grasped his stiff cock in her hand, and held the tip hard against her clit and began to jack his cock rapidly, "Yes Ryan, cum for me, cum hard against my clit."

Jessi's climax was only seconds away now, the tip of his engorged organ against her aching clit felt so good. Her hand moved up and down his shaft as fast as she could move it. Her body began to shake at the same time that she felt the first spurt of hot, creamy cum shooting against her clit. She felt so slick and wet from his cum, and from her own juices. She could feel each spurt against her clit, and it made her orgasm even more intense.

Ryan groaned loudly as the release came, her hand was jacking him furiously, he could feel her hard little nub poking against the rubbery head of his cock. Each spurt brought him further relief, with Jessi's hand coaxing the load from his cock.

After Jessi's orgasm passed she collapsed next to Ryan, her eyes were sparkling as she asked him, "Well, did you like that."

Ryan kissed her gently on the lips, "Damn, I don't think I've ever been that turned on before."

Jessi put her arms around Ryan and kissed him, "Me neither, never. God I love you cowboy."

Ryan held her tightly, "I love you too Jessi, with all my heart."

They lay there in each other's arms for the longest time, just whispering and talking the way lovers do. Just enjoying the moment, made all the more special because of the love they felt for each other.

The hour was late when Ryan walked Jessi back to the house, he didn't want her to leave, he wanted for her to spend the night. Jessi felt the same way, she didn't want to go either, but in the end they knew it was for the best for Jessi to go back to her own bed. Otherwise they would have to face the accusing glances of Jessi's parents. When Ryan climbed back into his bed, sleep overtook him quickly. It was the best he had slept in days.


Charlie and Walter Red Elk pulled into the yard about the time that everyone had just finished breakfast. They had brought Walt's old pickup with the horse trailer in tow, and with what looked like supplies for a day or two in the high country.

Uncle Bill and Ryan met Charlie, and Walt in the driveway, and Charlie's face betrayed his feelings, Charlie looked at Ryan with sadness in his eyes, "I heard what happened yesterday, and I'm glad you are safe. I thank you for what you did."

"Come on out to the barn, I'll show you what Ryan took off of those three," Uncle Bill said as he began heading over to the barn, "I didn't take any of the stuff out of the duffel bags, I just looked inside, and knew that I needed to call you. Milt, and Tom took some pictures of the bag, and just opened the top of the bag, and took some more pictures. He said that was all that he needed, he told me to release it to you. He would like you to come in when you get a chance and give him a list of what was in the bags."

Charlie nodded, "I will do that."

Uncle Bill showed Charlie the duffel bags, and Charlie looked inside and tears came to his eyes, "Grave robbers, that's what they were," he looked up at Ryan, "They were lucky it was you that came across them and not someone else. They would have never found the bodies up there in the mountains."

"Get the horses out of the trailer Walter, we need to take this stuff back up there," Charlie slowly got up.

"Need a hand Walt?" Ryan asked.

"Sure, I can always use a hand," Walter nodded.

"Ryan," Charlie called after Ryan, "Would you like to go up there with us, some of your questions, the answers are up there."

Ryan nodded, "Sure, I would like that, as long as it's okay," he directed that at his uncle.

"You staying overnight up there?" Uncle Bill asked Charlie.

Charlie nodded, "Most likely."

"You go get some things together, I'll help Walt with the horses," Uncle Bill replied to Ryan.

"You think Bernie is up to another ride up there?" Ryan asked.

Uncle Bill nodded, "Yeah, he should be okay as long as you don't push him, don't run him, and rest him every now and then."

Ryan packed some clothing, and personal items into a small bag, and grabbed one of the sleeping bags out of the barn. He saddled Bernie, and led him out of the corral to where the others were standing.

"Oh, I gotta grab something from the house," Ryan said as hurried towards the kitchen door.

Ryan ran into kitchen and grabbed half dozen apples from the refrigerator, he looked at Aunt Suzanne, "Bernie."

Suzanne shook her head and yelled at Ryan as he ran out the door, "There goes tonight's apple pie."

"Sorry about that, and I won't be here, I'm going with Charlie and Walt," Ryan called back.

Jessi had come down the stairs with a towel on her head, she had just gotten out of the shower, "Where's Ryan going?"

Suzanne looked up at Jessi, "With Charlie, and Walt."

Jessi ran out the door, and across the yard to where the horses and men were standing, she gave Charlie a warm hug, "You take care of my cowboy."

Charlie's somber expression warmed, "I think he takes pretty good care of himself, but me and Walt, we will watch out for him.

Ryan smiled, and then put his arms around Jessi, "You stay out of trouble while I'm gone."

Jessi leaned up and kissed the tip of Ryan's nose, "You too cowboy," her heart did little flips looking at him, his hat pulled low, part of the collar to his jean jacket was flipped up, giving a bit of a renegade look. The way he wore his chaps, and the gun strapped to his hips made her knees a little weak. The way his eyes sparkled against his sun tanned face, and the lazy grin on his face took her breath away.

Jessi stood with her father and watched the three men ride off, Charlie and Ryan leading side by side, and Walt with the packhorse in tow. Even after Bill had gone back into the house Jessi stood and watched well after she had lost sight of them, her lips whispering her love for her cowboy.

"Ryan," Walt called over up to him as he rode behind.


"I heard you out drew that guy you shot, that true?" Walt asked.

Ryan turned and looked at Walt, "I don't remember, I saw his hand goin' into his coat, and the next thing I knew he was down on the ground, shot, and my hand was holding the gun pointing it at the other fella."

Walt just shook his head in wonder; this young cowboy was full of all sorts of surprises. He had been amazed when his father had told him that Ryan had been visited by a spirit guide, and had seen the Wanagi. Ryan's riding, and roping at the rodeo had been a big part of winning the team roping event, and now this. Walter was beginning to agree with his father that there was something special about this young man.

They had stopped just past where Ryan had had the confrontation with the three thieves the day before at a small creek to have some lunch, and to rest the horses, especially Bernie. Walt had just shook his head when he learned that Bernie had run at full speed from Baxter's Canyon all the way to the Rocking M ranch.

They had eaten some bannock, a type of bread made from flour, water, salt, and baking powder that was usually fried, or roasted over an open fire, along with some beef jerky, and some canned peaches. Walter had built a small fire, and had made some sage tea; at first Ryan had found it very bitter, but not bad after Charlie had added some honey to it.

Charlie pointed up at mountain, it wasn't nearly as high as the surrounding peaks, as a matter of fact, it looked like someone had taken a knife and sliced the top off, leaving a nice flat mesa for the top of this small mountain, "This place where we are going, is sacred, it is a burial ground for our people," Charlie's eyes were misty looking, "The things those people took were from the burials of many of my friends."

Ryan felt a sudden chill run up his back, he was nervous, he had always felt a little creeped out when he had driven past a cemetery. He nodded as Charlie spoke, taking some comfort in the fact that Walter and Charlie would be with him.

Charlie continued, "We believe that the spirits of our ancestors are here, and that we can walk among them," Charlie looked at Ryan's face and attempted to assuage his worries, "No harm will come to us, as we are going there for righteous reasons. And when we get up there, things will become a little more clear."

It was mid-afternoon by the time that they reached the plateau, Ryan could sense something different about this place, it was dotted with groves of Aspens, and Cottonwood. It was quiet up here, almost an unnatural quiet, the air felt different, almost heavy feeling.

Charlie pointed to a raised burial platform, "It was the way of our people to bury our dead in this way, in the open, that way the spirit could find it's way to what you would call heaven. If we buried the body in the ground, the spirit would be trapped. Generally a person would be wrapped up, and placed on a platform with all of his possessions."

"Do they still do that today?" Ryan asked, as he looked at the platform in a cottonwood tree.

"It is coming back, a lot of the people are beginning to return to some of the old ways," Charlie pointed to one old gnarled tree, "That is where I want to be placed after I die."

The rest of the daylight hours were spent trying to replace the items from the duffel bags on the platforms that they had been stolen from. After a while Ryan had set off on his own, stopping where there was evidence that the resting place had been tampered with. He found things on the ground that the thieves had discarded; Ryan would carefully replace it back with its owner. His original morbid feeling about being around the dead had been replaced with sadness, he found himself wondering about who the person was, what their life had been. What had been their dreams and desires? Ryan felt at peace with himself, over and over he had feelings that he had been here before. By the time the sun had set most of the relics had been returned to their rightful owners. Some of it though Charlie just wasn't able to find a place for.

"I'll think on it overnight," he told Ryan and Walter, "Maybe an answer will come to me."

While Ryan and Walter got the camp set up, Charlie had started a fire and prepared a meal of stew and bannock, with strong black coffee to wash it down. The horses were unsaddled, and brushed down. Ryan cut up a couple of apples and fed them slice by slice to Bernie. After the horses had been fed and watered they were tied to a remuda line. They sat quietly after the meal was over, each seemed to lost in their own thoughts.

Ryan stared at the fire as he sat on the rock, he looked up at Charlie, "You know I wasn't scared yesterday, not of dying, I didn't get scared until I got home."

Charlie nodded, "There is a strength when you are doing right, there is a power in the truth, and it can make us all feel ten feet tall"

"Are you afraid of dying?" Ryan looked at Charlie.

"No," Charlie poked at the fire with a stick, and then looked at Ryan, "When the pale rider comes for me, I will welcome him with open arms, and embrace him like an old friend, I will kiss his cheeks. To fear your death, is to fear your life, death will come to everyone. It is as important as your birth, the beginning of your life, death is a part of your life; it is the end of your life. Worrying about your death that will surely come is wasting your life. I have had a good life, and I have danced in many Sun Dances, and I have tried to observe and keep the old ways alive. I am a lucky man, I have lived two lives, I have lived in the land of my father, and his father, I have a strong son, I am a respected man. I have loved, and been loved by many women," Charlie paused for a moment and looked over at Walter, "Even my wife."

Walt just chuckled and shook his head.

"What did you mean, you had lived two lives?" Ryan asked his eyes were on Charlie.

Charlie stopped playing with the fire and looked up at the stars, "When I was about your age, or maybe a little younger I was an angry young man. I blamed all of my weaknesses and faults on every one else. I lived in a whiskey bottle, and I was a drunkard, I wouldn't listen to my father and mother, I caused them great pain, and even greater shame. Finally an old man came and talked to me one day when I was in jail, and asked me why I had no pride. I asked him what did I have to be proud of; I was an Indian living on a reservation. He shook his head, and told me that my ancestors roamed the plains; part of the greatest light cavalry in the world, they fought with Tatanka Yotanka, or Sitting Bull. He told me that some of my ancestors probably died at Wounded Knee. He said to deny pride in myself was to deny my ancestors. He told me that I was Lakota, and to take pride in that. He took me to my first AA meeting, and through him I learned the way of the warrior. And that began my second life."

"What do you do now? Ryan couldn't remember anyone telling him what Charlie did for a living.

Walt snorted, "He's the chief, he just causes a lot of trouble for the rest of us."

Charlie shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Damn kids."

Ryan stared at the fire for the longest time and then looked at Charlie, "I remember becoming a warrior..."

Walter sat in silence, and waited for his father's response.

Charlie nodded his head, "I thought that you might"

"I remember what it meant, and how it felt. There was honor among them then, and I remember something else," Ryan eyes were locked on to the flames licking at the wood in the fire.

Charlie's voice was gentle, "What else do you remember?"

"How proud I was to be Lakota, there was never any fear in me, and maybe that is part of the reason I wasn't scared yesterday," he looked at Charlie, and Walter, "I know I'm not Lakota, and I will never be, but I know what it is to be one."

"You may not have been born of a Lakota mother, or had a Lakota father, but in your soul you are one of our people, and you have the heart of a warrior. You proved that yesterday. In the old times what you did yesterday would have made you a warrior in the eyes of the village, yesterday you met the enemy, and you counted coup," Charlie's voice carried a lot of conviction as he spoke, "You have met the Wanagi, you have had a visit from your spirit guide, and you have defended the sanctity of this place, in my eyes you are as much a Lakota as me, or my son."

Walter spoke for the first time, "I was skeptical when my father told me of your dream, but after I worked with you before the rodeo I changed my mind. I knew you spoke from your heart, and then when I heard about what happened yesterday I again knew you were what my father said you were. Tonight you spoke of how you felt yesterday, that you felt no fear in battle, only after. Someone who was false would have never admitted that. I welcome you as my Lakota brother."

Walter rose from where he had been sitting and walked towards where Ryan was sitting. Ryan rose to meet him and Walter embraced him like a man who embraces his brother.

Charlie got up and he embraced Ryan too, "I too welcome you as my Lakota brother."

Ryan was overwhelmed, he hadn't thought of himself in the terms that Walter and Charlie had expressed. Later as he lay in his sleeping bag staring the multitude of the stars, he replayed parts of what had happened yesterday to portions of the dream he had with Mato. He understood what Walter had meant now, he could remember from the dream what it felt like the first time a Lakota boy proved himself, and he was struck at how similar the experience that he had yesterday resembled the dream.

As Ryan slept he began to dream, he saw five riders in the mountains, the skies were black, as black as hell at midnight. The clouds roiled, and churned, deep rumbling shook the earth, bright bolts of lightning struck various spots on the mountains, more often than not leaving a tree split, and smoking.

The leader of the five men pointed up towards the mountain, he yelled at the four with him, "There is shelter at the other side."

The winds whipped and howled, large mature trees groaned and creaked from the force of the wind. It was just after the time when the sun was highest in the sky, but you couldn't tell, it was almost as dark as a moonless night.

The riders urged their horses up to the plateau of the flat mountain, and were at a full gallop across. The trees opened up to a rocky area, the riders were grouped close together, and riding hard to escape the fury of the Wakinyan. Ryan knew these men, but couldn't quite place them in his dream. A large bolt of lightning struck, killing the men immediately.

Ryan felt like he was with them as they walked towards Hihankara, the crone who guarded the Wanagi Tachanku, the Way of the Spirits, the great white road in the sky. He watched as the five showed Hihankara their sacred marks and tattoos. She was not convinced, and kicked them from the Wanagi Tachanku and they returned to the Earth. But not as men, as spirits doomed to roam the earth.

He recognized them now; they were the spirit riders that he had met that night at sunset.

Ryan looked at Hihankara, "Old Sister, why did you send those men away?"