More Than Friends Ch. 04


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He stuck his tongue out. "Well, excuse me for wanting to give orgasms to the woman I love."

The woman I love. I could get used to hearing that.

"But, no, you see, that's the thing," I said. "I think it's because... I think I'm being so horny because I know you love me, and I know I can count on you to, you know, to do a good job with me."

"To do you well," he said, a wry smile lighting up his lips at the bad pun.

"Yeah," I said, "and that's... Well, honestly, Colin, I love sex. It's fun. Back with Bobby and the others it was like,Well, okay, maybe they'll do a better job this time, andMaybe it won't end after he gets off and rolls over and falls asleep, andMaybe he'll care about whether I get off or not. But it never was. But it is with you. And now I have this joyful thing that we can do together, and I love it, and, I want it." I looked up at him. "Does that make sense to you?"

He nodded.

"What about you, what do you think? And why are you sonon-horny?" I gave him an amazed look.I was the one doing most of the cajoling! "Isn't it usually supposed to be theman who's always wanting to get it on?"

"Well," he said modestly, "youdid say I'm like a girl sometimes..."

"That's not what I meant," I said. I wanted to get to the bottom of this. I had been playing the active partner in all this, and he had taken the girl's part. I wanted to know why the roles were switched. What did he think of me? God, what if he's gay? We've had sex, what, (let me see here...) five times in the last day, so I don't think that's it, but, I mean, you know...

He had been thinking as my mind ran frantically on its wheel, and now he spoke. "Well," he said finally. "Heather, it's been a long time in coming. I've gone without sex for most of my nineteen years. If this hadn't happened, it would've been twenty years in a few months. I was starting to think I wasn't going to get any until I got married. So I'm just used to not having it. It's not that much of a priority with me. Hell, I was withJane, it took herfour months before she was ready for me to kiss her on the lips. Ihad to be okay with not getting anything to stay with her, and I did. And I do think it was worth it. I guess my point is that I'm okay without sex.

"And in any case it's not really what's important to me. What's important is... To have somebody I love, and am hopefully going to stay together with for a very long time, andthen be able to have sex with them. When you think of it like that, then having sex, you know,right now isn't such a big thing, 'cause there's always tomorrow. Hopefully a lot of tomorrows. Maybe even the rest of our lives."

"You really were serious about that marriage thing," I said, feeling somewhat awed.

He shrugged. "I've always thought that way. I learned in grade school--from you--that my life would be about people. That my friends and my loved ones are going to be the purpose for my life. And what more important person could a man have than the woman he loves? So I'm just... Always on the lookout."

I nodded. That's just like Colin. Not just the logic, but the people-oriented life. He's good with people. I'm glad that's what he wants to do, because if not, there would be a lot of people missing out on having a good friend.

I giggled. "Isn't it funny? You're acting like a girl concerning this, and I'm acting like a guy."

He grinned back at me. "Hey, I've always advocated gender equality. What's wrong with guys who act like girls, or vice versa?"

"Nothing, clearly," I said, smiling, glad the matter was settled. I've done my share of tomboying in my life, I sympathize with him. Though, of course, we live in a society where women can wear pants but men are given very odd looks if they wear dresses. Maybe hedoes have it harder than I do. ...Boy,that one could be taken two different ways.

"So," he said, "is this sex-fest thing going to continue? Because if so, we should probably get something to eat. I'm gonna need more protein if you expect me to keep going. Coming. Whatever."

I laughed at him and kissed him. "We'll do whatever you want, honey. We've got all day, it's not like there's a--"

We were interrupted by the sound of my cell phone from where it lay on Colin's desk. Colin sat up and gave it to me. I sat up and took the call. "Hello?"

It was my mom. "Good morning, Heather. Did you have a nice night?"

I beamed at Colin. "Mom, it was awesome."

"My little sweetie's growing up," my mother said. "Just don't grow uptoo fast, dear. Protection is your friend."

"You do remember I'm on The Pill, Mom," I said, glancing at Colin. "It was your idea, when I told you about all my cramping and stuff when I had my period."

"I know," Mom said. "Just reminding you. There's plenty of time for grandchildren later. Now, I have a little situation I need your help with."

"Okay, what's that," I asked. Colin had slid back until he was sitting up against the wall, and now he drew me to sit between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me and I lay back on his chest, the back of my head against his collarbone, feeling his breath ruffling my hair, his heartbeat (muffled by my hair) against my back.

"Do you remember who's coming over at eleven," my mother asked.

I sat bolt upright, jerking out of Colin's arms. "Oh crap!" I had completely forgotten.

"Yes, Heather," my mom said patiently, "and since it's about ten-thirty, I thought I'd better remind you. Since I imagine you're probably distracted by more pleasant pursuits."

I giggled, leaning back into Colin's mbrace. "You can say that again." This time he cupped my breast, and I pressed it there with my other hand.

"How was it, dear?" I could hear the smile in my mom's voice. "Don't be shy, give an old lady her vicarious thrills."

I smiled. "Oh, come on, Mom, you're notthat old." She was twenty-four when she had me. In comparison, that same year Mrs. Watson turned thirty-two. A year later, she had Colin. And I got held over in kindergarten because they weren't sure I was socially developed enough or something, so the next year, when we both walked into that first-grade classroom...

"Yes, but far too old to have adventures like yours." Now now my mom was positively grinning. "Go on, Heather. Convince me not to yell at him for not doing justice to my eldest daughter."

I grinned, snuggling up against him, "It was great, Mom. He needs some practice, but he knows what he's doing." Ignoring Colin's startled intake of breath, I pressed on. "I actually came with him inside me! Can you believe that?"

My mom said, "Are you surehe needs practice, Heather? It sounds like he's got things down pretty well already."

"Well," I said cheerfully, "there's always room for improvement." I could feel his cock beginning to harden against the top of my ass cleft and, just for fun, I wiggled my bum back and forth, otensibly to find a better position, but really to feel his cock jerk against me. He's so easy to tease. I love how innocent he is.

"That's true, love. Well, your friends will be by at eleven, so perhaps you should come on home soon. If you're late, I'll tell them you're, ah, distracted, but I'm not sure how long I can stall them."

"All right, Mom, we'll come right back," I said. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. See you soon."

"I cannot believe," Colin said slowly, "that you told her that."

"What," I asked, closing my eyes and snuggling into his embrace. "Embarrassed?"

"Well," he said, "yes. But also surprised. I can't talk tomy parents that way."

I grinned. "I can."

"You're really lucky, you know," he said. "When I'm home, it's like I'm just living in this house that three other people live in. Whereas you... You have a family."

"Yes, but youdo have a family," I said, opening my eyes and looking up at him. "One of its members is right here in your arms. Yourfriends are your family. You said it yourself." And he had, many times. And having seen the bad side of his mother, I understood why. Of course, I have a family, so I admit that these are just words to me. I can't imagine life with a mother who wasn't supportive of me.

"Yes, but I had to build it," he said. "And with all this arguing between Adam and me, I'm not sure how long it'llstay built. Yours was just... Plunked down in front of you when you were born."

I thought about that for a little. Whatdid it feel like to have a mother who didn't love you? Now that was unfair; Mrs. Watsondid love Colin, and we all knew it. But sometimes she let her love get the better of her, turning into an insecure, whining shrew who monitored her son's life incessantly. In point of fact, Colin got the easy deal; when his sister went to see a psychologist for her problems, she traced them directly back to Mrs. Watson's actions. I had never before considered myself lucky to have a stable parent. Maybe I ought to reconsider.

"In the meanwhile," he asked. "What was that you forgot about?"

"Oh," I said. "Some friends from my history class are coming over to share notes. Tanya and Adam, among others." I bet most colleges have history classes as universal requirements. I'm getting mine out of the way now.

"It's twenty minutes to your house, we'd better start now," he said.

"We," I asked, a mischievous smile playing around my lips. I rolled up on my hands and knees, my face inches from his, my ass sticking in the air.

"What, you think I'm going to let you out of my sight," he asked, grinning. "Besides, we ought to tell Adam. He'll be pleased, I hope."

I nodded. He had a point. And besides, why not bring him? It would be fun to have his company.

I leaned out and kissed him, and he responded, pushing forward to meet me. As one, we looked down at his crotch. Not only was his cock erect, marking time to his heartbeat, but there was a damp spot on the comforter in front of it. About where I had sat.

We blinked at each other for a moment in confusion. Then I smiled at him. "Well, youknow you leaked out of me..."

He grinned. "Yeah, I know. It actually dissolves after a few minutes, basically turns to water. You lie around long enough after masturbating, you find out."

I looked down at the puddle again, at his cock again, and sighed. "Well, we don't exactly have time to replace what came out..."

He grinned again. "That's why I'm coming with you. So that you don't forget to come back."

I smiled at him tenderly, feeling my heart lurch with love. "I'd love to have you come with me." My eyebrows bobbed as I realized the double entendre. "In both senses of the word," I added, blushing a little.

He kissed me again. "It would be my pleasure."

Five minutes later we were dressed and strapped into my car, heading out along the road together, holding hands across the center console.

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