Mother Makes Daughter Her Pet


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By the time the fifth course had arrived Trish was in heaven not even caring if they made it to the show tonight. She wanted this meal to go on forever but she knew the night was so young and the end of it promised to be the most memorable of her life.

Along with each course they had been served a chef's selection of wines that he personally had chosen. It wasn't enough for her to be drunk but she was feeling no pain and has sense of euphoria that she had never experienced. Over the course of the first five courses she had joined in one of the most surreal conversations she had ever participated in her life. It had gone from the mundane mother daughter talk about school and her everyday life to the most titillating topics such as the past weekend.

"Honey didn't you feel the least bit awkward this weekend with Katie and Donna?"

"Oh god no mom, it was so exciting, so dirty and wicked and since I was their camera girl I had to be there too!" she admitted proudly then added shyly, "It made me so hot for you seeing them together!"

"Yeah Donna mentioned this live streaming thing that you are helping set up for them this weekend. I still can't believe her; I always knew that she had a wild side that needed to come out but wow! You do know that I approached her with the idea of her and Jack playing with me earlier in the year but Jack shut her down?" Joanna asked.

"Yup, that's what she said led indirectly to this whole weekend, it's like a set of dominoes that you pushed mom. The next dominoes to tumble are you and me tonight!" she gushed feeling slightly tipsy.

They were on the elevator going down when she boldly reached up and grabbed her mother's tit telling her how she wanted to suck on that tonight just like when she was a baby.

Joanna laughed and was pleased with her daughter's sudden boldness and confidence in touching her here.

"Honey my tit isn't going to be the only thing in your mouth tonight, can you guess what else?"

Trish giggled like a young girl and leaning over whispered into Jo's ear, "Your pussy, I'm gonna make love to my mommy's pussy with my mouth tonight!"

Joanna felt goose bumps all over her body hearing those filthy words coming out of her own daughter's mouth. She was tempted to just have her suck her out in the limo but wanted to wait because this whole night was about the slow buildup to the climax in her corporate apartment. Then all bets would be off and Trish would be lucky if Joanna didn't suffocate her with her cunt, and in the future she knew there would be lots of opportunities for sex in the limo.

As they emerged from the restaurant and were getting in the car Frank asked Trish if she was having a good time. She gushed back enthusiastically that it was the best night of her life so far.

When they settled into the back of the limo Trish wanted nothing more than to have a hot make out session with the beautiful woman who was sweeping her off her feet tonight. Instead she just snuggled up against her and asked her some questions.

"Mom I can't even begin to tell you how blown away I am by everything that's happened today, I mean the dress and jewelry and well .....everything. I just never had any idea how much influence your job gave you, I mean..... a Chef's table at Per Se, leaving in the middle of the dinner, being treated like a Queen by everyone there! Nothing you ever showed at home ever hinted at this so how did it all happen?" she inquired softly.

"Honey Per Se has nothing to do with my job, yes the job got me in there initially and the salary allows me to eat there whenever I feel like. No Per Se is a direct result of the power we women have that I was telling you about earlier. I just happened to be entertaining two clients there one night when the chef started making rounds of the tables checking on people's evenings. When he came to my table we just clicked and he has become one of my regular .....well as your generation puts it, friends with benefits. In fact I'm sure you will get to meet him later when we return, he might even join us for a glass of wine!"

"Oh wow, Katie is going to die when I tell her about this tomorrow. I still find it so wild the relationship that you have with daddy, Donna must have told you that I knew for a while."

"Yes she did honey and I'm sorry you overheard that when you did. I'm sure it must have confused you some but as you can see it has done nothing but make my marriage to your father even stronger. There isn't a single person that I play with that I would ever consider as taking the place of your dad; he is just the most special man in the world to me. Oh and as far as sex, before you think that I have all of these other people because your dad is lacking well get that out of your head. Your father rings my chimes every time we fuck or make love, there is just something about.....well about his cock that makes it special," Joanna said with pride for her husband clearly in her voice.

Trish's mind just registered another in the long line of comments that was beyond her imagination before tonight. Her mother was openly discussing her father's cock with her as if they were talking about the weather.

"Ummmmm well are you going to share the rest mom or leave me hanging?" Trish asked anxiously.

"Well sweetie your daddy has a certain curve to his cock that brings the head into direct contact with my G-spot every time he moves in and out, it makes me see stars every time," she said with a smile.

"So mom if dad rings your bell so much why did all of this happen, why do you need more?"

"Well honey you answered your own question right there, I just need more. I can't explain it but for the majority of my marriage I was perfectly happy with my sex life with your father but then.... Well then I got into a situation at work. That situation led into my being with the first man besides your father since I was married. At first I felt slightly guilty but then I realized that my feelings for your dad hadn't changed and the sex had been pretty amazing too. That opened the door a crack and little by little I started using sex in my job to get results from clients,"

"But didn't that make you feel like a prostitute, I mean you were getting paid to have sex?" Trish asked softly.

Joanna just laughed, "No honey, well maybe for a brief second but then I rationalized the difference in my own head. A prostitute gets paid to have sex, I have sex to encourage clients to sign a contract a little faster but they probably still would have signed it anyway. I just found that the whole idea of variety in my sex life was too intoxicating to stop. Then of course my appetite kept growing wanting to enjoy the sensuality of two bodies interacting on the most intimate of levels, the raw passion of fucking just to fuck with no love involved. It's such a primal feeling when I am fucking someone and giving my all to them just to satisfy myself and them."

"Oh god you make it sound so freaking hot, do you think you can teach....."

"Oh baby, after tonight you won't just be my pet but I want you to be my protégé. It took me 38 years to fully understand and get comfortable with my sexual appetite, I intend to show you how to do the same while you are still young as long as you are willing to always keep an open mind, and of course open legs too!" she said with a giggle.

Feeling more emboldened by how the night was going Trish just spread her legs as wide as she could in the back of the limo.

"Like this mommy, is this how you want me to keep my legs?" she said in her best little girl voice.

"Oh yes baby, just like that. One thing I want you to understand though, if you give yourself to me later then you can only open those gorgeous legs when I tell you. You will be giving me control over who you fuck and when if I get what I want from you, okay?"

"Oh yes definitely, will you make me fuck a lot of people just like you mommy?"

"Oh baby, I am going to get you completely in touch with the nymphomaniac inside yourself."

"Are you going to fuck me in front of daddy too? Will daddy get to see me naked and in heat for my hot mom?"

"Without giving away all the surprises I have in mind for you the answer is yes but don't ask any more questions about the future. Just accept that I will never put you in a position that I won't be there for support after all I am still your mom and your welfare is still my number one priority!"

"Mom one last question about dad ok?"

"Sure baby what is it?" Joanna said as she pulled her daughter tighter against her side. God it felt great to feel their bodies touching she thought to herself. She was on firs thinking how great it would feel with no clothes involved.

"I know daddy is a cuckold and I know just what that is from looking it up but does he have the same freedom you do? If daddy wanted to fuck other women would you be okay with that?" Trish asked innocently.

"Hmmmm are you thinking about scoring with your dad too sweetie?" Joanna asked with mock concern in her voice.

"No mom, sorry but dad doesn't do anything for me but what about other women?" Trish answered honestly. It's not that her dad was unattractive in her eyes; it's just that unlike her mother she had never even fantasized about her dad.

"At first I gave him that option but he quickly refused it. Then when I would play with other couples in front of him a few of the wives would ask him if he wanted to join but he always politely refused. When I asked him about it he said the whole appeal for him was being able to see my face when I cum with someone else, that if he was busy fucking another woman he might miss that! See that's part of why your dad is the greatest husband on earth, in his eyes it's all about me getting pleased. What more could a woman ever want from a man?" she said with a wicked grin.

It was just then the limo pulled in front of the theater and as they got out Trish erupted once more as she saw what show they were seeing.

"No fucking way mom! Oh my god this night just keeps getting better and better!"

Joanna smiled pleased with herself. She had taken on the task of making her daughter feel like Cinderella tonight knowing that it had always been her favorite story while growing up. So what could be more fitting than the newest adaptation of the fairy tale that had just opened last week on Broadway to wonderful critical reviews. It also starred more than one of Trish's favorite performers, Katy Perry as the fairy godmother and Taylor Swift as Cinderella.

"Just wait until you see where we are sitting sweetie!" Joanna gushed.

Trish couldn't help herself and she turned right into her mother's arms and gave her a deep soulful kiss of thanks.

"I most definitely feel like Cinderella now mommy!" Trish said sounding like the excited little girl Joanna had in her memories. She had seen that same reaction so many times on Christmas mornings, or birthdays whenever she and Steve had scored on what to get their little girl.

The context in which she was seeing it now though just made her feel so deliciously wicked that she was soaking herself in her panties and she could feel her arousal with every step she took. She was completely committed to taking their relationship down an erotic highway into a completely unknown territory for either of them and it seemed like Trish as just as equally committed.

They headed into the theater and enjoyed another glass of wine together at the bar outside the seating area. When they headed in the surprises just continued for Trish although at this point in the evening nothing should have shocked her, they were sitting dead center stage three rows from the performance.

Joanna could see the awestruck look on her daughter's face and told her in a whisper that she easily could have gotten first row but it was better to view from a couple rows back. When they sat down Trish did something so bold that it even shocked Joanna but in a pleasant way. She had told her earlier she wanted her to get comfortable with her sexuality and to never hide it so when she took Joanna's hand and slipped it under her dress she gasped slightly.

As she did Trish leaned over and whispered to her, "I've never been wetter than this mommy, never in my whole life!"

Joanna just smiled wickedly and told her, "Just think baby the evening hasn't even really begun!"

Anyone looking at the two women would easily see the lust for each other displayed on their faces. The only thing that kept the onlookers from deducing their relationship was the difference in their appearance. Joanna's blonde hair was in complete contrast to Trish's vibrantly flame colored tresses which she had inherited from her father's side of the family. Also she had more of her father's features than her mother's so to strangers they just appeared to be a hot cougar seducing a much younger kitten. Even with that it was making many an onlooker aroused seeing two gorgeous women so into each other.

Then the show started and if she had been excited outside the theater it grew ten times greater when her two biggest female idols took the stage. She had loved Katy Perry since the singer's first album and had secretly wished she could kiss her after the performer's breakout hit. Taylor Swift was a little different because they were almost the same age and she felt that songs always touched her and spoke to her. She had been surprised to hear about this show and the pairing even before they arrived because the two singers had been involved in some overblown Hollywood feud just recently.

As she watched them perform flawlessly she figured they must have buried the hatchet because they interacted so well on stage together. Everything about the show was perfection in her eyes and the story always brought her back to her childhood and how she had always loved that Cinderella got just what she deserved at the end of the show.

As she watched she realized how much effort her mother had put into making the whole Cinderella experience a living breathing entity for her tonight. It made her heart burst with love for this woman who she had felt disconnected from for so long. She realized that even though they didn't have the same level of closeness that Katie and Donna shared Joanna had always paid attention from a bit of a distance and understood her perfectly.

At the intermission they headed into the lobby and Trish just couldn't contain her enthusiasm over the show and seeing her idols on stage. Joanna however left her speechless when she told her she still had one more big surprise for the girl after the show. She tried begging and cajoling Joanna into telling her what it was but to no avail.

The second half of the show was even more impressive than the first because the costumes were amazing. The ball scene with all the extravagant gowns and scenery had Trish speechless and when Taylor Swift transforms for the ball she actually cried. Her childhood dreams and fantasies were being played out on stage in front of her on the same night that all of her adult fantasies were waiting in the wings to come true.

At the end of the show when the prince finds Cinderella both she and Joanna were openly crying and holding each other. Joanna knew without a doubt that there would never be another night like this in her daughter's life and she was ecstatic that she was responsible for it.

After the final curtain call and two standing ovations Trish started to realize something. She had been sure she was imagining it all night but it seemed like Katy Perry kept glancing directly into her and Joanna's eyes. She wondered if the discrete touches and kisses that she had shared with her mother during the show had been noticed by her idol and that was why she was looking now. It was obvious that on her final bow she was looking directly at Joanna and her mother confirmed it when she seemed to mouth something to the performer silently.

As the crowd started to file out Joanna asked her daughter if she was ready for her final surprise. Trish silently nodded her head vigorously wondering what it could possibly be. Then they walked out into the lobby but instead of heading towards the doors Joanna took her hand and led her to the stage door and knocked.

When one of the backstage people opened it she whispered in the person's ear and they waited. A few seconds later the door was opened and they were being led into the inner heart of the performance. Trish's heart was beating a million miles an hour as she contemplated just what this meant when they stopped in front of one of the dressing rooms. It had no name on it so she was wondering what this meant.

The stagehand knocked and the door opened and there in front of her was her first idol Katy Perry. She almost fainted on the spot at seeing her and was stammering and stuttering as her mother introduced her.

"Katy so nice to see you again, I have to introduce my beautiful young daughter to you. Without it sounding like a cliché she is definitely one of your biggest fans!" Joanna said proudly as the door closed leaving them alone in the pop singer's dressing room.

"Your daughter, really Jo? I thought I saw some definite unmotherly conduct between the two of you outside tonight! When I got you the tickets and you told me you were bringing a very hot young woman to the show I thought it was just you being you but now I'm most definitely intrigued," Katy said with her beautiful smile.

"Well let's just say we are exploring other avenues of how mother's and daughter's interact, isn't that true my darling?" she asked her daughter.

Trish was beyond speechless and she actually did swoon and start to pass out from the overload of excitement. Surprisingly it wasn't her mother who caught her but it was her pop idol. It didn't escape her attention either that she was in Katy Perry's arms while the singer was in nothing but a light robe, bra and panties. Trish could easily feel the singer's amazing tits pressing into the side as she was led to the couch to get comfortable.

The same breasts that had titillated and tantalized millions of fans across the world were now pressing into her with only a thin couple of layers of cloth separating them from her.

"Well young lady, I must admit it is quite the pleasure to meet you. I remember your mother talking about you when we worked together a few years ago. She was always so proud when she talked about how smart and beautiful you were. I should have known then she had designs on you the way she glowed. In case you haven't realized it yet but I am sure you do or soon will, your mother is one of the sexiest women I ever met," her idol told her.

"Mom did you and Miss Perry......" Trish started to ask.

Katy answered for her, "No sweetie although I have to say I was tempted when she offered those few years ago. I was married to Russell at the time and I wasn't into playing around. Now however I'm single again and I must say not only is she looking as beautiful as ever but you are truly a vision."

Trish knew she had to be dreaming because the reality of all of this would just be too much for her brain to handle. She couldn't have really just heard Katy Perry basically offer herself to her mother and her.

"You know Katy, any other night we both would love to take you up on that offer. In fact since you are going to be in town with the show for a while why don't we ask for a definite rain check? Would you like that my little pet, would you like to entertain your long time idol with me one night?" Joanna asked seductively.

She wasn't dreaming and she wasn't imagining it, her mother was friends with Katy Perry and the singer had just offered to play with them.

"Oh god, yes, I mean...... Miss Perry....I've....."

Katy who was still sitting beside her on the couch leaned closer and said softly, "its Katy sweetie, especially if we are going to be friends."
