Mother’s New Governess Ch. 03


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Meredith had four rather small baskets before her containing potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and parsnips. She was now attacking them with a peeler and enjoying the sun. The day which had started wet and dreary was transformed into something simply splendid... even a bit warm for some after they'd been cooped up indoors for most of the winter. It was therefore with a happy spirit and an anticipation of "all things spring" that Meredith set to her task, happily flicking the refuse peelings into a compost pile next to the low wall.

As maids go, the young woman in her early twenties would best be described as pretty; with a lovely helpful disposition and a pleasant face. She had high cheekbones, blue eyes and blonde hair below her bonnet, she'd also been noticed by the stable boys for having something of a shape to her that they found both appealing and rather arousing. Her large ample bosom attached to her sturdy hourglass frame had not escaped their attentions but officially she had paid them and their rude comments no attention at all - or so the boys thought. Actually she took a bit of pride that they noticed her as she'd step out to the barnyard for now and again. She liked the fact that she was thought of as "hard to get," but truth be told; she wasnt all THAT hard really... perhaps just a bit choosy and most definitely a girl with a future ahead of her if cards were played right.

Now the cards she was dealt to involved vegetables from the winter greenhouse garden of the estate to be washed and peeled. She'd reached into the basket of cucumbers and giggled upon finding few rather large specimens that to her; resembled rather large cocks. Besides making the girl giggle it made her a little somber as well.

Y'see, this was the closest she'd seen to a cock in a great while; well save the one she'd seen in the bath with Master Harry this morning when she and Drusilla had been hauling the water up the stairs if your recall dear readers from chapter two. She'd developed a bit of a yearning for one; an appetite. Seeing Harry in the bath with his rampant charger breech the surface of the wather as he'd been doing his "lesson" or whatever foolishness it was they were doing had made things worse.

Oh she'd had a pego or two plow her furrow in back of the pub down the road every now and again. As a matter of fact she relished those little nights off from the manor where she could go out and let her hair down. She also liked that she never had to spend so much as a penny on drinks as some fellow always seemed to be willing to buy. Every night out it seemed, by the very late end to the evening she invariably found herself walking home both with a full bladder and a full cunny, both on the verge of spilling over from so much having gone in! A bit of that walk may have been attributable to hard fast rammings up her pink honey-carnal but we are not here to judge, now are we readers...HMMMMM? I should think not!

Anyhow the problem now was that it had been a great while since she'd had any sort of attentions short of the rude comments from the stable-boys and her "appetite" was nothing short of famished. As she worked the lewdly shaped produce with the peeler, they became rather distracting for her and well ...suffice to say ten minutes later and she'd done a look left and right and her skirts had come up a bit. ... Alright they were up above her knees. ...Alright make that mid-thighs.

Right... between you me n' that glass of sherry from my liquor cabinet that you've been swilling so shamelessly; she'd pulled skirts up high under her chin like she'd been preparing herself to wee, and then taken a particularly large rude cucumber (which it seems the girl had taken a particular shine to) and hastily shaped it into something rather phallic. If she ever wished to give up her calling as a maid and taken up a career in nursing or some other field involving anatomy, then Meredith Swallowe would have been a natural; since she'd carved that ruddy gherkin into something that had a bell shaped head, a notch at the end, and if she had been a little more creative with the peeler and the potatoes; she'd probably given the rude implement a brownish foreskin!

...You can wipe the smile off your face and finish that drink. Pour me one please and while you are at it, get yourself another. Thank you.

And speaking of drinks. It seems that from out of the bag within her skirts she produced a pewter flask; filled with a bit of medicinal gin that she'd "spirited" away from the cook's pantry. Mrs. Swallowe set herself to the task; open gin flask in one hand... skillfully shaped cucumber in the other; the gherkin going down between her pantalets to the opening between them, and straight to the randy maid's most private of pickle-patches!

Now she could relax for a few minutes. Her plan was to attend to herself, and enjoy a nip of from the flask in relative privacy until the troop of lady's returned from their walk. It wouldn't take her long to address this wicked little need of hers and then she'd get back to her peelings in earnest without anyone being the wiser. At least... that is what she thought would occur dear readers.

The truth was, ...Harry... remember Harry? Yes well; Harry it seems had come home as I've already told you with the dogs and the gun and the lovely birds all blown to shreds and what. Well, after putting away the gun and seeing that the dogs were lying comfortably upon their beds, he went to the kitchen to ask the cook about the game he'd blasted and Mrs. Applebum informed him that Mrs. Swallowe could provide him with a good stout plucking out by the barn. Well, the irony is that what happened next at least rhymed with the act of plucking so perhaps Mrs. Applebum wasn't entirely mistaken. Alright just go back to your sherry - REALLY! Anyhow...

Harry it seems stepped out to the barn and approached the low wall and heard moans and groans as if possibly Mrs. Swallow had the trots and had not made it to the loo in time. I mean, it was either that or she'd been hiding a pregnancy quite well up until now; for as he came around the corner to a gap in the broken wall, he saw her plainly in the afternoon sun. Her legs were akimbo and skirt was up like the open flap to a carnival tent entrance. Apparently the greatest show ever witnessed was being performed ladies and gentleman and for those of you who missed it; if I COULD DIRECT YOUR IMAGINATIONS TO THE CENTER RING...THE AMAZING GHERKIN THE MAGNIFICANT, AIDED BY HIS LOVELY AND TALENTED ASSISTANT MEREDITH SWALLOWE, (STAR OF STAGES AND PERFORMANCE ARENAS ACROSS EUROPE AND AMERICA), WILL EXECUTE A DEATH DEFYING DIVE - STRAIGHT INTO MS. SWALLOWE'S RAVENOUS QUIM...FROM A HEIGHT OF APPROXIMATELY TWO FEET, WITHOUT NET, HELMET, OR SAFETY HARNESS! Well...I'm sure you now get the idea.

In fact it seems the "Amazing Gherkin" had already made the plunge, (and had been plunging in and out for several minutes into Meredith's juicing "pickle-pocket"). Meredith was completely oblivious to Harry's presence (partly due to the lovely bit of abuse she'd been inflicting upon her poor "cucumber- holder" and partly due to the little nips of the gin flask she'd been self-prescribing). At any rate Harry (being no fool), decided to stand quietly to one side and watch the show as the horribly agitated Meredith vocalized loudly and appeared to be creating a special vinaigrette for the evening meal!

The overall effect was to inspire the young Harry. Had he not gained experience from his earlier tub-tumble with Mummy and Auntie Lucie, he reasoned? Had he not gained further experience that same day with Auntie Lucy again in her bedchamber? Had both Meredith and Drusilla made lewd eye-contact with him when he was all In flagrante delicto with Mummy and Auntie Lucy in the tub? Was Meredith now not beside-herself with wanton ardor and in a complete state of hysterical distress, (needing his attention immediately)?

Harry decided that all above could be answered to the affirmative. What's more; he wished to try out this new found knowledge Aunty Lucy had provided him with and he decided, Meredith would make a for a lovely sparring partner... well get that ruddy pickle out of the way n' she would! He'd made up his mind concerning the maid who was nearly out of her own mind with lustful enthusiasm.

He looked at his game-bag and decided there were other birds nearby that required shooting, stuffing, and possibly mounting, (and one in front of him would do nicely). He dropped the bag to the soft grass quietly. He undid his trousers, and cleared his throat with,


The shriek that left Meredith Swallowe's lips ran somewhere in the range between a wounded horse on the field at Balaklava and that of creaking door hinge to an iron firebox! It carried a great ways but was heard by no one save Harry and her... and of course all the startled farm animals in the barn. Harry stepped immediately between her spread thighs, and in the spirit of Carpe Diem; seized not only the day dear readers, but the poking penile pickle as well; tossing it into a basket of already peeled vegetables.

Meredith looked down at his rampant snarling pego in his hands and she immediately both took his meaning. She obviously approved whole-heartedly in support of the forthcoming course of action as she nodded and grinned. She handed him the flask in exchange for the cock and with her own hand guided it home; straight to the mouth of her pink love nest. Harry took several pulls of the gin (the same as which had laced his tea earlier in the bath) and sank into the chamber maids well-made chamber up to his bollocks! They began to fuck, and a torrid fucking it was!

To have said he shagged her rotten might have been putting it mildly and would have been somewhat of an incomplete assessment of what happened there next to the barn; out of sight of all but Harry, Meredith, and the compost heap. Harry buckled the maid to him ferociously and she was a willing seething sexpot of desire! No sooner had he spent himself up in her fuzzy furrow, then she dropped to her knees as if it were Sunday morning and began to commune with his spent member! Three minutes of sucking later, and he'd now bent her over the wall and was buggering her arsehole with reckless abandon in ravishment worthy of a Viking saga! Another five minutes later of this, and he'd sent a torrential shower of salty ball-broth up her rude wrecked rectum while Meredith blubbered and howled passionate climactic approval!

Harry was rather pleased and satisfied with himself. Meredith was quite taken with his performance as well. Its seems that during the course of their "post-pickle-plunging" rut, she'd shown her appreciation by rudely biting on his neck and shoulders before splashing his loins in her own salty climactic cascade; leaving him smelling even more perfumey and whorehouse-fresh than he'd been after shagging Auntie Lucy! The two shared a chuckle between carnal conspirators and they passed the gin flask.

Harry then stepped across lines of class distinction and social position; not to shag the breathless woman once-again, but to give her kiss and help with the vegetable peelings and the subsequent plucking and picking- out-shot activities concerning the four birds in his bag... you remember the four birds, yes? ...His reason for being out here to begin with... oh BOTHER... pour me another please!

Right where was I? Oh yes, of course... they finished the vegetables and the majority of the work on the birds about ten minutes before tea. As luck would have it, five minutes til tea brought the merry band of female family members back from the walk; simply glowing and radiant with even Grand Mah-mah in a good humor. It appears that the dour old harpy even cracked a smile; despite the fact that Harry worried that the very act might split her face. He hadn't seen many smiles from the woman; apparently she saved them for special occasions such as hangings and open casket funerals where she could just be "herself."

Alright now Harry that wasn't very nice of you! Myself and the readers would very much appreciate it if you'd leave such crass bits of irony at the door as tea is now being served! Just drink your tea Harry and try to think thoughts of a more tranquil nature please...there'd a good fellow!

Alright readers back again, with apologies!

... It seems that nobody else in the household suspected the afternoon pickle-tryst between Harry and Meredith. It was also however something somewhat amusing that as tea was served, Meredith offered Harry a tray of scones and managed to keep such a straight face, despite the fact that he'd just buttered hers only one hour prior out by the compost heap. The women were still in happy spirits from their pre-tea walk. It was if the walk had produced a transformation of moods and instead of leaving them all out of breath, they were oddly energized; just as they'd been in the previous days when they took that walk.

Something about that Devon air and sunshine I suppose...anyhow..

The family was quite happy and chatty around tea that afternoon. The one awkward moment came for Harry when Drusilla, the Jamaican maid brought in a generous tray of freshly prepared cucumber sandwiches; courtesy of the cook Mrs. Applebum and of course Harry and Meredith. It seems that the Amazing Gherkin; in his final act of the day was to make an encore performance.

Y'see, Harry when had tossed the "Meredith-scented" vegetable to one side; neither he nor the maid saw where it landed. The fact that it had gone straight into the pile of peeled vegatables went completely unnoticed by them and when Mrs. Appelbum had seen the oddly shaped 'farm-fresh" phallus in the basket... she hadn't really put together what it was, (other than having a bell shaped end). She merely cut it into slices and hurried to get it together with the bread and cheese; insuring that the display on the platter was to her liking. Not that it really mattered, - to her it all ended up in the same spot anyhow when people were hungry!

Neither Harry nor Meredith suspected anything was wrong, (until now) and then both wondered if that wayward cuke had found its way back into the basket of vegetables! They appeared to have gotten their answer a moment later as Grand Mah-mah reached for a cucumber sandwich with cheese and upon taking a bite commented that it had a delightfully salty quality with a certain citrusy aspect that escaped her - but remained familiar. She even went so far as to say that although she didn't know the preparer of the sandwiches, she wholeheartedly wished for them to please REPEAT their means of preparation again and with the full measure of her SUPPORT!

Both Harry and Meredith went silent and stared down demurely; he at his plate and she standing nearby at her shoes. They were however able to maintain their secret. What's more, Harry shot her one of his sly winks and she responded in kind with a wink of her own; running her tongue over her lips - undetected by the remainder of the party in the room.

The rest of tea went well and without any more unsettling development, (as did dinner much later). The rest of the evening was quite uneventful; with Bess playing the piano with Mabel in the parlor for Granny, Edwina and Lucy whilst Harry messed about with his bug collection; sticking pins in more lucky six legged creatures! It seemed he'd been pricking and sticking things all day. You'd have thought he'd tired of it, but no...

Anyhow, eventually it became time in the house to blow out lamps and retire for the night and once Harry had changed into his night-gown, he had the urge to use the loo down the hall near his Grand Mah-mah's chamber. On his way back to his own room, he saw dim light under the door and heard both the voice of his grandmother speaking to his Aunt Lucinda. Like an expert padfoot he crept to the key hole and listened.

"And you are sure of this?" Rebecca asked seriously.

"Quite positive Muh-mah," Lucy replied, "I would say that not only does he possess a generous male organ, but will be able to use it in the manner of someone considerably more seasoned than that of a mere boy with more training. ...Why, his horse-cock could satsify Catherine the Great herself!"

"Hmmmf!" replied the grumpy old fusspot of a grandmother," well that won't be necessary; seeing how she's been food for the worms for so long. However, there may be other people of value and consequence who will find his talents and attributes ...worth our while!"

"Yes of course Muh-mah," Lucy agreed, "many indeed who are well-monied and all well above-ground I should think!"

"Hmmmp!" sniffed the old jewess,"as I said... we shall see. I dont need to remind you that we have a great deal riding on this; you need to be right, girl!"

"Yes Muh-mah," replied Lucy a bit uneasy, "I'll have him ready for you in no time at all!"

"Yessss," replied Rebecca with a bit of a thoughtful tone, "we shall indeed see. Alright... you keep up with his lessons. I will have some lessons of my own to bestow upon him and if in my opinion he is as you say; then I will take him to her for the preparation."

"Very good Muh-mah, he'll be most ready for such an audience," replied Lucy.

With that Harry padded away from the door and down the hall. He was met by Drusilla the downstairs maid; still in her uniform and carrying a lantern. She told him that his Mother Edwina had requested his presence in her sleeping chamber. He then saw "Drucy" step down the hallway in the direction of his grandmother's quarters. The door was opening and Lucy emerged and spoke briefly to the maid who then entered the room as Lucy then made her way down the hall in the darkness, without benefit of a candle; her footsteps creaking on the floor.

Harry turned and headed down the hall to the master bedroom of his mother's. On his way he passed auntie Lucy's room and for a moment he thought he'd heard the sounds of his sister Bess and his cousin Mabel giggling inside, but that was ridiculous and sound carried in a rather peculiar fashion in the old home. What's more... he didnt have time to think of the matter as he didn't want Lucy to think he'd been spying. He had no idea if she'd detected his footsteps outside his grandmother's door and she had the senses it seemed of a bitch bloodhound. He made his way quickly to Mummy's bedroom.

Upon knocking at the door, he was greeted with a "Come In Please," by his mother Edwina on the other side. He entered and he could see his mother was already in bed. The room was lit by a solitary candle by the bedside that threw shadows and a hypnotic beautiful glow in all directions. A fire crackled warmly in the hearth to one side of the room as well; having been lit by Drucy before she'd gone down to Grand Muh-mah's room.

"Come ...blow out this candle and slip in bed with me Harry," said Edwina from underneath the covers in the rather chill room; her head, hands, and shoulders being all that shown above the bed-clothes. He did as told.

"Its going to be a cold night and we should spoon together to keep warm," Edwina commented as Harry slipped beneath the covers next her in the darkness; illuminated now only by flickering firelight. As he moved near his mummy beneath the bedclothes, his hands brushed against warm bare flesh that was in sharp contrast to the cool of the room. His hands found the bare rump, bare thighs, and bare back of Mummy who happened to be facing away from him coyly in the flickering reddish glow.