Mother's Helper


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"Mom," asked Patti, "why did you thank Paul?"

"I was having dinner with Rita and him, and asked him how to tell you two about some changes in my relationship with Harry I had been considering. He asked some questions about how you two and Dottie got along, and how you and Harry got along. His questions made me see there were some issues I had to see to first." She looked at Patti. "I hoped I was wrong, but I was afraid of what you told me, and I suspect he's been abusing Dottie, too."

Back at the Tomkins, Paul had finished cleaning up the kitchen and joined his mother on the couch, watching TV. After a few minutes, she curled her feet under her and leaned into his side. He put his arm around her shoulder and drew her in tight. When the movie credits started to roll, she reached up and kissed his cheek. "Does that offer still stand?" she asked softly.

He turned toward her, pushing her slightly more upright, his arm still around her shoulder, but with his fingers now grazing her breast. Rita pushed herself up some more, pushing the breast into Paul's hand as their open lips met. Paul pulled back from the kiss. "Do you want your bath first?"

She smiled at him, her eyes full of love. "Sweetie, if this goes the way I think it's going to go, we'll need a shower or bath afterwards, anyway, so let's wait on that."

"Hmm. Should I be worried?" he asked, slipping his hand inside his mothers shirt.

She moaned into his mouth, having resumed their kiss. "Only if you intend to not satisfy me fully. I want you to replace all my toys tonight. Do you think you can do that?"

"All of them, even..." he asked

"All of them, even..." she agreed, smiling.

He helped her up from the couch, then, standing in front of her, bent down to lift her by her butt cheeks. She squealed with delight, putting her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips as he carried her to the staircase going to the second floor. "Put me down, now." she ordered. He did, then followed her up the stairs, his hands holding her butt.

Rita laughed all the way to the top of the stair. She had not received this kind of playful sexual attention in over 20 years. It was heady stuff, better than any wine she had ever had.

In her room she turned to Paul so he could unfasten her buttons and slide her shirt from her shoulders and over the casts. Then he dropped to his knees and unfastened her jeans, pulling them down and removing them. Rita stood before him, nothing but panties between him and her lady. He reached to pull them down, and saw her panty liner. "Damn!" he swore.

"What is it, honey? Is there some problem?"

"Your UTI, it means I can't kiss you like I want."

"Me, too, but don't worry, unless you are totally turned off by this old body, I don't think this is going to be what Sally calls a one off. At least I hope not."

Paul looked up at his mother. Without a word he stripped off his shirt and undershirt, then unfastened his slacks. Standing up, he left them on the floor, his only clothing now, a well tented pair of boxers and his socks. His mother looked at his crotch and smiled, reaching for him. He lifted her and carried her to the bed. Placing her in the middle, he lay down beside her, embracing her and rolled her to face him, pulling her hips to his, her mouth to his.

His hands explored her body, searching for those unique areas which would heighten her arousal. Her lack of flexibility in her arms and hands frustrated Rita. She wanted to touch, caress, feel her son with her hands. She broke their kiss. "Paul, listen to me. Right now, I don't want you to make love to me. I'm already so friggin' wet, it feels like I wet the bed. Right now, I just want you to fuck the bejeezus out of me. Don't worry about hurting me, or making me come, fuck me, use me, spray your cum all over the inside of my cunt. And do it now! Please."

"Are you sure, Mom? I don't want to hurt you, and I'm so damn hard I could use my cock as a stone drill,"

Rita smiled. "I'm sure. Just give in to the lust. We'll make love later."

Paul pushed her on to her back and positioned himself between her knees. He dragged the head of his cock up and down her labia, uselessly lubricating it since precum was flowing copiously from his piss slit. With it in position, he pushed gently forward, embedding his coronet in his mother.

He heard her breathe in sharply through her nose and glanced at her face. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip. "Are you okay, Mom?" he asked, anxiously.

"Oh, yes, baby, I'm fine," she said, a smile taking over her face. "Don't stop, just do it, fuck me, fuck your momma!"

Paul dropped down to rest on his elbows, wrapping his mother in his arms, his chest pressing on her breasts. He pushed his hips forward, burying his eight inch tribute to Priapus in his mother's Venusian sheath. "Yesssss," she hissed.

"Oh, Fuck! You feel so damn good!" he cried. "I love you, Momma," he said softly in her ear as he began moving his hips in the manner of men since time immemorial.

Mother and son joined three times before sleeping that night, her climaxes almost too many to count. Rita woke her son in the morning with that most delightful combination of experiences, the blowjob and cowgirl fuck.

Sally stopped by after work to thank Paul in person. He was at the grocery store when she arrived, giving her the opportunity to chat with Rita. She noticed the smile Rita wore, the light in her eyes, the smile in her voice.

"I swear, Rita, having a little time off has done you a ton of good. It almost like you got lucky last night." Rita's blush was unmistakable. "You did get lucky! You sneaky so and so! Who?" Rita simply shook her head, not trusting herself to talk. "C'mon! I tell you about everyone I hit the sack with. You claim you're not seeing anyone, and the only guy you see with any regularity is your...No! You fucked Paul! OMiGod! You did, didn't you? I can see it in your face. Damn, if he can make you look like that, he must have been pretty good."

"Sally, don't say anything to him, promise me. We had a very long talk this morning about keeping it secret."

"Rita! I might advertise my own indiscretions from the rooftop, but I don't talk about other people's, especially friends. So, dish, girl. How did the nasty happen?"

Before Rita could answer, Paul was heard pulling into the driveway. In a few minutes, he came in from the kitchen, where he had left the groceries. He greeted Sally with a hug and cheek kiss, a little surprised by the intensity of her hug. Then he bent down to kiss his mom's cheek, only to meet her lips, enticing him to linger a bit. When he stood back up, his mother saw the question in his eyes. "Sally guessed about us. I guess I seemed too happy today."

"Seemed!" laughed Sally. "Your smile was wider than if you combined smiles from the whole SNL audience." She went to Paul and put her arms around his neck. "I stopped by to thank you for your input yesterday about the girls and Harry. Did you know, or suspect something?"

Paul cocked his head, looking at her, thinking. "Suspected. A few weeks ago, I had to go the University Library after supper. I saw Patti there and stopped to say hello. She was studying, which I thought was odd, because I knew she and Diane usually worked together in your dining room. I asked her why and she said Harry was there. Her expression told me she didn't think much of him; when I asked her why, she blushed and blew the question off. Her reaction was enough to make me think Harry had either made a pass or tried to do something inappropriate."

"Well, thank you," she said, pulling him down to give him a taste of tongue. `You were right. Harry tried to cop a feel off both my girls, the SOB. Worse, I asked Diane to speak to Dottie, his daughter, to ask her if he was trying to touch her. She broke down crying when Di asked her.

Di took her to the nurse and explained what she said. The nurse called the school social worker, who called the cops. They called Harry and asked him to come to the school, saying Dottie had a problem. When they confronted him, he confessed. His ex is flying back from Wyoming to take Dottie back with her; meantime, she's asked to stay with us because of Di."

"I'm glad I could help. Um, I better get dinner started. Are you staying?"

"Depends," she said, with a sexy leer. "Are you what's for dessert?"

Paul blushed and retreated to the kitchen.. "Sally!" laughed Rita. "Easy on him; he's practically a baby, still."

"I doubt that; I found out he knows how to kiss. So, how was it last night?" she asked, sitting next to her friend.

Making sure her son couldn't hear them, Rita answered, "He damn near wore me out. I stopped counting after ten orgasms, to his three. I always hear women complaining when their husbands fall asleep after one ejaculation. Damn, when he was done, it was like a river of cum running out of me.

"Lord knows, I haven't had enough experience to count, but after last night and this morning, I've been bordering on giddy all day. It was worth waiting twenty-two years."

"Kinda like newlyweds who have just discovered sex. Great isn't it?" she asked, grinning at her friend. "I don't suppose you'd want to share your new, oops, I almost said toy. He isn't that, is he?" It was as much a statement as it was a question.

"No," Rita answered, "he's not a toy. In spite of our relationship, he really is my lover. That being said, because of our relationship, I don't have claims of exclusivity on him. If he wants to be with other women, I can't stop him. And anytime he wants to make love with me, I can't deny him."

"Rita, I wouldn't do anything to interfere with this new facet of your relationship with Paul. I wasn't thinking of some sort of date leading to sex, more along the line of a threesome now and then. Enough to keep the edge off until I find someone new to get serious with."

"A threesome. Hmm, give me a chance to nibble your bubbies? That might be fun" She giggled at Sally's look of surprise. "Just kidding, girl.

"Let us get used to each other a little, then, when I get the casts off, I'll ask him what he thinks. Since he is an otherwise normal, healthy 22-y.o., I imagine you are in for a prime pussy pounding in a couple of weeks."

In the kitchen, because the two women's voices had gradually crept up to normal volume, Paul overheard the suggestion for a threesome. He immediately got hard, just thinking of getting to have sex with Sally, one of his stroke fantasies since he had met her while in middle school. Barely thinking about it, he called, "Hey, Sally, before you leave, could I speak to you out here?"

"Sure, stud, be right there."

In a few minutes she appeared, her purse over her shoulder. "What's up?"

"Over here," he whispered, "I don't want Mom to hear." She walked over to stand next to him. He turned to face her, their bodies practically touching. Before she knew what he had done, his arm was around her waist, his tongue caressing hers in a hard, passionate kiss. When she started to return it, his hand softly caressed her breast. When they broke from the kiss, he bent down and placed his mouth over her obvious nipple and blew softly, sending a wave of warmth over the full, sensitive mammary.

She groaned and slumped into him. "You motherfucking little tease. Oh, shit, I didn't mean that, not that way. Damn."

Paul laughed at her discomfiture. "Shhh, I know what you mean. I called you out to let you know I like the idea of a threesome. Why don't you come over Sunday afternoon? We'll surprise Mom.

"How would you feel about including Patti? Diane's still a little young, isn't she?"

"She just turned seventeen but since you're over twenty-one, yeah. I don't know about Patti, especially after this business with Harry."

"Just consider it. You could approach it from the aspect of simply sex for the sake of sex; how'd you put it, to keep the edge off. She'd have her needs met until she was ready to start looking seriously."

She reached up to kiss him again. It lasted a bit longer than either anticipated. When she backed up, Sally looked at him, her eyes dark with passion. She looked down to see the sizeable lump in Paul's jeans. "Rita," she called, unfastening the waistband on her uniform slacks, "I'm sorry, I can't wait." She looked at Paul and reached for his belt.

When his pants were down below his hips, she turned to lean on her arms on the table. "Fuck me, kid! Fuck me as hard and fast as you can." Paul slid into her, to the bottom of his root, in a single thrust. Her moan of pleasure was clearly heard in the living room. Rita's laugh was heard by her friend. "Ooohh! Go to hell, Rita! This is your fault, talking about the river of come he left in you. Uuunnnnnnhhh! Oh! Mother! Fuck! Yessssss! O, shit! I'm c...c...c...cccoooooooommmmmmm!" as she began to shake, quiver from head to toe, babbling word sounds.

From the doorway, Rita cheered them on. "I've seen one or two porn films over the years. This was way better." She walked up and put her arm around Paul. "You did good, baby. Did You finish?" He shook his head, breathing deeply. "Can you take some more, Sally, or do you want to finish him in your mouth?"

"Paul," she panted, "how do you feel about anal?"

"I've never tried it, but always wondered what it would be like."

"Rita, there's a bottle of lotion in my purse. Oh, damn! I'm sorry. Just spill everything on the table. See it, Paul? Spill about a teaspoon on my butthole and rub it in. That's right."

As Paul massaged the lotion into Sally's crinkle, he felt himself re-harden in her quim. He began rocking back and forth in her while pushing the lotion inside her back door. Soon he was giving her full thrusts, and receiving the same. His thumb was fully embedded in her ass. She was trying to say something, but all that could be heard was, "uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh."

In a few minutes he felt the tingle at the back of his knees that signaled his impending climax. Soon it was traveling up the back of his legs. Sally suddenly went as stiff as a board. The tingle reached his nuts and he spray painted the inside of Sally's quim with man seed. Sally's cry and sudden release coincided with his spray. He caught her before she fell to the floor, then maneuvered them into a chair, his soft cock still buried in her.

(To be continued)

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story. The character development of the mother (Rita) was good; howe er, the character of the son (Paul) requires some depth. The relationship between mother and son is logical. For the mother to be upset with her son's initial suggestion is logical based on her past experience and psychological makeup. Howevr, she was able to recognize/accept the truth of her situation. She also realized the safety, security and unconditional her son offered her. She realized he only wanted to please her withoutexpectation of any return. Finally, the sexual and emotional epiphany of Rita for Paul was wonderful. She realized that their union was one of equals who were mutually consenting to an intimate, sensual and sexual relationship without restrictions, without positional powerplay nor the risk of emotional or physical abandonment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
So a gay story?

YUK!!! 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Twice read

I've read this story twice now and not got to the second story as I love how good this one is. Don't think I've cum so hard reading a story before!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Not for me

I lost the plot when Paul became Rick then back again.

Plus it just seemed too monotonous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
"Paul," she panted, "how do you feel about anal?"

I think it's queer,

why do all these motherfucking stories always have anal and sweetie?

enough already

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Sex machine...

The son starts with his wounded mother and. Is progressing to family friend and possibly the daughter. Maybe he should restrict his activity to the adult women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A lot going on here.

A hot interesting story, but quite an introduction of characters to keep track of.

bobenjoys183bobenjoys183over 8 years ago
Looking forward to more

Very good story line. Lots of potential partners. Please keep it cumming.

InfiniteFoldingSpaceInfiniteFoldingSpacealmost 11 years ago
The part about discovering the dentist was a molester

reminded me the Lifetime Movie stereotype. And he confessed way too fast. Predators just don't do that. Would have been simpler for Sally to catch him with his office receptionist.

Also, the suggestion that Sally invite her daughter(s) over for some straight sex in front of their mother while he also shags his own mother is pretty darned absurd. Better motivation would have helped.

topacetopaceabout 12 years ago
Jus had to go anal right?

What is it about almost every author of mother/son incest has to go for some anal sex? That tends to ruin a good hard-on for some folks!

Cessna675Cessna675almost 13 years ago
More Please

I can hardly wait to read the next installment. I hope he fucks both Sally and his Mothers' asses real good.

chytownchytownabout 13 years ago

This story went from 0-!0 in about two chapters. If part two is going to be as hot or hotter. Please hurry!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I liked.....

I liked the story but I am bad about seeing a story that says Ch. 2 and I go on because I don't want to read all night. I will just have to remember to read July ~~ Ch. 2

Good chapter 1 and had more sex in it than the two others I just read put together..!* Worth a (5)*

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftabout 13 years ago
Once again,a good start.

Maintain the same momentum that is in this one and the next chapter should be real good. I'm eagerly awaiting it.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 13 years ago
A hot start

Very well written and a good storyline. Even though the storyline has been used numerous times, the author has made it his own with the addition of the extra characters.

I hope to see more soon.


minemuseminemuseabout 13 years ago
A Good Boy

He is a really good boy to be helping his injured mother. I should watch out for the next installment.

tobytimtobytimabout 13 years ago
Great reading

can't wait for the next Ch,, there is a lot more to happen. Oh to have such a horny mother & friend.

Everything sounds so easy & sexy.

Kept me hard all the way through,, Good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Very Nice

More please, I like this story.

boogieman10469boogieman10469about 13 years ago
Very NICE start...!

A little bit obvious at some points, but still HOT! Can't wait for part 2.

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