Ms. Walker's Class Ch. 05


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"I have something to tell you," he smiled, as she lifted her head to look at him. "You're not going to miss me as much as you think." She frowned, confused.

Miranda sat, at the table, accepting the well wishes of several guests. She was also watching her husband on the dance floor, holding his busty, blonde, French client closely while they talked. Solange smiled, and crushed her body against his even tighter, then kissed him, softly, on the lips. Message delivered, Miranda thought.

A couple of minutes later, Michael and Solange walked back to the table, where Miranda was waiting.

"Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful husband with me," Solange whispered, hugging Miranda again. "Thank you, thank you."

She gave Michael one more quick peck on the cheek, smiled again, and walked away, as he watched her sexy behind swing with each step.

"Alright, that's enough for now," Miranda giggled, punching his shoulder playfully, and reaching into her bra, "time to settle up."

"Do you need help with that?" he smiled, as she struggled to retrieve the envelope from its hiding place. Before he could assist, she came out with it. He grabbed it quickly.

"Ooooooo, it's warm!" he whispered, holding it against his face.

"Hmmmm, you ain't felt nothing, yet," she smiled, kissing him deeply. "Your list, please? Or, do you need help with that?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead just reaching into his pants pocket, where she knew she'd find something interesting. "Ah, here it is!" she moaned, grabbing his dick softly. It began to twitch, responding to her caress.

"Wrong pocket," he laughed, reaching into his jacket, "but feel free to continue. Be warned, though. Don't start something you don't want me to finish."

"Well, more than half the people here have already sampled your cock, so I'm sure they won't mind us consummating on the table," she giggled, "They might even join in!"

"In the interest of avoiding heart attacks for our parents," he suggested, "I think we should restrain ourselves. Agreed?"

"Gimme the list, party pooper!" she hissed, taking the paper, and removing her hand from his crotch. "Let's see..." she said, taking a seat. She started to laugh.

" surprise there, you boob lover, you... Ashley...she'll be happy...Solange, yes, I was right about her...Charisse, uh huh." She stopped. "Shit! You win." Michael gave a little fist pump, and ripped open the envelope.

"Sophia, Solange, Ashley, Charisse, Ava," he read. "So close."

"Hiromi, huh?" Miranda asked. "You must absolutely destroy her pussy!"

"She doesn't complain," he answered, "and she gives great baths!"

"Okay, Sweetheart. Go ahead, tell the lucky ladies about the new arrangement," she sighed. "Oh, one more you think it's fair to take Charisse, but not Jenelle?"

"What are you saying?" Michael asked.

"I'm saying you should take Jenelle, too, but they have to share you," she smiled.

"I think they actually prefer it that way," he laughed, winking at his wife. He walked off, towards Ashley.


Michael sat at the table beside Hiromi. She had been very quiet all evening, but that was her nature. The only time he ever saw her let loose was in bed, and it was something to see.

"Thank you for coming, today," he smiled. "It's wonderful to see you."

Hiromi smiled back, then looked down. She was upset. Before she could say anything, or get any more emotional, Michael reached out and touched her chin gently. She looked up, her eyes damp.

"Please don't cry, Hiromi. This isn't the end for us," he whispered. He took his time, explaining the whole plan, yet again. He'd already been through it with Solange on the dance floor. Ashley had already known, probably before he did, as Miranda's friend. Charisse and Jenelle had listened quietly, exchanged glances of happiness, and attacked him in a group hug. Sophia had taken a little manoeuvring, to get her away from Mary, but once she was filled in, she just smiled, so as not to blow their cover.

"I'm so going to fuck you senseless next time we are together," she grinned. Some things never change.

Hiromi listened intently. She was one of his new 'special' clients, who would still have him available to them. Each of them would get him, in their bed, their home...their life, for a full ten hours, just like a job. One set day per week. He was theirs, sort of a communal husband, to do with as they pleased. He would run errands, fix things around the house, or just fuck their brains out, as need be. He finished his explanation.

She reached out and took his large, strong hand in her tiny, delicate one, smiling broadly at the news.

"Thank you so much, Michael," she whispered. "I'm afraid I have become a bit attached to you." She stood up, which made her slightly taller than him as he sat, and she bent to kiss him softly on the lips. As she stood again, she looked deeply into his eyes. "I should also thank your lovely bride. Will you please introduce me?"

"Of course, my sweet," he smiled, and led her over to where Miranda was sitting. She stood as they approached.

"Miranda, I'd like you to meet Hiromi...Hiromi, my wife Miranda," he said quietly. "I'll leave you two alone." As he backed away, he was struck by the contrast between them. Miranda was nearly six feet tall in her heels, while Hiromi was barely over five feet without hers. Miranda's huge bust; Hiromi's petite, yet buxom chest. Miranda's dark complexion, thick lips and wide, expressive mouth; Hiromi's smooth, china-doll features and delicate mouth. While he watched, they both laughed, and sat down together, chattering away.

"Awful lot of beautiful women here," he heard from behind, as Dad sidled up to talk. "Your Mother is wondering who they all are. I'm not allowed to notice such things," he chuckled, patting his son on the back. "If I was, I'd notice that they all seem very friendly, especially with you. I never got as many kisses at my wedding as you have. My, how times have changed."

"Miranda's friends...wishing us the best," he said quietly.

"Uh huh," Dad nodded, "that's what I thought." He nudged his son with his shoulder. "Lucky bugger."


Since Miranda was teaching, they decided to defer the honeymoon until the end of the school year. They did have a few details to work out, though.

Hiromi, Sophia, Ashley, Solange, Charisse, and Jenelle arrived at the house, for a potluck / polyamory party. While there would be no sex tonight, as a group, they would decide who would have Michael, and when.

No sex tonight didn't necessarily mean no close physical contact. Since everyone present was an adult, and fully aware of all aspects of the unique relationship they were embarking on, there was bound to be some touching.

Trust Sophia to be the trailblazer, as she found Michael alone in the kitchen, and immediately took advantage, pressing her exquisitely ample body against his in a decidedly non-platonic way. Her hand caressed his bulge, while she pulled him down into a kiss. That's when Miranda walked in.

What she saw surprised her, and she did feel a quick twinge of jealousy, but this setup was her idea, so she reminded herself it was okay for them to be here.

Michael also felt a touch of guilt, but when Miranda smiled at him, he relaxed. Sophia turned to face her.

"I'm sorry, Miranda," she giggled. "It's just so hard to keep my hands off him." She had stopped kissing him, but her hand lingered on his crotch.

"Hmmm. Hard. Yes. I'll bet," Miranda laughed, stepping closer and kissing him softly. She joined in, adding her hand to Sophia's on his groin. "Just remember. He's mine tonight, and every night. You ladies get the day shift. But you can wind him up all you like. I'll gladly be the beneficiary, later." She winked, and left them alone.

Pretty soon, Charisse, Jenelle, and Ashley had joined the scrum, and Michael was overwhelmed by lips, breasts, and groping hands.

In the living room, Solange, Hiromi, and Miranda realized that the kitchen appeared to be the place to be, as there was an unmistakable smell of arousal, and a lot of soft moaning and kissing could be heard. They walked in.

Michael was surrounded. Only his height made him immediately visible, as the five, as Solange joined in...women sandwiched him. Hiromi stayed by Miranda's side, watching, as the women writhed around him. Everyone was still fully clothed, but that surely couldn't last long, as the women were kissing each other as well as Michael. If things got just a little hotter, it would explode into a full on orgy.

"I think we'd better conclude our business here, before this gets out of hand," Miranda laughed, feeling a little wet herself from just watching. The scene continued. "Ladies...don't make me get the hose!" she threatened, causing laughter as the gaggle broke up, and they left, one by one, makeup smeared, clothing dishevelled, and faces flushed.

Michael leaned in the corner, covered in lipstick, with a huge bulge in his pants.

"I never thought I'd say this," he panted, "but, thank you for rescuing me."

"Thank me later, in the bedroom," Miranda smiled.

The details went quite smoothly, as there was only one conflict of scheduling, that needed resolving, and the two women involved, Ashley and Solange, settled it with a rock-paper-scissors fight, best three of five. Solange won, and took Wednesdays.

Michael was just a spectator, as the ladies hashed it out, and within minutes, it was done. The schedule was set.

Mondays were Ashley's day. Tuesday would find Michael at Sophia's. Wednesday would be for Solange. Thursday, he was going to be at Charisse's house, with Jenelle in attendance on occasion, and Friday he would be at Hiromi's.

Trading of days would be permitted, upon consent. The schedule of times was flexible, if a special request was made.

Miranda had the final surprise.

"Okay. I think we've got it right, now, but I'd like to add one thing," she said, standing at the dining room table. "I propose that we, take this one step further. I know you all care a great deal for my husband, and he feels the same way about you. With that in mind, I suggest that we all get tested. Until the results come back, we continue as usual, condoms mandatory. Once it's proven safe, the rubbers go bye-bye. If you're having sex with anyone else, they have to wear one, or you will be put back on the raincoat list."

Everyone nodded.

"That means we all need to be taking responsibility for contraception, ladies, so if he knocks you up, don't say you weren't warned. Agreed?" Again, full consent.

The party broke up soon after, with women filtering out slowly, and giving Michael a kiss on exit. Before long, there was only Michael, Miranda, and Ashley. He was sitting on the couch, and they were chatting in the kitchen, until Ashley walked in to say goodnight. She straddled his lap, and put her arms around his neck.

"I'll be seeing you Monday, darling," she smiled, and kissed him gently. His hands roamed her ass, and she moaned softly. "You can leave your rubbers here. I'm clean, and Miranda knows it already. I look forward to that warm cum inside my pussy."

She stood again, adjusting her skirt, and walked over to Miranda to say goodnight to her as well. A grin was on her face as she turned back.

"Hey, sweetie," Miranda laughed, nodding. "Ash has a parting gift for you. Watch this."

Ashley's hand cupped Miranda's breast, as they kissed each other, tongues intertwined. The kiss lasted several long, hot seconds, as they moaned into each other's mouths.

Michael was rock hard, watching his wife and her college friend tease him with a preview of what he hoped would be soon reenacted for him.

"See you Monday," Ashley smiled, and waved as she left.

Miranda locked up, and sauntered past him, turning off lights as she went.

"I'll be waiting for my 'thank you'," she giggled, unbuttoning her blouse.


If it's Tuesday, it must be Sophia.

Michael was up early, had his shower, and kissed his wife before he left for work. Miranda was headed out soon as well, but he doubted she would have as much fun at school as he was sure to have today.

He arrived at Sophia's house just before eight, and unlocked the door with his key. He had keys for everyone, now. It had been two weeks since the potluck, and everyone was happy with the arrangement so far.

The house was silent, as he crept up the stairs to her bedroom, peeking around the corner of the door frame to look at her, sleeping peacefully. She was cute, and naked, with the sheet down around her waist, letting him check out her huge breasts as she laid on her side. She had by far the biggest rack he had ever seen, and loved to tease him with it. That's probably what she was doing right now, as she seemed just a little too perfectly displayed.

"Hmmm, I guess I'll just go watch TV," he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Oh no you won't!" she giggled, her game betrayed. She opened her eyes and smiled. "Get over here and kiss me. You're on the clock."

She was right. As much as this was a job in name only, she was his employer until six tonight, and he was being well paid to do whatever she wanted. There would be actual work to be done...pool maintenance, grass cutting, the like...but right now, he was needed for other tasks. Such a drag, every day, the same thing...kiss me, fuck me, make me cum. Oh well...

Michael stripped, and joined his busty boss in bed. They necked for a few minutes, before Sophia pulled back, and gave him a happy gaze.

"You are the most wonderful man I've ever met," she said softly. "I hope you know that I don't just mean what you do to me in here," she gestured around her, to the bedroom, "although that certainly doesn't hurt. You make me feel special. That's why I'm willing to pay to have you here, even if only one day a week. I love you."

"I love you, too, Soph," he whispered, kissing her again. "You're very special to me. I'm very lucky to have you in my life."

Sophia's eyes sparkled as she looked at him from her pillow.

"Okay, that's enough mushy stuff. You're going to make me cry," she giggled. "I like it better when you make me scream."

"Yes, boss!"


I hope you had fun with this one. I know I did, and have a few ideas moving forward. If you have anything you'd like to add, please let me know. You just might read it, someday!

Now, I'm either going to check on John and Christie, or Dan and Karen. I think. Maybe Todd and Kelly, or Alex and Samantha? Or something new?

Shall I surprise you? Or do you want to tell me?

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Bitte bitte weiterschreiben

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 8 years ago
This been a great series...loved it!

Like the whole premise of this...the way you put it all together...the caring besides the HOT sex...looking forward to the last one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great set of stories!!

You hooked me from the beginning! Well written, love all the ladies and the sex was awesome!! Looking forward to more from Michael and Miranda and the set up I can only wish and dream about!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This has been the best series of stories that we have read on this site, We do hope that you will bring us up to date with Micheal and Miranda and of course his `special' lady friends, he and they have so much more to give.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wow what can I say. :)

From the first chapter to the last chapter it was utterly amazing I really do hope that you continue on with this story I would like to read so much more about their endeavors

fuckasaurusfuckasaurusover 8 years ago

It's been over a month since your last submission. Are you alright? Something hasn't happened to you, I hope.

FantasyTrainFantasyTrainover 8 years ago
What can you say??

One of the best Lit. writers I have had the pleasure to read your stories.

As another reader has stated...You have a gift!

Thanks for all the GREAT stories!!

ProfDavrosProfDavrosover 8 years ago
Work of great satisfaction

I've really enjoyed this polyamorous adventure. A demonstration of real love. Well set up and realistic and fun situations. I hope for more soon.

What about an orgy for the boy's birthday? Does the Father get to join in something special? What happens when one of his female friends from school sees him in a couple of years? Does he expand his business by calling for other guys similarly endowed? I'd love to read about those auditions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent storytelling!

You have a gift, truly. Keep at it.

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