Mulier Unit 05-22-E

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Can a loser find a hot wife? He can in this future!
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I had so much fun writing a story for the Literotica 2024 Valentine's Day Contest, that I wanted to write one for the April Fools' Day Contest.

Usually, I dive right into the hot sex with my stories (Found Here), but this is what's sometimes called a "slow burn." You have been warned! 😉 And although this story does contain hot sex (this IS Literotica and I certainly DO like the sexy stuff!), I tried to keep the writing in the style of "classic" Sci-Fi, so no super naughty words. But a nice story with a couple of twists at the end (classic Sci-Fi!).

Also, this is my very first Sci-Fi story for Literotica, so please be kind!

Thank you and enjoy!

Love, Frey

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"Adam Renovare."

"Identification number?"

"Five, four, five, N."

"Just a few moments, please."

Adam stood before the imposing granite reception desk. His fingers fidgeted with each other as he looked around at the enormous foyer of Vivus, Inc. The floor and walls were of the same mottled gray as the desk. Only the sheen of the highly polished surfaces tempered the industrial blandness of the stone.

The minutes ticked by.

Adam leaned forward. "Excuse me, miss?"

"Just a few more moments," was the dry, emotionless response.

More minutes creeped along.

"You may go in, now." The receptionist pointed to an almost invisible door at the far end of the hall.

"Uh... Thank you, miss."

Without looking up, the receptionist, again, pointed towards the door.

Adam turned and trudged towards the inevitable.

He had turned twenty-five years old last week and the only birthday greeting he received -- if you could even call it a birthday greeting -- was a plain envelope addressed to him. It had no return address or other markings on it.

The single piece of paper inside read:

Adam Renovare, ID No. 05-04-05-N,

Today you have reached your twenty-fifth year.

As you are still unmarried, please report to

your local Vivus, Inc. office at:

785 Industry Drive

to begin your mulier unit assignment.

Please report within twenty-eight (28) days.

Adam waited until the twenty-seventh day.

Entering the non-descript door, a man looked up from a computer screen. "Please sit down." He went back to the screen as Adam sat in the rigid aluminum chair and waited.

Without looking up from the harsh glow of the screen, the man told Adam, "As an unmarried twenty-fiver, you have been assigned a mulier unit. Your mulier unit is ID Number five, twenty-two, E. It will arrive at your house this upcoming Saturday at 2:40 p.m. It will knock on your door. You are to answer the door. The unit will claim that its car has broken down and it needs to use your telephone. You will allow the unit entry into your house. You will then close the door to your house."

He looked up at Adam through horn-rimmed glasses. "Do you understand?"


"Do you have any questions?"

"What's a 'twenty-fiver?'"



"Do you have any other questions?"

"Do you have to call me that?"

"No. Do you have any other questions?"

Adam shifted uncomfortably in the chair. "Um... Won't the neighbors know it's... Uh... Um, an android?"

The man recited, "We have various scenarios to deliver mulier units to twenty-fivers so as not to arouse suspicion. Of course, observers may still have their suspicions, but no one will have any way to know for certain that the mulier unit isn't, in fact, a human. Do you have any other questions?"

Adam looked around the small room. "I guess not."

"Again, the mulier unit's Planetary ID Number is five, twenty-two, E." He handed Adam a small card with those numbers printed on it.

Still uneasy about the entire process, Adam asked, "And the unit will tell me what to do when it gets there?"

"Yes. Do you have any other questions?"

Adam shrugged. "No."

"Please check in with the receptionist on the way out." The man returned his attention to the computer screen in front of him.

"Uh, okay." Adam stood up. "Thanks."

He got no response, so he opened the door and left.

The next three days were very uneasy for Adam. He didn't know what to do with himself or what was going to happen once the unit arrived. People rarely spoke of such things and when they did, it was in hushed, secretive tones. Having a mulier unit assigned to you was shameful. It meant that at the age of twenty-five, you still had not been able to find a spouse. Out of the billions of people on Earth, you had been unable to find someone that loved you and wanted to spend the rest of their life with you.

A mulier unit assignment simply proved that you were a loser in life. Or worse. Completely unlovable.

And Adam guessed that he was.

Both of his parents had passed away. He had no siblings. He had no other relatives that he was aware of. He had no friends. He barely had work acquaintances. Despite all of this, he didn't mind his lonely life. He actually enjoyed being left alone and simply existing. And he certainly didn't want a mulier unit.

No man wanted a mulier unit.

At 2:40 on Saturday afternoon, there was a knock on his front door. Adam had been sitting in his living room waiting for it. He rose and walked to the door. When he opened it, he was greeted by a young woman -- or rather, an android that looked like a young woman.

Resigned to his fate, Adam mumbled, "Hello."

"I am so sorry to bother you, but my car," the unit gestured towards the street, "has broken down. Could I use your telephone, please?"

"Sure, Adam sighed. "Come in."

Once inside, the unit handed Adam its Planetary ID Card.

Adam glanced at it. "Um-hum." He handed the card back.

He walked into the living room and the mulier unit followed.

"Do you want to sit down?" Adam asked it.

"That would be lovely, Adam," it told him as it sat at the edge of a chair and crossed its legs demurely.

Adam sat across from it. "So... What do we do now?"

"As you probably know, at the age of twenty-five, any unmarried citizen is assigned an android companion. Unmarried men are assigned mulier units, such as I, and unmarried women are assigned vir units."

Slightly interested, Adam asked, "What is a 'vir unit?'"

"Vir units are androids built to look like a typical male human."

"I didn't know that there were any unmarried women left on Earth," Adam muttered.

Mulier Unit 05-22-E explained, "Although rare, some women do remain unmarried at the age of twenty-five. Although, of course, the unmarried male is much more common."

"Of course." Adam frowned. "Could you stop saying 'unmarried?'"

"Oh! I apologize if I have offended you. I will not use that word again."

"No. It's fine." Adam slumped back into the cushions of the armchair. "So, now I have you?" He looked out the window. "And your broken car."

"That is correct. Of course, my car is functional. I simply loosened a fuse after I parked in front of your house. This is all just a written script," the mulier unit looked around the room then leaned towards Adam and whispered, "for the prying eyes of any nosey Nancys or snooping Stevens that may have been watching."

"Mmm," Adam replied.

The mulier unit sat upright and said, "I am sorry that my little joke did not amuse you."

Adam sighed. "No. I got it."

"I will do better next time. I am still learning."

Adam wearily stood up. "I'm going to have some lunch."

As he started to walk out of the room, Mulier Unit 05-22-E asked, "Adam, would you like me to join you?"

He paused, then turned around. "For lunch?"

"Yes." The mulier unit stood up. "If that is alright with you."

"You eat?"

Smiling, the mulier unit answered, "Yes. The caloric energy in human food is what powers my fuel cells."

Adam shook his head in wonderment. "Technology... Wow."

"Yes. Technology wow." Mulier Unit 05-22-E repeated as it followed Adam into the kitchen.

Sitting down and eating ham on rye with potato chips, Adam and the mulier unit looked at each other.

"So, what do I call you?" Adam asked.

"Anything that you would like."

"Hmm," Adam commented noncommittally. He continued munching on potato chips.

"At the factory, I did have a designation aside from my serial number. Vivus, Inc. has found that some unmarrie -- some young men may have trouble naming us."

Adam looked up. "Yeah?"

"My full designation is Mulier Unit 05-22-E Oriella. Maybe that would help?"

"Sure, I guess. Oriella's good."

"I think that is a nice name for me," it told Adam. "Unless you would prefer to use a different name?"

"No. That's fine."

"The name Oriella means 'full of life' in Latin." The unit smiled at him. "It seems that someone at Vivus, Inc. had a bit of an ironic sense of humor, Adam."

Adam looked up and for the first time in what felt like years, he smiled.

"I am pleased that you have enjoyed this joke." The mulier unit stood up and began clearing the table.

As Adam watched it, he really looked at it for the first time. He marveled at how lifelike the mulier unit was. Almost indistinguishable from a real human. From a real woman. And not wholly attractive.

It looked like a woman about Adam's age. Maybe a year or two younger. Blonde hair tied up in a robin's egg blue silk ribbon that matched the blue in its gingham-patterned dress. Its face was pretty, but nothing that would call undue attention from anyone looking at her. The entire unit seemed tailor made to blend in and not stand out.

The unit finished clearing the table and walked over to Adam. "At this point, Adam, we will go outside and wait for the mechanic. We will engage in a little small talk, he will get my car running, and I will thank you and drive away."

Adam felt a little pang of regret hearing that.

"Of course," the unit continued, "this is all for the benefit of your neighbors. Over the next few weeks, I will visit with you -- each time of longer duration -- and after an appropriate time, I will move in. It will look like we met, briefly dated, and married."


"Thank you for lunch. Now, let us go outside."

As they waited for the mechanic, Adam and the unit sat on the front porch.

"So... Oriella," the name felt kind of nice in his mouth and sounded pleasant to his ears, "how long do we pretend to date?"

"Vivus, Inc. advises a minimum of three months."


They sat and listened to some birds in a nearby tree.

"This must be the mechanic," Adam said as a truck pulled up.

Over the next few months, they "dated." During this time, Adam learned that these android spouses were assigned to assist the unmarried individual. In the case of an unmarried woman, the vir unit -- male android -- would work and provide income as well as chores around the house such as taking out the garbage and mowing the lawn.

For an unmarried man, the mulier unit would do the work of a housewife, but more importantly, help to keep him domesticated. Many years ago, the government had found a strong correlation between a male with no stable familial ties and violent crime.

"Essentially," Oriella had told him, "the mulier unit had been developed to keep an unmarried man from going out and causing trouble."

"Humpf," Adam scoffed. "I never go out. I don't see why I need an android wife."

"Nonetheless, it is the law," Oriella informed him.

Ironically, during this dating charade they were engaged in, Adam had learned that he didn't really mind actually leaving his house for something other than work or grocery shopping. He wasn't enjoying their dates, but he wasn't necessarily disliking them, either.

And then the day came for Adam's mulier unit to move into his house.

At the pre-arranged time, Oriella arrived in her car followed by a moving truck with two movers inside the cab.

Oriella pulled into the driveway, turned off the ignition in her car, and ran to Adam who had been waiting on the porch. She threw herself into his arms and gave him a quick peck, then laughed cheerily as she wiped smeared lipstick off of his lips.

"That was for the neighbors," Oriella whispered.

A little surprised at Oriella's enthusiastic performance, and certainly surprised by the kiss, Adam simply nodded.

It was late in the afternoon by the time the movers had brought in the last box.

Adam and Oriella stood in the hallway looking at all of the boxes stacked about the house.

"You have a lot of stuff..." Adam mused. "For an android."

"More than half of the boxes are just filler."

Adam nodded. "For the neighbors?"

"That is correct." Oriella replied. "As well as the moving company."

Adam nodded again.

"Vivus, Inc. is very aware of appearances."

"Clearly," Adam muttered.

"I can unpack tomorrow. What would you like me to cook for dinner?"

Adam looked at Oriella. "I don't know."

"Very well. I will see what you have in the kitchen."

Adam watched Oriella walk down the hallway. She was quite pretty. Even from the back. Adam had not yet noticed the shift in his thinking from "it" to "she" while he stood for a few more moments looking at the boxes.

"Adam?" Oriella was walking back towards him a couple of minutes later. "It seems that we do not have anything that I could make for dinner."

Oriella took his hand. "Would you like to go out to a restaurant to celebrate or 'marriage?'"

Adam shrugged, then gave her a small but sincere smile. "Actually, I would like to go out."

"Wonderful!" Oriella exclaimed. Then looking at the boxes said, "let me find some of my clothes and I will change."

Twenty minutes later, Oriella came into the living room where Adam had moved some boxes and was sitting reading a book. "I am ready, Adam."

Adam looked up.

Oriella was wearing a rather tight dark red satin dress. Adams' breath caught in his chest as his eyes followed the gentle curves of her body. Her hair was tied back with a matching ribbon and she was wearing lipstick that was an even darker red than the dress. On her left wrist was a single, delicate gold bracelet dotted with tiny red stones that glittered as she moved. All of this was stunningly set off by the contrasting black shine of her high heeled shoes.

"Is my appearance to your liking?"

Adam swallowed. "You look beautiful, Oriella."

Oriella blushed.

Astonished, Adam asked, "You can blush?"

"Technology wow."

"Technology wow," Adam agreed.

Looking at Oriella, Adam said, "I feel underdressed. I should go and change." Adam started towards his bedroom.

"No," Oriella assured him, lightly reaching for his wrist. "You're perfect."

Adam smiled. "Where would you like to go?"

"I would like to go to the restaurant where we had our first date."

"Then that's where we'll go," Adam said and helped her with her coat.

They had a lovely evening and Adam actually enjoyed himself quite a bit. He found that he was enjoying Oriella's company. She was smart and witty. Of course, he thought, that was just how she was manufactured. She was programmed to learn his likes and dislikes, his personality and behaviors -- everything about him -- and assimilate all of that into forming her own personality tailor made to please him.

To compliment him.

To become the perfect partner for him.

And in truth, what was there not to like about that?

Back at the house, Oriella asked to take a shower.

"Sure," Adam told her. "There are a few towels in the closet and soap and shampoo in the shower."

"Thank you, but I have brought my own cleaning products," Oriella said. "Adam, please go into the living room and relax. I will not be long."

Adam was putting clean socks away when Oriella walked into his bedroom.

"Oh, Adam! Please do not do that. That is my job, now. That is one of the reasons that I am here for you."

Adam turned around. Oriella was standing just inside the doorway wearing a towel wrapped around her hair and another wrapped around her body. He was seeing more of her shapely legs than he had ever seen on any woman. Even the women he would occasionally see wearing the new miniskirt fashion that had become all the rage.

Oriella's legs were long. And alluring. Adam found himself staring and quickly looked up at Oriella, feeling guilty.

"It is okay for you to look at me." Oriella gave him a coquettish smile, "I am yours to do with as you please."

Adam felt a tingling inside him as he watched Oriella carefully unwrap the towel from her hair and let it fall to her shoulders in damp loose curls. He watched intently as she turned and left the bedroom. The curve of her buttocks rolled seductively against the terry cloth towel around her.

Still staring at the empty doorway with a rapidly growing erection, Adam was stunned when, moments later, Oriella walked back into the bedroom completely naked.

Devoid of modesty, Oriella folded the remaining socks and placed them in the drawer. She turned to Adam.

Still utterly stunned -- he had never seen a naked woman before -- Adam stood frozen and gawking. Her breasts were full and ripe with dark nipples pointing slightly upwards. She had a true hourglass figure that had only been hinted at by the red dress she had worn earlier that evening.

But what really attracted Adam's attention were her rounded hips and the small tuft of almost invisible blonde hair above her vagina.

"Do you approve of me?"

His erection is now throbbing painfully in his pants, Adam could only nod.

Oriella almost seemed to float as she walked gracefully towards the dumbstruck Adam. She tenderly placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on the bulge in the front of his pants.

"Would you like me to take care of this for you, Adam?" Oriella rather boldly asked.

Adam couldn't answer.

"We are married." Oriella looked into his unblinking eyes. "I can offer you manual manipulation so that you may achieve orgasm."

Adam still couldn't answer her. But he did finally blink.

"Would you like to lie on the bed, Adam?"

His mouth dry, he was able to croak, "Sure."

Oriella propped his head up with two pillows explaining, "It is my understanding that many men enjoy watching."

"Uh-huh," was Adam's response.

Sitting on the bed next to Adam, Oriella unzipped his pants and pulled them down a little. Then she pulled his underwear down, freeing his erection. She touched his penis causing it to jump. Oriella laughed with what sounded to Adam to be nervous laughter, and he briefly wondered what emotions a mulier unit was programmed with. But that thought immediately flew from his mind as soon as her fingers grasped his manhood.

Over his years alone, Adam had done this for himself on occasion, never finding much pleasure in it. But lying on his bed with a woman -- even if it was just an android made to look like a woman -- masturbating him was infinitely more exciting. It felt like every nerve in his body was firing microscopic lightning bolts throughout his body. His senses seemed somehow dulled and heightened simultaneously.

Adam watched as Oriella stroked him. He looked up to see her breasts tantalizingly sway as her arm moved up and down.

"Does this feel good, Adam?" Oriella asked him.

"Uh-huh," Adam panted as his heart triphammered in his chest. He could feel a thin sheen of sweat forming on his forehead.

"I am glad," she told him.

In rhythm with Oriella's strokes, Adam wordlessly hummed in his throat. "Hmm. Hmm. Hmm." Each time growing more urgent until he finally let out a slow groan and the floodgates opened.

Oriella seemed to time every pull of his penis with each spurt of semen, almost encouraging him to produce more. Not that he needed much encouragement! Thick milky ropes arced uncontrollably into the air above Adam's waist. He watched as some landed on one of Oriella's flushed breasts.