My Best Friend's Hairy Mom


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All of the erections that I had gotten over the years while either looking at Rose Henry or fantasizing about her - and now this? She was there in the flesh, naked as the day she was born and looking even more erotic than I had imagined, and I was failing big time.

"Probably not doing this very well," Rose said after she took my limp noodle out of her mouth and stretched it with her hand while apologizing for something that was not her fault.

I didn't know good head from bad because this was the first mouth that had ever been near it, but the real problem was me. Maybe if it was dark I wouldn't have been so self-conscious, but even in the dim light we were in I felt like I was in a spotlight. Rose Henry had been with men before, and I was sure none of them were built like this.

I wanted to tell her that it got bigger when it was hard, but my mumbling was incoherent even to me, so I have no idea what it sounded like to Mrs. Henry.

"Relax," Mrs. Henry was saying as apparently my panic was evident in my expression. "Just close your eyes and relax."

So I did. Instead of staring at poor Rose trying to wake up my dead dick, I closed my eyes and tried to picture something very different going on between my legs, and as I did I felt myself getting aroused. Looking down I saw Mrs. Henry now moving her mouth up and down a stiffening shaft, and when she peeked up at me her eyes were sparkling.

"There," Rose was saying as she took her mouth off my cock, and now her hand was sliding down my saliva covered dick which pointed straight up. "You're not small at all, you kidder. Look at you - and you're so hard."

If Rose Henry said it, it must be true, and then when she told me how excited she was, taking my hand down between her legs to prove it. The furry opening was easily found, and as I put my finger inside of her she groaned.

"Let's go to - no - right here," Rose was saying, apparently changing her mind about taking me to her bedroom because who knows what would happen along the way.

Instead she pulled me down to the carpet with her, and after I climbed on top of her and started fiddling between her legs, she took charge. Her hand grabbed my dick and put me inside her, the opening wet and snug, and then she wrapped her legs around my butt and implored me to - in her words - "Fuck me hard!".

In my fantasy world, I had always thought that it would be different that first time. Maybe in a fancy hotel room, with champagne in a bucket by the bed, and me being a masterful lover. I hadn't pictured my virginity would be taken on a living room rug, but as it was happening I was too excited to care.

I was clumsy and very amateurish, but what I lacked in experience and technique I guess I more that made up for in enthusiasm. What started out in front of Mrs. Henry's couch ended up clear across the room, the result of my rutting into her like a lunatic for a lot longer than I had expected to last.

The only hesitation was after a couple of minutes of relentless humping, Rose started screaming, her eyes bugging out while she clawed at my shoulders. I stopped, thinking that somehow I was hurting her, but she just tightened her legs around me and implored me to not stop in words I never expected to hear come out of her mouth.

Having gotten to experience a woman's orgasm for the first time, I wanted to watch her cum again. Rose did a little later, although in not nearly as theatrical a fashion as she had before, and then I was cumming, spurting what felt like a quart of my semen into her while trying not to ram the top of her head into the radiator her skull was close to.

I stayed on top of Mrs. Henry, her arms holding me up off her while my dick deflated and popped out of her. Rose was running her hands through my hair, telling me how good it was for her, but I couldn't talk for fear I would cry, so I just smiled so wide I probably looked like a lunatic.

We ended up on our sides, hugging and kissing in the afterglow of our lovemaking, and then Rose asked me if I would like to go to bed instead of staying on the rug. I didn't care but was happy to follow her anywhere, and after me got to our feet Rose made a face while trying to look behind her.

"Oops," I said when I looked at her back, which had been pale a few minutes ago but now glowed with a nasty rug burn. "Sorry."

"Look at your knees," Rose said, and only then did I feel the discomfort of having left some skin on the carpet myself.

I followed Rose down the hall and into her bedroom, enjoying watching her little red butt jiggle along the way.

"You need to call home?" Rose asked when she suggested that I could spend the night if I wanted, and then made a face when she realized that I wasn't a kid anymore.

"Don't know if I'll get much sleep - not used to having anybody else in bed with me," she said.

"I'll try not to bother you," I offered, although I didn't know how I could manage that.

"Bother me, Jimmy," Rose said with conviction. "Never had anybody want me like this before, and it feels so good I can't describe it."

In the bedroom, we cuddled some more and after a few minutes of that I was ready for more. Full of confidence for the first time in my life, I found myself kissing my way down her petite body until my face was being buffeted by the wild jungle of hair that guarded her sex.

Rose was a mess down there, the combination of her fluids and my cum creating a sloppy brew that I lapped up like a puppy. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but with Rose's hands in my scalp maneuvering my tongue I was starting to learn.

Rose squirmed around until I was on my back, and as she straddled me her hand was moving my stiff dick into her pussy. What a magnificent sight it was having Rose Henry riding my dick - too magnificent at time because I had to look away.

Cupping her little hangers that swayed down in front of her, I tried to think of anything but my dream girl riding me with a crazed look on her face as I fought back to urge to cum. Her banana boobs were so soft and her nipples were so hard in my palms that even not looking didn't work after a while.

"No," Rose said after I asked her if she had cum. "Still felt good though."

I made her cum the next time though, the sounds of Rose howling while her pussy contracted around my dick making me join her orgasm, and then Rose declared that I had worn her out. She clicked off the light on the night stand and she fell asleep in my arms.

An hour later she was leaning over and turning the light back on, declaring that something was poking her and waking her up.

"I'm a little tender down there," Rose told me. "Not used to any visitors in that area."

Rose crawled down to the end of the bed and spread my legs so she could get between them. Looking up at me with a mischievous grin, Rose licked my balls and then let her tongue slide up to my dick.

Rose's eyes never left mine as her lips slid down my stiff cock until they were buried in my pubes, and then she proceeded to make love to my dick, which all of a sudden didn't look so small anymore. It had been enough to make Rose happy several times already, and that was good enough for me.

"Rose," I said after holding back for a long time. "I'm going to cum soon."


"I mean - what should I do?" I said, unsure of the protocol.

"I think you should cum," she giggled before going back down on me.

My eyesight got blurry a little later, but not enough to obscure the vision of Rose looking at me through my pubes as I felt my orgasm roar through my loins, and then watched her hardly blinking as I came. What she didn't swallow ended up drooling out of the corners of her mouth, and after I went limp she climbed back up and clicked off the light.

"Good night," Rose said as she cuddled up next to me.

"I love you," I said, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too - in ways you'll never know," Rose answered, and while she fell asleep, I didn't.

After all, it was almost morning, so I just enjoyed holding her and listening to her soft breathing. The sun was coming up when I gave in to my kidneys, and after I drained them I went back to bed.

The sun was just peeking through the curtains as I climbed back in with Rose, resting on my hip as I surveyed the gorgeous creature who was sprawled so peacefully there. The sheet was down just below her waist, with just the timberline of her untamed triangle exposed.

Above, her stomach was flat, and I then noticed a faint trail of hair that went from just below her little belly button and ended up down and her bush. On her back her breasts sort of fell back upon themselves, making her seem a bit flat chested although her plump nipples were still prominent.

My eyes strayed to the tuft of hair under her arm, which was exposed with the way she was resting. It had been so fascinating to me all the years it had been partially hidden, but now it was just another sexy part of Rose, although I still found it erotic.

"I take it you haven't been to sleep," Rose said, startling me when I saw she was now awake and aware I was examining her. "You're going to be dead in class later."

"I'll survive," I said.

"I remember being 18," Rose said. "Ancient history - what are you doing?"

"Just playing," I said while I raked my fingers through her armpit hair and enjoying her wiggle.

"Well, enjoy it while you can, because I'm maid of honor at my best friend's wedding - second wedding, the fool - next month and the dress she picked out - well, let's just say that I doubt she would be as thrilled as you seem to be about me being a bear at the ceremony," Rose said.

"That's okay," I said, the idea of her talking like this wasn't just a crazy one-night stand not being lost on me.

"Maybe you can shave me, if you're still around next month that is," Rose said. "I hate doing it for some reason. Jeff's father used to get bent out of shape if I wasn't always silky smooth for him, so maybe this is just me fighting back. Too late of course."

"You would let me do that?" I asked.

"Why not? You know how to shave, don't you?" Rose said, and I cringed as I shook my head.

The next month I did shave Rose's underarms for her, and her legs as well, although I steadfastly refused to trim her incredible bush. It was one of the more erotic things I would ever do, kneeling next to the tub and carefully running a razor over her legs and through her armpits, going through a second blade in the process, and while Rose felt self-conscious about it at first, by the time I was done she was climbing out of the tub and dragging me into bed without even drying herself off.

"Too bad you like me hairy," Rose said after we made love. "That was so amazing that I'd love to have you do that to me all the time."

"I'll do it," I said, because I was crazy about Rose in every way, and just being able to touch her and be with her made me happy.

I was her boyfriend, so she claimed, although when I insisted she was my girlfriend she laughed, finding the idea of a woman her age being called a girl funny. We only used those terms in private, because Rose didn't think that society was ready for us being a couple in the real world.

Age didn't matter to me, because I was in love. Our affair continued, only pausing when Jeff was home from school on vacations. Even then, we found ways to sneak away for some affection.

Over a year later I tried to convince Rose of how little age mattered to me by suggesting that after I graduated college we could tie the knot.

"I'm honored and flattered and I love you," Rose said. "But I couldn't."

"Why not? I don't care what people think," I insisted.

"What about Jeff?" was Rose's response, and she had a point there.

Jeff had no clue about us, of course, and when I contemplated the effect of what dropping a bomb like that on my best friend would have, I had to agree.

My mentioning that chilled our relationship for a bit, with Rose suggesting that maybe I should get more serious about school as well as looking for somebody by own age.

"After all, in 20 years you'll be 40 and I'll be almost 70," Rose reminded me. "Can you imagine what I'll look like then?"

"Superficiality," I reminded her, assuming that I had soured Rose on our affair by pushing the envelope.

A couple of weeks later Rose called to tell me that she had gotten something from Jeff that I might want to pick up, but she was lying.

"Kidding," she corrected me after I scolded her for being a liar. "I wasn't sure you come come over if all I had to give you was this."

This was in the kitchen a moment after she had closed the door behind me and let her robe fall off her shoulders to reveal that she was very naked underneath.

That was crazy of course, her thinking that, and after I chased her down the hallway and caught up with her I spanked her for being so wrong about me, because I would never stop wanting her.

Eventually, we started seeing other people. I think it was for the best, and I also think that our relationship had done wonders for both of us. We had both been pretty much train-wrecks, thinking that we had so little to offer anybody else, but that changed. At least I know it did for me.

Without Rose Henry in my life, I don't know how things would have gone for me. I do know that she made me a better person, giving me confidence and a feeling of self-worth that I didn't have before.

Rose is gone now, but in my mind I can still see her. Certainly not the way she saw herself, and maybe not the way she really was, but the way that you see those that you truly love.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Did you ever try knocking her up I knocked up my friends mom she had very thick bush between her legs her cunt hair was thick below her belly button all the way up to her asshole she had me and her son double penetrate herboth came in her cunt and asshole then I fist fucked her to orgasm once she had my kid she had her own son pregnate her I fuck when I can even into her late sixties

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A great story. You described a mature hairy triangle with a treasure trail! Not some razor burnt with nasty looking pimples from shaving and stubble with ingrown hairs like in some; just haven't learned any better yet, teens headed to the beach in a bikini that you can hear being scratched with stubble when they walk by you. Just dammed Silly.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A five, she was hairy!

5A4nxL325A4nxL32over 1 year ago

Enjoyed this story- the sexual naivety, the issues about having a love for hairy women (something I really share) & the way the story develops .Would love to have seen her naked in her full hairy glory. Despite my love for the hair it would have been pretty hot to watch you shave her legs/pits. Would hope she might re-grow though. Long time no hairy women stories.

chytownchytownabout 5 years ago
Some Good Story Telling****

Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. Thanks for sharing.

zoejoeyzoejoeyabout 5 years ago

Well done

GymTeacherYouDeserveGymTeacherYouDeservealmost 6 years ago
What a beautiful (and sort of sad) story!!

I think the BEST thing about your stories is that you seem to truly appreciate the same things I do: Conventionally unattractive women. That's why your stories are so damn real (I appreciate the part about the "awkward" "sloppy" virgin sex here). Your stories are relateable--and this makes you truly my favorite writer here.

I'm 43, my wife is 62. The (kind of) sad part in your story was how Rose didn't think it would work between her and Jim. I've never really dated anyone my own age. Over 20 years ago, one of my 1st long term relationships was with my high school math teacher.

Once again, I ADORE the fact that you don't play into porn tropes and you like to write your stories in the past. I guess I like that because it makes me think back to days when we didn't rely on smartphones and we didn't have to worry about just being teens in school.

Thanks so much for another great one!! I'm going to keep checking through your list and keep on reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I feel the same as yesterday's did! Such a shame how society governs how ànd what we feel. I long for the old hippe life when à guy or girl could express how they felt without the fear of rejection rearing it's ugly head..

yesterdaysyesterdaysabout 9 years ago

Very erotic and yet also sweet, touching and poignant. Thanks. ++

JhMcKnJhMcKnabout 10 years ago
Haairy Mom

I enjoyed the story because it is realistic. I like women who don't shave theeir armpits, legs, or pussies. Better yet is when they wear nylon stockings and a garter belt or garter girdle to show off their hairy legs.

She wanted to be loved and he wanted to love her. It was a great match.

sp9rkssp9rksover 10 years ago

Your story was a breath of fresh air, well written and came across as honest. The fact that it might even be a real help to people with insecurities is just a bonus.

Truth is stranger than fiction, and while you've put unusual features into this piece, you still don't step too far outside the rules of reader enjoyment, character endearment and erotic forbidden-ness. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Your stimulating story took me by surprise. I thought it was likely going to be all about a boy simply looking to score, and in crude language.

You write very well and didn't rush the intimacy as so many stories do. Beautifully erotic, sensual, sweet, and real.. the emotional intimacy and vulnerability the characters have and shared with each other left me craving for them to unite. Very arousing. Thank you!

Paxo1944Paxo1944over 11 years ago
In Praise of Older Women

I have never been sure about hairy armpits, but hairy triangles are a must. Although in my late teens my older female tutor was naked all over. I realy enjoyed your 'normal' people story and I hope you continue with this theme.

handlewithcarehandlewithcareover 11 years ago
Liked your realism

Your story was so enjoyable to read, primarily because your subjects were just ordinary people. The falseness of the majority of stories is so patently obvious, a characteristic which made yours so refreshing. My story, too, shares this quality, even though it deals with my mother as my lover. Keep writing!

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