My Date with Mr. Abbington

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Married woman tells about her date with her husband's boss.
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I'll never forget the day my husband Todd asked me if I would help him with his career.

I will admit, looking back on the whole affair, I was really naïve. I really believed that Todd's primary reason for wanting me to show his boss, Marvin Abbington, a good time was all about his job. I had never heard of men actually wanting their wives to sleep with other men.

"Honey, I thought Mr. Abbington liked your work."

"He does, but that's not enough. He likes everybody's work in our division, but he's got to let at least two of us go."

"You think he'd fire you?"

"Baby, I don't know for sure. I just want us to have some insurance, that's all. If you

go out with him, and he has a good time, he won't even think about letting me go. But if you don't want to, I'll understand. If worse comes to worse, we can always move back to New Jersey. Your father said he'd hire me back any time, remember?"

Todd was very convincing. And I think, on one level, he actually was worried about his job. But, as I learned later, he also really wanted me to have sex with his boss. That's the part that really surprised me.

I told him I'd think about it, but he kept bringing it back up.

"So, have you thought about it, sweetheart?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet," I'd tell him whenever he brought up the subject. And I hadn't. I knew Marvin Abbington--a little--and he was not a jerk, by any means. He was older that Todd and me by about ten years. He made a good appearance, and always treated me with respect whenever we ran into each other.

Eventually, Todd got tired of my indecision, and announced one morning that he had invited Mr. Abbington to our house for dinner.

"I haven't said a word to him, it's just dinner. Like I said, I don't want you to do anything you don't want to. I know you like to cook and entertain, and that's all this is. So just be yourself, honey. That's all I ask. OK?"

At first I was pissed that Todd had invited his boss for dinner without first discussing it with me, but after thinking about it, I realized that it might be a good idea to have him over. It would be an opportunity for me to assess just how much jeopardy Todd's position in the company really was.

Of course, Todd wanted the evening to be special. A great meal, some real good wine, and "good company," by which he meant that he expected me to be the cordial host that I always was whenever we had people over. "Nothing more," he kept telling me.

Well, the evening went smoothly enough. I wore one of my favorite dresses, and heels and Todd and Mr. Abington both told me how nice I looked. My special roast beef and baked veggies was a hit, and afterwards Mr. Abbington and Todd smoked cigars out on the deck.

Todd thanked me for being the perfect host.

"You were great, Honey. Marvin told me outside how lucky I am to have a woman like you. He thinks you're a very special person."

"That's because I am," I told him.

In bed that night, Todd once again brought up the subject of going out on a date with Mr. Abbington.

"Honey, I don't think Mr. Abbington will fire you. He likes you too much."

"I don't want to take that chance, Baby. I'm not asking you to go to bed with him. Just show him a good time. Like you did tonight."

"No sex?"

"Like I said, honey. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do."

"But what about what he might want to do? It's not too hard to imagine that if I go out with him and show him a good time, he could want … to dance with me …kiss me …

feel me up, whatever."

"I'm sure he'd be a gentleman, Honey."

Like I said, this conversation took place in bed. I could see that Todd was getting aroused when I mentioned what Mr. Abbington might want to do with me on a date. That's when I first realized that this was about more than just job insurance. My husband was getting turned on by the idea of my being with another man, much to my amazement.

"You wouldn't be upset if I let him kiss me?"

"Sweetheart, you'd be doing it for us. Of course, I wouldn't be upset."

"Even if I kissed him back?"

"If it seemed like the right thing to do at that moment, I'd be fine with that, sweetheart."

"Look at you! Your cock has really gotten hard! What if Mr. Abbington's cock gets hard when we're kissing?"

"Honey, like I said, I'm fine with whatever happens. I know you love me and that's all that matters."

I made up my mind right then to go out with Mr. Abbington. Not necessarily to have sex with him. But to go out with him ...and "show him a good time," as Todd kept putting it.

I was tired of the constant nagging, and after spending the evening with Mr. Abbington, I realized that a night of dining out with him and maybe having a couple of drinks with him was harmless enough and might even put an end to Todd's constant harping about the idea.

Want to know how my date went? Todd sure did.

"Well, first I should tell you that, Marvin Abbington really was the perfect gentleman. In fact, I found him to be quite a lonely man. In turns out that there's a Mrs. Abington. I had no idea. But I learned over the course of the evening that she is a drinker and not much interested in sex. I also learned that Marvin Abbington is an excellent dancer.

"My wife never goes dancing with me."

"You poor man. I can tell you really enjoy dancing."

"I do. And you're a great dance partner, can I tell you that?" he said.

"I think you just did." I quipped. We laughed together.

In spite of my plan to treat the night as a kind of business date, I found myself flirting with my husband's boss which is probably why he eventually got up enough nerve to kiss me while we were dancing. It was just a kiss. A soft, gentle kiss on the lips. But it was not the only kiss I got that night.

We left the night club around midnight. His car was parked a block away, and he held my hand as we walked. It seemed like a natural thing to do. It also seemed natural, and appropriate—once we were in his car—when he thanked me for a great date and leaned over and kissed me for the second time that night. This kiss, however, lasted a little longer than the first kiss and, of course, came at the end of a long night of dining and dancing, and drinking. I was almost disappointed that up until that moment, Marvin hadn't made any physical advances toward me. I was beginning to wonder about my own sex appeal. I wore a dress that left my shoulders bare and showed a little cleavage. Nothing trashy. Just a dressy dress that showed off the fact that I was a woman in excellent physical shape.

"It was so nice of Todd to let you go out with me, Amber. He knows how lonely I am. I hope that kiss tonight didn't offend you. You look so gorgeous sitting there; I couldn't help myself."

"Not at all," I told him. "I enjoyed it." Which was the truth.

I guess that was like a green light for him, because he immediately kissed me again. This time he slid his tongue between my lips and into my mouth. For a split second I remembered Todd's words to me: "kiss him back if it seems right to you."

It seemed very right to me. In fact, it seemed right to me to let Mr. Abbington put his hand on my tits as we kissed. It even seemed right when he pushed up my dress and slid his hand up my leg, up past the tops of my stocking–covered thigh.

To be honest, however, when Mr. Abington asked me if I liked to see the view of the city from his tenth floor office suite, I hesitated.

"I'll behave myself," he promised, apparently aware of my doubts about the idea.

Actually, it wasn't Mr. Abbington's behavior I was worried about. It was mine. Of course, I also knew that it wasn't really the view of the city that was the point of visiting his office. It did turn out to be a dramatic view of the city lights and the river below. And I thanked him for bringing me up to his office.

"It was worth coming for the view. You have a really nice office too."

"You've made me very happy tonight, Amber," he told me, as he reached his arms around me there in front of the large picture window."

"I've had fun too, Marvin," I told him, as I reached up on the tip of my toes to kiss him.

He held me close and our kissing quickly intensified. Suddenly, I could feel his erection in his trousers. My breathing got heavy. Our tongues swirled passionately in each other's mouth, and Mr. Abbington slipped the spaghetti straps of my dress down off my shoulders and down my arms. I considered pulling away from him and playfully scolding him for his boldness, but I didn't. He expertly found the zipper at the back of my dress and unzipped it down to my waist, revealing the lacy black bra I was wearing. This too, he quickly unfastened, and before I knew it I was standing there in his office bared to the waist, my bra tossed onto his desk.

The office lights were off, but there was enough light for Mr. Abbington to admire my naked tits.

"They're beautiful, Amber. Simply beautiful. Can I kiss them?"

I had allowed him to strip me to the waist. It would have bee hypocritical of me to deny him the pleasure of kissing my tits at that point, wouldn't it? Besides, I wanted him to do it, and I told him so.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

My knees weakened when I felt his tongue on my nipples. I reached my arm out and steadied myself on his desk as he licked and suckled my breasts.

He got my nipples so damn hard, I almost came right then. I could feel the moisture in my cunt. Then he went down on his knees and tugged on my dress, working it down my hips and then down my legs, exposing the thigh-high black stockings I was wearing as well as the lacy black panties that matched the bra that was casually lying on Mr. Abbington's desk.

This time he didn't ask for permission. I think he knew it would be Ok with me to kiss the front of my panties. Just like he knew that it would be OK to pull them down and kiss my pussy. And just like he knew he could fuck me if he wanted to.

For a man whose wife doesn't like to be eaten, Mr. Abbington sure knew what he was doing. He found my clit and speared it with the tip of his tongue. He spread my cunt lips open to make it easier for him to get his tongue inside me, as well as his fingers. He lapped and kissed and sucked me until I was jelly. I came standing up—well, more like supported by the edge of his desk that I held onto tightly the whole time he was eating me.

Even after I came, he kept lapping my juices, and fingering me. I finally asked him to stop because I remembered something he told me earlier in the evening, namely, that his wife doesn't like to go down on him.

"Marvin, you do that very well for a man who doesn't get a lot of practice."

He laughed. "Thank you."

"Will you let me return the favor and let me suck your cock?" That's not the language I generally use, but the situation was so intensely sexual, so visceral, that it just came out that way. I just had my cunt thoroughly eaten by a man I barely knew and it felt wonderful.

"Let you?" He laughed louder this time, and then stood up and put his arms around me.

"You are an absolute angel," he said and kissed me.

I reached down and unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. He was bigger than I had expected him to be. Now it was my turn to get down on my knees. I pulled his boxers down and freed his erect cock. It sprung upward, surprisingly youthful and vibrant, I remember thinking. Of course what did I know about older men? I had never been with anyone older than Todd.

His prick was practically pointing at the ceiling. I carefully wrapped my fingers around it and pulled it down toward my mouth and stuck out my tongue. I remember telling myself: I'm licking another man's cock … and my husband actually wants me to. The feeling was incredible, and I remember wanting to give Mr. Abbington the best blow job he ever had. I ran my hands slowly up and down the length of his hard cock as I licked the head of it. I fondled his balls with both hands and sucked softly on as much of his cock as I could fit in my mouth. I don't know how he kept from coming, but he did. He told me he didn't want to come in my mouth.

"Why not? I want you to."

"It's just that I'd rather … come somewhere else ... if you're up for it, that is."

I was up for it, although I wasn't sure that I wanted to have sex on the leather sofa in his office. I guess he saw me studying the sofa and offered another option.

"I have an idea. Let's spend a little time at the Marriott. Are you up for that? I can call them right now and reserve us a room."

And that's exactly what we did. The hotel, like his office, was also right on the river. Our room was near the very top of the building. I don't remember what floor. What I do remember is that there was a bottle of champagne on ice waiting for us. I also remember standing on the balcony, admiring the expansive view, with Mr. Abbington standing behind me, pressing himself up close to me, with his arms wrapped around me, his hands on my tits, squeezing them and making my nipples stand out, like they did in his office.

"I want you so bad," he whispered in my ear.

"From the way you're holding onto my tits, I'd say you already have me, "I teased.

"You know what I mean, Amber."

"I think so. I think you want to fuck me."

"I do. I do want to fuck you," he admitted, unzipping the back of my dress and then spinning me around and kissing me hotly, his tongue snaking all around inside my mouth.

"Mmmm, "I moaned when we broke from our kissing. I reached down and grabbed his cock through his pants. He was hard as could be.

"I remember how good this felt in my mouth … I bet it's going to feel even better in my pussy. What do you think?"

"I think there's only one way to find out for sure. First, let's get you out of this beautiful dress …" He worked it down my legs, and I stepped free of it.

"… and out of this sexy bra." When it was off of me, he tenderly kissed each erect nipple, and then returned to his playful narrative.

"… and, finally, let's get you out of these sexy little panties."

For the second time that evening I was completely naked in front of my husband's boss. (Stockings and heels don't count, do they?)

Mr. Abbington then sat down on the side of the bed and looked me up and down as he slid off his tie. I sense that he wanted me to undress him, so I did. He seemed to like that.

And then there we were, finally. Fooling around on that huge Marriott Hotel bed, naked as jay birds, wrapped in each other's arms, kissing and petting. We were both giggling and laughing and getting hotter by the second. We were like school kids, engaging in mischief, in a place our parents had forbidden us to be, doing something our parents had forbidden us to do.

As we rolled around, Mr. Abbington's cock brushed up against my cunt a few times, and his mouth kept returning to one of my erect nipples.

"Marvin, please fuck me now," I finally pleaded, on my back, offering myself to him.

"The pleasure is all mine, young lady," he said, slipping the head of his dick between my sex-soaked cunt lips. I remember his cock feeling so warm, and as thick as hell.

"Oh, yes," I moaned. "Put it in me, Baby!" Which is exactly what he did. With one long, slow, steady stroke, he buried his thick cock deep inside of me.

I was amazingly comfortable with being fucked by Mr. Abington. I really surprised myself. And I think I may have surprised him too with how enthusiastic and athletic I was in bed. I remember lifting my backside off the bed and reaching for his cock every time he shoved it in me. He told me later that it was obvious to him that I really enjoyed fucking.

I think he also liked the fact that I didn't ask him to wear a condom.

He pounded me furiously with my legs wrapped around him. I came, screaming in pleasure.

"Aww, fuck yes!!! YESS! YES!"

He came soon after that, groaning, and grunting. He came inside me. Yep, shot all that hot semen right inside me. I felt like I was doing something really dirty. Maybe I was.

I showered before I got dressed, but I guess my cunt was still somewhat lubricated when I got home around two o'clock, because Todd, who was lying in bed naked and wide awake eagerly slid his cock into me, and it went in effortlessly.

"Mmm, now tell me about your date," he said, with his dick in me up to his balls.


All rights reserved: © 2007 by Amber Fields.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

One last time before he files for divorce.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"TatankaBill - 3 years ago or so

A home run!

Years after you wrote it I stumbled across this story, and it's absolutely marvelous. It's masterfully told and beautifully written. I love the style and the tenor of it and I'm simply in awe of your skill as a writer. I've read a fair number of very good erotic stories and this ranks with the best of them. It's also short, sweet and to the fucking point, and oh how I love the fucking point. This is erotica at its most effective and at its absolute best. You appear to have simply told the story but there is so much more to it than that. The manner of the telling is fucking brilliant. How I wish you had continued writing, and how I wish you would begin again."

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago



I made up my mind right then to go out with Mr. Abbington. Not necessarily to have sex with him. But to go out with him ...and "show him a good time," as Todd kept putting it.

End quote.

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎

5 (★★★★★!)

Helen1899Helen189911 months ago

Hot, very hot. Its a pit there is no follow up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hot! Hot! Hot!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amber is a keeper. No ifs or buts. Period.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago



... Looking back on the whole affair, I was really naïve. I really believed that Todd's primary reason for wanting me to show his boss, Marvin Abbington, a good time was all about his job. I had never heard of men actually wanting their wives to sleep with other men.

End quote.

* * *

If you are into voyeur husband/willing cuck stories, this one is a "must read" for you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is an excellent wife-sharing story, which I really loved. Needless to say I gave it a

5.0 = 💯% = A+ (☆☆☆☆☆)!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am glad i READ this story AGAIN.



... I was really naïve. I really believed that Todd's primary reason for wanting me to show his boss, Marvin Abbington, a good time was all about his job. I had never heard of men actually wanting their wives to sleep with other men.

End quote.

* * *

This is a sex story & a love story two-in-one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Well honey I was with a real man tonight and he gave me a great fucking! I'm done with you since you are so pathetic. Have your shit out of our house tomorrow. I'm seeing a divorce attorney and taking your sissy ass to the cleaners. Then I'm finding a stud who will love me, never share me and take care of me like you can't you pathetic loser. How was your evening cuck?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm copy pasting somebody else's comment.


Anonymous, about 4 years ago

LOVE IT: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5 = 100%)! SHORT, SWEET, EROTIC & REALISTIC!

Excerpt from the story:

... "Even if I kissed him back?"

"If it seemed like the right thing to do at that moment, I'd be fine with that, sweetheart."

"Look at you! Your cock has really gotten hard! What if Mr. Abbington's cock gets hard when we're kissing?"

"Honey, like I said, I'm fine with whatever happens. I know you love me and that's all that matters."

[Husband is gaving his wife permission to have sex with his boss (EPIC!)]

End quote.

Yes, EPIC!

Leroi123Leroi123over 1 year ago

Nicely written! I love her attitude. I want to know if they will keep on dating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really LOVED it. My kind of wife sex story.

Very very erotic without being pornographic.

The author managed to tell us a complete story on less than a page.

5 stars (5.0 = 100% = A+).

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amber is a keeper. Full stop. End of story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5.0 = 💯% (❤💛💚💙💜) 👍👍!

This story is a tour de force.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

My kind of husband's-boss-fucks-wife story.

Excerpt from TatankaBill's comment on this story: "... it's absolutely marvelous. It's masterfully told and beautifully written."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excerpt from this story (SPOILER ALERT.)

"For the second time that evening I was completely naked in front of my husband's boss. (Stockings and heels don't count, do they?)"

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


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