My Swede (Sweet) Giant Ch. 05

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Season's Beatings.
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Hello everyone. This chapter is FINALLY UP. I have some news to drop in December. Good news so everyone chill out. Also, chapter 3 is officially fixed on the site so if you haven't read the whole thing then please go do so. Or don't, you're an adult. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.


I did my best to gather myself but lost it as another climax knocked me forward with shuddering sobs. Sven's strong arms caught me before my face could connect with the closet wall. His hips kept thrusting into mine, dragging my orgasm out through his steadfast rhythm.

We were closed off, rutting on our knees on the floor of his closet. Rutting was the best way to describe how we'd been since things got crazy. My sweet Sven had become insatiable.

Enclosed spaces seemed to have the most sexual pull. We'd had sex in every closet, the panty, and in an empty bath tub. I guess between the cop on duty outside and the constant fear of the unknown, the enclosed space was comforting.

His large hand cupped me breast once he was sure I was secure enough in his hold and the other hand went down to strum my clit. I whimpered as my walls began to flutter and grip at him even more. My head dropped forward as I groaned out his name. With one last orgasm, I felt my body go limp. The delicious feel of his seed spraying inside of me was an afterthought in the haze of my pleasure.

He panted and snuggled me close, covering my face in slow soft kisses. That was always how he was after it, my same loving, goofy, sweet husband. I shivered and met his kisses. I opened my mouth then stopped but it came up anyway.

"Is there a reason you've been trying to knock the bottom out of me recently? Not that I'm not grateful but..." My voice was hoarse and soft.

Sven raised an eyebrow at me as he snuggled me tighter to him and eased us onto our sides next to leather boots and under a rainbow of button downs. "Knock the what?"

"Why are you fucking me so hard?" I didn't have the energy to sugarcoat it.

He curled around me and put his bicep under my head as a pillow. "I love you so much Cordelia. Please don't leave."

I gasped and turned my head to look at him. "Is that it? Is that why you've been acting so weird?"

"I keep waking up day after day wondering if this time will be it. That you will wake up and see that I am not worth the trouble that I seem to keep bringing to you." He quieted.

"Sven, you beautiful big dummy, I'm never leaving you. I am NEVER leaving you. I love you and this is a flash in the pan in our life together. Do you hear me?" I looked into his eyes.

His eyes were filled with nervous uncertainty but it dissipated just a little under my reassuring gaze. "I do not deserve you."

"Sure you do." I pecked his lips and snuggled against him. "My legs are jello, you're on baby duty."

"Of course vackra fru." My eyes closed and I felt his kiss on the apple of my cheek. I knew he wasn't fully convinced but my exhaustion coupled with the wonderful feel of his body made me drift off.

I woke up snuggled under one of his overcoats with my head placed on an extra soft sweater. My body was sore and I didn't want to move but I knew I had to get up and finish packing. Tomorrow we were flying to Alabama.

My clothes were outside the closet but since I still had our mess sliding down our inner thighs, I bypassed them and headed for his bathroom. The entire room seemed so lonely. Sven had been sleeping in my room since our first time and only used his bedroom to get dressed.

I enjoyed being only two doors away from Morgan but eventually I wanted us to sleep in this room, at least, if we stayed here. The way things were going, we wouldn't. I ran a hand across his dark comforter and remembered being warmed by his embrace for the first time and how many sleepless nights and dead batteries it had caused.

I seemed to be reminiscing more and more these days. I loved Sven but this whole situation weighed on him. His worry showed on his face, in his movements, the way he treated us. Morgan couldn't nap without him checking on her numerous times and I was getting fucked into a stupor constantly. Some time away was exactly what we needed.

If they could find that little red headed bitch, I'd choke the life out of her, resuscitate her and start again. She'd just up and vanished. Apparently, she was a Canadian citizen and her parents up north hadn't heard hide nor hair of her for three weeks. This was apparently a thing for her because they didn't feel it necessary to tell anyone.

I couldn't talk. When was the last time I'd talked to my family? Here I was, about to pop up on their door step with a husband and a baby like 'How ya'll?' How was that going to go down? The black sheep of doctor family returns for Christmas like some kind of Hallmark movie. Will I teach them the true reason for the season?

The humorless laugh left my lips followed by a few tears down my cheeks as I closed and locked the door behind me. I didn't want to fuck this up. Sven was the best thing that ever happened to me and I didn't need for it to go to shit. Was it? Were the pieces falling down about my head and I just hadn't noticed yet?

No. I was losing it in the worst way. I took a breath and focused as I turned on the shower. I couldn't project my failures elsewhere on my marriage. It was under enough stress as it was and didn't need my nonsense.

I twisted up my braids and looked for a hair tie to pull them up. A bonus of having a husband with long hair is the constant availability of hair accessories. I found a stretchy thin headband and bunned the braids. They needed to be redone but that could come later because they were at least still presentable. I dreaded having to untangle it all when the time came to take them down.

Before I hopped in the shower, I reached back and unlocked the door. I wasn't going to cry so there was no need to hide from an already fragile and worried husband. Carefully, I walked under the water, avoiding wetting my hair.

The stone shower did a great job radiating heat and even in the cold air, the parts of my body not directly under the stream of water felt warm. I smiled and grabbed the soap he used. I gave it a quick smell to make sure the scent was neutral enough before beginning to wash.

It was nice to have this quiet time. I reached back, circling my thumbs on the sides of my spin, massaging the sore muscles. Self care was one of my favorite studies when I was in college. The control we have over our own bodies fascinated me. I could see now how it would since it seemed I'd never had much autonomy in my life.

I lifted my foot to massage my arch and my body just gave. It could have been the workout Sven had been giving me, or the heat, or the stress of the past few weeks but it was lights out. I didn't even feel when I hit the floor.

A pen light was being shined into my eyes when I woke up. I batted it away and was surprised to see an IV in my hand. "The hell?"

"Glad to see you're awake Mrs. Aas." I heard the cheery male voice before my eyes recognized the doctor. He was a beanpole of an older white man. A head full of white hair made his age harder to guess.

"Uh, glad to be awake. I'm sorry for cussing." My voice didn't sound like me own. It was hoarse and small and a touch stifled.

"Don't be. I'm sure the last thing you remember is the kitchen, right?" He asked with an eyebrow raised

"Shower." I corrected.

"Another sorry about that, we sometimes have to ask tricky questions to rule out abuse. From what I've heard from your husband, your life has been a little crazy huh? A stalker, a new baby, new marriage, all within the last year and you planned on traveling tomorrow, you're taking on quite a lot."

"I guess so when you spell it out like that." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"And your daughter is nearly 7 months old, correct?" He checked the papers in his hand.

"Yeah, on the 28th she will be."

"Are you still breastfeeding?"

"Of course." I smiled softly.

"Well, you may need to think about switching to formula because you just cannot maintain the same energy during your pregnancy."

"Pregnancy?" The word sounded foreign as if my brain refused to process it just yet.

He nodded slowly. "You are nearly 6 weeks and to put it in no uncertain terms, your body is kicking your ass. You can't be nursing and pregnant AND under this stress level. Also, you're anemic. It's like a very unfortunate game of bingo and I'm sorry but you've won."

I laughed nervously before just covering my face with my hands and letting out a low moan. I wanted to have children with Sven but I didn't expect it be so soon and under these circumstances. "Jesus Christ...."

"Listen, you've got to slow down and get away from all of this. Hell, move to Vermont and make maple syrup. It's colder than polar bear balls right now but it would be quieter than this. Where's your family? Who's helping you through this?" His voice was filled with genuine concern.

"Doc, I like you, please don't make me cry." I sniffled and rubbed my watering eyes.

"Go back to wherever your husband's from, something, anything. You need a support system. A beautiful girl like you should have some friends tucked somewhere."

I sniffled and shook my head.

He sighed. "I just can't in good faith let you leave here without being a voice of reason right now. You're hurting yourself and your child. I'm prescribing you some supplements and giving you some nutrition guidelines so we can perk up your levels. That blonde behemoth outside seems kind enough so I'm going to let you go home so neither you nor your little girl have to spend the night here. Here's my life prescription for you: get away from this, hire a nanny, and fix your family or start making a new one. You need the help. Alright?"

"Yes sir." I smiled softly at him. He was funny. I needed that. My eyes dried and I felt a little lighter.

"Now, do you want to tell him about the one on the way or should I?"

"I'll do it."

"Fair enough. I'm going to fill out some information so I'll give you some time alone. If you have any questions, page Dr. Nick Mayers."

"Will do, and thank you."

He simply tapped my hand without the IV and Sven bumbled through the door with a bundled up Morgan snuggled to his chest as the doctor left. "What is the matter? How do I help?"

"Sven, calm down, I'm just pregnant." I slipped it in nonchalantly.

"Pregnant.... Gravid.... Oh my...." He looked so excited and so nervous and so wonderfully sweet. Morgan just sucked on her pacifier and watched her father's war of emotions with interest.

"Sven it's ok. I'm so happy. Come here baby." I reached for him with a soft smile. Now that I'd said it, I knew it was true. I was happy.

He approached slowly and I pulled him forward enough so I could kiss all over his face and play with his hair which I now realized looked a hot mess. When did he last comb it? I began to untangle it with tired hands as Morgan wiggled from his arms to sit beside me on the bed and touch it too.

The idea of another life growing inside of me gave me more resolve. "Baby, do you have your cell phone?"

"Ja..." He smiled and I was finally seeing him relax under the petting and care. As he handed it to me, I wondered when the last time I just relaxed and touched him like this was.

I urged him to pull up a seat and he did before laying his head back across my abdomen. Morgan laid down as well, her cheek against the golden curtain. I scratched the base of his scalp as I used my other hand to dial the most important call I'd probably make in my life. Of course it went to voicemail.

The beep triggered me in the best way. "You know who this is. You've always known who this is and that's ok. This is the last time I'm calling you, ANY of you, so you can act or not. It's your choice. This is my husband's cell phone, not John's. I haven't seen him in a long time and you would know this if you called me back but since you haven't, I've got a megaphone to speak to you on your high horse. I need support. Not financially, because I've got that, but familial. I have a daughter, her name is Morgan, and I have another child on the way and I'm going to have them grow up with family. If you don't care fine, but know that I WILL be creating a supportive environment for them even if I have to drag my black self to Sweden to do so. Yes, Sweden, I'm talking full Tina Turner. See your grandchildren then. Ball's in your court. Bye."

I pressed the off button in a sense of triumph and Sven burst into chuckles against my stomach. "Full Tina Turner...."

"Was it too much?" I bit my bottom lip but he just shook his head.

"Not at all, I think it was really good. I wouldn't mind if we had to move back but its freezing and my family will always be over, always. Just a forewarning"

"I think it will be ok." I laughed and kissed him. I was eventually discharged and sent home. Sven pretty much carried me the whole way and nursed me the rest of the night. Morgan kept me company, scooting and rolling around the bed, only settling when I read or distracted her. I used the breast pump and bottle to feed her when she needed milk, to prepare her for the switch to formula. She fussed at first but eventually settled.

Sven rocked her to sleep and put her to bed, before snuggling next to me. I shook my head and pulled his upper body into my lap so I could stroke his hair and pet him as I reclined against the pillows. I stroked my hand across his chest.

"They are going to call." He assured me, lifting the hand to kiss before letting it continue.

"It doesn't matter. We'll make it. Speaking of, Sven, how do you talk to your family?"

"We send really long emails to each other every day or so. It is almost like a family newspaper. Everyone talking about what they are doing in a long chain."

"Have they seen us?"

"Ja. They always go on and on about how beautiful you both are. I may have to strike a brother or two."

I laughed and kissed his cheek. "You're so silly."

He gave me a dour face. "I am serious."

I laughed harder and pulled him to me to snuggle. We stayed like that for a little while, nuzzling against each other and sharing kisses. Finally, we spooned and fell asleep.

I woke up in a shock to Beast's barking and the doorbell ringing constantly. Stumbling over a waking but confused Sven, I threw on some leggings and pulled off my night cap. The police would have informed us if it was Melanie.

"Cordelia, what is-"

"Get Morgan!" I could hear her crying, woken from her sleep by the chaos.

I rushed downstairs and looked out the peephole. My heart stopped in my chest. I unlocked the door and stared in shock at my parents, siblings, their significant others and children, and my paternal grandma. Every last one of them was bundled up like Eskimos and my mother's face was livid.

She grabbed my arm and yanked me aside before laying a swift swat to my backside and continuing to do so to punctuate her words as she spoke. "Gon' leave a disrespectful message on the voicemail like you grown. Gon' take my grandbabies and move to Sweden. Ain't leave no damn address, had to make your brother in law look you up in his systems at work. Gon' get married and ain't invite no one to no damn wedding. Gon' have a baby and not tell nobody. Got us out here in this cold weather cause you want to act a fool. Got to learn from the officer outside yo ass is getting stalked by white girls."

"Mama! Mama stop!" I tried to reach back to shield myself to no use. My mother was an expert as whooping.

"That's enough Patricia, I think she gets it." My father cleared his throat.

"No she don't." My mother would not be deterred. "Cause if she did, she would leave better messages than 'call me, please call me'. Tell somebody something. Call you brother or sisters. Keep calling."

Sven came down the stairs with Morgan in one arm. "STANNA!" We all stopped and stared at him. He was still shirtless and towered over us all. "Everyone inside, please."

My mother opened her mouth to say something but my father held up his hand and ushered everyone inside. Released from her hold, I was eased behind Sven by his long arm as everyone filed in. I looked out the door to see the officer leaned against his car, sipping coffee and watching the whole thing. I sighed and closed the door, locking it behind me. My rear burned from the spanking. I hadn't had one that bad since I was a kid. We stood around, staring at each other for a few seconds before my mother reached for Morgan.

"There she is. Come to grandma." Morgan looked up at Sven but he eased her over. She adjusted a little before snuggling into my mother for the first time. "Oh... Corey, she's so beautiful. Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I missed you so much. I missed so much...."

She began to cry then began to cry and it was like the faucet was turned on for everyone. The nickname didn't help, only my family every called me that. I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry Mommy!"

I sobbed against her shoulder and felt my brother and sisters lean on, as well as my grandmother. Soon even my stoic father joined us. I couldn't see Sven or the other in-laws for that matter but I needed the heap of healing. I needed my family again.

We stopped eventually. Everyone needed a seat and to remove the heavy coats and sweaters. Sven excused himself to put on a shirt as my family crowded around my mother holding Morgan. I took the time to see my niece and nephew from my oldest sister. My niece remembered me but the boy was only a few months when I left. He was distrustful at first but eventually fell asleep against me. It was two in the morning so I was sure they were both tired. I guided them upstairs and made palettes on the floor of Morgan's room so they could sleep before coming back down.

My poor husband had made it back just in time to be put under the magnifying glass. I came in during the middle of his questioning. My father was doing the grilling now. "So why did you wait so long to marry Corey?

"I- uh..." Sven struggled.

"Was she not good enough? Did you have to see what kind of mother she was before you could marry her? I'm curious."

"Sven married me within two months of meeting me." I bounced down the stairs and sighed. They were here so there wasn't a real reason to lie to them. "John ran out on us when Morgan was barely 6 weeks old, signed over his rights and everything. Then I met Sven and fell in love."

"In 2 months?" My father narrowed his eyes.

"Yes sir." I wasn't going to back down from defending my husband.

"You love my little girl?" His attention turned to Sven.

"There is no question of it."

My father turned to me and sighed. "Are you happy?"

"Yes sir."

He rubbed his gray stubbled chin. "You are both on probation. I made everyone take a sabbatical and we are ALL going back to Alabama in January. I'll make some calls to the nearby Universities. What do you say Mama?"

My grandmother folded her worn hands, toughened from her years as a nurse but bejeweled from her life as a doctor's wife. She nodded sagely. "I've still got some connections I can call up. We'll get this boy a new position and make sure this mess don't follow him down."

As much as I loved my family I could see our lives falling back into the same pattern I had to speak up. "I'm going back to school for liberal arts." My father looked disgruntled but my mother patted his thigh. "Sometimes you just have to let things go dear." She turned her focus to me. "Fine but within a year of your degree you better do something with it."

"Deal." I turned to Sven and hoped and prayed that he could take the micromanaging that was sure to come.

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StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

I agree with the previous. A bit too complete turn of behaviour.

Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literateover 2 years ago

I agree with @Littlelottalove the sudden interest from her ENTIRE family and the spanking doesn't seem to flow with Cordelia's earlier statements to Sven about her family basically disowning her. There should definitely be some resentment there but alas this is a fictional erotic story so you are allowed to fuddlenut. So it looks like she will have some support after all outside of Sven.

LittlelottaloveLittlelottaloveabout 5 years ago

I love this series. The sex is hot. They’re both gorgeous and Beast can steal my socks anytime. There is nothing like it in the world. The mother beating her was no doubt for comedic relief but I highly doubt a man of Sven’s stature would ever let someone put there hands on his wife. Especially when they are going through a tough time with another random stranger threatening violence on her. Also- the family all magically showing up within hours of her phone call is also a little too much. This whole chapter was one surprise after the other. With barley any detailed space in between. I know this was made 5 years ago and I doubt you’re on here anymore but i really hope the next chapter is better because it’s the last one. 😭😭

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Love the story but why the crazy, deranged chick have to be Canadian lol!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
That spanking though.

This is such a funny chapter. That spanking tickled me so much. I know that I will still be chuckling every time I think about it.

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 9 years ago
Her Family Sucks

I'd have been pissed, not happy, about them showing up unannounced an uninvited. Particularly after the way they've treated her. On top of that, the remark about doing something with her degree makes her father too much of an asshole to tolerate.

Cordelia is an awesome character, someone I'd love to know an call a friend. Sven is pretty good too. But I was disappointed Cordelia didn't stand up to her family more. They don't seem like they deserve her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

1. It was Cordelia's family that disowned her. She owes them no apology.

2. Sven seems extremely nice, but we didn't know much about his background until the last chapter and only a little bit was entered.

3. The policemen do not stay outside someone's home protecting a black person for a long amount of time like this unless they are being paid off (recent events shows African Americans are not favored by the police force).

4. After a certain age spankings cease especially when children are out on their own and not asking for financial help...yes in black families too.

5. I obviously read the whole series so I was attracted to the story. It held my interest for a while, but the last chapter did seem rushed.

6. Have you thought of searching this site for an editor? It could be useful and give a point of view you may not have thought about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I think this chapter was pretty good. I just wish that Cordelia would've shown the same confidence when she made that phone call as when her parents showed up. If you ignore your child, you have no right to show up and act concerned no matter what the child's age is. I know Sven is going to put his foot down when it comes to her parents. I know he's being cordial, but that protector instinct is going to come out for his wife and children soon because this micromanaging b.s. is not going to fly with him. Let Sven's family go toe to toe with Cordelia's. a real caring Mom against a judgemental, unsupportive Mom. Dad vs. Dad. The Aas family would win out ea bn ch time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Update soon

i have been checking weekly

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

What's happening with Cordelia and Sven?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You have some good news to drop in Decemberyou said you had some good news to drop in December

You stated you had some good news to drop in December. December is almost over. When is the good news coming?

I can't wait for an update for this story,

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This chapter was so disappointing and weird. What on earth were you thinking? It seems as though a number of the commenters on here believe that an assault on a pregnant woman is not only funny but somehow excuseable. In my world that is as far from acceptable as you can get. As a writer I firmly believe that the writer's only obligation is to speak the truth of the character they have created. The last segment of this chapter did exactly the opposite of that. Like some I here I simply don't believe what you wrote. Writing is really difficult and I applaud your efforts but any editor would tell you to rewrite this and ensure you what you are asking of your characters is truthful. What a shame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More chapters!

I can't wait to read the other chapters. Update soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I hope Sven and Cordelia do what they want to do!

I wonder how Sven's family would react to Cordelia, Morgan and the marriage. When is his family coming into the story?

Looking forward to the update!

black_maestrablack_maestraover 9 years ago
The whooping...

was hilarious, only a Black mama from the South could pull off whoop'n her grown ass daughter's butt in front of family. Too funny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Sweet story!

Good story!!! I am really enjoying it. Do you plan on updating soon?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Family affair!!

I just want Sven and Cordelia to step in and put the rules down to her family. They seem to have things all planed out for Sven and Cordelia, jobs, move, and everything. Now is the time for Sven to rule and reign!!! He needs to handle their business.

Sure she needs family support, but not prison monitors.

Cordelia does not need her family taking over their lives when they were not even in her life. Be who they are parents and relatives.

On another note: Bring the crazy girl to an end. Too much going on with this family.

Now bring on the update.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Writing at it's finest!!!!!

Over the past five years their have been many writers on this site. I was privilege to read their stories. The author Darkblush is amazing. I love her character development, and brilliant storyline. She is up there with Pepper Pace, and I understand about the pushy family. My family is also from the South. What this author has done for the readers is a treat. I stop coming to this site because my favorite authors have left, stop updating, and pull their stories all together without publishing there works. I dislike leaving reviews but in some cases I will comment, and this author can write period. Some of the readers have a chose, you can go to amazon and pay for shitty, unedited, and horrible storylines. Or you can sit back and relaxed. Darkblush must be doing something right because people are bitching, and still reading this author free material. Thank you Darkblush for updating, and sharing with this reader. Bain

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I just want to commend you for your wonderful additions to this site. It is definitely not easy to juggle three stories at the same time, and manage to write them as well as you do. Even though this chapter we rushed, I thought it was quite sweet and hilarious. BTW waiting for the return of John.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I just want to say that I love this story. Can't wait for the rest. Keep it up, you are doing fine. I almost fell on the floor when her Momma started swatting her behind. LOVED IT!!!! Keep up the good work. Also let's get some more on The Mysterious Mr. Inoue. Love that one too.

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 9 years ago

Yup...don't fuck with family in the south.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I'm glad Cordelia's family is with her, but I hope she and Sven do not let them push them into what her family wants. Too much family can be too much. She needs support, not a take over.

Sven and Cordelia needs to set the record straight right now, immediately with everybody!!!!

Okay, UPdate!!!!!!

KittyOh48KittyOh48over 9 years ago
Forget the naysayers!

I am a southern girl and I know how overbearing and nosey family can be. It is up to you to make them back off you and yours. Just because the family showed up doesn't mean she is going to lose herself in them again. She now has a husband and children and besides to help get rid of crazy girl, I probably would let my momma get involved. Stalker chick probably needs a good spanking anyway!

DB, don't worry, this story just like the others are the bomb and when people can't do what you do, they get JEALOUS and try to tear you down!

Keep being you and writing your way, and let their comments roll off you, "Like water off a ducks back!" That's my SOUTHERN GIRL speaking to you on the real tip!

AfroEroChubbiezAfroEroChubbiezover 9 years ago
Oh My Freaking God, HUSH!

As a writer on this freaking website, screw you guys! You are all spoiled! I wish I had the courage to post as much of my material as DB! And all of this is great! Her literary art is AMAZIN! ITS AMAZIN ITS AMAZIN ITS AMAZIN (see Aziz Ansari) XD No really though, you guys criticize this whole chapter as if y'all writin it! Forgive my southern ways but, y'all aint write shit. And if you did, Stop complaining cause yo ass ain't write this! DB is incredibly talented! By the way, if you live in the south, you're parents are probably overbearing, emasculating, ridiculous, and have threatened that you are never too old for an ass whoopin. So HUSH!

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