N.I.P - Nina In Public


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Well, she reasoned, this was an experience she would be very keen not to repeat -- so she may as well get the most out of it that she could. In particular, her mysterious client may well enjoy hearing a few tales about how she went naked in such a public place -- for a small fee, of course.

So, nervous and awkward though she was, she forced herself for the moment to walk completely exposed, her breasts and everything else bare to the world. Unfettered by underwear or her own arms, her full breasts moved freely with her brisk pace, and she almost laughed to imagine how she must look half-running nude down the street, jiggling freely.

The noise of approaching vehicles interrupted her reverie and brought reality back into focus. Blushing both at her nakedness and at the fact she had been caught almost enjoying it, she hugged her chest and ducked down next to cars parked up by the roadside again, hoping to evade detection -- but it was futile, as the loudly-honked horn as the car sped past attested. She sighed. One more person with a story to tell of how they saw a naked girl in the street. She just had to hope it was nobody she knew.

When they had gone, though, she found her wish for modesty dissipating again, and once more her arms fell to swinging by her sides as she embraced this bizarre freedom. She turned a corner, up into another street, this one quieter still, and now just two streets from her destination.

Her stomach turned and what little enjoyment she had experienced faded as she saw what lay ahead. While, thank heavens, there were no pedestrians ahead of her, what she did see on a house towards the top of the street was a large and complex structure of scaffolding, along with several work vans. That meant only one thing -- someone in one of these houses had builders in, and they were hard at work in the afternoon sun. An audience of multiple men, well-known for their particular ability to... appreciate the figure of any woman who they saw. As a pink-haired, tattooed and undeniably pretty girl, Nina had experienced enough cat-calling in her life to find it annoying when she was fully clothed, and she was going to have to walk past these men completely naked.

She briefly considered going around but who knew if her luck would hold? A few motorists and a couple of people walking in the park were, so far, the only people who had actually seen her naked, but the longer she stayed out in public in her undressed state, the more the odds of being properly caught out increased. Unfamiliar as she was with the back-streets of this particular housing estate, she knew this route, one she'd walked many times in the past, was the best way to reach Michelle's house in the shortest possible time.

Once again, she was just going to have to suck it up and get it over with.

She hugged her chest again -- why inflame the antics of any workmen who saw her further by letting them see everything? -- and set off, walking as quickly as she could force herself to, despite knowing that every step brought her closer to potential humiliation. With plenty of time to spare she crossed to the opposite side of the road, hoping that a little extra distance between herself and the construction workers would give her some chance of slipping by unnoticed -- but in fact all that achieved was to give them greater opportunity to spot her from afar.

And spot Nina they did. She heard them, wolf-whistles and cat calls, and tried her best to shut them out. She stared straight ahead, crimson-faced, willing herself not to turn and look at the house, to see the faces of the men, to see exactly how many were shouting. As she passed, the calls though became too explicit to ignore, and she looked up to see three grinning, beefy men, unable to believe their luck, delighted that today the quotient of exposed young woman they would see did not begin and end with whoever was on Page 3 of their favourite tabloid. The fact they had got her attention only encouraged them and they began to call down to her to come up and perform any number of quite imaginative acts for, and on, them.

Unexpectedly, Nina laughed. It all suddenly seemed so absurd and, rather than humiliating, it was simply irritating -- specifically, the fact was that the banter was no different, and no worse, than some of the talk she got from clients on the cam sites. But those guys had paid for the privilege of seeing her unclothed and talking filth at her, whereas the workmen were getting it all for nothing. She scowled and quickened her pace even more, not so much to end the ordeal of being cat-called as to put a stop to the giveaway.

"If you're good at something, never do it for free," she muttered, quoting the villain in a decade-old superhero film, which only made her laugh again.

Then, thankfully, she was out of sight and -- eventually -- out of earshot (the workmen's calls had turned to pleas for her to come back, we were only messing, come and have a good time with us...). Once again, she'd surprised herself. That experience had not been as awful as she had anticipated and, indeed, she'd resented it less than when she would walk by such places fully-clothed and be subjected to only marginally less explicit shouts. At least the fact she was naked had granted the workmen some justification for their astonished attention. So she couldn't exactly blame them -- although the fact that not one of them had seen a girl walking naked in the street and been concerned for her wellbeing showed that whatever else, they weren't exactly gentlemen.

But despite all that, once again, the experience had carried an undercurrent of excitement and, as she turned into the street on which Michelle's house lay, she again let her hands fall back to her sides and let herself be fully exposed once more.

She was on the home straight now and for the first time since she had left the park she began to feel, if not relaxed then certainly more at ease with her current predicament; enough to focus on the enjoyable novelty of walking naked down a public street, rather than on her fear of discovery. Indeed, as she made the last stage of her journey, she felt for the first time that perhaps being seen like this would not be the end of the world -- and could even, perhaps, be a little fun?

Was it almost a sense of disappointment she felt when she realised this escapade would soon be at an end? Maybe it was that which helped her make a resolution, when she saw people off in the distance, that this time she wasn't going to hide. She could see them as she drew closer -- a couple, man and woman. Their paths would cross moments before she reached Michelle's house. Had they seen her already? She couldn't be certain, but she could see them with more clarity every second.

Nina forced herself to continue swinging her arms at her sides, to continue walking unhurriedly, to behave exactly as if she were just a normal clothed person on the street. The couple had seen her now, had slowed their own pace, speaking to one another and pointing in her direction. They were perhaps in their forties and mildly shocked, and it was all Nina could do to keep a straight face as she drew ever closer to them. She felt like bursting out laughing, but contented herself with just a broad grin, until, as she got alongside them, she wished them a cheery "good afternoon" and continued on her way.

Fortunately, Michelle's house was just ahead, and before the couple could come to their senses and turn back to approach her, Nina darted off and away into the relative privacy of Michelle's driveway and up to the door at the side of the house, before bursting into a fit of almost hysterical giggles.

She'd gone mad, that was the only explanation for it. The stress of the afternoon must have finally caused her to snap. She'd just fully exposed herself to a pair of strangers -- no, not even strangers. Although she didn't recognise them herself, they could well have been neighbours of Michelle and her family, might well have known Nina by sight as someone who visited Michelle's house often, and could be people she would see again (in rather more appropriate attire of course). All that fear she'd had not fifteen minutes before, and now she was a happy exhibitionist? She couldn't explain it -- but the excitement it had caused within her had been something she'd not felt since she first unleashed the unashamed and sexy alter ego that had become her camgirl performance personality.

She wondered if perhaps it had been the same thing; a way of making herself able to do something she might not otherwise have accomplished. Walking nude in public wasn't something she'd wanted to do, but something she needed to do to save herself from potential harm. Hadn't her online sex work been something similar? At first it hadn't been something she'd felt comfortable with, but she'd felt at the same time that, for her, it was a necessity, a way to make some money at a time it was needed. And, much like this, with time she'd quickly adjusted and come to find enjoyment of it.

She fought to regain her composure, lest excitement and relief make her act foolish. She wasn't out of the woods yet. She still had to speak to Michelle, explain why it was she had arrived at her house completely naked, and persuade her to let her in and lend her some clothes. She covered herself -- she wasn't especially uncomfortable with her friend seeing her naked but she didn't want to shock her by appearing at her door with everything on show before she'd had chance to explain herself -- and pushed the doorbell.

She wondered, as she waited -- what would Michelle's reaction be? Would her friend be shocked? Or worried? Would she be sympathetic, or just think it was funny? Knowing Michelle, probably the latter. Still, she felt a little nervous at the prospect of having to explain her sex work to her friend, particularly as any assertion she might make that the work itself was harmless fun would be tempered by the fact that it had now, indirectly, cost her a phone, her purse, a complete outfit of clothes, and a sizeable amount of dignity. She took a deep breath, and began to prepare to explain herself to Michelle.

So it was all the more shocking when the door opened and revealed her, naked on the doorstep, to a young man.


The man at the door was Michelle's younger brother, Ryan.

It was hard to gauge who was the more shocked to see the other. Nina had been certain that of all Michelle's family, only Michelle herself would be home this afternoon -- her parents both worked and, she'd believed, Ryan had college or school of some sort. He was eighteen now, but she was sure he was still studying. Instead he was at home and opening the door to discover his unexpected caller was one of his older sister's friends, and she wasn't wearing any clothes.

Nina could completely understand why he was currently staring wide-eyed at her in all her blushing glory. For her part, she could only stare back, realising that the plan she'd thought was a smart way to overcome her predicament with minimal fuss hadn't really turned out as it was supposed to.

She broke the silence between them, eventually. "Can I talk to Michelle?" she squeaked.

Ryan blinked a few times and then shook his head. "Er, no. She's out for the day."

Nina swore.

"Erm, why are you naked?" Ryan asked. "Where are your clothes?"

"They got nicked," Michelle snapped. "Look, Ryan, I'd rather not stand on your doorstep starkers explaining myself, can I come inside?"

Ryan's eyes lit up and he grinned as he put two and two together -- his sister's attractive friend was naked, and wanted to go inside the house with him. Whatever happened next, he realised he was going to be seeing a lot more of Nina than he did when she usually visited her friend's house. He almost fell over himself to step aside and let her through the door, and although she didn't see, Nina felt his eyes on her bare backside as she walked in. She blushed further, both from the feeling of being observed -- and the fact that she wasn't altogether not enjoying it...

"So what's going on Nina?" Ryan asked again. "Why are you naked?"

Nina tried to act nonchalant. "I was doing a video shoot in the park and some bastard nicked my bag with my clothes in."

Ryan nodded slowly. "A video shoot?"


"And you didn't have clothes on because..."

"It was a nude video shoot, yes."

"In the park."


"You were naked in the park doing a video shoot?"



Nina sighed. "Because someone was going to pay me for a video of me naked somewhere public and I picked the old bandstand 'cause I thought it would be out of the way enough to get away with it, without realising that it was also out of the way enough that there would be some scumbag around who might nick my bag and leave me stranded out there naked."

"Could the person who was filming not help you?"

"I was filming myself."



"So this was for someone you were gonna send it to? For money?"



"Yes! I'm a camgirl, alright! I get naked on camera on the internet for money!"

Realisation lit up Ryan's face. "Oh, why didn't you say so?"

Nina's face was a picture. "What," she asked flatly.

"Well, it would have made a lot more sense if you'd just said you were making internet porn and it went wrong."

Nina blinked. "Well," she said, "I don't tell people about it easily. They don't really understand and so they judge you for it."

Ryan grinned. "Nina, I'm a teenage guy with a computer in his bedroom. You would not believe how educated I am on the subject of amateur porn."

In spite of herself, Nina laughed. "I can believe it," she replied. "Although the fact is, it wasn't you I was expecting to have to explain myself to, but your sister."

Ryan made a sympathetic face. "Yeah, sorry. She really is out."

"It's okay," Nina replied, trying to shrug as best she could while still covering her breasts and pussy with her hands. "You can still help. Can I go upstairs and put on some clothes from Michelle's room?"

Ryan was quiet for a moment, then a sly grin spread across his face. "Sure," he said, "only, first, I want to ask you for something..."

The way he said it was enough. Nina reddened. Ryan was going to expect something in return for his help and given that she had just showed up to his house naked, she had an idea as to what that might be.

"You perv," she retorted hotly, but Ryan only shrugged, his grin widening.

"Hey," he said, "you said yourself, you're quite happy to get naked for money, I'm offering you a chance to get clothes in return for something."

Nina thought. She could possibly dash past Ryan, up to Michelle's room and shut herself in, she could choose any clothes she liked then. Ryan's plan wasn't a very good one, and she doubted Michelle's brother would be so mean and creepy as to actually physically prevent her from getting upstairs.

Ryan seemed to have read her mind. "You're right," he said, "I can't really stop you getting some clothes from somewhere in this house. But you just told me what I'm guessing is a big secret, so let's talk about how to keep it that way..."

Nina sagged. He was right. It wasn't about getting herself something to cover up with, it was about the fact that Ryan had something on her that she wasn't sure she was ready for other people to know. The reason why she was naked was almost as big a problem as the fact she was.

And yet... Ryan was being a snake, but there was something appealing about the situation she was currently in. Ryan held more than a little power over her, but then and there, she was not unhappy to allow it. It was somewhat like her relationship with the mysterious Noof, the client whose request had gotten her into this situation in the first place. She could always have said no to Noof (although his money was an incentive not to) -- but it was more fun, more delicious, to pretend she didn't have a choice, to let him tell her what he wanted her to do. They both knew it was all play, but that didn't make it any less thrilling.

It wasn't as if some gross creep was currently coming on to her; her friend's brother was kind of good-looking, in a nerdy sort of way; tall and blond, he looked older than his years. True, he wore glasses but they were thick-framed and fashionable, and his grey t-shirt and skinny jeans clung to a lean frame that suggested he at least had passing acquaintance with the local gym. Alright, he didn't seem to have had any concern for her wellbeing; reacting to the fact that she'd shown up naked on his doorstep with delighted curiosity, rather than asking if she was okay. But she didn't need a saint to have fun, not when a sinner like herself was much more appropriate.

She put on a shyness that was only half-feigned -- after all, this was still her friend's brother, someone she had known for many years of adolescence, and she was currently standing in front of him with only her hands and arms to protect what little modesty she had left. Much as she liked playing this part, she wasn't faking her blushes.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked weakly.

Ryan smiled. "Nothing bad," he said in a conciliatory manner. "I think really I just wanna see your video."

He indicated the camera which hung from its strap on her wrist. Nina chuckled. In her excitement, she'd almost forgotten about it, but it had been the only thing she'd managed to save from the bandstand, and thank goodness for that; it had been her first big investment in her burgeoning sex work career, a high quality digital video camera with a removable memory card. It made shooting sexy clips so much easier than trying to position the pinhole camera on her bulky laptop, and it would have been expensive to replace. But because she'd been filming herself when she'd stepped out of the bandstand, the opportunistic thief hadn't been able to grab it.

Still, it was a rather mundane request...

"Is that all?" Nina asked, trying to keep her disappointment from her voice. In her current mood, she'd have done a lot more than show Ryan a video if he'd only asked.

"Well," Ryan shrugged, a bit of a glint in his eye, "it'll do for a start..."

Nina blushed again. That was more what she'd been expecting. Ryan was obviously hoping to tease this out a little bit, and a glimpse of her fully naked on camera was probably, in his thinking, just the appetiser...

She came closer to him, still covering herself, but holding the camera out to him. "The screen's a little small but you should be able to watch it on there," she offered, but Ryan shook his head.

"No need," he explained. "You've got a memory card in it, yeah? Let's take it upstairs, we can watch it on my computer."

Inviting a completely naked girl upstairs to his bedroom within 5 minutes of her arriving at his house? Nina thought. This boy doesn't mess about! Again she chuckled to herself, but she nodded.

"Alright," she said. "But... you go first." She blushed again. "I'm not having you follow me up the stairs while I'm like this."

Ryan seemed poised to argue, then he shrugged and led the way from the kitchen through to the hallway and then up the stairs. Nina felt strange walking naked through the house of her friend, a place she'd spent many hours clothed, but never been like this in before. She was excited by the novelty, and by the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Ryan's room was the first door at the top of the stairs, and he pulled a second chair up to the big-screened computer on the desk. He was a bit of a gamer, and so his PC was the latest kit, with a large monitor to make the most of the fancy graphics in the games he played. And, Nina thought wryly, give him the best view of her naked in her video.

She sat down at the computer next to Ryan. The chair, a standard computer/office chair, was rough against her bare bottom. She tried to maintain a little modesty, covering her lap with one hand, her other arm still hugging her chest. It felt faintly absurd but all the same, despite her obvious nudity, she wanted to keep a little mystery for the moment.