Natalia and Her Wolf Ch. 02


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"Hey Steph," I said walking in the kitchen.

"Hey, want me to fix you something to eat?" she asked.

"Nope I got it," I said looking for food to make.

"Are you sure? I don't think Alpha would want you making your own food," she said.

"I don't know what you mean by that, but I'll ignore it. I can cook mam," I said while searching for measuring cups. "I'll cook for you guys tonight."

"I'm not hungry," she said quickly.

I stuck my tongue out at her and started mixing together ingredients. She sat on the counter with an amused look. I had a couple of other bystanders too.

"Do you guys doubt my cooking skills? Hope so, because I love a challenge," I said.

No one answered. They just all smiled. 30 minutes later I had created something. I knew it would be good.

"That does not look edible," Katari laughed.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"When you were mixing the broccoli and mustard. What are you making?" she asked.

"Casserole. It's a family secret," I lied.

"You put bean sprouts in casserole? And potatoes?" she asked.

"Yes. Family secret," I said dumping the contents in a pan to bake.

I poured cheese on top of it and had to admit. It looked good. I put it in the oven to bake and turned back around. Everybody was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're going to eat that," somebody asked.

"You guys are mean. Go get Greg and Eric. I want them to taste it," I said.

Eric and Greg came downstairs and I pulled the food out. 6 minutes was enough time. The cheese had melted. I cut them both big slices and fixed their plates.

"I'm starving," Eric said.

"Me too," Greg agreed.

"Well I hope you guys enjoy. I worked really hard to make this," I told them.

I watched as their faces went white.

"You cooked this?" Eric asked.

I nodded. "Anybody else want some?" I asked.

Everybody shook their head no.

"More for me," I said.

Eric and Greg picked up their forks and took a bite. Both of their faces turned up.

"Natalia this is-" "Good?" I asked cutting Eric off.

"Disgusting," he replied.

"I agree. This isn't just disgusting, it's disturbing. How do you create something this bad? I mean what else are you capable of?" Greg asked.

I gasped. That was mean. I turned my back to them and took a bite of the food. I almost threw up. What the hell did I create? Death in a dish?

"I like it," I lied.

"Samantha told me you couldn't cook but I didn't know she meant you could create this," Eric said making fun of me.

"You guys are overreacting. It's not that bad. Katari and Stephanie, please just eat some," I whined.

They took bites and spit them out.

"No no no, not in my kitchen. Out," the chef said walking in.

"But I can try again," I said.

"No!!! I'll cook," he said trashing my food.

Eric pulled me out the kitchen into the living room. I had never been introduced to the pack properly because I was being such a brat. I sat next to Eric and answered all the questions they asked. I had been there for 40 minutes answering nonstop questions when they died down. I was still hungry.

"Come on, let's eat." Eric said pulling me off the couch.

The cook presented us with steak and salad. I dug in and ate to my hearts content. I was so full I thought I would bust right there.

"Thank you for the food. You'll have to let me cook for you one day," I said to the chef as Eric was pulling me up the stairs.

"No thanks Madam Alpha," he replied.

I turned my attention back to Eric. "I do not wanna take the stairs. I am full full full," I whined.

He picked me up and ran with me up the stairs. It was like everything was in slow motion. I marveled at how everything seemed to stop for us. We reached the top in 1 second tops.

"5 seconds but who was counting?" he asked.

"Shut up," I said playfully hitting him.

We walked into the room and got in bed. I was still a little uncomfortable and awkward between us, but I swallowed that and just kept quiet. He laid between my legs and laid his head on my stomach and I jumped a little.

"Are you OK? Want me to move?" he whispered.

"No you're OK," I replied awkwardly.

I was nervous. I had never been aware of how hot he was. Literally. His skin was burning. He wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled his head deeper into my stomach. I was getting horny. OK calm down Tal. Just count the dots in the ceiling.

"Natalia?" he whispered so soft.


"Are you OK?"


At that moment I realized 3 things. 1 I was incredibly horny. 2 he was shirtless and 3 I was breathing so hard I was almost hyperventilating.

"I smell you," he stated nonchalantly.

"What?! Do I stink?!?!" I asked.


I realized another thing. Eric was weird. In a good way. He looked at me. I saw a lot of lust in his eyes but I saw something else. Was that... love? Couldn't be. He sat up and stared at me.

"Eric?" I said softly.

He just continued staring into my eyes until I put my head down a couple of seconds later. I had never been able to look someone in the eyes when they were talking to me.

"Look at me," He growled.

"I can't," I replied while looking down.

"You don't want too," He said moving away.

I grabbed him. "No that isn't it. I've never been able to look people in the eyes. I'm sorry," I said.

He crawled closer to me and kissed me with passion.

"You're beautiful," He said. "Let me show you. Can I show you?"

I nodded and he started undressing me slowly. His fingertips burned my skin in a pleasant way. He slid my shorts off and took off my tank top. Once I was naked he had me lie still. I was so self conscious. My breast were too small. My butt was too big. My scars. My bruises.

"I can't do this," I begged trying to cover up.

"Do not push me away. Do not close your eyes. Do not ever hide from me," he commanded.

He started from my toes and kissed every one of them. He kissed my legs and he kissed my thighs. He kissed between my legs. He kissed my belly button. He kissed my love handles. He stopped at the scar on my side and kissed it 10 times. He traced it with his fingertips. He covered my entire stomach in kisses. He kissed my hands, fingertips and arms. Stopping at scars and giving them more attention. He kissed my breasts. My ugly, unattractive, entirely too small breasts. He treated them like they were the best thing he ever seen. He showered my entire chest with kisses and moved to my neck. He lingered at my neck and dropped kisses on every inch. Hot kisses. He kissed my chin. He kissed my cheeks. He kissed my nose. He kissed my eyelids. He kissed my forehead. He kissed my ears. He kissed my lips. He looked into my eyes and I turned my head.

"No, you are beautiful. Don't look away," he begged.

He grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"I don't care about your imperfections. I do not care. I love you for you. Every inch of your body I love. Trust me. I won't hurt you and I don't care about the small things. Look me in my eyes," he begged.

I looked at him.

"Luna knows how I feel about you. I've got so much love I want to give to you. I've had to hold it in until you were ready. It hasn't been easy. My wolf wants to claim you, love you, fuck you, hold you, kiss you. You can't begin to imagine how hard it was watching the one you love be miserable with and around you," he said.

"I can," I said.

He intertwined his fingers with mines and rolled me on top of him. I noticed he still had his shorts on. I slid down his body taking his shorts with me. I pulled them to his ankles and marveled at the sight in front of me.

"Like what you see?" he asked.

I smiled and crawled back to him taking his already hard dick in my hand.

"Is this for me Eric?" I said.

He nodded.

"Well I don't want it," I said jumping off the bed.

"Too bad you're gonna get it," he said.

"Gotta catch me first," I screamed.

I ran away from him laughing. He jumped up but tripped from his shorts being around his ankles. I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in the glass shower. Eric ran around the corner dick first. His eyes started glowing when he found me.

"Unlock the door you vixen," he said.

I lifted my foot on the soap dish and started fingering myself while moaning his name. I heard him growl and pull on the handle. I licked my fingers and dragged them down my body.

"Open the door," he whined.

I looked dead at him and bit my bottom lip.

"Fuck me Eric," I whispered.

He had had enough. He yanked the handle so hard the glass door broke. I looked up at him with amazement and he snatched me into his arms kissing me hungrily.

"Bed. NOW!" he yelled while smacking me on the ass.

I ran to the bed laughing and jumped in. He was right behind me. I screamed laughing as he flipped me over and pinned me down. He had me pinned and I couldn't move. I spread my legs and waited for him to fuck me. I was getting wetter and wetter by the second.

"Eric fuck meeeee," I whined.

He rubbed his dick against my clit, and I had had enough. I was close to tears. I was just that horny.

"You ready," he asked.

I nodded. He rammed his dick in me, slamming into me with a force. This wasn't the time for love making and fondling. We were both way past that point.

"YESSSSS!!!" I screamed.

He started fucking me hard and palming my breast. I came almost 4 minutes in. He grunted against me. His skin moist with sweat.

"Fuck," he said over and over.

I was moaning and screaming into his mouth when he flipped me over, dick still inside, onto my stomach. The movement made me cum again and I was close to number 3. He started fucking me hard.

"Smack my ass. Pull my hair," I moaned.

He smacked my ass hard and wrapped his hands in my hair pulling my head back. I started throwing myself back on him harder and harder. He stuck his finger in my ass and I lost it. I came harder than I ever came before.

"Yes Eric. Fuck meee," I screamed.

"Who pussy is it Natalia," he asked.

"Yours Eric. All yours." I moaned.

He started massaging my foot while I threw it back, squeezing my pussy muscles. I hummed against the pillow.

"Shit yes," I moaned.

"I'm about to cum Natalia," he moaned.

I didn't think it was possible but he grew harder. I increased my pace and squeezed harder. He dug his fingers into my waist and slammed me back on his dick and held me there. I heard him groaning and saying my name. I came again at the same time he did and we both fell forward.

"Eric, you're crushing me," I complained.

He pulled us to our side and I started to get up.

"We'll be stuck like this for a while. My knot hasn't gone down yet," he said.

"Your what?" I asked.

"My knot. It happens when I cum. It basically ties us together so that if you were a Were my sperm would reach your eggs," he explained.

"Oh OK," I said yawning. I wasn't really listening, I was too tired.

I laid my head on his arm and he pulled the cover over us. A thought crossed my mind.

"Eric, do you think ima slut? I did give it up fast," I asked.

He was already fast asleep. I guess I would ask him in the morning. I reached down and felt the knot. It was kind of weird to think about his little babies swimming around inside of me. I still wasn't ready for kids. I dozed off. I was content for that night, I would deal with my demons in the morning.

I heard a boom and opened my eyes. I was sleeping in Eric's arms but we weren't tied together anymore. I looked at the clock. It was 3:29 AM. I heard another boom.

"Eric wake up," I whispered.

The door busted open and I was grabbed. I struggled against the men but they were stronger.

"ERIC!" I screamed.

I saw 4 men hold him down as I was kidnapped. My captor jumped through the patio window, holding me, and landed on his feet. He held a rag to my nose as I fought him and everything went black. When I woke I was chained to a metal table naked.

"Mistress will be glad to see you woke," a strange man said.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked.

"Who I am won't matter soon my darling and you're in hell," he said laughing.

I heard a door open and what I saw shocked the hell out of me. It was Vanessa.

"Good job. I have no use of her. Do whatever with her. I honestly do not care. Make sure she never sees outside again. She is not to interfere with my plans," she said walking out.

The man tied up my arms and legs before unchaining me and throwing me over his shoulder. He took me to a small room with a bathroom and dropped me.

"Go wash up. I have plans for you," he said untying me.

He walked out and I heard a click. I wouldn't cry. I would just wait patiently for Eric to save me. This shit was unreal. I was terrified. I couldn't help but to think, had Eric never brought me into this life, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

"Don't think like that. Stay positive," I said to myself.

I walked into the small bathroom and turned the water on. It only had one nozzle and that was cold water. I stepped in the shower and quickly washed up. I stepped out the shower and turned the water off. I walked back into the room and sat on the bed. There was no towel or cover so I couldn't cover myself. I just put my knees to my chest and waited. 10 minutes later the man walked in. He didn't have any clothes to give me, so I scooted back on the bed away from him. He started undressing.

"Is that anyway to treat your new husband?" he asked.

"Leave me alone," I said.

He grabbed my ankle and dragged me down the bed. I fought him as he tried to force himself on me. I kicked him in the dick and he threw me on the floor. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked me to my feet.

"I see I'm going to have to break you in the old fashioned way bitch," he spat at me.

"I don't care what you to do to my body. You won't break my spirit! I'll never willingly open my legs to your disgusting self," I spat back at him.

His eyes showed anger and slapped me so hard I fell against the wall. I fought back the tears as he walked out. I tasted blood and ran to the bathroom. I inspected my face and only saw a busted lip. I pressed a cold washcloth to my lip and walked back into the room. I needed something to wear. I opened the dresser and found an old white shirt 4x my size and put it on. I would just have to wear this. I slid the dresser against the door and laid on the hard bed. I would get out of here myself. I couldn't wait on Eric. I was here because of Eric.

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dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
really unimpressed

Was really enjoying the original story and to read this? A real shame because it is nowhere as good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I get it that Natalia is an exceptionally immature 18 yo, but a girl like that needs a man with strength. Eric is a serious wimp; he clearly can't protect her, support her or guide her. I don't find him believable as an alpha of anything, which funnily enough makes me intrigued about the story direction. :). The comments above are not intended as criticism, just an observation. Keep writing your own story - It rocks!

Lady_RayneLady_Raynealmost 11 years ago
can't do it...

You are leading us around by the nose throughout the entire thing. You don't allow the reader to create the image of anything in their own mind. Basically you're teaching a grown adult how to walk... that's the best I can do to explain it. The idea for the plot, great... the execution... GET AN EDITOR, and maybe a few beta readers.

Stop leading everyone, each and every detail does not need to be written out in clearly defined detail for a 6 year old. Don't hold our hands the whole time, create a path and allow us to walk it ourselves.

create some build up... you have everything else, too much of it as a matter of fact.

wishmelycanwishmelycanalmost 11 years ago

its actually a pretty decent story. A lot of typos but I don't mind. U need to work on your flow. Also the sex happened too fast, try reading some of then,more popular stories to learn about writing sex. However good jib and keep going. Don't rush.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago

Just finding this now. Looking through all of what you have written, your writing is definitely getting stronger and more mature. If I had to pick a primary weakness it is maturity. I get that Natalia is young and has had a spectacularly horrible upbringing (excepting dad). However, her loose cannon emotions and reactions make it difficult to be supportive of her. I don't want her to lose the anger, hurt and fight...just want to see her channeling it better. More quiet intensity and less drama queen.

Vanessa is wonderfully psychotically evil. Eric seems befuddled. He needs to nut up and step up to help Nat deal. He seems to slingshot between all over her hormonal and tail between his legs backing off. Alpha needs to be steady, supportive and guiding.

I am enjoying the story. Hope my nit picking helps and doesn't discourage. I enjoy seeing new authors grow. :) I'll be waiting for more. :)

LuvKaiLynnLuvKaiLynnalmost 11 years agoAuthor

Patiently ( not really ) waiting for chapters 3 and 4 to be accepted... They're taking forever 😒

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Love your story.....I think eric is a lil bit of a jerk. He should let her be around her old friends ...they know she left with them and Sam will notice when she doesn't come back. I would be a brat to if a guy just changed my whole world and thought all I need was him to make my life whole (just my two cents....don't change a thing about ur story...can't wait to see where it goes)

LuvKaiLynnLuvKaiLynnalmost 11 years agoAuthor
( sigh )

I purposely left out that information because its a plot set up in the next chapter... It's like a plot twist.. You'll know why and how next chapter and everything will be explained. Promise.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 11 years ago

I feel sorry for all that Natalia has gone through but she need to stop blaming Eric for everything, it's getting annoying. Does this voice she periodically hears belongs to her wolf possibly?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Impatient ass people!

I loved this chapter. I think you didn't tell us how they got in because you want is to anticipate next chapter. We'll find out why this happened and

Eric's point of view later.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

this is a good story and i really like it but there are too much things in this chapter that does not really make sense so i hope it will all be revealed in the next chapter.....and i hope the author does not get discouraged again because with all the mistakes there are still people who are really into this story

TrellyWellDoItWellTrellyWellDoItWellalmost 11 years ago

I'm sorry But I like other one better. This one is good. But I like your first one. But I'm willing to see how this one go. I just want her and Eric together. Lol But can't wait for your next update. But why didn't Eric wake up?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Attackers getting into the alphas house so easily? Where was the security the betas etc? The alpha not waking up when intruders burst into his bedroom while he is asleep with his mate some how I don't think so. Sorry to say there are a few holes in this. I had to re read a few paragraphs to make sure I hadn't missed some thing. I hope the next chapter explains what on earth is supposed to be going on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Weird story!

This is altogether a story not thought through! How could Eric and the others not question Vanessa, who quite openly declared to want the Alpha? Natalia seems to be quite unbalanced and the rough taking of her doesn´t do a thing for me. Bad story, not worth my time.

redlion75redlion75almost 11 years ago

how did the attackers get onto the pack land without anyone knowing unless all of the betas are in on the plot

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