Nath Sows His Oats Pt. 03


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As they munched lunch, Nath broached the subject.

"Look Gloria, about what we were talking about in the marquee."

Adopting the bulletproof mask of a supremely confident or arrogant school-teacher, Gloria said firmly, "That's enough Nath. Don't begin to talk about it until you really have it all sorted."

"Another beer?" Nath offered gratefully. He knew that he needed to speak to his mother first.

They lazed, talking about their pasts and aspirations until Nath turned to look at Gloria who was fiddling with a nipple that was standing proud.

Wow she's ready to go again, he thought. He really wanted to rub and suck her tits as they were so lovely.

Looking around, Nath spotted a suitable tree.

"Come with me, darling," he called, picking up the waterproof roll he'd earlier taken from behind his saddle. Spreading it against the tree truck he sat down and held out both hands.

Without any inhibitions to expressed, Gloria took his hands and gently lowered herself on to his very stiff penis.

"Oooh, just what I like to finish off lunch; dessert."

Taking in the smile, the kindly, warm face and the emotion he believed he could feel radiating from her, Jonathon Weatherspoon grappled to comprehend this new feeling that could only be interpreted as love. Yes, it was not lust or emotional overload; it was very much softer and sedate. He could feel it reaching his core; he was in love. But he needed to speak to his mother.

Gloria rather liked this position. She thought it physically made lovers about equal except in respect of thrusting. They could kiss with ease, look deeply at each other and with a bit of ass manipulation it was possible to adjust the degree of sensitivity on special spots within one's pussy. It was a superb position for a tit man, and a tit lady. Oh yes, there were women like herself who were passionate about receiving breast worship.

Gloria could feel rather than see (because his head obscured the scene of action) his sucking motion on her left breast with little intermissions during which time his tongue would strum the nipple before finishing with a wee nip, and then the process would be repeated. At each nip, acknowledgement of his intense sexual byplay would register as a blip in some nerve center within her vagina, the impact of the blips being accumulative in triggering subsequent reactions. She was surprised that her thoughts were intensifying like this, but then she was assessing his suitability for life, wasn't she!

"I anticipate it being only a small one," he gasped. "My mind is aware that I need to conserve energy for the long ride home."

"I'll take whatever you wish to give. Tongue me in the mouth just before you cum and I'll use that signal to try to time my orgasm. If I wait until I see your eyes roll up it will be too late to meet your release in synch."

"Gosh, you are a technical as well as a sexy fuck," he said and then groaning slipped his tongue into her mouth.

After resting they went for a swim.

Gloria was warned not to absorb water through the nose, mouth or ears - apparently anywhere else was okay from natural and animal effluent contamination. That warning precluded ducking and other unrestrained fun, but at least it was cooling as the water was very deep.

"We'll be home around half an hour shorter than the time we took riding out here," Nath said.

"Why is it downhill?"

"It's because the horses know after a big working day they get a double ration of oats, so guess what?"

"They walk home faster?"

"You're a bright as well as a lovely person."

Gloria squinted into the distance, heart thumping.

Everyone was home for a bath or shower and clean clothes ready for the party finale. It would begin to break before midnight, although some people had already departed.

The dogs announced the incoming riders and everyone piled out to witness another of Sarah's famous tongue-bashings. They were really treated to an Australian version of High Noon, expect that it was almost 5:00 and nobody was packing guns.

The riders stayed seated, facing Sarah who'd hauled Harry to stand alongside her.

"You're not only trying to steal my son but you've stolen my special events riding boots."

"Mum, it was..."

"Hush Nath," Gloria commanded.

Everything hushed, including it seemed, even the birds. The dogs slunk away.

"Nath is a big boy. He'll be taken from you by whoever he pleases whenever he pleases. None of us really has any say in that."

"Well said," Mary called.

"I apologize for taking your cherished boots. I saw them and succumbed to lust; never have I seen such beautiful boots and it temporarily lost my sanity and borrowed them. I am ashamed. I am sorry, I ask for you forgiveness."

"Aw they're only footwear. I'm glad you like them; keep them if you wish."

"Thank you Sarah, I would love to but they are a half-size too small. You must have small feet."

The audience was disappointed that the flame of Sarah's latest rant had died far too soon.

"Jonathon," Sarah said curtly. "I want you to take Ned out and shoot him. He should have been shot when he so badly hurt your father. Just do it, I want no argument."

"He's a good horse Sarah," Harry mumbled.

"Good horse be dammed," Sarah snarled.

Charlie spoke up which was unusual when Sarah was in full cry.

"Tell her son."

Nathan said, "Yes tell her dad."

Harry looked at the horse and knew he had to defend him. He normally always avoided taking Sarah on when she was like this.

"I rode home drunk from the North Camp. Everyone told me to wait till the morning, but I knew best. I was feeling sexy Sarah.

"I just didn't fall off. Ned stumbled into a hole in the dark. I went over him and he crashed on to me. How the hell I wasn't killed, I'll never know. Saved by being drunk I guess. As you'll recall Ned escaped with bruising."

"You lying asshole. You told me it was Ned's fault. Charlie, get your rifle, I'll shoot him myself."

"You'll have to shoot me first Sarah."

"If you know what's best for you young lady, you'll get down off that horse and go and get ready for the party."

"Not until you tell me Ned is safe."

"Why what's your interest? You should have been riding my horse anyway. Whoever put you on a stallion is a raving lunatic," she said, glaring at her son.

"He's my horse until I choose my own, just as Nath chose Rustproof."

"You're balmy, you're been out in the sun too long girl, and that's my best Acubra I hope you know."

"Sorry but habitually I choose the best Sarah. Which reminds me, tell her Nath."

"Tell her what?"

"Tell her that you're going to marry me, I have to save Ned."

"But Ned is safe."

"Not with your mother riled up like this."

"Marry?" Sarah squawked.

"Marry her?" Harry croaked. "You lucky bastard."

"I love her mum, I truly love her."

"Oh you softie, she's made for you; congratulations," Mary yelled.

Everyone pressed forward joining Sarah and Harry.

Gloria backed Ned away, watched by the bemused Nath.

"What's your answer Sarah," called Gloria. "Or do I ride away."

"You're one tough bitch, Gloria, which makes you just right for this property. He's safe."

"Yee-haw," yelled Gloria, and flicking the Acubra to Nath, dug in her heels of Sarah's horse to go to the saddling yard."

"No don't! Ned doesn't jump, neither do you!" yelled Nath, but too late. The horse dropped his hindquarters to skid to a halt just short of the railing while Gloria sailed over the fence to land with a heavy thump. She lay very still.

The sudden cries from the assembly spooked Rustproof and he took off. Mary was halfway to the yard before others began running. She clambered over the fence just as Nath arrived and leapt straight out of the saddle and over the fence, landing on his feet.

He and Mary rolled over Gloria gently.

"She's just knocked out - look, there's a ding on her forehead."

"I hope you are right."

"Keep calm Nath. Oh dear, she won't like this; she's covered in straw and horse shit."

"It's no time to joke, Mary."

"She'll be fine Nath. Her necks not broken as it wouldn't look straight like that."

"I don't know if that's true, but it sounds a sensible thing to say and she's breathing okay. Oh look, she's opened her eyes. I'm out of here."

Climbing up and sitting on the top rail, Mary announced to the arriving people, "She's fine, just knocked herself out."

Everyone gathered at the fence went ooh and ash when Nath kissed her on both eyes.

"He can't kiss her on the mouth, it's covered in horseshit," said Mary, continuing her commentary.

"She's now pulling his head down to kiss him... he's managed to take the kiss on his cheek. She's now spitting out horseshit."

People were bent over laughing.

Gloria got shakily to her feet, supported by Nath.

"You lie down and wait for Gavin who's gone to get the stretcher," Sarah ordered.

"Charlie told me last night that you're not a rider until you've had some falls. I've had another fall, Sarah, and now I'm walking to the ranch house with you. I'd sure appreciate it Sarah if you could wash this horseshit off me and get me ready for the function this evening."

"But you should be examined..." Sarah stopped. "Oh dammit, there'll be at least a couple of doctors and three vets at the dance."

"That's the spirit Sarah. We've all got to take some risks. Nath has eight months to decide if he really wants to take on me for the long haul."

Sarah beamed.

"Oh Ada we're going to have a Christmas wedding, the very best time for a wedding, don't you think?"

"I certainly do love."

"Oooh about your dresses," Sarah said, with an arm around Gloria. "I though you and I ought to go to Melbourne, they have the best collection of top designer stuff there."

Charlie dunked the riding boots completely in water to wash off the manure. Sarah was all for dabbing it off but Charlie won that contest, arguing that spot cleaning could leave water spotting whereas his way any slight color change would be even over the entire boots.

Charlie moved into the sunroom of the house, giving his lovely cottage just beyond the homestead to Gloria and his grandson for the night. Sarah was aware that they had not yet announced their engagement, but bit her tongue and hurried over with clean towels, bath and massaging oils, two bottles of sparkling wine and a tin of cookies.

"You're going to be saddle sore in the morning dearest. Believe me."

"I'm already getting stiff," sighed Gloria, beautifully finished by Sarah and Ada who hosed her in the bath to get rid of dung and straw, then bathed her and back-combed her hair and did her nails.

"I'm already getting stiff too," yawned Nath, who immediately was slapped around the ears with a hand towel by his mother yelling, "You filthy little toad!"

But she was grinning.

When Sarah left, the Nath and Gloria were stalled on the point of deciding when to announce their engagement.

Gloria had suggested announcing it that evening but Nath scratched his right ear and asked what the rush was.

"Then when do you suggest?"

"I'm not sure."

He received a withering look and grinned.

"You're one tough lady. I'm sure when you get old you're just going to be like my mother."

"It's called having a strong personality Nath. If we get married I want you to just be a nice man like your father. Let me do the yelling."

"Yeah and you really do want to marry me?"

"Yes," Gloria said softly. "I told Sarah how old I am and confirmed I had been married and her un-Sarah-like reply was what the fuck did that have to do with her. She's priceless and unpredictable."

"Will you marry me darling?"

"Yes," she replied softly.

"Well let's do it. But why Christmas?"

"It will take me time to tidy up my situation back home and my teaching contract ends in late November, which is handy. I want you to come over and bring me back home, I'll pay your return fare."

"We'll talk about that later. Look I know we both love shagging but I really do think we should grab an hour's sleep. We're not leaving till 6:15."

"That's a good idea, but I want to sleep in your arms."

"Now that the dung has been removed, I'll agree to that."

"Choosy bastard."

"That's not very nice."

"Whatever gave you the impression I was nice," murmured Gloria, pushing back into his arms, her eyelids fluttering into pre-sleep.

* * *

That evening everyone met back at the property of the bride's parents and they farmed some cattle but predominately sheep.

The marquee now had a much larger wooden dance floor and when the three vehicle loads of people from the Weatherspoon's Great Hope Station arrived they found the designated parking area almost full.

The Weatherspoon's spread of 247,000 acres sounded a large farm/ranch but one had to understand on that low-fertile and drought-prone region where the year-long stocking rate can be as low as one adult cow or bull or steer per 20 to 70 acres in depending on availability of water and feed supplement reserves in really adverse times. Those farmers/ranchers needed every acre available to remain profitable.

At that post-wedding function there were families off stations of more than 500,000 acres. The Richards family from way out in really arid country farmed 1,237,000 acres but could only stock between 40,000 to 80,000 cattle for an entire year and that fluctuation in the stocking rate was governed by the extent of rainfall for the year and the rate of recovery from drought of the sparse grazing lands from the previous two or so years.

Gloria was stiff, bruised and batter, as if she'd come through a sustained gang bang,

She'd being battered in bed and attempting to demonstrate her skills at riding a horse only to come crashing off it at the height of her impromptu exhibition, She'd deduced the only way to impress the guy beyond her athleticism in sexual activity like Nath Weatherspoon was to show she could adapt as a country girl. Then she found she also had to deal with his mother who at times became one tough bitch. However by exhibiting true grit she'd won through and her marriage to Nath now appeared inevitable.

Nath had gone off with Harry and Gavin to the bar to get drinks and find pre-supper food. Matt's granddad Charlie was sitting beside her, looking a little bored already. No one was up dancing about the band was playing.

"Come on Charlie, we're dancing," she said, pulling him to his feet.

He looked pleased, then displeased but did not complain. It was a quickstep and he managed very well.

"What type of dance suits you like best Charlie?"

"Oh definitely the waltz."

"Stay here, Charlie. I won't be a minute."

The band's singer, a really big woman, was sitting on a stool and smiled when Gloria came over to her. Gloria returned to Charlie and said, "Get ready to waltz Charlie."

The band changed to slow tempo and the woman began singing 'Tennessee Waltz' so beautifully that Charlie volunteered: "This was me and Mabel my late wife's favorite waltz of all times. How did you know?"

Gloria ab-libbed.

"I thought you looked like a Tennessee Waltz person Charlie. Tell me about some of the nice times with Mabel."

Other people - older people - came on to the floor so the band did two more waltzes.

"You two looked so beautiful out there," Sarah said, dabbing her eyes. "Thank you, Gloria."

The band was now playing 'Jailhouse Rock' and Gavin Roskill, Mary's father, seized his chance.

Grabbing Gloria by the hand he pulled her towards the dance floor. She thought he would be good, and he was, quite stunning really, and still very athletic despite his limp. Because of that they were the best on the floor, not that Gloria thought much about that but her old ballet training had helped with improvisation that sent Gavin wild.

Everyone in their party laughed and joked when they arrived back at the huge round table and fell silent when Ada called for silence.

"Gloria, Gavin and I are determined to settle back here. Should we fail to buy back our property we will find another one in this locality. We hope you come to join this community. What I really want to say, though, is thank you for giving Gavin something he's always wanted - the best Rock 'n' Roll dance of his life."

Gavin kissed Ada then sat down and began eyeing Pru, who eyed him back; the temporary accommodation caravans and camper vans would remain available until 10.00.

Nath spoke quietly to his father. Nath and Gloria danced a quickstep then a foxtrot and returned to the table where Harry and Gavin were placing champagne flutes in front of everyone and then returned from the bar with four bottles of champagne.

With everyone seated and holding a glass ready for the toast, Nath rose and announced his engagement to Gloria.

Although everyone had been expecting it, the table went wild. Friends of the Weatherspoon's and Roskill's came over to the table and soon a party within a party was underway.

It was almost midnight at the Weatherspoon's when everyone was about to turn in. There was a thunder of hoofs and Sarah shouted, "Oh no. She's at it again!"

Everyone piled out of the house. It was moonlight and they could see two riders.

"Inside, you men!" gasped Sarah, but Charlie, Gavin and Harry ignored her.

Nathan and Gloria were riding bareback, nude, Nathan on Rustproof and Gloria on Sarah's mare.

Drunk and aware they had an audience they kicked their horses into a return gallop and rode with arms out-stretched.

They newly-engaged couple flashed past the spectators drawing a rousing cheer, galloped to the unsaddling yard at the tack room and were not seen again that night.

The End

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