Never Bet The Birds


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I tried that week to be the guy I was in college. I had really gone all out to win Jenny. I knew that I could not compete with the jocks and other guys who wanted to court her so I became a romantic dynamo. I sent her intricately worded poems and won my first date with her. I turned on all the charm I possessed to win a second date. Our dates were unique, romantic and intimate in a way that her dates with the Jocks and T.A.'s were not. I hired a string quartet to serenade her outside her dorm window while I sang love songs to her. No one understood what Jenny saw in me.

My own mother said that Jenny was a record holding filly dating a broken down gelding. My mom and I do not exactly get along. I wondered now, after six years of marriage if she was seeing my romance as so much flash. Or would she see me in a new light after being ogled and complimented by a half dozen handsome guys?

In any event that week i turned on all my charm and tried to accommodate Jenny's every need, all the while wondering it it would be enough.

Thursday night arrived and Stan greeted Jenny with a stack of hundred dollar bills. I know Stan makes a good living but I was a bit surprised he had come up with all that money so fast. Jenny got a huge smile on her face and put the finishing touches on Stan's house. I had to admit that her cleaning job was impeccable. Stan's place looked gorgeous when she was done. Stan placed the money in an envelope an then placed the envelope on a shelf near his front door. I was to pick up the envelope while Jenny redressed after her maid duty on Friday night.

I still wanted jenny to call it off but she refused. "Saul dear, I have passed from being embarrassed or ashamed. In fact tomorrow should be a bit exciting. Do you think I will turn on all those other men?"

"Jenny darling, your could make a dead man hard. I can't believe you are actually looking forward to this." I replied.

"I can't explain it. It is such a turn on to be desired. Stan still makes my skin crawl but part of me LOVES the fact that he stays hard every moment I am in his house."

"That's because Stan is a perv." I said.

"So are you Saul honey but You're not hard around me all day."

I could have said something intelligent and witty. I could have said something flattering instead I said,

"Well I'm used to your naked beauty."

"Saul! By now Stan has to be used to seeing me naked. It doesn't stop HIM from getting hard around me!"

Realizing the gravity of my error I hastily tried to apologize and flatter Jenny with sweet words. It was for naught.

"Saul, just shut up! When you find yourself in a hole stop digging! I know full well that I don't turn you on like I used to. Sometimes I wonder what I ever saw in you in the first place!"

I should have shut up then and there. My mom is wrong about a lot of things but she is correct when she says I talk too much. The more I tried to apologize the deeper the hole I dug. Jenny was angrier than I had ever seen her. She accused me of taking her for granted and not properly showing affection. She claimed that I had humiliated her to a great degree. She claimed I should be supportive of her nude exploits not confrontational. She was angry with me for not being constantly aroused around her like Stan.

"A man who is essentially a stranger makes me feel more desired than my husband. Do you have any idea how humiliating that feels? I ought to humiliate you Saul as much as you have made me feel humiliated."

Jenny made a point of stripping down to her birthday suit. Afterwards she was parading about the house and pressing her fabulous body next to me. From anger, nerves, or whatever, despite my wife's amazing display I was flaccid , Jenny placed her lips near my cock, I still failed to get an erection. Infuriated, Jenny exiled me to the couch. I began to fear what would happen on Friday night. My dreams were not good.

Jenny was still angry Friday morning. She neglected to kiss me before she left for work. I had put a very sincere note in the lunch I packed for her. I sincerely hoped she would read it. My day fairly crawled along. Jenny's mood did not seem to be any better after a day at the office. I noticed when I opened her briefcase that her lunch was untouched. When I asked her why she replied simply,

"The girls and I went out for lunch. We we celebrating Mary's new contract. We had a great time. The girls gave me some good ideas for tonight.'

"But you are just serving beers and making and serving sandwiches. What ideas could they have to help you do that?" I asked.

"Saul, you dolt! You made me feel like crud last night. I want to feel desired again. I want to turn those men on!"

"Jenny I am sorry about last night. I know that I said a lot of stupid stuff but you are the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the universe. I love you! You are my wife you should be turning ME on!"

"You as much admitted last night that I no longer turn you on. Despite my nudity and closeness you could not even get hard. Other men won't be such limp dicks. I am going to teach you a lesson tonight husband, a very humiliating one, I will be ruthless, but not entirely heartless; you best pay attention and be ready to redeem yourself when I present that opportunity to you." Jenny said to me hotly. She looked at me with the gaze she saved for when I was supposed to pay especially close attention to her.

Jenny then stopped talking and went to our bedroom to get ready for tonight's big reveal. My heart was lower than our house's basement floor. Stan's card game was scheduled to begin at seven. Jenny and I were to arrive at six forty five. I was surprised and began to feel a bit queasy when Jenny exited our bedroom in a rather sexy outfit. She wore a pink blouse with a plunging neckline, A short black skirt, black nylons and spiked heels. She slid a coat over herself and asked me icily,

"Are you coming dear." she said the word 'dear' as if pronouncing it stung her throat.

I sighed deeply and took her hand. To my considerable shock once we reached Stan's Jenny removed her coat and took Saul aside to his dining room and closed the door behind the two of them. Stan emerged a few minuets later looking like he had just won the lottery. Jenny stepped out right behind him, her face wearing an expression I could not read.

Stan's guests began arriving right at seven. I recognized most of them from football Sunday's at our house. Only a man named Robert was a stranger to me. As each came in Jenny smiled at them sweetly, asked their names, as if she were meeting them for the first time, and fetched them a beer. She got me a beer as well but did not even smile at me as she handed it to me.

"The guys were very flattering to Jenny. They commented her looks and attire. They were gentlemen but each one was soon packing a noticeable bulge. Every last one of them seemed to have a cock that was larger than mine. My queasy feeling increased.

The guys sat around the table. They made a place for me as well. Stan asked for silence and said that Jenny had an announcement.

Jenny stood where I and everyone else at the table could see her. She began to speak,

"Men, Stan has promised you a nude maid tonight. I will be that maid. Stan has agreed to pay me a nice fee for shedding my clothes tonight. HOWEVER, it occurred to me that you men might have a better use for the money you bought to play poker with tonight. IF you men are amenable, the winning hand gets to remove an article of my clothing and I get the winnings from that hand. Once I am out of clothing perhaps you gentlemen can think of som other ways for me to earn money. What say you boys?"

My jaw dropped to the floor. Jenny looked right at me and smirked, defying me to make a scene.

"Hold on Jenny!" I began

Jenny looked at me with naked contempt.

"Gentlemen is there any reason why I should pay attention to my husband's misgivings?"

As one the men hooted me into silence. The gambling commenced. The men played with an intensity that practically ignited the oxygen in the room. They dealt me in, with dread I realized that I only had twenty five bucks on me. The other guys set bulging wallets in front of themselves. I knew that Jenny was angry. When she is angry she likes to strike out at me but I never imagined she would pull something like this. She had a lot of lovers in college before we started dating I thought that she had sown all of her wild oats. Apparently I had thought wrong. I tried to convince myself that Jenny would only participate in the stakes until she was naked. Over and over I told myself that that was the case.

Phil, a tall guy with a receding hairline, won the first hand. A nice stack of money crossed to the spot designated for Jenny. Jenny walked over to Phil and sat in his lap while phil unbuttoned and removed her blouse. Under it jenny wore her sexiest bra, a sheer black number that barely contained her large and lovely tits

Jenny sat on Phil's lap with one hand she squeezed his cock. While she did this she sneered at me and said,

"Gee Saul dear, I don't seem to have any problem making Phil hard."

The guys all laughed at me and I wanted to disappear into the woodwork. The idea that the guys would envy me for having Jenny for a wife was out the window. I realized that every man in that room believed that he could do a better job of satisfying my wife. I was insecure enough to believe that was the truth.

Don, a kid just out of college won the next hand and liberated Jenny's fabulous tits. The men were enthusiastically appreciative of my wife's charms. There were whistles and cat calls. I could feel the color draining from my body. In addition to sitting on Don's lap and feeling him up, Jenny graced him with a kiss while Don squeezed her tits. I wanted to die. My breathing became spasmodic.

Jenny looked at me and said, "Are you OK Saul? You don't look so hot. My being topless doesn't seem to bother the rest of the guys. Does my body repulse you or is there just too much testosterone in the room for you?" Then she laughed and went off to fetch a fresh round of beers. The guys started looking at me with open mockery. It was infinitely worse than being belittled during the Sunday football games.

Stan won the next round. The pile of money at Jenny's spot was beginning to look impressive. I could tell that Jenny was not crazy about Stan's mitts being on her hips and waist but she savored the reactions from the rest of the guys as her skirt slid to the floor. I thought I could almost hear the hard ons impacting on the bottom of the table as everyone espied what Jenny had on under the brief skirt. She was clad only on a black frilly thong and thigh high black stockings. The outline of her succulent bush was obvious though the thin material. Jenny planted a very brief kiss on Stan's lips and stroked his junk only because it was expected. She fairly beamed from the response of the rest of the guys. My stomach was spinning like the tilt a whirl at the county fair.

Jeffery drove the betting up very high and turned out to have a winning hand. Jenny stood in front of him while he lowered and removed her thong. He sniffed his prize as Jenny did a slow turn exposing her succulent bush to the entire room. Jenny planted a substantial kiss on Jeffery's lips and paid no mind to his gentle stroking of her black pubic triangle.

Jenny got the attention of the room and announced, "If you gentlemen so decide I can keep on my stockings and shoes. I think they are sexier than total nudity. I am going to make sandwiches now after you all have eaten you can compete for the big prize. Whoever wins the next hand gets a blow job. I am awarding only one blow job tonight but I will be a good sport and listen to your subsequent outrageous offers. For enough money I MIGHT even consider honoring a request."

The guys were so horny now they could easily have pole vaulted with their members. I wondered what was wrong with me. I felt like a boy amongst men. I was very angry at Jenny, at the same time, I was incredibly turned on, still, despite my wife's amazing display I was flaccid.

Jenny returned from the kitchen and handed out beers and sandwiches. She made two trips. She felt up each guy in turn when she got to my seat, she set a beer and a sandwich before me. She ran her hand over my groin, at last my little soldier snapped to attention.

"Really Saul? I have to go to these lengths to get you hard? How are you going to keep me happy when you reach middle age?"

I was already out of money. I watched the guys drive the pot higher and higher. Every guy wanted that blow job. Even if it meant trying to sandbag with a pair of threes no one wanted to be the first to fold. A lot of I.O.U.s and markers swelled the pot. At last show time arrived. Stan thought his full house would win but Robert, the one man I didn't know, trumped him with four of a kind. Robert happened to be sitting to my right.

He stood up and Jenny unclasped his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. His enormous cut rod came into view. As he returned to his seat Jenny knelt before him and said,

"Well sir, you have quite the impressive equipment, its far nicer than what I have been seeing since my honeymoon." Jenny then shot me a withering look and began to suck on Robert's tool.

Jenny is an ace at fellatio, even so she really seemed to be turning it on for my benefit as she sucked each of Robert's balls in turn and then gingerly kissed up and down his shaft. Finally she took all of him into her mouth and her head began sliding up and down. Appalled, yet aroused, I watched. Around the table some of the guys were so turned on that they unzipped and began jerking off. Jenny worked like a pro. Robert grunted and came, Jenny lapped up nearly every drop. With cum caked lips she turned to me and said,

"So that is what a real man tastes like."

The room erupted in simultaneous laughter and cheers and Jenny turned and bowed.

"Thank you gentlemen. It would appear that you are out of cash while I am flush with my fee for the evening and this newly earned wealth. I'll get everyone a beer and then you can tell me what you would ask me to perform for you if money were no option. It will be interesting to hear what you perverts come up with."

I was so humiliated that I wished I were invisible. Jenny distributed beers. She sat on each man's lap in turn and asked, "Let's play pretend. What would you like me to do for you and how much would you pay for me to do that?"

The guys tried to outdo each other. There were promises of millions of dollars, tropical islands and yacht cruises. All of them ended with my wife fucking them. Stan said he would shave Jenny's pussy and eat her out for days before he entered her Stan's fantasy involved another woman and a lot of lesbian sex between Jenny and the female porn star he named. Jenny saved me for last. She sat in my lap, stroked my throbbing cock, and kissed me.

"So Saul, if money were no option, what would you like to me to do and how much would you pay me to fulfill your fantasy?"

My heart was doing summersaults but somehow I knew just what to say.

"Jenny. If I had all the money in the world I would use it to invent a time machine and correct every mistake I have ever made as your husband. I would never have let you feel taken for granted even a single moment. I would have been supportive of you every second. I would make you proud of me every day and I would be sure that every day of our marriage I would never have let my hard on fade even for a moment and I would have praised you to the heavens until the stars fell to earth in jealousy."

Jenny smiled broadly and said, "That is why I married you darling." She turned to the other men and said,

"This is the man who gets to take me home tonight. Oh he may not be as well equipped as the rest of you, he may not be as powerful, but he knows how to love me. Remember that next time you cut him down behind his back on football Sundays at our house. I love Saul and I always will. Tonight I had to hit him over the head and humiliate him but he, unlike the rest of you, will remember the lesson from tonight. Saul will begin to atone for his sins tonight. He gets to fuck what all of you guys want to screw but NEVER NEVER will. Stan makes my flesh crawl and I would not fulfill a single fantasy of even one of you perverts even if you had the money of a sultan, but tonight Saul gets to have anything he wants. You men have been lusting after me since Saul and I moved into our house. Now that the mystery is gone, I expect that you will no longer be undressing me with your eyes. You belittle and humiliate Saul but he is more of a man than ANY of you are."

Jenny paused for her words to have effect. Then she said,

"Shall we go Dear?"

Jenny slid her coat on. Filled the pockets with the cash and we headed for the door. I took Stan's envelope on the way out. The room was stone cold silent as we left.

I wrapped my arm around Jenny on the short walk home. "Darling, was all of THAT really necessary To teach me a lesson?"

Jenny planted a very nice kiss on my lips and said, "Saul Dear, I hated humiliating you, but like I said, YOU learn your lessons when you make a mistake. Now I know that you will never take me for granted again. I enjoy fucking you Saul. When we get home I going to do just that. Those men learned a lesson tonight as well. For all their mockery of you none of them can ever hope to have me. They will envy you that always. They would put up with the same humiliation I put you through if they thought it would lead to a turn in the sack with me. But unlike you they would not learn from it, I would be just another conquest, just another fuck. You on the other hand seek the real me."

I returned Jenny's kiss and thanked the heavens that she was mine and always would be.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If you truly love someone you don`t humiiate them like that, and if He has any pride at all he would say sorry though I love you, you`re History!

By the way in at least in 2 stories you have "minuets" that is a type of Dance . If you are referring to 60 seconds plus the word is MINUTES!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

When she told him she often wondered what she ever saw in him, that was FAR more insulting than him not getting an erection every time she’s around. Her speech at the end was much too little to make up for her actions and her words that night. She might be gorgeous on the outside, but she’s an ogre on the inside.

BabalooieBabalooiealmost 3 years ago

That money could pay for a divorce lawyer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

please do a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What a croc of shit this story is! The wife is a heartless twat.The husband is a gutless wimp and,the bet is a bad joke! - Part 2 is that ridiculous “party” where the wife just plain humiliates the man she supposedly loves. Come on,I mean she strips naked,let’s each of the “players” feel her up and then blows a big-dicked guy in front of her husband. How the fuck can that marriage continue?! Hot action but,as I said,a croc of shit!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not thrilled.

I, very reluctantly gave this three stars. It's probably worth maybe two stars. Needs a lot of punctuation and some work on sentence structure.

What's with the end? Why the need to rub his nose in it. You spent more time "punishing" the hubby than on the blowjob. If you were reaching for the erotic. You didn't come close.

SunOceanSandSunOceanSandabout 6 years ago
Just another

P.O.S. story, really, really bad...

I see LitE has awarded you a Lot of Bonus Points for being a cuck.


SouthernSamanthaSouthernSamanthaover 8 years ago

I didn't care for this story. The husband is far too meek. And Jenny couldn't love her husband. Love is respect, not humiliation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I'm a sadist and I still hate her.

At least in rape stories I'm not told to like the rapist. To all the people who are horrified by this comment, I understand and believe me, I don't make that statement lightly. But I'd rather my sister be raped and know she is a victim, than have her think she was lucky to be raped at all. I say this as someone who is a actual sadist, someone who gets off on others in pain, humiliation and even rape. But those stories know who the villains are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Did she enjoy her divorce?

Because her husband is going to enjoy his from the manipulative bitch. Who would stay her a cunt? Idiotic story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
1 star!

Just cut off your cock and eat it dickless!!!! First you are a wimp and wrote about it then your so pathetic that the story actually humiliated the hubby while his whore of a wife parades around naked in front of neighbourhood friends and gives them blowjobs. If this was my wife I would have stopped the bet before it was made and if they persisted that minute I would have ballbatted the TV and said ok bitch that’s the end of the football watching and everybody out and never come back!!! I have a few pistols so Stan or anyone else arent near as tough looking into the barrel of a 357 magnum so i am sure they would have been in a hurry to leave and watch games somewhere else!!!! Then I would have told the loud mouthed bitch if she wanted to go with them go ahead and as she left the locks would have been changed and her shit put on the curb!!! All that bullshit about him not being turned on by her is total horseshit so she can become the whore she really is!!!! Story totally sucked!!!!

9pool9poolabout 10 years ago
Why did she have to

humiliate him so horribly? The explanation at the end... no, just no. She stomped on his feelings hard. I'd go so far as to suggest that the reason she married him is that she knows she can get away with it. He has no backbone to speak of.

And contrary to her words, they aren't going to stop undressing her with their eyes. They are going to smell blood in the water. She's going to be hounded outrageously for as long as they know her and the poor sod who married her is going to be constantly struggling to keep up.

This story could have worked as an erotic fantasy (which was your intention, wasn't it?) if you hadn't shifted the focus from her punishment to his and then attempted to justify it. When you did that it became too serious for me to ignore the reality of the situation.

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