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His hands were tangled into my hair, coaxing me to finish him. I smiled to myself. He was going to be disappointed. At least, for a moment. I knew how to take care of my man.

I let his cock slip out of my mouth.

I stood up. "Can you undo my bra, love?" His hands grabbed my bra and he pulled, snapping the clasp. He was too far gone and he knew it. He didn't have any patience for the delicate intricacies of breast support.

His hands grabbed my shoulders and he threw me onto the bed. I looked up at him, bare-breasted and panty clad as he stood over me. His eyes swam with lust and desire.

Back in my room, I realized my fingers weren't going to be enough. Not tonight. I reached into my nightstand and grabbed Jason Jr. He was six inches of vibrating, stainless steel pleasure. I turned it on high and easily slid it into my soaking pussy. I closed my eyes as I felt the vibrations coming from inside me.

Jason fell down onto me, his hand grabbing at my breasts, his lips locking onto mine. I felt his hard cock as it pressed against my panty-clad pussy.

God, he must have been desperate. Want and need radiated off him as his tongue penetrated my mouth. His hands weren't so gentle. He twisted and pulled at my breasts and nipples, driving me crazy, pushing me into my need for him. I could feel every twist and pull down my spine into my pussy as his cock moved up and down against my clit.

I had planned to take this slowly, dragging his pleasure behind me the whole time. Obviously, holding out on him all week had been a mistake. Now, I was getting just as crazy for his cock as he was.

My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his mouth even tighter against mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist, but his hips kept moving, kept pushing that delicious cock against me. Damn it. I wanted it. I wanted it more than I wanted my next breath.

I pulled Jason away from me and looked into his eyes. I didn't want foreplay, I didn't want to be eaten out. I wanted cock. Hard, pounding cock. And I didn't want to wait for it.

Jason knew me too well. His hand moved down and pushed my panties to the side. I moaned as the head of his cock slid past my lips.

He smiled at me. Somewhere he had found the time to get himself under control. He slid his cock into me, slowly. Centimeter by centimeter. I could feel every inch and vein as he slid past my lips and into my pussy.

I growled at him. I wanted to be pounded now. If he wanted slow, he should have just let me do what I was doing!

Jason laughed at my growl and kissed me again.

Finally his cock was all the way into me. He was home, exactly where he was supposed to be.

He looked into my eyes. There was more inside him than lust now. There was understanding. There was love.

He held himself up by his arms and pulled back before slamming that hard piece of Jason cock into me. He lifted, then fell, thrusting into me again and again. I didn't feel each inch any more. I felt the impact. I felt the loss and reunion as our bodies came apart and together, again and again. He was giving me what I wanted, and what he needed.

With my arms still wrapped around his neck, I pulled him down for another kiss.

He picked me up. His hands gripped my ass as he lifted me off his cock until the head was the only thing left inside me. Then he let go.

I rubbed my clit as I slid the vibrator in and out of myself. God, Jason Jr was amazing.

I fell back down onto him. He did it again. And again. His hands were spreading me open and then dropping me onto that steel rod he called a dick. Again and again. He went down to his knees and laid me on the floor.

He kissed me. Then he started pounding his cock into me all over again.

I moaned and I screamed. I pushed against his chest, needing a moment, a second. But he wouldn't stop. He just kept slamming his man-meat into my soaking pussy. He grabbed my breast and started sucking on my nipple, his tongue lashing it every which way.

He pushed me over the edge. My muscles tensed, my back arched, I couldn't breathe. My pussy gripped and massaged his cock, trying to draw his seed into me.

He didn't stop or hesitate. He didn't give me a moment or respite. He just kept pumping and thrusting away at me, at my poor little pussy. His balls kept bouncing off my ass while he slammed himself into me.

I came. Oh God did I come. My juices gushed out around Jason Jr, soaking my bed.

When I was finally able to breathe, I slid my vibe out of my tired little pussy, almost setting off another orgasm.

What did it mean that, when Jason was at his scariest, I still found him sexy?

I smiled. It meant I loved him. I loved everything about him. I loved Jason. Point blank period. My smile got even wider.

And he loved me.


I knelt down next to him as he ratcheted something on his bike.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Would it even mean anything if I explained that I was replacing the NO2 intake valve on my bike?"

"Not really," I answered. Wait, wasn't I the one with a question?

"There you go," he smiled. I couldn't see him smiling, but I knew he was.

I sat down, stretching my legs out in front of me, and brushed my red hair out of my eyes. "Jason, we need to talk."

He looked over at me. "I've never actually dated anyone, but I've heard those are bad words for a man to hear."

"I want more than a few stolen moments while my mom and dad are out. I want you."

He turned back and started ratcheting at his bike again. "Okay."

I frowned. Obviously, he wasn't taking this as seriously as he should have been. "I'm serious. I want us to have a real relationship."

He looked over at me and set the ratchet down. "I said okay. Katie, I've been ready for more since the first time you kissed me. I don't care what your mother thinks, or what our father thinks. I don't care what anyone thinks. I love you." He smiled. "And not just as a brother. If you're ready for us to be something, then I'm all for that. If not, well, I'm willing to wait until you are." He sat down beside me and took my hand into his. "I love you. And whatever you want, I want that."

There were tears running down my face as he leaned down and kissed me. He gave himself to me in that kiss. His heart, his soul. I was in love with my bastard baby brother, and he was in love with me.

As he pulled away and looked into my eyes, I had no concerns, no worries. Jason was mine, and I was his. Totally and completely. No matter what the future held, we would face it together.

It took me two months. Two months of discreet looks and shy approaches. Now, Jason and I went everywhere together. We held hands, we kissed, we sat at the same table in the cafeteria. I even got to ride his motorcycle! People looked at us funny at first, but no one ever actually said anything to us. I think they were too scared of Jason. I gave Terri my meanest looks whenever Jason couldn't see me. He never did apologize. He just looked back at me and shrugged. Never trust a drug dealer.

Uncle Vincent was actually a godsend. I was totally expecting him to go ballistic when Jason invited me to dinner. Vincent took it all in stride.

"That boy knows what he wants and he can take care of himself. As long as you two are happy, I'm all for it. Plus, it'll piss them off," he smiled. I didn't need to ask who he meant by "them".

Jason wanted to be there when I told my parents. I appreciated the support, but they were going to have a hard enough time just hearing it from me. If Jason was here, I'd probably end up needing the police. I finally dressed myself up in a black pantsuit and confronted my parents. It was the same suit I had worn when I asked for my corvette.

We were sitting in Daddy's office. "Mom, Dad, I've been dating Jason. And I'm going to continue dating Jason. No matter what."


Ten years later...

Jason walked through the door, finally. Rex jumped all over him, ensuring that I was going to have to take that suit to the cleaners. I hated that dog. Who the hell still names a dog Rex? But Jason insisted. Jason had always wanted a dog, but Uncle Vincent was allergic.

"Hey sweetie," he said as he kissed me on the cheek.

I held Richard in my arms. "Hey honey! How was work?" Jason still ran most of his assets through shell companies, but he kept a close eye on them. People rarely knew they were talking to the owner.

"It was work." He took Richard from me and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?"

I loved Jason, most of the time. I was so happy when I got pregnant and decided to quit my job. I had taken my business degree and gone into advertising, but work didn't turn out like I thought it would, not with Jason in my life. The first time I had a boss that I didn't like, said boss was transferred to the mail room. For no apparent reason.

I knew what happened. Jason bought the damn agency. And it didn't happen that one time. In four years, Jason had bought and sold three different businesses that had employed me. Still, it was out of love, so I never mentioned it. I just accepted that my husband was my over-protective brother and wasn't about to let me have a job with an asshole boss. I also realized that I was never going to work my way up. If I came home and said I wanted a promotion, Jason would probably have bought my way into it. Strangely, I found it a little depressing.

Dad had thrown a fit when I told him I was dating Jason. But I threw all the fake paperwork he used to deny Jason in his face and told him Jason wasn't really my brother. His fit turned into a full blown legal argument after that. I still smile when I think about it. Mom passed out after I admitted to having sex with Jason.

They tried not to talk to me, but Jason bought out Dad's law practice through a shell company. By the time Daddy realized it, he was sitting in front of his new boss. A boss that apparently liked family values in his employees. They invited us over for dinner that night.

Strangely, while they hate my husband, they love their grandson. Richard had all the newest toys before we even had a chance to hear about them.

Jason threw his tie and jacket over the arm of the couch as he sat down to play with Richard, trying to tire him out before dinner.

Terri and Hailey were supposed to come over.

That's right, they got married. It wasn't a great marriage. They cheated on each other all the damn time, we didn't ask questions. For some reason, it seemed to work for them. Don't ask me how. Terri and I had it out after he betrayed me to Jason. But we both wanted what was best for him so we let sleeping dogs lie.

Sharron married Ron. Yep, gay Ron. No idea how that happened either, but if you want to believe Sharron, their sex life was insane.

I loved BJ. I don't think he liked me at first, but we grew on each other. I convinced Jason to make BJ the CEO of one of his companies after he retired from the NFL.

I loved BJ, but I hated BJ's wife.

Lala fucking Dawson. The bitch.

"The second you fuck up and he starts looking elsewhere, I'll be there," she told me after Jason and I got married. Jason made me include her in my bridal party. Lala and I still had our own little quiet war going between us. She tried to sabotage my anniversary, I successfully sabotaged her wedding. The colors were black and blue. I even got the stripper at her bachelorette party to "accidentally" elbow her in the eye. Just so she matched.

Still, she was one of Jason's best friends. So we smiled when we saw each other and hid the claws and fangs. BJ was Richard's godfather after all.

I smiled as I watched Jason playing with our son. Life was good. I had married my bastard half-brother, had a beautiful child with him, and owned my disapproving father's law firm. Mom actually tried to bribe Jason into leaving me. We both laughed about that, then we fucked.

Jason was a virgin when we started dating. That didn't last long, but it took me six months to find out what his kink was. Public sex. And he didn't actually tell me. We had gone to see some boring action movie. As we sat in the back row, I slipped his cock out of his pants. It wasn't our first time, but I had never seen him this hard. When I looked over at him, his eyes were boring into me.

I leaned over and took him into my mouth. He was so turned on he actually had to bite his own hand to keep from moaning too loud.

He didn't last long. I bobbed up and down on his cock, my tongue playing along the underside of his cock. It only took five minutes before I felt his body tense up and that first shot of cum hit my throat. With bombs and gunfire going off on the screen, I swallowed down spurt after spurt of Jason's seed.

We didn't stay for the rest of the movie.

Since then, I made sure that Jason knew he could have me anywhere. He's finger fucked me under table clothes in expensive restaurants, had me on my knees sucking him off in gas station bathrooms, he even fucked me on a subway car full of people.

I didn't know much about Jason's life. I was still piecing it together. But it didn't really matter to me like it once did, even with Lala holding it over my head. I knew the man he was. I knew he loved me. He loved his son. He even loved his dog. And there was no force on Earth that would take him from us.

And he was committed to making every sexual fantasy I had a reality.

I put Richard in his play pen and walked into our bedroom where Jason was changing out of his work clothes. I watched as he took off his shirt, as he undid his pants and let the fall. I smiled.

Jason wasn't facing me, so I snuck up behind him and pushed him onto the bed. He turned over and looked at me as I straddled him. "Um... Katie? What are you doing?"

"Exercising my wifely prerogatives." I pulled his underwear down and smiled when his hard cock snapped back up at me.

"We have guests coming."

He shuddered as I wrapped my hand around him. "And in a few minutes, you'll be coming too." I pulled my panties to the side and slid down onto him, enjoying the delicious feel of his cock head as it penetrated into me.

Jason stopped arguing with me as I started to move my hips, fucking my pussy down onto him. Hard and fast. The wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out me quickly filled the air. He caught the rhythm and started to thrusts up the meet me. I looked down at him and smiled. Our hands intertwined, his cock sawing in and out of me, I leaned down and kissed him.

I screamed. I screamed my pleasure out to him. I screamed his name. I screamed words I didn't even know as he pushed me over the edge. I felt my pussy clench and tighten around his cock, refusing to let him leave me.

He grunted as my orgasm coaxed out his. He pushed himself up into me and shot his cum into my womb.

As I fell down onto his chest, I smiled.

Yeah. Life was good.

I always made sure to send Van a Christmas card every year. I mean, if he had never tried to rape me and gotten his ass handed to him, I might never have taken that second look at the man I call my husband, my bastard half-brother, my Jason.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is a nice flip side to ‘A Legacy of Shadows.’ This is hot and if really pressed into some more depth, could be on a similar level. Hot fantasies and a happy ending.

ScottishTexanScottishTexan12 months ago


I just read your comment below. While items 1 & 3 are mostly valid, you totally pulled an epic fail with #2-How old is Jason. In the very FIRST installment, Katie clearly stated that her mother and Jason's mother got impregnated 2 months apart, and therefore were pregnant simultaneously for a few months. Jason is only two months younger than Katie. He is independently wealthy because of his mother's parents. He's received good business advice from the people that his grandparents had in positions of authority and his own acumen has served him well also.


But judging from your third question, I think that the sexual aspects of this story were the greatest part of YOUR focus, so you missed all of those details. 🤔

ScottishTexanScottishTexan12 months ago

I have to partially agree with the previous comment. This installment feels like you rushed through it just to give your fans an ending...any kind of ending.

The best part was when Jason confronted his father and the criminal in the restaurant. But the rest of the story didn't fit together very well. 😕 Jason and Katie should have made more than just baby Richard. In ten years of marriage, they should have had at least four children together.

But even so, I still gave you 5/5.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

story sputtered into nothing, no end, reason, big fight. Too bad. Amazing Jason, as a 4th grader had a company bought, father fired, and a family moved away. Not very believable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You have excelled yourself yet again. An Englishman.

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sabout 5 years ago
Good story

I liked the story and loved the development of the characters but didn't like that 95% of sex scenes were of her imagination and that Jason's past was never explored.

irishmike73irishmike73about 7 years ago
When good stories go bad

So, it seems you had a good idea for a story, and then decided to throw it in the trash and post this one instead. There are three main reasons why I don't like the story:

1. While I know that there are assholes in the real world who do stupid things, it is unrealistic that Jason's father would act the way he does towards him. It would make a lot more sense if it were Katie's mom who hated the boy. After all, he is the love child of her husband and a drug addict. Meanwhile, the dad would be forced to ignore Jason in order to save his marriage, but perhaps deep down inside He does care about what happens to his son.

2. How old is Jason? We know that Katie is 20, and that Jason is her younger brother. How is it possible that he is this super ridiculously rich kingpin mafia type at the age of 19 or possibly younger? Where did he get the money from? We know that his uncle is a welder by profession, and you told us that there was no way he could afford to live in the same neighborhood. Since it is implied that he abhors people who use drugs, mainly because his mother was a drug addict, it is highly unlikely that he would be involved with the selling of drugs, therefore he didn't get the money from that. This part of the story is not believable. At all.

3. Very little sex. In the first two chapters and for over 80% of the third and final chapter, all we get are masturbation fantasies. We never even get to read about their first actual time having sex together , which is usually the best part of a story posted in this category. All you give us is a handful of sentences describing a quickie before their friends show up for dinner.

This was very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Not everybody wants to read a story with massive amounts of carnal moments, vividly described. I sometimes wonder how some of these reviewers can type and stroke at the same time while holding their heads in the 'up and locked' position!!!!

The masturbation, interspersed with real time action was somewhat off-putting and made following the thread of the story not nearly as easy as readers might wish.

A reasonable effort and the progression from 1 to 3, clearly demonstrated growth on the part of both the writer and editor.

auhunter04auhunter04over 8 years ago
I dont fucking understand

Why do so many stories always have one secret mega bucks character?

When is someone gonna write about common folk?

If I even felt I had a scrub of writing talent I would take a swing at it. but I know when I am over matched and this is one of those times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

After reading the entire story, I was left to wonder why you bothered to write this. Just a very little sex at the end after all those chapters with nothing really happening. Just her fantasizing. What was all that about? What a big disappointment. If you think this is the way to write a story, you're not going to please very many people with your writing in the future.

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