No Control

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A man is at the mercy of his mistress.
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I have no control, she's taken it all. Gagged, hands and feet tied, I'm strapped down to a folding table, naked. The look in her eyes is always the same. She gets off on the power, the control she has over me. She's dressed the part again, black leather boots, dark makeup and skimpy little negligee with her nipples in plain view from the cutouts over her breasts. Just the vision of her makes my pent-up cock start to rise when she enters the room. She makes sure I can see her, sauntering in with a bottle of oil and that grin on her face... the tale-tale sign I'm in for several agonizing hours.

I keep my eyes on her as she nears the table and sets the oil next to me. I can feel my cock beginning to change directions on its way to pointing toward my head instead of feet. She glances at it as it rises, grinning again and touching both of her naked nipples with a single finger.

"My, my... look who is eager already. What's it been? Two weeks since I let you cum last time? Poor baby... all that pent-up semen inside your swollen balls... I can tell how much you want to cum, it's written all over your cock."

She lets my cock make its round trip to full height without touching me. It hovers over my stomach, reaching to my navel with its full length now displayed. Even my balls are tightening up in anticipation of her touch. The first shiny glimmer of pre-cum appears from my slit as she lets go of her erect nipples and lays her hands on the table.

"Shall we begin?" she asks, expecting no answer.

A single finger rises from her left hand, hovering over my throbbing cock. She swirls it around in the air, still not touching my flesh for an agonizing few seconds before she finally lowers it to the V on my cock just below the opening. She holds the tip there for a few seconds more as my cock throbs against it before running her finger down the extensive length of my cock, right down the middle. The sensation curls my toes and produces my first moan of pleasure and want.

Her finger continues over my tight balls, rubbing the wrinkled skin where it has been drawn tight. She pulls away, looking in my eyes with her own mischievous pair. My pre-cum increases, oozing out of my slit and making its way slowly to the edge of my head, beading up to drip to my body below.

"Look how much you leak. Another sign you've been so neglected. Do your balls ache already? Oh they will... they will."

Fingernails now. She loves her long fingernails. Using her thumb and middle finger, she places both sharp nails on both sides of my cock, just below the head. Her grip increases, biting into my shaft and slowly moving down the vein lined length. The result is painful pleasure with a lingering line of fire as her fingers are removed. My cock lurches, the pre-cum falls and the cold drip hits just below my navel. She repeats the act, not once but two more times, producing the exact reaction each time. Larger droplets of pre-cum trail down the connecting string to my body and the puddle grows and grows. The lines of fire from her nails, persist longer each time as she make the same path perfectly.

My heart is racing. I can feel the pounding of blood in my head and cock. The lines of fire pulsing with each heartbeat. I want to ejaculate more than breathe but know without doubt I was far away from release and with no control to change that fact.

"I can tell you've been a good boy. You've obeyed all the rules without question. You're cock strains against its bounds, veins practically bursting with blood, not to mention what's happening in your balls. I'm sure the pressure is building, your glands so full of all that semen, just begging to be released. I bet they are extra sensitive with all that cum waiting to escape," she says, placing her left hand over my tight sack.

She gently squeezes, caressing my scrotum with her warm soft hand, testing the size and feeling the weight of my orbs.

"Mmm, so heavy, so swollen, so tight. So ready to burst. You have been a good boy. It almost makes me want to finish you off quick. Almost."

Her hand tightens on my testicles, tighter, tighter until I groan from the pain and still she tightens her grip and holds it for several seconds before releasing me. The pre-cum puddle increases to quarter size, the ache in my balls subsids as she rubs them gently once again.

"If I could see your prostate I'm sure it would be two sizes bigger than normal today. I bet I can feel it bulging under your balls if I press just right," she says, removing her hand and placing two fingers between my balls and asshole.

She presses firmly, sending a jolt of euphoric pleasure thought my entire body and making my cock jump and throb.

"Oh, yes, there it is. I was right... it's huge... more full than your balls I'm guessing," she says, grinding her two fingers deep into my flesh with the same enraptured response.

"Look at all that pre-cum! You're producing so much for me today. Such a good boy," she says, pressing again on my swollen prostate.

With finger and thumb, she lifts my rock hard shaft upward, away from my puddle of juice, leans over and slurps it up with her mouth.

"Mmmm, nice, the flavor is improving, you've been taking you supplements as ordered. Such an obedient boy," she says, lowering my cock once again, letting her fingers trail down the length in an agonizing manner.

If she would just do that a few more times I would cum for sure. Of course I wasn't that lucky. Denial was her specialty. She has an amazing knack of knowing how close I was all the time. I have no idea how she does it, but it is uncanny.

"You keep taking them like a good boy. I almost have you at the ideal level. Now, let's make those balls ache a little more," she says.

With her left hand, she grabs the base of my cock, lifting me vertical and squeezing quite tight. My cock lurches in her hand and begins to change in color to dark purple as she squeezes harder, holding the blood in my shaft like a cock ring. Once the shaft and head are fully engorged, she uses her other hand on my head. Her first three fingers and thumb gently encircle my purple, shiny head and slowly she lifts them up, keeping contact all the way to the tip and then back down over just the head. The results curl my toes. The engorged flesh is highly stimulating and just her light touch drives me crazy.

Her grip with her left hand stays constant and strong as she proceeds to massage my head several times, causing me to moan in ecstasy and want of release. Her fingers move agonizingly slow up and down my taut head. Pre-cum oozes plentifully from my slit halfway down my shaft by the time she suddenly stops. My cock falls back to hover over my stomach, throbbing and bouncing with blood. She leans over and licks the pre-cum trail all the way to my slit with her hot, wet tongue. Pleasure surges through me but once again she denies my climax.

The ache sets in. She has accomplished what she wanted in a few short minutes. My balls are so tight and full they hurt. She smiles down at me as my eyes plead with her to let me cum. She watches my cock pulse and bounce, ooze and beg but she does nothing but watch me suffer.

"Oh my goodness, it's almost comical how bad you want to cum. You're big cock practically screams out on its own for release. Leaking, and pulsing like it is. How frustrating and painful it must be," she mocks me.

She proceeds to walk around the table, taking my cock in from all directions as she talks and teases me. She walks around me twice before stopping again. My cock has settled down slightly but has pumped out a lot of pre-cum once again. Using her pinky nail, she scraps the clear secretions from my cock head following the trail of juice to my slit. Then she carves out more like a shovel with her nail before sucking it off her finger. The act is most pleasurable, causing my cock to jump as the sharp nail rooted around in my slit.

"It just keeps coming... you're like a pre-cum factory right now with your poor pent-up cock and balls just begging to explode. I bet you'd shoot to the ceiling if I let you."

With a finger and thumb, she lifts my cock, bending it vertical again and admiring the length and width. She holds me by the head with each digit on either side. Rotating her wrist, her thumb and finger spin around until her thumb is just below my slit on the very sensitive underside of my head. With a firmer grip she runs her thumb up and down along the V shaped glands to where the head connects to my shaft. I moan with rapture as she spins her thumb in a circle, massaging my frenulum. Soon a drip of pre-cum meets her moving thumb, increasing the stimulation with the slippery effluent. I feel my balls tighten more. My arousal spikes with just this simple action. I am so very close to the point of no return, when the cruel woman stops once again.

Pinching my head with the same two digits, she forces the blood from my engorged head as well as cleans the pre-cum from it as well. Once again she licks my juices from her fingers and grins down as I moan and shake from the denial.

"That was close. You almost got to that magical point. But not close enough. Oh no, you've got a while to go yet. We want these balls just has swollen as possible first," she says, rubbing my nuts with her fingers, testing how swollen they are.

She pats them a couple times before raking her nails up the length of my cock and flicking the head hard with her middle finger. Lifting my cock, she strokes it two times and drops it again. Waiting a minute she strokes two more times and drops it. This goes on for five minutes with two strokes between each minute. It isn't' enough to make me cum but it keep me on the verge and oozing constantly.

"I can just imagine that cum boiling within you. The pressure building like an active volcano ready to blow."

Finishing off the five minutes, she strokes three times quickly and laughs when I moan and grunt for her to continue. She waits a couple minutes before sucking my pre-cum directly from my cock. It is the closest I have come to climax since she started with me today. I am so close a small glob of white semen oozes from my slit after she has cleaned me. She uses her nail to clean it off.

"Oh, well look at that... a precursor to what is to come. Let's see how you taste?" she says, placing the glob of cum onto her tongue.

"Mmm, coming along nicely. A few more sessions and the taste will be perfection."

She doesn't touch me for quite a while, knowing how close I had come to orgasm from her sucking my head clean. Instead she plays with her nipples and teases me with her talk. Nothing is in my control. I think about how easy I could make myself cum if I had a free hand. I imagine stroking just five times probably before blowing my load in a torrent of cum to match all cumshots. Of course my thoughts are in vain since I am Velcroed to the table, but when I reach this state of denial I seem to always envision finally cumming.

"I think you've calmed down enough to continue," she says, coming to the side of the table once again.

She picks up the oil she brought in the room with her, pops the cap and drizzles a fair amount up and down my cock and balls. It is warm and feels wonderful. Securing the cap, she sets the bottle down before rubbing the oil into my skin. First my tight ball sack before running both hands up and down my hard shaft and taut head. She moves so slowly as to keep me from climax but the result is incredibly stimulating, bringing me, once aging, to the verge of orgasm.

I swear she's magic, there is no other explanation of how she knows how close I am. She is the master edger with the most talented hands and knowledge of the male anatomy I've ever known. I want to scream as she teases my cock to unparalleled pleasure. She brings me to the closest point possible without cumming and holds me off until the frustration is too much to bear. Her hands move so slowly up and down my cock, she teases my head to change the sensations. My body shakes, my legs cramp and strain for just that little bit more to finally pass the point of no return. My moans are guttural, animalistic as I beg for release. My balls are so tight the left one has crawled up above my shaft, my toes are curled tight my fists clenched and back arched waiting for the release. And then suddenly she stops. I groan and wail in agony against the gag in my mouth and she begins to laugh.

My cock flexes and strains, trying to find that last bit of stimulation I need to cum but without her hands I can only whimper in frustration. The ache in my balls is like a vise smashing my nuts, the pain going deeper to my internal glands. I plead with my eyes for her to finish me off but the laugh only continues as she looks down at me and rubs her oily hands on her nipples until they are once again erect and shiny. The laughter is so cruel, she revels in my agony and frustration with the glint of satisfaction in her eyes. I know my pleading eyes will get me nowhere but it's an automatic response I can't control in the state I'm in.

Half a minute passes and she grabs my cock again, squeezing hard in the middle of the shaft with her entire hand. She's making sure I won't cum, she's prolonging my agony to unprecedented proportions. To help matters, she grabs my ballsack and pulls it away from my body as much as she can, sucking my risen testicle back down with the other one. She has my sack in one hand and a firm grip of my shaft in the other, pulling them apart from each other, forcing my scrotum to loosen up. I'm so aroused and so close none of it hurts, but it does do what she wants, bringing my arousal down to a more manageable level where she can build it back up just to stop again. The endless cycle is her drug and my misery.

Before releasing her holds, she makes sure I'm well away from climax. Letting go of my balls first, I feel the skin scrunching back up as my nuts suck toward my shaft again. Without letting go of my shaft, she gives me one slow deep stroke with her fingers tight on my loose skin. The upward motion is loose and managed by the oil coating my hard cock. Her hand slowly slides effortlessly up my expanse, all the way to my head where she tightens her grip and pinches off at the tip. My toes ache from being so curled and tight. My legs cramp from trying to gain that last bit of pleasure to cum but as her hand reaches the top she lets go of my cock, which seems to hang vertical for a second before falling forward, straining for her touch to finish it off.

I once again groan, begging for her to touch me again. She complies, running her hand downward just as slow and soft as the upward stroke. No skin moves, the oil lets her hand slip easily down my hard, vein defined length to my tightened balls once again. She lets go completely instead of stroking back up and starts at the head again. Agonizingly slow, she slides down my oiled shaft, releasing at the bottom to return to the top. Seconds pass between each pass, just enough time to keep me from getting too excited but more than enough to drive me fucking nuts. It messes with my mind, it screws with my psyche. This amount of denial is somehow permanently detrimental. To want something so badly and to continue to be denied over and over fucks with my mind and body causing a lasting effect I can't forget even after the ordeal is over.

The slow downward strokes stop for a time, she's left me once again, straining for the last ounce of pleasure. My breathing is short and my chest heaves for air as my muscles clench. She's used all the pre-cum, which has not ceased to ooze out of my slit, to combine with the oil making the friction even less between her hand and my cock. I'm almost on the verge of breaking, tears and weeping are next if she continues much longer. I've lost any recollection of time and have no idea how much has passed. The only thing that matters to me at all is the release I can't seem to find. My body is such a state of constant flex I know I'll be sore for a week after this is over. I look up at her, she's saying something but I can't hear it from the ringing in my ears. Even my head hurts from the strain on my body.

I can tell she's not laughing, the smile isn't cruel any longer but kind and loving. I think her lips tell me it's time but I'm not positive. She leans down and kisses me on the forehead, raises back up and gently lifts my cock vertical once again. With one hand she holds the base, keeping me vertical and with just the thumb of the other, she rubs under the V of my head in a circular motion with quite a bit of pressure. It's all the stimulation I need if she continues doing it, which she does. The simple stimulation in seconds brings me to the point I've been yearning for, for hours. Cresting the peak is difficult, which seems weird to me after wanting it for so long but with so many denials my mind expects her to stop again but she hasn't.

The point is passed! It's finally going to happen! There is nothing to stop my orgasm now. She knows, she knows perfectly well, and to my horror, as the point is reached her stimulation stops. She holds me vertical but does not stroke, or stimulate me at all as my first enormous burst of semen shoots out of my cock. Just as she predicted, it splatters the ceiling just as the second, even larger explosion surges from my constricting cock. It too splatters the textured ceiling next to the light fixture before dripping down onto me. I convulse and clench, begging her to stroke me but she doesn't, she just lets it shoot out over and over with no added stimulation, effectively ruining the orgasm from feeling pleasurable.

Blast after blast of semen flies into the air and falls down upon my convulsing form. The amount is mindboggling and I'm soon covered in my own pent up load. Each burst effectively empties my swollen glands but does nothing to satisfy my lusts. The orgasm has left me empty but still yearning for the pleasure she stole by stopping her stimulation just as the point was reached. It's this ruined orgasm that keeps me wanting more. It keeps me obeying her orders, eating her supplements and strict diet. It's the yearning that keeps me from touching myself or breaking her rules for the days she deems necessary before another session. It's the yearning that someday, after all the denial she might actually stroke me through to the end.

Until then, I'm her slave and I have no control.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Replace the ruin with a little post cum torture and this is a 5 star. Great writing loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nice premise.

But edging really didn't go on long enough.

And she didn't tease him with any other part of her body but her hands. She didn't let/have him use his houth on her breasts, her pussy, her asshole, for example.

She needed to get off, and have the sounds and tastes of what he was doing to her excite him further.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Beautifully written

I love that she ruins his orgasm. To those who don't understand bdsm it seems crazy that he would stay with her...but to denied guys like me, it makes perfect sense. He loves it as much as she does!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What ruined orgasm?

His cum is everywhere. So he's gotten off regardless of her intentions. And since he has, his time with her is over. No more orders, no more supplements and no more diet. He's gone and she can try and find someone else to torture. No reason for him to stay with a crazy woman. Laughably bad. The end to the stupidity.

ThisLittleChatteThisLittleChatteover 7 years ago
Loved it

As a (female) sub, I'm not usually into femdom scenes, but I think we can all enjoy some good old fashioned desperation and edging, no? ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Beautifully described technique. Highly erotic. Best scene I've read in a long time.

Don't know this scene if your haven't experienced it.

Keep them cumming

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