No One Understands


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"Maria is lovely. Si?"

"Oh my. Yes she is."

"Would you believe she has a sister even prettier?"

"Hard to believe. You're kidding? Not possible." I looked at Maria, then back at Raul.

"Would you rather sleep with Maria or her sister?"

"Maria is yours. Right?"

"I'm your host. You are my guest." Raul made big sweeping gestures with his arms as he talked. "Please accept my treat."

Maria left the room without saying anything. She didn't seem at all mad or upset.

I thought for a moment about what to do. In my mind it really was a difficult problem. I was actually wondering what Maria and her sister would look like making love to each other. I just didn't know if I would be pushing my luck to suggest it.

"My friend." I found this to be one of his standard ways to address me. "Imagine them together."

"Did you read my mind?"

Little did I know they both lived next door. Before I could answer, Maria and Ana walked through the door. Ana was, as Raul said, even more beautiful than Maria.

"Does she excite you?"

"Very much Raul. I've never seen such beauty as with Maria and Ana."

I was afraid to insult Maria. It also wasn't clear to me why Raul was with Maria rather than Ana. I was also a little afraid to ask. Don't know why. Just was. Everything was so different in this country than what I was used to back in the states.

Maria sat next to Raul, Ana next to me. Both women began to pleasure us with kisses and touches all over our bodies. They took our hands and moved them all over their bodies making it clear there was nothing out of bounds. What bodies. Wow! Both goddesses. Like pages from a men's magazine turned to real life.

It didn't take long for the four of us to be completely naked. I lost track of what they were doing as Ana and I began to kiss and lick all over each others body. Her mouth on my cock was nearly as good as your mouth, not quite, but damn close. Her pussy was like a fine feast, the taste like nectar. Her ass, delectable. Her breasts magnificent. Nice, supple, not an ounce of sag, all natural. Nipples that would respond to the slightest touch. If she had been heroin, I would have gladly plunged the needle into my arm again and again.

The next day at work, I was worthless. Juan, my client, was pissed that I didn't get more done. Arms waved, fists shook. Body guards stood inside the door of the office with machine guns.

"Listen American! I am paying you a fortune and I expect results! If that happens again, you will be on a slow boat back home. Maybe the boat will sink. You know there're sharks out there."

"Juan. Juan. It won't happen again. I'm sorry. I'll try to make it up to you."

"Well gringo, we handle problems like this differently around here you know."

I understood exactly what he was saying and the last thing I wanted to do was end up in some crocodile pit. I'd seen 'Romancing the Stone' after all. This was for real, not some silly film. I'd seen a few pits already.

It was hard, but I put Raul, Maria, and Ana off till Friday night. The threats from Juan were all forgotten when I saw them. I could not begin to describe all that happened between us or even what was the best. Actually it is etched, no seared into my brain.

Ana and I were unaware of what was Maria and Raul were doing laying next to us in the same bed. We were lost in our little world. Lips all over each body, tongues in and on places they belonged. We were alternating between fucking like rabbits and making slow love like long time lovers. Ana's moans and gasps were like a fine tuned engine. As I kissed her clit, felt inside her pussy, she would roar. A slight pause, a low groan like a backfire of a race car coming into a slow corner at the end of a fast straight. Too many orgasms for each of us to keep track of, we lay next to each other. Her face, her eyes, those lips, everything about her was too much to absorb. There were times I could not believe she was actually laying next to me. We would kiss and it would suddenly be real. We laid there, kissing, nibbling lips, just holding each other close.

"So many men are too intimidated to make love me like you do."

"It feels so natural. I'm really enjoying this."

"Me too Steve. At home, Maria and I sleep together. We make love. I love the feel of her next to me. I love you next to me too."

I could hear Raul snoring lightly. As Ana and I talked, the bed moved. I looked and Maria was rolling over, cuddling behind Ana.

"Yes Steve, Ana is the best lover I've ever had. I would die if she left me."

Maria's hand slipped over Ana's side and rested on a breast, the fingers played with the nipple as she talked.

"Don't you just love these nipples? Look how they respond to my touch."

I watched as Ana rolled onto her back. Maria began to kiss all over the breast she had been touching just moments before. It was not long before I did the same to the other breast, almost feeling an invitation from both to do so. Ana rested her hands on top of both of our heads, playing with our hair, stroking our necks. Encouraging us with unintelligible words and moans.

As Maria worked her mouth down one side of Ana, I followed down the other side, repeating exactly what she was doing. Our lips met over the navel. We kissed each other, the navel, back and forth for a while, before continuing our travel down Ana's body.

Our lips passed over the little bump at the top of the pelvis, near the top of the thigh. As we started to kiss the cum covered part between her legs, we stopped long enough to let Ana lift her legs, letting her knees rest against her chest, giving both Maria and me ample access to her pussy, her cunt. That wonderful tunnel to her soul. A place I not been around enough, but a place Maria often went. I was just glad they would share it with me. I was glad Maria was showing me some of the ways to pleasure her sister.

The thought of these sisters being together filled my head with thoughts of being with you my sister. I've always loved you, specially these past few years as a lover, but this made me want you so badly. As he talked, I consumed his whole limp cock and let it harden in my mouth. Steve resumed his story.

Our mouths, tight together, alternating licks and sucks, occasionally kissing each other, gave Ana much pleasure. Her orgasms were quiet, calm, nice to feel. Raul continued to sleep.

Again Ana, Maria, and I lay together. The two sisters spooned tightly, me facing Ana.

"I love that you sleep together. I sleep with my sister."

"She likes that?"

"Very much. Our love has grown a lot. I can't wait to be with her again."

"Making love in a family can be so good." Ana kissed me, holding my face in her hands. "I hope my sister and I can meet her."

"I know Jean would love that."

"Jean ... such a pretty name."

Over the coming nights, after Raul made love to Maria, he would drift off to sleep. Ana, Maria, and I continued to share each other and talk. The three of us become very close. I know you would love them. I know how much you love to be women. You would die to be with them.

I had about three more weeks to go when both women stopped joining us. Raul simply explained they had to go away for a while. A new woman, almost as nice looking, started hanging out with Raul. Carla was more than willing to share herself with both of us. A little strange, but she was dynamite in bed and could go for the whole night with whatever kind of sex we wanted. And often did.

The last day of my contract passed uneventfully. Juan offered me more work if I wanted and I told him I'd think about it, but probably the answer would be yes. I didn't want to sound too anxious. With the beautiful women Raul seemed to have in non-stop supply, how could I not want to hang around? The next contract wouldn't be for a few months even if I wanted it, so waiting a few days to agree wasn't a problem. The whole arrangement seemed very laid back. Business was defiantly conducted differently here. Often like a game, a dance, a mating ritual.

Raul called me at the hotel and asked me to join him at his house for a celebration dinner that evening. That was all he said. I didn't know if it was for me, I assumed it was. I was glad to see him a last time for a while, regardless of the reason.

I'd gotten used to the rough road to his house. I would have thought that with his wealth, it would have been better. Once he had taken me to the house of a friend and their roads were just as bad. I guess that explained why he liked his pickup with the big tires. There was a gun rack with a rifle laying in it that looked like it could be used for elephants. Hell, there were even a few bullet holes in the truck. I never asked why. I thought I knew.

Maria opened the door. I was stunned. Speechless. My mouth dropped open. She stood in front of me, crutches under her arms, her left leg was gone. Her skirt stopped well above the knee and there was nothing below the hem. I thought my heart would just stop and never start again.

"You like?" She stepped back, letting me pass as I walked into the house.

"Like? Are you kidding? I love!" I gave her a small kiss.

"My friend, what do you think of Maria now?" Raul shut the door. "Come and we can talk." He handed a newly lit cigar to Maria. "Will you have one tonight Steve?"

"For tonight, sure."

We walked past the liquor cabinet. "A scotch perhaps? You look like you could use a double. Take a deep breath. Don't die on me my friend."

I knew Maria was having an effect, but I didn't think it was that obvious.

"Thanks Raul." I now held a lit cigar that I didn't really want to smoke but was, and a tall drink that I really needed. "Oh Maria. I can't find the words to say how lovely I think you are. This is ... such a pleasant surprise."

Raul rested his arm across my back with a hand tightly squeezing the shoulder. "I hope you understand how important it is to keep this ... shall we just say, a secret?" His grip tighten slightly to make a point.

"My lips are sealed. No need to feed me to the crocks."

He let go of my shoulder and made a big flourish with his hands. "My friend. Would I do that?" He removed the cigar from his mouth and smiled. A hearty chuckle could be heard throughout the room. I knew he would in a heartbeat. It was his pit I'd seen before the confrontation with Juan.

We sat on the floor as we had so many evenings before. Maria pulled her skirt up and let her hand touch the end of her thigh. I don't know if she knew what she was doing to me. I was going crazy as I watched her. I assumed she knew exactly. It was clear she was pleased with the way she'd become.

"I take it you approve of my work?"

"You did this?"

"Yes my American friend. I am a surgeon after all. We do some things they don't allow in the States. Maria started talking to me about this a month before I met you. Just like Carla has."

"Carla? Have you done this for her?"


"Oh my God Steve! You're making this up. Aren't you? What really happened? Shark? Crocodile? Native attack? Something real exotic? Maybe a plane crash in the rain forest?"

"No Sis. If I'm lying, I'm dying as they say."

"This hip is so beautiful. I can't believe it." I continued to stroke his hip with my fingers, unable to get over how it felt, that he had actually done this.

"Now can I suck that sweet pussy of yours? I've sure missed it."

I turned my body around. "Help yourself. Please."

I laid on my back while Steve began to treat me to one of his hour long suck fests. His tongue and fingers treated me like I'd not been treated by him in such a long time. Eight months since just before he left for South America.

That evening, we took turns being on top. I'd never decided which I liked best. I seriously loved to have a guy pound me into the mattress as he drove his cock in and out of me. But then I loved to ride a guy like a rodeo rider. No. There weren't any clowns to rescue me if I fell off and I sure could hold on for more than 8 seconds.

We got so crusted in our juices that we had to shower a few times during the night. Felt like starting all over each time. When we did sleep, it felt so heavenly to have him cuddled up behind me. I loved his cock pressed against my ass. My brother. Heaven. My brother.

The alarm went off far too quickly Monday morning. Why me? I turned it off and rolled back next to Steve. His lovely blue eyes looking at me. I kissed him hard and passionately.

"Little Sister. Call in sick. Better yet. Call in and just quit."

"Quit? And live on what? Unless you have a few gold bars in your bag."

"I have to go back in a month. You have a passport don't you? Come with me. The cost of living is very low there. You'd love it. We could live together. No one would care that we are bother and sister."

"Sure I have a passport. Are you pulling my leg?"

"Yeah. Pulling it off."

I did go to work and I resigned. My boss and I reached an agreement that it was best if I just let today be my last day.

Not that many of my belongings were worth keeping. The very few that were I packed carefully and rented a small storage locker. The rest I either sold or threw away. I even sold the condo.

The propeller plane approached a mountain top airfield, paved, barely. All I could think of as we bounced a few times while landing was some scene out of a movie about running drugs. Guess maybe the drug runners had larger planes than this one, maybe a better airfield too. The plane came to a stop next to a small single room building with an orange windsock blowing in the breeze. A few old cars were parked in a dirt parking lot under trees. A rickety blue bus with hand painted lettering sat waiting, the driver wiping his forehead, his shirt wet with sweat. Two army men with machine guns stood guard at the side of the runway. No jetways here. Not even tall steps on wheels. Just a step stool by the door of the plane. Seven passengers got off. Steve walked on his crutches, I carried mine, to the terminal. The luggage was put on a cart and pushed to the building.

A man and woman in the small crowd waved towards us.

"Steve! Glad you could come back. What? Six weeks?"

"Raul. This is my sister Jean. Jean, this is Maria."

Raul let us stay in one of the many suites in his house. He was a nice host and I could see why Steve had liked him. I quickly became comfortable with Raul.

That evening, Maria and Ana joined us for dinner with Raul.

"How's the arm healing Ana?"

"Very well. I'm happy. Sorry I disappeared so suddenly before you left."

No so many weeks after we arrived, Steve and I were laying on the bed wrapped in each others arms. I loved the way he held me, the way his kisses felt.

"Little sister, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am having you next to me. Things have worked out so well for both of us."

"Thanks for all you've done for me. You've given me something I've dreamed of all my life."

"Raul gave you that."

"Sure. But it is you that truly understood me. I guess I had realized about the time I got your email, that only we understood each other. Everyone else acted like I was a freak, a crazy. I love you little brother."

Steve lightly stroked my bandaged hip while I stroked his hip.

"It's nice being alike. Being brother and sister."

We kissed and held each other through the rest of the night.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Titled correctly enough...

No one understands shit like this, because it's just plain fucking sick!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

That was horrible!!! Nothing more to say!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Stumbled on this bleak stuff once before.

I actually DO believe it's a real "thing" with a thankfully small portion of humanity who have this and, with all respect due, I consider it a matter of messed-up brain wiring and NOT simply a specific taboo or fetish like incest or wanting to be pissed on or whatever.

Yeah, normally I'd say to each their own, but surely we have to draw the line when it comes to glorifying or even normalizing this (deliberate amputation) thing as a simple fetish. The earlier commenter that compared it to transgender persons may make it easier to grasp the thought process yet I still need to raise the bullshit flag to say that it doesn't follow that the two instances are to be regarded by society in the same way. Sick is sick. Those characters doing the amputations to feel "complete" or whatever need to be treated by a mental health professional.

Hacking off a healthy limb indicates a need for deep emotional counseling rather than a need to find an accommodating rogue surgeon to do the grim task.

Don't try to make it seem sexy to others. Even if you happen to be so afflicted.

Note; I'm not disrespecting people who happen to end up being amputees by accident or misfortune and their need to enjoy a healthy sex life. In fact, I read a story about a woman who had a stump and she found a guy who didn't mind and they lived happily ever after. That's how I stumbled across another story about this so-called fetish by way of the suggested "similar stories" tag system.

I'd never say a writer was "sick" just because they wrote stories about their grandma pissing on them. I'd just avoid them and move on about my business. I guess this crap made me find my limit of tolerance for freedom of fantasy on this site. I for one UNDERSTAND that NO ONE should drag this nonsense into their sexuality.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Don't be confused

It is not a want, but rather a need. Read about transgendered people and substitute limb for gender. Once I found a doc to amputate my leg, I was at last who I was supposed to be. No confusion here.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I'm still confused as to why anyone would want their limb amputated? Like another said, to each their own...

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