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So I fished, golfed, drank way too many beers, and commiserated with the men of my family for a whole week. My mood swings were incredible. I managed an eagle on a long par five and couldn't even manage a smile as I collected five bucks from each of the guys. I laughed like a fool when I fell out of the boat while netting a nice bass for my dad. I cried at night and even vomited a few times after dinner.

Steve told me that as near as he and my father could determine, there were four families that started the tradition of supplying sex education for the young men in the families. They were the Masons, the Burrows, the Fullmers, and the Grays. The burden of being the teacher always fell on the wife of one of the men in the family that had been on the receiving end of the tradition as a young man. He didn't think any wife had ever refused to carry out her mandate. He joked that there were a shit load of goddamn worthless trees littering the family's landscape, so it couldn't have been broken very often, if at all.

Debbie looked at me somewhat nervously as I stopped just inside the kitchen door. She started doing that thing with her hair that she always did when she was agitated. Unable to endure my silence, she stood, picked up a warm pie from the stove, and placed it on the table.

"I..I thought you, ah, might be hungry," she managed hesitantly. "I just made this and it's your favorite... cherry."

Looking at my wife, I began to feel emotions I never knew existed in such intensity. I felt insanely jealous and so angry I could have easily wrung her neck. I felt tremendous fear that she no longer loved me as she once did, that I had been replaced by a younger model. I experienced an incredible desire to fuck her silly and make her my woman again. I knew intense sadness that the idyllic marriage I had known might exist no more. The dynamics would never allow things to be the same as they had been. I even felt a sense of pride like I hadn't known since early in my marriage. Debbie was a woman for a man, strong and smart, yet soft and lovely, and she was my wife.

Unable, or unwilling, to control my actions any better than my emotions, I strode to the table, scooped up the pie and hurled it through the kitchen window, smashing the glass into tiny fragments. Debbie gasped with shock, but never retreated as I turned and stepped closer to her. I reached out and grabbed her shirt in my right hand and yanked it from her body like it was made of tissue paper.

Now Debbie was breathing hard! Her breasts were heaving and her nipples hardened in the cool air. I pushed her backward. Her ass hit the table and she leaned back with her hands to break her fall. I took that moment to jerk her sweats off. My hands must have caught in her black bikini briefs. Even as the sweats dropped to the floor, the briefs followed my hand back up, then fluttered between us before settling on Debbie's left tit. I noticed that her nipples were as hard as pebbles.

Spellbound, she gazed down at her breast as the underwear slowly slid down the smooth surface, hung up on her nipple for a second or two, and then dropped to the floor to rest on the shirt I had so recently ripped from her torso. She looked back to me but still said nothing.

I unbuckled my pants and dropped my jeans and boxers in one swift move. Then I grabbed the inside of Debbie's knees, lifting and spreading them apart. My cock was so hard it ached as I stared at Debbie smooth shaven pussy. I had visions of the afternoon I had shaved Janice's pubic hair all those years ago and how erotic I had found it at the time.

I snarled as I thrust ahead, driving my cock into Debbie to the hilt. I hardly noticed how wet she was already. I placed her knees on my shoulders and took her incredible breasts into both hands and squeezed. As I thrust with more force than I had ever done before, I silently defied her to beg me to slow down or ease up. It wasn't to be.

"Yes! Take me, husband! Take me hard. Show me that I belong to you,... that I always will. Pound my pussy!" she managed through gritted teeth as I continued my assault. "Fill me with your cum!"

Time seemed to stand still, or at least go into slow motion, as I worked my incredibly hard cock in and out of Debbie. I looked at her and saw a beautiful mature woman with curves in the right places. I saw the mother of my children, my best friend, and my life partner. I thought my heart was going to burst as I considered how much she meant to me, and how hard I would fight for her, if fight I must. She was a real woman, and she was my woman. Nothing else mattered. I would give my life for her and feel honored for the opportunity!

Then she suddenly twitched and jerked almost violently. She gave a groan that was more like a low scream, and went limp. I never missed a stroke as I continued toward my own release. Debbie came back around as I approached my zenith. She urged me on.

"That's it, Bill! Cum in me! Fill me with it. Show me, show everyone, that I'm your woman, your wife. Give it to me!" she demanded. "You own this pussy!"

How in hell can a man withstand that sort of encouragement? I spent the next minute emptying myself inside my wife. I wondered if I would ever stop coming. Finally, my cock began to shrink and fell from Debbie's swollen lips. I collapsed into a nearby chair as my chest heaved and my heart still raced. Debbie plopped down on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her breasts and hard nipples felt incredible as I hugged her to me. That was when I glanced over her shoulder and saw Janice Burrows and my mother watching intently from the living room sofa! Their smiles were a mile wide.

"You didn't mention we had company," I whispered in Debbie's ear.

"I told them that we would be fine and they didn't have to worry about you throwing me to the curb, Darling. They were just worried because I told you about the planting beforehand. You had all week to mull it over, and get worked up," added Debbie quietly. "You did seem pretty worked up, Big Boy. My little pussy is going to need some recovery time, but if you can get rid of the ladies, I'll use some of my other parts that still feel fine to show you how much I love you."

"Okay, you have a deal," I quickly agreed. "I'll get busy fixing that window tomorrow morning. Don't even think about hiring some fuzzy-faced kid to do any more chores. I'll be the only guy practicing "horticulture" around here! And I expect apple pie, not cherry, since I've paid so dearly for those fucking trees. At least you were smart enough not to plant any goddamn weeping willows!"

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vickitvohiovickitvohioabout 10 hours ago

sad you went the cuck route on this

AllNigherAllNigherabout 13 hours ago

Nope. There shouldn't have even been an ask from the wife. That's the beginning of the end already. Going through with it... Yeah, not ok. And his response makes no sense to me...

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Difficult to get pissed off at your wife when your mother it the family pimp and none of the men have the balls to put an end to a "tradition". What the boys were being taught was: "if you are good boys you can keep fucking your wife but they are in control."

The fresh apple pie should have been aimed at his whore master's head and his next move should be out of town away from the family problems.

CastenCasten5 days ago

I’m sorry but this story makes me physically ill, which is a shock because I have read others from this author that I truly loved.

I mean, where do I start? Once he figured out the whole sick family tradition, you can’t tell me that he could not have told her on the phone to not do it, send the kid home, and have a hopefully happy marriage?

And if he did not reply, you can’t tell me that he was so out in the boonies that he could hot get home in less than 12 hours by plane if he indeed want to.

And finally, if everything happened exactly the way it did right up until he walked into his home, there is no fucking way I would have put up with it. She would have been kicked to the curb, in addition to the other “ladies” that were present, this ending the cycle of manipulation the generation had foisted on him and his man family members.

Even though she asked his permission, just the deed of asking implies intent, and in my mind that is just as bad as the act. Mao matter if she had slept with the kid or not, she would be gone. No way I would live with someone who lacked that level of respect for me.

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Oh my, what the heck do I start? This guy‘s wife calls him saying that, in effect, she’s going to be having sex with the kids And if he doesn’t want it to tell her not to do it. What is the blazing fuck Does that mean?

It Isfar too Absurd for any husband to have to tell his wife not to fuck another guy. Having said that, he should’ve told her that if she does anything like that, she can find someplace else to live.

That this is something that has been done for a long time, as witnessed by all those trees, it’s just another way of this feminist author, to allow the cuckolding of the men. There is no way this guy, the husband, was going to so-called reclaim That slut. Either walking out or kicking her out would be more like it.

I’ve read other adaptations of the story, which I can’t say I was in love with, but this was the worst. Two stars, Barely. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Maybe the worst story on Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

If you have to reclaim it I don't want it !!!!

Young and dumb And full of cum.

. only excuse for kids.

Tradition is only as good as it's right.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

The trees are a memorial of weak men, and cheating wives. I'm surprised that no one took a chain saw to them. Imagine that reminder everytime you look outside, or leave the house. Wow. A story I love to hate.

Schwanze1Schwanze113 days ago

Some of the alternate endings are pretty good. Try them.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades14 days ago

What a FAMILY TRADITION. Not goin to say it can not happen. Nut, it probably has. Thanks for your writing.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit16 days ago


What a fucking evil HORROR story of utter humiliation! Do yourself a favour- DON'T read this one, you'll be left with a lingering bad taste in your mouth for decades! Any NORMAL red-blooded man would have told his wife NO WAY JOSÉ! But this is once again, the tale of the feeble-minded!

Another Name to be added to the proscribed author list!

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

The story had potential, but it was all wasted. Just another waste of time, 1* story.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Stupid. Once his wife calls, he just says, no dont give the job and dont plant the trees. I have to say it at least one more time Stupid.

Psychman24Psychman2422 days ago

This is all on the MC. Don't know why people are saying he should burn his wife as a cheater when he chose to let it happen. She went against the tradition and straight up gave him the chance to stop it and he chose to let it happen, essentially making himself a cuckold. And I agree that while this is an entertaining story, if the roles were reversed and it was middle aged men seducing teen virgins it would be reviled by everyone

InForIt2InForIt222 days ago

The story goes in a great (too much) detail into the mindset and thought process of the main character . Everything points to him not being oke with what's going on. And especially the role his mother played in it.

That is why this ending is so dissapointing and unbelievable.

This should have ended with the mom and Janice being burned hard, very hard.

26thNC26thNC22 days ago

Just no way I would go for that tradition.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

A blind cuck is one thing, a cuck who could have stopped it dead in its tracks... now what do you call that?

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit22 days ago

It’s a good plot, but he should have thrown her AND his mother to the curb,

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

An absolute load of crap. He is a cuckold and will stY a cuckold. Any man that accepts that deserves what they get. What a funked up family of cuckold. Those trees would have been cut down and on a fire. She won't let me cut them down, again what a wimp

Not a story I can get behind in any way shape or form. It is distasteful in the extreme. He deserves a shit life for his acceptance of his family's and wife's actions. He became a cuckold and had no right to be mad when he told her not to proceed. To me my wife and family would be dead to me. No coming back from it. Lose all respect for father and uncle. The MC is an extremely weak individual.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I read this story before and commented on it at the time. Reread it because I've just seen the George Anderson follow up and thought I'd refresh myself. In addition to what I wrote earlier I'd like to mention a few other points. 1. Why didn't he say no? I'd have liked to read his motivation and justification in not doing that. It's left so he looks weak. 2. If it's a tradition for educating young men on being able to be good lovers for their wives why aren't the young ladies in the families similarly educated? Im pretty sure that story would get slaughtered for abuse and rightly so yet this is ok? 3. I don't for one second buy the reasons for the tradition not at all. Its just a manipulative excuse for mature wives to cheat on their husbands with a younger more virile man. Most mature women find their sex drives both increase and decrease at various times around the ages 40-60 for various biological reasons. Men's sexual peak is in their 20's and after that it slowly drops away. So this tradition allows the wives to get some youthful cock and the excitement of new strange sex under the cover of teaching. 4. This is nothing more than a whole bunch of cheating wives disrespecting the husbands and fucking up their lives. Of course their marriages last it's because the women make all the decisions and the men just accept them. 5. As I said earlier this is a very well written story but the plot is awful and makes me feel sick that people can do that to someone they profess to love. BardnotBard

CelestialFalconCelestialFalcon2 months ago

Bill should have told Debbie, “Don’t do it! The family tradition of wives cuckolding their husbands stops now! Otherwise our divorce will demonstrate just how well that tradition works!”

DeanofMeanDeanofMean2 months ago

Its "Whore culture" not "horticulture" and the coward continues to get it wrong she should have gone through the window and eaten the pie not keep the trash

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Except that it's obviously not his pussy...

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This story and Gerorge Anderson' February sucks leave the readers pissed off by their wife, friends and family. Your world just blew up. Leave no one standing.

HighBrowHighBrow2 months ago

I know off no male who would fall for this shit. Imagine it reversed and how that would go down with the little woman.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The ending made the story. Five stars


lc69hunterlc69hunter3 months ago

I've read variations on this story that did not end so well

clarkgarbleclarkgarble3 months ago

A happy cuckold story!

How disappointing

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The little bastard had better watch over his shoulder.

bigurnbigurn3 months ago

This must have been a story about a coven of witches, as he must have been under some type of spell ... 2 Stars , but, at least you tried... Sort of !

RedRachaelRedRachael3 months ago

Why didn’t he just say no when she asked? She basically asked him to say no.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny3 months ago

Now I love my mother as most of us so, she's one of 3 people I love unconditionally. But if I found out she was part of this bullshit and that she encouraged my wife to do it and not tell me? The next time I see her I would slap her with every bit of power I possess, come what may.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hateful. He should have bashed her fucking face in the moment he got home.

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