No Thanks Ch. 01

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There's a new werewolf in town.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/09/2017
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Author's Note: Hello all!. This is my very first story that I will be publishing to Literotica. I am open for feedback, suggestions and comments!. Please don't hold back, if you hate it, love it or anything in between feel free to tell me. This will be a several part series, the next will be out soon. Enjoy!


Caspian Oliver fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat inside the small cafe where he was taking his lunch break. The cause of the uncomfortable fidgeting being the other werewolf that had walked in a few minutes earlier. They had smelled each other instantly, both nodding to acknowledge the other. The other wolf, whom Caspian knew was the Jones pack enforcer, was named Arnold. He has tall, around 6'1, deeply tanned with golden brown eyes, a medium build and jet black hair that was slicked back into a neat ponytail. His face was masculine with its rectangular shape, strong nose, and sharp jawline. He wore a green dress shirt and slacks with black loafers. 'A good-looking man,' he thought to himself.

Caspian had only just moved to Greensboro North Carolina a month prior. He wasn't part of a pack or looking to be, so he was considered a 'free floating wolf', a term he never really cared for but it was the 'official' label; It was stamped onto any wolf with no Alpha, pack or mate. As an FFW, you had to ask for permission from the pack enforcer to be able to stay in the territory and agree to the pack's terms. Caspian never had an issue before and this area was no different. Arnold was very accommodating and friendly, offering to show him around and introduce him to the pack. He of course declined but thanked him for the offer. He told him he wanted to settle in on his own. Arnold was very understating and let him be.

In his 25 years of living, Caspian had moved over 11 times all across the United States. He never knew his real parents, as they had given him up at birth. He did however know his parent's genealogy; something he kept to himself. He grew up in a communal type home for parent-less pups in Wyoming. Once he finished high school at 16, he quickly entered college, where he studied to become an IT Tech, something he could do in person and remotely. This turned out to be the right career path as it allowed for him to move as much or as little as he pleased.

Caspian flagged the waitress down, a sweet woman in her 50's with long blond hair and blue eyes, to tell her he was going to the bathroom for a moment and would be back so that nothing got cleared away. He ordered a refill for his soda as well and made his way to the back of the cafe. One of the reasons he came here for lunch, other than their amazing ranch house burger, was their restrooms were single use. This suited him just fine, as he was a tad pee shy, a strange thing for most werewolves but he wasn't like most werewolves.

After he finished peeing, he approached the sink, turning the hot and cold water levers on even, taking a few squirts of the hand soap from beside the mirror and started rubbing his hands together. After a few moments, he ran his hands under the water, scrubbing till all the soap was gone. Most guys don't care to wash their hands, but Caspian found it unsavory not to, as there were so many germs on everything you touch. It wouldn't save you from everything but it sure beat doing nothing.

He shut the water off and looked at himself in the mirror. At 5ft5 and 210lbs he was heavy but not unattractive. His strawberry blond hair was buzzed on the sides and back, but left longer up top, mainly to hide his larger forehead. His face was heart shaped with deeper set emerald colored eyes, that sat atop high cheekbones, accented by his rounded nose and rosy, full lips. He was pale, very much so, being a natural red head would do that to you. He had a rounded belly and a butt to match. He fell into the bear cub category and he liked it just fine.

Before he left, he gave his outfit a once over to make sure he hadn't spilled any food on himself, as he often tended to do. His yellow cotton shirt and dark gray slacks were unblemished, at least for the time being. He had gotten a new pair of sketchers that would work with his dressed down work attire and bent down to retie a loose shoelace.

As he made his way back to his table he found he was no longer sitting alone; Arnold had taken it upon himself to join him. Sighing, he sat back in his seat, just as the waitress returned with Arnold's order. Unsure of what to say, Caspian smiled weakly at him, take a long sip of his soda and watching as Arnold prepared his pancakes with butter and syrup. 'Breakfast for lunch, eh? Interesting.' Caspian thought to himself.

"So, how are you liking it here in the triad area so far Caspian?" Arnold asked, cutting into his pancakes with his fork and taking a mouthful.

"I like it just fine." Caspian replied, eating a few of the fries he had left on his plate. "Everyone's been very nice and welcoming."

"Glad to hear it." Arnold replied, taking another bite of his pancakes with a huge amount of syrup. "How's the house? Do you like it?" he added.

Blaze Jones, the triad area Alpha, owned a very large and successful home rental company. Once Caspian had written for permission to move to the area as an FFW, and been granted it, he was given a small rental home within the community. A little blue bungalow with two bedrooms, one bath that was very nicely modernized with its appliances, fixtures and furnishings. It was in a quiet neighborhood, with a nice little flower garden in the back. When he was shown the property he thought there was no way he could possibly afford the rent, but they had set him up to pay a fraction of what the house was really worth. He wasn't sure if this was just to be nice or to try and sway his choice to leave. Either way, he didn't care; it was the nicest place he's lived in years.

"The house is wonderful, the best place I've lived in a long time." Caspian replied, finishing off the final steak fry from his platter. "Thinking of painting some, is that allowed?"

Arnold took a final bite of his pancakes and said it would be alright, just nothing crazy.

"So no pink?" Caspian playfully asked making Arnold's eyes nearly pop out of his head.

"Yeah, no." Arnold replied with a bit of laughter. "I would assume you would go with yellow, its really your color you know." he added.

Caspian couldn't help the blushing that crept into his cheeks, feeling thankful Arnold looked down at his phone for a moment, texting.

Caspian took the moment to really consider the guy; he was tall, dark and handsome. Exactly the type that he would normally pursue but decided he would contain himself this time as he had never gone after a pack enforcer before and figured if he did, it would entangle him with the pack even more. He had to remain neutral.

"You know," Arnold said looking up, to which Caspian's mind did a silent 'here we go' reply, "Everyone in the pack would really like to meet you and just chat, nothing serious you know. We haven't had a floater in these parts in years and most of us are just curious about you. You're an enigma." Arnold took a few sips from his coffee mug, gauging Caspian's reaction. He pushed his plate over to the side of the table to signal our waitress to pick it up when she came back by.

Caspian knew this day would eventually come when he would be asked to officially visit with the pack and talk with them about maybe settling here permanently. It was the same everywhere he had ever lived. There wasn't a pack on earth that wasn't looking to expand its numbers and a free floating wolf appealed greatly, as they had no packs and no Alphas with claims to come looking for them if they defected to another group. He was more surprised it took a month before another from the pack approached him about it. Caspian had his reasons for always staying on the move and never divulging very much about himself.

Caspian picked up his soda and took a final swig and set down his glass, narrowing his eyes on Arnold.

"I don't think that would be a good idea." he replied shortly.

Arnold didn't seem to be shocked by his response but still asked for a reason why.

"I've never stayed anywhere longer than a year," Caspian began, "I don't care for pack life, I prefer to be on my own and self-sufficient. I can handle myself well enough and I'm submissive, therefore, I pose no threat to dominates and I am able to pass under the radar without incident."

"Though I rarely allow a dominate to force my submission, I like to give it to those who I feel earn it." he added.

Caspian was unsure if he should add in that he was submissive, but figured it was better to be honest about it, as any wolf would be able to smell out his true nature anyways if they really wanted to. Most packs were always looking for new submissive's to bring in, as they brought a sense of peace and balance to a pack, which made them even more interested in possibly making him a pack member. Caspian, however, wasn't a normal submissive and rarely bent himself to mold with the will of a dominant. He was totally fucked up.

Arnold's expression went from curious to bewildered in a matter of seconds.

"Are you really that shocked?" Caspian asked.

Arnold took a few moments to compose his thoughts and spoke slower than his normal pace like the words were still forming. "No, I mean, yes, kind of. Most FFW's are dominates who couldn't get along with other dominates within their pack or fought over a mate or territory. I've never heard of a submissive FFW or even more so, a submissive that doesn't willingly submit when demanded to."

"Not all submissives like to submit." Caspian retorted; a reply that made Arnold's eyes grow even bigger.

"But it is in your nature, too, you know, submit." he stated plainly. "It's what you are, its why you exist."

Caspian checked his phone to see he would be running late if he didn't leave in the next few minutes and decided this conversation would have to be continued later.

"I have to get back to work, it was good seeing you, Arnold." Caspian replied, to which Arnold opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

With that, he picked up his check and went to the cashier at the front. He told the girl to add Arnold's to his bill listing off what he had eaten. After he paid he returned to the table to drop off a tip.

"I'll think over your offer Arnold, thanks for the chat."

"Thanks, just let me know, here." Arnold replied, taking out a business card from his dress shirt pocket, along with a pen, to write down a number on the back. As he handed Caspian the card, he gave him a wink.

Caspian shoved it into his pocket, saying thanks again and hurried out the door; he couldn't be late back to the office and he was blushing like a school girl.

Caspian pulled up outside the small computer repair company he had been working at for about a month, its rustic exterior offset by a bright assortment of flowers. It was rather a small building, with just a handful of offices and a large work space for repairs. Meetings were normally held in the break room, next to the large water cooler that always seemed to gurgle and the most inopportune time.

The owner, Randall Covey, was another member of the Jones pack and a well-liked member of the community. He and his husband of two years ran the company expertly, servicing a wide variety of technical needs for customers across the city.

After he was parked he exited his blue Toyota Camry and made his way inside. On the way, his wolf suddenly decided to talk, after remaining quiet through Caspian's exchange with Arnold.

'Why don't you consider his offer?' his wolf asked. 'No,' Caspian replied.

'Why not?'

'Because we never do.'

'But we could, after all, he's really good looking.' Caspian sighed at this, his wolf often longed for a pack and a mate. It was his human side that pushed them away from other wolves.

He made his way to his small office that was simply a desk, chair, and computer set up. He oversaw most of the day to day operations, repairs and handled customers that came in for consultations. Due to this, he tried to make it a bit more welcoming, bringing in a bonsai tree and placing photos up of vintage computers on what little wall space he had available. It was simple, and he liked it.

'I know we never do but maybe, just this once, you can think of me too.' his wolf prodded him.

It was true, for many years, Caspian ignored his wolfs protests that they should be part of a pack and try to seek out a mate. He was now 25 and have never had a real boyfriend before. Plenty of one night stands, yes, but his wolf wanted more and even Caspian himself was beginning to share those same desires. Could this place really be different? Would this pack be the one he could easily integrate into and be happy with? The idea of being rooted in one place for a longer period of time still made him itchy and restless.

'If I accept his offer, it doesn't mean we will stay here.' Caspian finally replied after a long period of silence. His wolf wuffed with glee and agreed, he only wanted to have the opportunity to pursue and see.

Caspian reached into his khaki's pocket and pulled out the business card Arnold had given to him. It read: Arnold Fletcher, Assistant Branch Manager, First National Bank.

'A banker?' Caspian mused with light laughter in his thoughts. 'I never would have thought.'

'With that ass, he can be anything he pleases.' his wolf thought. Caspian chuckled.

He flipped the card over, skimming over the number which he wrote was his personal line.

'I'll just text him now.' Caspian thought, pulling out his iPhone and entering the number. His message was simple, letting him know it was him, and he decided to accept his offer to officially meet everyone. He hit the send arrow and watched as iMessage popped up, it was delivered and read nearly immediately. Like Arnold was waiting by his phone for Caspian to text him or call. He suddenly felt predictable and he hated that.

Arnold replied quickly, thanking him for accepting and buying his lunch sneakily, then inviting him to a barbecue they were having at their alphas house in the country that weekend. Caspian smiled as he never turned down free food and asked for directions. Arnold sent him the address and he used Maps to locate it. He sent him a last text thanking him again and went silent after that. He didn't think this pack would be any different, he had met plenty in his travels, none of which were ever able to get him to agree to join them but he would try and give them a fair chance.

'Perhaps if our mate is among them, we may.' his wolf thought happily. Caspian by far was much more cynical than his wolf, who tended to be an optimistic dreamer. All his wolf wanted was a mate and all Caspian wanted was to stay as far away from that as possible. He had heard plenty of stories about mates growing up. How they were destined for each other, perfectly pairing and offsetting each other's traits and abilities. They couldn't bear to be apart from each other and would no longer have physical contact with anybody else for the rest of their mating.

'Tied down.' Caspian thought darkly, to which his wolf growled at him.

'Its the way it should be!' he replied sharply, huffing at his lack of romantic interest.

Caspian rolled his eyes and began shuffling through some of the papers on his desk, trying to reorganize his thoughts back to work but his wolf kept explaining to him how important it was for them that he take looking for a mate seriously.

'I'm tired of being lonely.' his wolf whimpered. Caspian felt a pang of guilt and sadness.

'I'll try, I promise.' he found himself saying before he could stop himself. His wolf perked up and thanked him, urging him to get back to work.

The barbecue was on Saturday, giving him just two days to mentally prepare himself for the onslaught of wolves and their many questions. Wolves are pack animals, desiring to be around one another most, if not all the time. So a free floating wolf was like a golden egg everyone wanted to crack open and see what was inside. He just hoped going there wouldn't be too much of a mistake.

Inside his wolf was hoping among the masses of wolves gathered, his mate would be there. They would finally find him and claim him and be claimed themselves. No more moving about, they would finally stay put. He knew his human didn't want this, but once they met their mate, he wouldn't be able to resist. Nature would take over and change his stubborn mind. He relished the thought, though he knew it wouldn't be easy.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

A promising and refreshing story. Glad I found it.

MezmeraldMezmeraldabout 7 years agoAuthor

Chapter 2 has been submitted! Will hopefully be up soon. xxx

BNDMTLBNDMTLabout 7 years ago
You have peaked my interest

I can't wait for the next chapter.

HeifelHeifelabout 7 years ago

I like it so far. Good start. Looking forward for next chapter. Hopefully we don't get to wait for to long? ☺

canndcanndabout 7 years ago
Great start

Great start especially for a first story. I assume Arnold isn't their mate or his wolf would know. I hope he finds his mate. I'd like to know more about him. Why did he move do often? Did he actually ever experience pack life or does he just assume he'll hate it?

MezmeraldMezmeraldabout 7 years agoAuthor

@anon Not yet, I've been trying!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great start

I look forward to the next chapter, have you found an editor?

MezmeraldMezmeraldabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you all!

Really grateful for the feedback so far!. I am working on chapter two right now and I am looking for an editor!. If you are one, please let me know, I have tried the volunteer editors page but no replies back at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
You grabbed my attention!

Such a different start to a story. Really keen to know what hapoens! Pkease keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good work

Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Greensboro NC?? Wow, never really a book so close to home! Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great start

I really liked what I read so far. Intererting twist on the were stories that are usually written. Looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

For an inaugural project, the writing is quite good. But my problem with Warewolf stories is that there are too many of them and they tend to be highly repetitive and predictable. So I am a bit sceptical. Hope you are able to bring something new and exciting to this genre.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Love the beginning... Great start .plz continue. ..I'd enjoy more plz alittle longer..

Looking very forward too Ch.2... hugs&kisses

Brandonbrown20Brandonbrown20about 7 years ago

Im excited to read this series . Well written keep up the good work

Nemo18Nemo18about 7 years ago
Nice start

Some grammatical errors that reading aloud or an editor would catch. Not bad for an inaugural project

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