Odd Man Out


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"I'm going to start pumping his dick now, while your fingers make love to his ass. Okay. Time for four fingers. See how his body jumped. He's really getting excited now. I'm going to give him another deep kiss to get him into a frenzy, so when I release him, he'll whack himself off until he comes."

When Marlene put her mouth over mine and pinched my nose this time, I tried to hold my breath as long as I could, even though Candy's fingers were causing agony inside me. As Marlene released me, I used all my strength and screamed.


It didn't come out as a scream. I was so weak and out of breath that it was barely above a whisper. But Candy has good ears.

"What was that?" she asked and turned around and looked at my face while her four fingers were making me squirm in pain.

"I think it was Jed sighing," said Marlene.

"Oh," Candy replied, uncertainly.

She was staring at my face. I wonder what she saw there as I grimaced from the excruciating pain caused by her fingers. She slowed down but didn't stop pushing them in and out as she spoke.

"Marlene, I think I need more lube. Do you have another jar?"

When Marlene got up, Candy leaned over in front of my face and whispered.

"Jed, listen! Whack off as fast as you can, as soon as you get the chance."

Then her face was gone.

"You've still got plenty of lube in this jar," said Marlene when she came back with another jar.

"Oh, I thought it was empty," said Candy. "Sorry. I'm going to use my mouth on Jed a little because I'm getting tired."

"Okay, but be careful not to bring him off," said Marlene. "We don't want him coming until your entire hand is inside him. It's called fisting. When you feel him getting close, take your mouth away and place his hand on his cock to bring himself off. If he isn't ready yet, I'll give him another kiss."

Candy leaned forward, and her talented mouth and tongue soon had me almost forgetting the pain in my ass as the urgency began sweeping up from between my legs. I was almost there when she took her mouth away and spoke softly.

"Okay, Jed, you take over."

I started pumping myself as fast as I could. Marlene saw me and spoke.

"Okay, Candy, now tuck your thumb behind your fingers and push your hand all the way in."

As she finished speaking, I yelled out and began coming onto my face again. Not much came out, so it wasn't as bad as the first time. I barely felt it. What I felt acutely was Candy's fingers being carefully pulled from my ass. I screamed, but again I could barely hear myself.

"What are you doing, Candy?" asked Marlene. "You didn't put your whole hand in yet."

"But he already came," Candy said, "and I'm really tired."

"That's too bad," said Marlene. "But it was still something special, wasn't it?"

"It sure was," said Candy. "I never imagined the threesome would be like this. But I'm really tired now. Do you mind if we wind this up?"

"I understand," said Marlene. "You probably have a lot to think about. I'll just get my stuff together and go. We can talk next week."

Candy didn't say anything.

I was still lying on the bed, feeling numb and wondering if I would ever want to get up again when Candy came back from showing Marlene out. She sat down next to me, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I was too weak to even turn my head to avoid her.

I opened my eyes and saw tears streaming down her face. Then she lifted me up slightly so she could put her arms around me and buried her head in my shoulder. She continued sobbing as I put my arms around her.

I held her as she cried herself to sleep. The pain in my ass kept me awake for a long time. As I drifted off, I asked myself why was I the one comforting her?


When I woke the next morning, she wasn't there. I knew Candy wouldn't cuckold me. Nothing could make her do something that evil. But if Marlene had put a spell on her with that amazing orgasm, maybe she'd leave me and go to her.

I heard some noises downstairs and smelled some good aromas through the nasty stuff that was dried up in my nostrils. I put on a robe and walked downstairs carefully, trying unsuccessfully to avoid occasional stabs of pain inside my ass.

"You're up," she said in a perky voice, but her face told me she had been crying. "You were totally out when I got up. Why don't you take a nice hot shower, and then I've got a special breakfast for you. It will make you feel terrific."

She didn't sound convincing.

When we sat down to eat, I said, "Candy," but she stopped me.

"Jed, I don't want to talk about last night now. If you don't mind, I'm going to try to not even think about it for a few days. Okay?"

"Okay," I said.

Was she trying to summon up the courage to tell me she was leaving me for Marlene. Part of me wanted to tell her to go ahead, but I decided to wait.

As the days passed, my anger shifted from her to myself. Why didn't I leave? Why didn't I see a lawyer? I needed to get on with life without her -- whether she went to Marlene or not. After what she had done to me, why was I hesitating?

We spent a quiet Sunday at home doing stuff around the house and watching some TV. The next few days were typical work days. I hated myself every day when I drove home for being scared that she'd be gone.

Wednesday I got a call from Marlene at work.

"Is everything okay with Candy?" she asked me without even saying hello.

"Sure," I said without thinking at first who was talking to me.

"She's not returning my phone calls, and I was worried. Did you do anything to her?"

I slammed the phone down. I wanted to curse the bitch, but I was sure she would have soaked up the abuse that confirmed she had won.

I told Candy about Marlene's call at dinner, and she said, "I guess we should talk tonight."

After dinner, we went to the living room, and she poured both of us drinks. She sat on the couch, I sat in my favorite easy chair and we looked at each other for a few minutes. She was holding back tears.

"Jed," she said in a halting voice, "I don't want to think about the other night, and I don't want to talk about it, because I'm scared to death to hear what you are going to say. I'm a criminal who deserves to be punished."

She started talking faster. Her words flew at me so fast, I had trouble keeping up.

"Tell me honestly, can you ever forgive me for what I did to you? I have no excuses, and even though you said that if you went along with it, it would be your fault, too, I don't accept that. This thing was all about me, and I'm afraid I ruined a wonderful marriage. I would do anything to take back Saturday night, but I can't, and --"

"Please be quiet, Candy," I said, holding up my hand. She stopped and looked at me like a frightened rabbit.

"You're not getting out of our marriage that easily. You're going to pay for what you did for a long time."

I smiled at her to show I was joking, but she didn't laugh. She got up from the couch and rushed over to me. She sank to the floor, reaching out to put her arms around my legs and began sobbing wildly.

Through her sobs, she said, "Oh Jed, I want to pay and pay and pay for what I did, as long as you'll let me, but I can never pay enough."

When I calmed her down, I said to her, "It will be hard, but I'd like us to forget the whole thing if it's okay with you."

She looked at me and said, "There are some other things I have to tell you, but they can wait. Right now I'd like to begin paying you back. If you're not hurting too much, let's go upstairs."


The following Tuesday, Candy said not to schedule anything for Saturday night because we were going to an exorcism. I didn't ask for details.

We had dinner at a nice restaurant, and when we came home, Candy asked me to wait downstairs until she called me. When I was summoned, I entered a bedroom illuminated only by candles. Candy was dressed in a sheer negligee that I had never seen before, but it made her look even sexier than when she was naked.

She began to recite an incantation that she had obviously made up herself. The gist of it was that she was ridding the bedroom of evil spirits.

Then she went over to the bed and lifted up two pieces of velvet cloth. Under each one was a bright red velvet heart with a hole at the bottom. Through each hole there was a padlock that was open, with the key stuck inside it.

"This heart is Jed," she said, as she lifted the lock from one of them, pushed it together and removed the key. "I am locking him forever. He is locked up for Candy, and no one else ever gets to have him."

"This heart is Candy," she said as she did the same with the other lock. "I am locking her forever. She is locked up for Jed, and no one else ever gets to have her."

She placed her locked heart in my underwear drawer, saying, "So Jed will see it every day."

The other she placed in her own drawer, saying, "So Candy will see it every day."

She walked up to me and began taking my clothes off. She was crying, and this time, I was crying, too.


A week later, Candy surprised me again when she said, "Tomorrow, we're going to church."

"But we don't believe in that mumbo jumbo," I said.

"I found a church where they have the same values that we have," she said. "The only difference is that they mix Jesus into it. I met some of the people and told them we are sinners and doubters, and they said they didn't care, because from what I told them, we were more like them than we were different."

She looked at me and saw my skeptical expression.

"I just think we need to be around people like them," Candy explained. "But if you're really against it, we don't have to go."

We went, and she was right. The services were painless, especially because they had a great choir, and the people were wonderful. We soon had a bunch of new friends and were doing things that we really believed in. Sometimes I find myself thinking that only a god could have planned our strange path.

Marlene called me at the office two months after the fateful night, and I could tell she was in bad shape. She begged me to see her that night. I said that I didn't want to see her ever again, and she became hysterical and said that she might kill herself if I wouldn't see her. I told her to call me the next day.

That night, I told Candy about the call.

"Jed," she said, "If you don't mind, I never want to hear her name again. I am never speaking to her again, but I guess you should talk to her. When you do, tell her that you will not be sharing your conversation with me."

I met Marlene at Denny's after work the next day. I didn't recognize her at first because she wasn't dressed to show off her figure. She was subdued until I told her what Candy had said, and then she broke down and put her head on the table.

I didn't say anything as she went on crying for a few minutes. Then she raised her head and dried her tears on a napkin and looked at me for another couple of minutes before speaking.

"What did you say to her? What did you do? You're smarter than I thought you were. I was sure I had won her away."

"We're both stupid," I said. "I was sure you had, too. She's smarter than both of us."

"Here," said Marlene as she handed me a binder with some DVDs in it. "These are the videos. Candy didn't tell you that we had cameras hidden around the room. That's why all the lights were on. I was going to show the videos to Candy to remind her of the best orgasm she's ever had and how disgusting you looked. I was sure they would seal the deal.

"Now I can't stand looking at them, because they remind me of what I ruined. I destroyed the ones on my hard drive, so if you want to shred these, no one else will ever see them. You probably think it's a trick and that I hope you show them to Candy. Somewhere in my mind, I'm probably wishing for that too, but now I don't think it will do me any good even if she does see them.

"I've loved Candy for a long time, and she loved me. But I was arrogant enough to think I could take it to the physical level with a cheap trick, and now I've destroyed the best thing in my life.

"You hate me, but I know that you also love her, so you have some idea about what I'm going through. If you can ever forgive me and if she ever lets you talk about me, tell her that I would do anything to undo what I did. Tell her if she would give me one more hug, I would die happy. Tell her -- oh, what's the use?"

She put her head in her hands began to cry again, but this time silently.

When she stopped, I said, "I promise you if she ever lets me bring up your name, I'll tell her what you said."

She looked at me in amazement and then jumped out of her chair and onto my lap, clutching me with her hands around my neck. She smothered my face with kisses.

She stopped long enough to say, "You wonderful man, you good man," and then kissed me some more. She stopped and got off of me and sat down facing me again.

"Why did I hate you?" she said. "Why did I try to destroy you?"

There was more crying.

When she stopped, I told her I had to go. She thanked me again and said she wouldn't stop hoping.


About a year later, someone told me Marlene had started dating men, and maybe nine months after that, I heard she was engaged. That's the last I heard of her until one Sunday morning when Candy was acting strangely.

"Maybe you should go to church by yourself this morning," she said after she had already dressed. "I have a headache."

She didn't say anything else at breakfast, but she had a strange expression on her face. Just as I was walking out, she joined me.

"I might as well go," she said, without explaining what she meant. Looking at her, I decided I'd better not ask what was going on.

It didn't take me long to find out. Shortly after we were seated, I saw Marlene and a man walk down the aisle and take seats on the other side of the aisle from us. They didn't attempt to approach us, but the minister did a few weeks later.

He asked us to meet with him, and when we were seated, he told us that Marlene and her husband had met with him, and Marlene had told him everything that had happened. He turned to Candy.

"Do you forgive her, Candy?"

"Yes, I do, Reverend."

"Would the two of you be willing to meet with her and her husband? It is my sincere belief that she has repented and they mean no harm and would just like your friendship."

Candy spoke slowly as if she was picking her words carefully.

"Reverend, do you remember your sermon about condemned prisoners a couple of months ago?"

"I think so."

"You told us that no matter how evil they were and what horrible things they had done to other people, even to helpless women and children, before they murdered them, God demanded that we forgive them. You also told us that forgiving them didn't mean we had to free them or prevent their execution. You said for those who truly loved Jesus, there was no contradiction. Is that right?"

"Yes, Candy, you certainly understood that sermon."

"I think you understand me now, too, Reverend."

"Yes, Candy. I'll tell them."


A few months later, Candy asked if I had ever watched the videos Marlene had made. I told her I hadn't, and she said she felt like looking at them and would I like to join her?

"No thanks," I said, "but since you brought her up, I have a promise to keep. I have to talk about Marlene a little. She would like the chance to personally tell you how much she regrets what she did. She told me that she made the videos with the idea of showing you how incredible sex would be with her and how disgusting I was for going through what the two of you did to me.

"That reminds me of something she said that night. She said that she would give you the best orgasm you've ever had. Was she right?"

"Yes," said Candy, "but so what? What if you had sex with a woman who was a hundred times better in bed than me?"


I stopped myself from asking where that came from.

"Let me think. How can I put this? I know it's a stretch, but let's say something happened to me. Maybe I got sick or had an accident, and the doctor said I couldn't' have sex with you for a year -- no, two years.

"I hear about this woman who's a superstar sex surrogate and get the doctor to prescribe her."

"You're crazy!"

"Shut up and listen. The doctor says that your eggs aren't that strong and unless you have sex with a woman at least once a month, you may never be able to get me pregnant. Jerking off won't be enough. The doctor and I make sure you won't have one second of guilt while you're enjoying the sexpot.

"Let's say you are completely blown away in every sense of the word. She's so much better than me that there's no comparison. Are you going to leave me for her?"

"Of course not!"

"Let's say she's a great person and you like her. She's smart and funny and has similar interests. She's more than just a sex machine. She's got a great body with boobs twice as big as mine."

"Stop talking nonsense, Candy. What kind of a lowlife animal do you think I am? Do you think I only love you for the sex?"

"That's what I wanted to hear. Now let me ask you a question. What kind of a lowlife animal do you think I am. Did you seriously think I'd leave you because Marlene can give me better orgasms?

"At first, I didn't realize what she was doing. I was so into the amazing sex with her that my mind had shut down. It wasn't until I heard you say 'Help!' that I began waking up."

"You heard that?"

"Yes, and when I looked at you, I saw you were hurting. I realized in a flash what she was doing.

"She wanted me to fist you, but I no longer wanted to do anything. I just wanted to stop and get her to leave. My mind was in a fog or I would have stopped at once. I don't know why I waited until you came.

"The next morning, I awoke with complete clarity. I knew that I still had to work out my complicity, but I also knew for certain that I never wanted to see Marlene again. I did mourn her a long time, because she was my oldest friend."

"Then why do you want to watch the video of the three of us now?" I said.

"Nothing deeper than sheer voyeurism. But if you tell me no, I won't. I've learned that there are certain things that turn me on that can end up turning on me."

"I guess it's okay," I said, "but please don't watch when I'm around."

"That's a promise."

A couple of days later, she was a wild woman in bed. I wanted to ask her whether she had watched the videos that day, but I was afraid to.

Every once in a while, she goes crazy like that, and each time, I've suspected it was because she had watched the video earlier in the day. After wrestling with it in my mind the first few times, I've decided that I should stop worrying about it and just be grateful for the results.

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Jed is waaaaay nicer than me. Even if I never actually do anything; I'd arrange it that Marlene was always looking over her shoulder.

Buster2UBuster2U9 months ago

I have never been in that situation, but personally, If I had a woman sitting on me so that my back was bent so that my dick was going to shoot into my own mouth, I am surprised that the man wouldn't throw his wife against the far wall to get her off the top of him. I don't know how strong he is, or how heavy she is, but that would be my first instinct when that Bitch Marlene held my nose or squeezed my balls. Marlene wanted to hurt him and emasculate and humiliate him completely. All Marlene wanted was Candy and was willing to tell any lie to achieve it. Of course she wanted to Destroy the man so Candy would be hers completely. 5 stars for good writing. Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Let me try and educate the author. Let a woman tell her man/husband that another person gives her better sex/orgasms………he won’t be around inside a month. That is just how men are. Example….if a man could choose between this situation. His wife has an affair and tells him she loves the new man more than she loves him but he, the husband is a much better lover than the AP…..Vs ….His wife has an affair but she loves the husband and not the lover …but the lover gives her much better sex…still she loves the husband so she will stay. Maybe some men won’t admit it but near all men would choose to let her love the AP but she will stay with the husband for the better sex he gives her. Sex ability for men is more important than the wife’s love. R. H.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why did I hate you?" she said. "Why did I try to destroy you?"

bcause thats what wemen are all about , destroying anything and everything they cant control. evils cunts, narcissistic beyond belief, entitled to the nth degree, destructive of everything including their marriages and their chillen(how often do you read about women/mothers killing they chillen, postparten crap indeed). w/o they pussies and maybe tits, men wldnt have anything to do w/ them including having them as cooks, best chefs in the world are men. bitches wld be akay as skullery maids. rk

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylovealmost 2 years ago

The issue for me with this story is that you do good work on explaining the woman’s thinking but do very little on the male side, even though this story is supposed to be good from the male perspective. I don’t understand the ease with which you skate over the trauma Marlene delivers on Jed. And it is trauma. What signs did you offer your reader that Jed will accept the complicity of Candy in all of this? She may have been manipulated by Marlene but she was a willing participant. The excuse of “the orgasm made me do it” is a little cliched. And yet, having shown that Candy was complicit in Jed’s abuse, you have the conversation where they both agree that she wouldn’t leave someone “just for sex” and yet isn’t this what she did to Jed with Marlene? It is a small thing but having Jed say earlier that we should just “forggedaboudit” is an unhelpful consistency. What is it that we have been told earlier would make us believe that Jed could actually do that? How does Jed feel safe around Candy when he knows that she failed this test when it mattered the most; in a time of deep vulnerability? This is where I have issues with what you do. I have no doubt that Candy and Jed love each other and want to make it work, but you have shown zero path to how they do it. And I get that this is an erotica site and that you have strong BDSM interests and that you posted this in Group Sex (perhaps to avoid this kind of commenting) but it is an issue that I see time and again in your work. The path to reconciliation is not really explored apart from a strategy of “well, it is in the past and we can forget about it and move on.” Especially when punishments are not balanced but revengeful and over the top. That may work for a select few, but for most folks, I think it is pretty naive to think that would actually work, except if you mean “by continuously breaking down.” Just some thoughts…

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A lot of writing with nothing to say.

What moron would believe that having someone sitting on you can stop you from biting them enough to get them to stop sitting on you?

What idiot would put all this crap in words? Probably the same type of idiot who would read almost the whole thing and then leave a comment like this.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
He's a Cuckold

Yes he is. He just hasn't realized it yet, and maybe he never will. Fool that he is, he should of divorced her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
maybe i missed the point here?

i thought this was fucking hilarious. it had me in stitches from beginning to end.

was this not supposed to be comedy?

5 stars for giving me a lot of laughs i needed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Psychopathic author writing disgusting story

Score 1*. (Lowest possible available.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Divorce Court Here We Come!

Yep, ya gots ta divorce the stupid bitch. Let her go to her lesbian lover..she feels nothing for you any longer...sad...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Send The Stupid Bitch to Live With Marlene

I would of told her to pack her shit and go live with Marlene. Gotten a divorce lawyer and divorced her stupid ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Stupid Confused Wimp

Divorce the wife, shoot the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well that was stupid

Why doesn't he simply destroy the video when she's out of the house? Another unfinished pile of Edrider crap.

studyingstudyingover 10 years ago

I found the character development fascinating, the display of unconditional love on the man interesting. He did, however, make a mistake by consenting to her wishes when he knew better. Complex series of responses, both emotional and physical. Good writing.

Arago007Arago007over 10 years ago
Wrong category

I am starting to feel like an edrider basher....but LS is so the wrong category for this story. I think you can re-submit this to loving wives, where I am sure it would be received better. Unless I am the only lesbian purist to read this, it seems a little doomed here.

I did read the story, I felt I owed you that. Not my thing, but it was well written... Good character development, pacing spot on and your descriptions of scene and sex were well done.

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