Office Threesome


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When Frank made it over to Jeff and Katie the crowd was thinning. He ordered tequila shots for the three of them. Katie was surprised he was willing to do shots with them, and impressed that he had noticed the shots they had done earlier. She realized she was already awfully buzzed and she had better be careful with Frank. Frank was entertaining them with a few stories. While he talked she noticed he was sneaking glances at her tits and she felt her nipples harden just from the idea that she was siting there showing them off to him.

Frank smoothly made the transition to asking Jeff if he was lucky enough to get to massage Katie every day. Jeff laughed and said it was really on Katie's schedule. Frank then turned his attention even more to Katie, asking her about her school, her family, and occasionally slipping in a suggestive remark. Katie's phone buzzed twice with texts from Bob and she put it in her purse. They ordered another round of drinks, and Katie, feeling quite high on the booze and attention, briefly noticed the rest of their workmates had already left.

Jeff tried to cut in on the conversation, but Frank stayed focused on Katie. In a bit of drunken jealousy Jeff sputtered, "Katie also has a boyfriend who goes to school near here."

Katie blushed a little, more for the awkwardness of Jeff than anything, but Frank went with this smoothly, asking who the lucky guy was, what he was studying and such. Kate answered his questions rapid-fire, trying not to talk too much. She was feeling quite light headed and ditzy. Frank then smoothly brought up in his baritone voice, "Is he the third in the threesome Jeff was proposing?"

Katie giggled, and unsure what to say, said nothing, but Frank stared at her with his penetrating eyes until she answered, "He...well Jeff was just's a joke he does all the time...he wouldn't...well he would but..."

Frank started to laugh and Katie and Jeff joined him. Frank now took the opportunity to keep the conversation more focused on sex.

"Have you...either of you had a threesome?"

Katie quickly said no and Jeff hemmed and said sort of then admitted he had not. Katie asked Frank if he had and he told them he had had a couple, "but them again I'm old."

Katie quickly said Frank didn't look old at all. She said he "looked great" which caused Jeff to roll his eyes.

Frank pushed Katie for the naughtiest thing she had done and she bit her lip. Frank ordered another round and they agreed they would each answer a question honestly. They downed the tequilas and Frank pressed, "so...what was the sluttiest thing you've done Katie?"

Katie wanted to hold back, but she felt like it was not in the spirit of the evening, and she couldn't think of any other story to tell. She told them about Ed, about having fucked him while her boyfriend lay asleep just beside them. The two men leaned in to listen to her and she found herself getting wet from describing her naughty act, and from the undivided attention the two men were giving her. When she finished the story both men stayed silent for a moment until Jeff finally spoke up,

" certainly deserve a nipple tweak for that one!" as he reached over and tweaked the nipple closest to him. Katie blushed as she covered her tit. Frank's eyes widened and he asked what that was about. Jeff explained about Katie's old boyfriend and how he had picked up the practice of tweaking he nipples when she was naughty. He laughed and added, "but this is the first time she isn't wearing a bra!"

Frank laughed, looked Katie in the eye and reached for her other tit, the one closer to him. Katie half closed her eyes in anticipation as if she was hoping it wouldn't happen. Frank fondled her tit for a second, as if confirming she was not wearing a bra, then he tweaked it slowly before pulling it away rather roughly. Katie's nipples were now very visible through her dress. She could feel her heart beating fast.

Frank spoke slowly in his drawl, "Katie, I underestimated you. You are a firecracker!"

Katie tried to change the topic to ask a question of Jeff, but Frank pushed her to tell more about the encounter she had described. How did she feel while she was fucking him right beside her boyfriend? Could she see Bob while she was being fucked? Was Ed's cock bigger than Bob's?

Katie tried to deflect the questions, but every time she did Jeff or Frank would tweak her nipple until she would tell them what they wanted to know. Finally a barmaid came by and suggested they leave before they caused trouble for the other guests. Katie was mortified, but Frank discretely paid the bill in cash with a large tip, then said, "It's still early...there's a dance club half a block from here, follow me."

Frank said this more as an instruction than a suggestion, and Jeff and Katie followed him gamely. Katie took Jeff's arm, feeling a little unsteady as they walked the short distance down the street. When they arrived Frank slipped the doorman a tip and they were let in ahead of the line. It was not clear if Frank knew the doorman but both Katie and Jeff were impressed with his confidence. They were shown to a private table and a bottle of champagne was brought to them in short order. Katie checked her phone from habit and saw several new texts from Bob. She shut off her phone, irritated.

Katie had never had bottle service and felt like a Princess as she looked at the young crowd around her. She sat between the two men in their booth and Frank led a toast "to the night!" Soon he led her to the dance floor. Katie was impressed with the moves he knew as she followed his lead and felt rather light headed as he spun her. Soon, however, he had pulled her close. She felt the excitement of his face close to her as he looked her in the eye. His hand lowered to her ass and she felt him harden against her. This whole situation seemed rather like a dream to her, like a night that was somehow happening to her. She put her head on Frank's shoulder and started to think again about the night she was fucked by Ed. She felt herself getting even wetter as Frank pushed against her softly stroking her bum. She was aware she was breathing heavily and tried to control herself. Suddenly Frank stopped dancing and took her hand. He led her back to the booth and suggested Jeff have a turn. Katie did not have a chance to sit down before Jeff took her hand from Frank and led her back to the dance floor.

Jeff was not a good dancer and Katie found herself quickly slow dancing with him. She resisted a little but he gave her his goofy smile, tweaked her nipple playfully and she couldn't help but smile back. Katie was comfortable with Jeff, even though they had never danced before, never held each other like this. Jeff was hard from the start and Katie allowed him to subtly grind against her. Jeff joked with her about how it was clear she was hot for Frank and asked her how she enjoyed Frank's hand on her ass as he gave it a squeeze. Katie only giggled and Jeff left his hand on her bum, groping it a little as they danced. Katie loved having her ass squeezed, something her first boyfriend did a lot but Bob never did. Katie looked over to their table and saw Frank watching them with a confident smile on his face. Somehow this made her blush and bury her head against Jeff's chest. She started to realize where the night was headed and became anxious. She suggested to Jeff that they take a break and he led her back to the booth. Katie tucked in between the two of them and Frank poured her more champagne.

As she took a sip she felt Frank's hand go on one of her bare legs, then Jeff's slide up the other. She squirmed in excitement and did not say anything. She had never experienced anything like she had tonight, with two men so focused on her. On impulse she leaned over and kissed Frank who responded with an extended make out while his hand rode further up her leg. When he pulled away and smiled, Jeff took her chin, smiled at her, then tried to match the kiss. Katie was now as turned on as she ever had been in public, as wet as she ever had been with her clothes on. She felt Frank's hand go up her leg, perilously close to her panties. She turned to him to say something, but instead watched as he moved in for another long kiss.

"I have a boyfriend and..." she started when the kiss stopped.

Jeff interrupted her with a sloppy tweak of her nipple and the familiar refrain, "Maybe he'd be into a threesome?"

The word had even more impact now as Katie sat pressed between the two men seducing her. She tried to gather her thoughts when Frank said, "Let's head to my condo for one last drink. It's just across the street."

Katie tried to put up some resistance, but gave into to the pressure from the two men on the condition that they finally had to answer questions she asked. They readily agreed and after Frank paid the barmaid they headed out. Frank had his arm around Katie as they walked to his place, his hand resting on her ass. Katie wondered what the people of the streets must be thinking as she walked with this older man, a boy her age in tow. The doorman certainly took notice as the three of them walked through the lobby to the elevator.

When they arrived, both Katie and Jeff were impressed by the views of the skyline from the floor to glass ceilings in Frank's condo. Jeff went down the hall to the bathroom as Frank poured drinks. When Frank walked over to Katie he placed their drinks on a table and took her in his arms. "Wait, she giggled...I have questions for you!"

"Go ahead," Frank intoned, "ask me your questions". As he spoke Frank casually unzipped the back of Katie's dress then slowly pushed her shoulder straps to the side. Katie did not move, but pulled in her body as if bracing. Her dress fell to the ground, leaving her standing in his living room in just a red thong and her heels. Frank cupped one of her tits in his hands and spoke slowly, "I'll answer any you have..."

Katie's nipples were rock hard and Frank teased one of them with his thumb. He looked her in the eye and she closed them, feeling overwhelmed with stimulation. She felt his lips push against hers as he grabbed her hair roughly. She opened her mouth compliantly and he pushed his body against hers. The kissed for some time, his hands exploring her ass, when they heard Jeff walk into the room and they turned their heads to him.

Katie felt a sense of shame at first. Jeff had been such a good friend for so long. He had always respected that she had a boyfriend, but now here she was almost completely naked, in the arms of a married man. Looking at Jeff staring with his puppy dog eyes and she realized he was more nervous than she was and she decided to have fun with the situation.

"So you like what you see?"

Jeff stammered his affirmative response and Katie giggled. Jeff had been the nominal alpha for much of their relationship, but now it was clear Frank was the main man, and she felt like she could control Jeff pretty easily. Frank kissed her again and Jeff sat on the nearby couch. Katie loved the way Frank kissed her, aggressive and rough. It was completely different than kissing Bob, which was more tender and sweet. She could feel her juices drip and wondered if she would stain Frank's slacks.

Frank broke the kiss, looked Katie in the eyes, then put his hand on her shoulder and indicated she should kneel. Katie followed his lead. At first she did not understand his intention, but by the time she was on her knees she understood what he wanted. She started to unzip his pants, but saw Jeff out of the corner of her eye. She paused and asked, "Jeff, how many times have you fantasized about me being naked...on my knees?"

Jeff told her it had been more times than he could count as she pulled Frank's hard cock out of his pants.

"Hmmm." she said, making it clear she knew very well he had been jacking off to the thought of her since they had met. "Especially my ass, right? Boys love my ass."

Jeff agreed her ass was perfect, and absently stroked his hard-on through his jeans.

"Why don't you come over here," she said pointing behind her, "and you can kiss my ass while I take care of Frank?"

Jeff seemed to blush a little but he didn't hesitate more than a moment. As Katie stroked Frank's cock Jeff positioned himself on his knees behind Katie and kissed and ass cheek. Katie giggled, then bent forward a little more, taking Frank's cock into her mouth. As she took his cock in and out of her mouth she moved her whole body back and forth, pushing her ass into Jeff's face then away from it. Jeff gamely tried kissing her ass all over. This was both heaven and hell for him. He loved her ass and was excited to kiss it, but his erection pushed against his jeans while Katie's lips were wrapped around another man's cock.

Katie took Frank's cock out of her mouth for a moment, stroking it with her hand using her salvia as a lubricant. "Kiss it all Jeff, even the crack." she commanded without bothering to turn around. She went back to sucking Frank's hard cock. Jeff did not need more permission or encouragement. He started to kiss along Katie's acc crack, and along the thing strip of material that covered it. Finally he boldly pulled down at her panties. At first he only got them down a little but Katie lowered her back and he got them around her knees. He took a moment to admire her creamy white ass, and the hint of her perfect pink asshole. He buried his face in it, kissing her asshole again and again.

Katie's moans were muffled by the cock in her mouth. Her boyfriends had never played with her ass before, now she had Jeff's face pushed into her ass crack. Frank took her thoughts back to his cock when he grabbed her hair and started to fuck her face more aggressively. Katie was now bobbing to his pace, she had never had anyone treat her this way before and she felt excited, but a little confused. Frank suddenly pulled his cock out of her mouth and Katie braced for him to shoot into her face, but instead he told her to get up.

Katie clambered to her feet, a little unsteady as her panties fell to the floor. Frank directed Jeff to sit in a big chair then took Katie and positioned her so she was facing Jeff, bent over with one hand on each arm of the chair. She was looking Jeff right in the eyes, and she smiled at him, feeling shy for a moment as she saw his eyes move for a moment to her tits that were swaying freely. Katie felt Frank grab her hips, then winced in pleasure and plain as she felt him enter her easily from behind. Frank started to pound her wetness, and as her face pushed into Jeff's she kissed him hard. Katie's tongue probed Jeff's willing mouth as he sat passively enjoying the excitement of kissing the girl he had fantasized over for so long. Katie moaned into Jeff's mouth then pulled away and gave him a wild smirk,

"Do you like what you see Jeff?" she asked breathlessly.

Jeff started to answer but Katie kissed him hard again. Katie felt like a slut, but the idea excited her. She knew she was Frank's plaything, but she also felt like she had some control over him, and it was clear Jeff would so whatever she told him to. She felt an orgasm build, something she had not experienced in quite some time. She let herself go, closing her eyes, then moaning loudly into Jeff's ears when she feeling overtook her. When she quieted there was only the sound of her ass getting slapped by Frank's pelvis. Katie pushed her ass back into him to take more, anxious to give him the pleasure she felt. Frank responded by slapping her ass hard and pushing even deeper into her. Finally she felt his cock throbbing and knew she was going to shoot. As he started to pump into her she kissed Jeff again, and they made out until Frank pulled out.

Some time later, Katie lay on her back on Frank's leather couch. Her head was on Frank's lap, and Jeff was rubbing her bare feet. She was naked, but a blanket covered a little of her body. She had dozed off contentedly but now blinked her eyes as she stirred. Frank stroke her hair and purred,

"You really are a firecracker young Katie."

Katie smiled up at him, pleased as if a teacher had giver her and 'A'.

"I think we'll do our status meetings in my office from now on. Late." He paused and added, "Jeff you are welcome to join."

Katie stretched her arm up to feel Frank's cock though his pants and found, as she suspected, that he was rock hard. She wondered if she would make it to Bob's that weekend.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Really really love it (❤+): 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟+ [5+ (5.25/5=105% "above expectations")]! Bravissimo! This story is totally my cup of tea & then some. In my book you are an excellent writer.

Katie is a keeper.

She can make 2 men happy (3 if she stays with her boyfriend Bob).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
This seems like it was written by a different author.

This is nothing like your earlier work. You can't just say stuff like "there was a sexual tension between them" you have to show it. You use to do that. What happened?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great build up of the story but disappointed with the ending. All of the teasing with Jeff and in the end all he gets is to kiss on her ass and make out while Frank got bj and sex. Would have been nice for her to blow Jeff when he sat on chair, or she sit on his cock while frank face fucked her again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Good story

A number of editing mistakes in this one. Maybe you rushed a bit to get it out. But still a solid story. Good work. You're one of my favorite authors.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Best since 'Priya's Temptation'

Love the way she slowly gave in to both of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Nice work

You have many hot stories and this is one of the best.

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