Office Whore Pt. 04: Thursday


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The gap closed again, and Lily held on the door handle to keep herself straight as shock twisted her gut. All of them?

A moan that was too loud to come from Danielle caught Lily's attention, and she nudged the door a little further. Danielle was on the big screen, and she was - Lily jerked the door closed and walked away. Her steps quickened until she ran through the hallways. Hurry!

Her knuckles hurt after she'd knocked on David's door, and she burst inside even before he'd responded. "You have to do something!"

"About what?"

"I heard Joe was looking for Danielle, but he couldn't find her, and then he did, and I thought that was bad after what happened before, so I went to look, and he's got her there, him and God knows how many other guys, and they're taking turns, and there's a movie playing on the screen of what Joe and his wife made her do." She sucked in a quick breath and leaned forward on David's desk. "He's breaking her, David! You have to stop him or he'll hurt her!"

David put his hands over Lily's balled fists Lily, and slowly, as her breathing calmed, she relaxed. David gave Lily a squeeze and said, "I know you care about Danielle, and I respect that. It couldn't have been easy to go looking for her and to see what you saw." He got up from his desk. "Try to get some work done, I know what room they're in, I'll take care of this."

"And what about after today?"

"I'll think about what to do."

"David, can't you end all of this?"

"I can't. Danielle has to clear her debt, that will never change, but next week won't be like this week."

Lily drew in a shaky breath and said, "If it gets to be too much for her, can I take care of her?"

David smiled. "If I think she needs it, I'll send her to you."

"Thank you."


Danielle forced her tired eyes open. Somehow there were no more voices, no more hands on her body, no more hard cocks waiting their turn to fuck her. All she could hear was her own moans through the speakers, and that bitch's voice saying "switch" over and over. Then even that stopped, and the room went quiet.

A hand touched her back, no, not just a hand, a towel. Lily, her saving angel. She was too tired to look over her shoulder or say anything, so she did what she could and groaned with pleasure as the fresh towel scrubbed against her, getting rid of most of the filth.

She could still smell the cum on her face and tits, could taste it in her mouth and feel it running down her legs, she was covered in the stuff, like a filthy whore.

Danielle blinked when a pair of leather shoes appeared beneath her face, Lily's feet must have grown. David crouched and even with his face inches in front of hers, she didn't quite believe what she was seeing. "David? I thought Lily..."

"She found you and came to me. You've had enough for today."

"I'm tired."

"I know, I'll get you cleaned up and then you can have a nap on my couch, how does that sound?"



"And a blanket?"

"You can have my jacket."


David waited for another response, but sleep had claimed Danielle. David sighed when he thought of the work still waiting for him. Some things he couldn't pawn off on Lily though, because as proud as he was of her for stepping up and protecting Danielle, he was the one responsible here. He took off his jacket and rolled his shoulders, better get moving.


When Danielle woke up, her body weighed ten times its normal weight, but at least she was warm. She reached for her hair, it was damp. She peeked through her lashes and recognized the coffee table from David's office. His private bathroom was the only one in the building, did David carry her all the way to his office and wash her? What was she supposed to do now? What time was it?

"I can tell you're up, Danielle."

Danielle jerked in surprise, and she groaned as her body protested the sudden move.


"I... you startled me."


"Did you..."

"I did."

"Why? I don't understand."

Danielle still couldn't look at David, but she heard him put down the report he'd been reading. "I underestimated what would happen if I threw you to the wolves, so I intervened."

"After they all fucked me."

"True, and I'm sorry about that. Today's made it clear I need to have a firmer hand in what happens to you."

"Am I supposed to be happy you apologized? They still fucked me."

"Of course they did, you're a whore."

"I'm not a whore!"

"That's not what the contract you signed says, and we both know it." David sighed and shifted in his chair. "Did you know the contract wasn't my idea? I would've handed you in."

"Then whose bright idea was it?"

"Joe's, he brought it up after he handed me his report." David blew a long breath through his nose. "I had my hand on the phone to call the cops, but he stopped me and convinced to think things over, and I did, at length. I spoke to legal, had them draw up a case against you, and I asked them to draw up the whore contract on the side."

David got up from his chair and walked over to the window. "You have to know, I'm not normally forceful with a woman, but because of what you've done it can't be any other way. I never expected how the whole dynamic would affect me though, with being my personal whore to do with as I please."

Danielle snorted and David laughed a soft laugh. "I know, big surprise, a man who likes to fuck. I expected to like the sex, but I get a lot more satisfaction from how I control what you experience, in what order... I never meant for today to be this intense, not yet at least, and the same goes for yesterday. Joe's a lot more... enthusiastic about this than I expected him to be. I think he wants to push you a lot further than most people ever dream of, including me."

"Why are you saying all of this?"

"Because I want you to understand my position, Danielle. The signatures on that contract are yours and mine alone, I decide what happens to you, not Joe. Tomorrow morning, you, me, and Joe will have a meeting where I straighten things out."

"Why do you care what Joe does to me? You just want to punish me, don't you?"

"I'm responsible for what happens to you."

"So what am I then, another project for you to take care of?"

"You're my whore."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. When I say you're my whore, I mean it. I'm going to turn you into a whore, one step at a time, and you're going to follow my rules until the day you've paid off the last dollar of your debt."

Tears glistened in Danielle's eyes when she sat up in the couch. "Is that all you can say? Whore and punishment? Is that all there is? What about before? What about the things you told me? You said you admired me, that you wanted to ask me on a date, is all of that gone and over with? Am I a fucking piece of meat to you now?"

David turned away from the window, deep lines etched his face. "You're not a piece of meat."

"Then stop this bullshit!"


"Please, I'm begging you, David."

"No, you know your choices. The woman I knew would never run away from her punishment. I think you're still that woman, you'll always be, and that's why I'll use my authority in this office to make your punishment bearable, but nothing more."

"That's not enough, David."

"It'll have to be enough."


"Will get dealt with tomorrow."

"You don't know—"

"I know exactly what he did to you, I saw the video, I saw the state you were in in the conference room, that's not what I want for you."

"I... What am I supposed to say?"

"Don't say anything, just do what I tell you to do." He walked over to the coffee table and said, "Lay yourself face down on the table and put your hands on your back."


"Do as you're told, whore."

"Yes, sir." Danielle obeyed and swallowed as she reached behind her. She'd been fucked again and again today, and she'd let her body's needs take over so she could take whatever they threw at her, but she couldn't hide herself now, not from David. Shame clenched her stomach when she spread her legs of her own accord. She swallowed, and in a hoarse voice she said "Sir?"

"Yes, whore?"

"It hurts, sir."

"What hurts?"

"My ass."

"And why would that be?"

Danielle closed her eyes as the shame deepened. "I got fucked in there earlier." Danielle hissed when he pushed against her sore ring. "Sir, please!"

"I won't fuck your ass now, but I need you to know that if I wanted to, I would." He pushed harder, straining her defenses. "Do you know why I'd still fuck your whore ass even if it hurts?"

"To punish me."

"Yes, to punish you for being a whore. And," he shifted his cock down and buried his shaft in her glistening pussy. "because you don't get to choose when or how I fuck you. You remember that, whore. The moment you step inside this building, all I have to do is say the word, and you'll drop everything to do what I tell you to. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I'm going to fuck you now."

Danielle clenched her teeth together as her body squeezed around David's invading cock. The humiliation of having to drop to her knees wherever and whenever he told her, the very thought turned her on. She fought back a moan, she refused to let him know how his words affected her. No noise now, not a peep.

David's cock slammed inside her, and a long whine escaped her sealed lips as a jab of pleasure bolted through her body. Danielle froze as she pulled deep breaths through her nose. David didn't say a word, he pulled back and skewered her again, and again.

No noise. No screams. The struggle to check her voice pulled Danielle deep inside of her, but this time not to hide. What was there to hide? She was completely exposed to David as she surrendered her body, and she came with his cock plundering her pussy, stealing away her dignity. She didn't move until he filled her with cum. Again. How many did that make it? A couple dozen?

Danielle groaned when David pulled her up by her shoulders and pushed her towards the window. Her reflection stared at her, a freshly fucked slut. She couldn't tear her eyes away from it, even as tears formed in her eyes. The warmth of David's body behind her disappeared for a second, but he returned with his suit jacket, her blanket. He draped it over her shoulders and stayed close to her, watching the same reflection she was.

"I won't go easy on you, Danielle, that's the whole point of this charade, but that doesn't mean I want you to suffer. Some whores enjoy their jobs, and from what I've seen so far, you're already there. You were already a slut before I made you into a whore."

"Don't say that."

David kissed the side of Danielle's neck before he walked away and picked up the report he'd put down before. "You can stay as long as you want to, but I have too much I still need to do tonight to lose any more time. I shouldn't have fucked you at all, but it's too late for that now. You make me want to do things I'd never thought I'd do."

Danielle leaned her forehead against the window and watched the vague reflection of David she saw in the window. She made him do things? It's not like she went around spreading her legs for any guy who walked by. He made her do these things, this strong, confusing man. What would've happened if he'd been a little less professional and asked her on a date when they met? What if she never broke his trust? All those possibilities were as far away from her as the reflection in the cool glass she stood pressed against.

She walked out of David's office with his jacket still wrapped around her, he didn't protest. The further she got from his office, the more bewildered Danielle felt, what was she supposed to feel now? After all that happened, after everything David said and did? What did he really think about her? What did she think about him? Again she had no answers, no matter how she burned to have them.

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MisGMisGalmost 6 years ago

You know I loved the movie Super Man, and on occasion I enjoy watching wrestling, the Japanese women have taken it to levels that American women will never reach. I am sure that many people on this board have done the same, So now tell me why the heck can’t we enjoy a little bit of fiction with out all the carping.

To start with no company would punish some one for embezzling money by having her fuck the rest of the employees as punishment, ask Harvey Weinstein, I think he can give you some insight on that matter. Hell half of the time they don’t even go to jail after they have been caught

I for one am enjoying the story, I like the way the author writes and his use of the English language. I don’t know about any one else on here but I have been owned, gangbanged numerous times been air tight more times that I can count. I have had my boobs punished with belts, hair brushes, wooden spoons and more, I have been beaten and battered by other women because I get off on it and the pain during basement wrestling. I loved to loose.

As the looser I would often end up licking the winners pussy and sometimes having my mouth pissed in. I was never seriously hurt. Black and blue and thought I was going to loose a nipple or boob a few times but that’s about it. Hell I am even k-9 trained.

And just so you know, I have cum numerous time from having my tits whipped, my pussy whipped, punched in my belly and even from being kicked in the pussy several times.

So I think everyone ought to lighten up and just enjoy the story. Heck I hope the author writes another ten or twenty chapters, I love reading this kind of work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
He’s not a hero.....

He is a 1st class prick who deserves to be taken out and the crap kicked out of him.

CaringAndDemandingCaringAndDemandingalmost 6 years agoAuthor
@the story loses focus

I understand your comment, and I could write a story where all those real life concerns are prominent, and she ends up broken, but that's not a story I'd want to write. It would be closer to erotic horror than to anything else.

When I write, I craft a fantasy, and I make the conscious decision to gloss over certain details in favor of intensifying the fantasy. I'm very aware that any woman forced in Danielle's position would break down. Noncon stories exist in the realm of fantasy, and that's where they should stay.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
The story loses its focus when she enjoys the humiliation

The constant fucking and the concept that the legal department would draft an illegal document returns her to whore herself out.

People get sore. Bone deep sore. Bruises, abrasions and believe it or not, women dry up. They get tired, they lose arousal (if they had any at all) and it fucking hurts. Have you ever been dry fucked for 8 or 9 hours straight? I did 4 hours non-stop and everything wasn't even rough sex and I was bruised, rubbed raw and my core muscles were on fire for a week. I even had rug burns everywhere and you want us to suspend disbelief that she secretly enjoyed every moment?

Do you know how pimps break their whores will? How they are able to force them into sex slavery? They gang rape them. For hours. Days. There is no escape. There is no forced orgasm, there is only the humiliation of knowing that you are nothing but a cumdump and no one will rescue you. The only person who will protect you is your pimp....sound familiar?

Now, I don't care if you put her in a wood chipper and turn her into hamburger patties; but don't feed us this bullshit about her enjoying being whore out and cumming frm the forced degradation. Don't tell us this fairy tale of her becoming a strong, independent woman after being nothing more than a prostitue. This isn't pretty woman and the only thing she will have to look forward too is becoming a broken down, drug addicted prostitute.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Joe truly is her guardian angel

Joe is the hero yet again!!!

She would have been well on her way to prison now if it wasn’t for Joe recognizing how important she was to the company and how much David truly needed her. It was Joe who built the plan to erase her selfishness and it was Joe who enabled David to reshape her in a manner David could again trust. David admitted he wanted her gone. Joe mentored David through this, shaped the agreement idea, and empowered David to do what was right for the company, for David, and honestly for her. David also admitted he didn’t know he needed this experience in his life, he did know he was like this, he didn’t like treating women like this, but Joe did and David admits that everything is turning out better than he expected.

In today’s chapter Joe simply reinforced the lesson that eliminated her selfishness and both he and David agree she is ready to be rebuilt. She truly owes Joe her life. I hope she understands that and in time with 20/20 hindsight she becomes grateful for the gift of a new and better life that Joe has given her.

David now seems ready to man up and finish this “charade” to quote his own words. We also know it ends by or on Monday next. And that what ends it is when she pays David “every last dollar of [her] debt”. And we all know from this author’s other works it won’t happen at $5-20 a pop anymore. That’s already become repetitive and boring (especially since Joe and his wife have to back down some) and besides that pace will never work for David, Joe, the company, her, or the author.

I can’t wait for the Friday at the office and her weekend to begin!!!!

P.S. in case you need a total based on the original $ amounts per act from chap one, and considering every act of penetration by object equals the same $ as the “natural act per oraface penetrated, and that oral is oral no mater the gender... she is just over $1720 (and some of that is a guess because we don’t have an accurate tally from that last session in the conf room with Joe and the boys). But clearly thanks to Joe she is banking more than double the $ on Wed and Thur (roughly $600 per day) than she did on Mon and Tues (roughly $250 per day).

Finally a specific note to the author... What I do suggest you add when you rewrite for this publishing is if David making her cum is any better/different than everyone else making her cum. So far every act she performs leads her the penultimate pleasure no matter who is doing what to her or how. She has never once faked an orgasm and has had nearly 50 in past four days. Why I’m stating this is because it looks like you are setting up a future (of some sort) between David and her so I’m thinking shouldn’t David’s time with her be different than the time she spends with everyone else? If so you should note that in a simpler more clear manner. In the current story there is no difference between David’s acts and everyone else’s both physically and psychologically. So far it just feels like David makes sure he gets the last sloppy seconds, reiterates the lesson of the day, and then sends her home with yet another orgasm. Just feels like there should be something more between them that’s all.

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