Officer and a Slut Ch. 03


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Though she knew they couldn't see any of that, it still made her self-conscious. To have that many pairs of eyes on her while she had semen dripping from her freshly fucked pussy and anal beads sticking in her ass... well, it made her uncomfortable, even if it was hidden underneath her skirt

As she took her seat beside the HR manager, she had to stifle as groan as it pushed the anal beads deeper into her. She adjusted her seating position and leaned forward to ease the pressure on her ass.

"Are you okay, Natasha?" The HR Manager, Byron, whispered at her. "You look a bit out of sorts."

"I'm fine. Just had a rough day."

The meeting continued from where it had left off. Nothing too interesting, mostly just each officer giving an accounting of events for their departments. Natasha's thoughts started to wander back to what happened with her and Tanos. She was disgusted. Not just with him, she'd always be disgusted by that fucking perv, but also with herself. She couldn't believe she had allowed herself to finish while riding Tanos. Pleasure and Tanos were two words that should never have been used in the same sentence. Yet there she was, riding him till she orgasmed. It wasn't just any orgasm either, she had come hard. Harder than she had ever cum before.

Partly she blamed that on the anal beads, making her feel something she'd never felt before. Partly she blamed Tanos' cock, being longer than any she's tried before and reaching deeper in her than anyone else before. Mostly though, it was something else.

It took her a while to put a finger on it, on the word she was looking for. Forbidden. That was it, it felt good because it was forbidden. Taboo. Natasha had always done things by the book, doing it the right way. What Tanos did to her, it was wrong. Just wrong. Pushing beads inside her ass? Wrong. Forcing her to beg him to fuck her? Wrong. Cumming all inside of her. Definitely wrong. And disgusting. And degrading. And undeniably hot. And arousing. And she felt completely horrified to be thinking in these terms.

Her pussy was still dripping cum. She was glad she was in her evening uniform. Her black skirt was thick enough that any semen dripping on it from the inside wouldn't be noticeable from the outside... or so she hoped.


Her reverie was interrupted by someone calling her name.

"I said do you have anything to report?" the captain asked her again.

"Ah, uhmm... yes, yes, I do." She said, a bit flustered.

"Did you want to use the board?" the captain inquired.

"Yes, please, just one moment." She gathered her documents and approached the white board.

As head purser, she was the best suited officer to track how the ship was making revenue. She talked about which amenities were making them the most money, which ones were dropping, etc.

"So you see," she explained while pointing to the graph she had drawn on the board, "with the onset of the digital age, more and more people are using the internet and - ", she stopped in mid-sentence as she felt a big glop of fluid drop from her pussy. Dammit, that Tanos really came a lot in me. I just hope my thong is enough to keep it from running down my leg.

" - and they're getting frustrated with the shipboard internet prices." She felt the semen start dripping down her thigh. Guess the thong wasn't enough.

"So if we were to drop our internet package pricing, even by just 20 cents per minute, we might actually end up with higher revenues since more people would be encouraged to use it." She could feel it run down both thighs now. Moving very slowly, itchingly slow.

She fought the temptation to look down at her skirt to see if there were now cum stains visible on her pantyhose. Instead, she hurriedly wrapped up her report then walked back to her seat, walked slowly and with as little groin movement as she could manage. As soon as she sat down she tried to discreetly look at her thighs. She saw tracks of cum on the inside of both of her stockinged thighs, ending just at the edge of her skirt. She wouldn't need to worry too much when standing but she'd need to be careful when sitting down or going up the stairs.

The meeting wrapped up not long after that. Natasha cleaned up her paperwork and stood up. She couldn't wait to get back to her cabin, clean herself up and get the freaking anal beads out of her ass.

"Hey, Natasha," the hotel director approached her. "The rest of the team were talking about hitting the buffet for dinner. Want to join?"

"Sorry, Rick. Maybe some other time. Need to finish a few more things." I need to finish getting these stupid beads out of my ass.

"Come now, Natasha. You hardly hang out with us anymore. Whatever you need to do, it can wait while you have dinner with your team."

The hotel director wasn't just a 4-stripe officer and head of all hotel operations on the ship, he was also Natasha's direct supervisor. And though Rick was a kind and easy-going person, she'd had enough experience with shipboard politics to know that when your supervisor asked you to go on a team dinner, you didn't say no.

So, she smiled at him and nodded her head in acceptance as she walked with him together with the other officers.

The Captain's office was Deck 8, forward. The buffet line was Deck 10, aft - shipboard speak for back of the ship. Some of the officers decided to call it a night, the deck and engine officers mostly went their own way. The hotel officers were the ones who were going to dinner, and they decided to walk all the way there.

What this meant for Natasha was that she had to walk from the very front of the ship to the very back. All the while with the anal beads torturing her with every step. Natasha had a natural sway to her hips as she walked, and the more she swayed the more the beads ground up against each other in her ass.

Furthermore, the cum and pussy juice had now dried on her thong, and she was left with one very stiff piece of cloth stuck in between her pussy lips. It chafed her with every step she took.

When they got to the end of the ship they took the stairs up to deck 10. She slowed down enough so she could be the last person going up the stairs, discreetly pulling her skirt down to make sure no one saw the cum stains on her stockings. She quickly found that going up stairs with anal beads on was torture. She had to stop a few times just to give her ass a break. Luckily, none of her companions noticed.

The buffet line, called the lido in ship-speak, was a guest area. No crew was allowed to dine there, not unless you were an officer or a special entertainment staff like the singers and dancers. As soon as they got there, Natasha excused herself.

"I need to use the little girl's room. I'll catch up to you guys", she told the other officers.

"Oh wait, I'll come. I need to go too", cried Katherine as she overheard Natasha.

Katherine was the Guest Relations Manager, the only other senior female officer asides from Natasha. The story goes that Katherine had slept with one of the previous HR managers to land the job. Natasha didn't like to put stock on rumor, but she could see why people thought they might be true.

Katherine Tanaka was this small Japanese lady. Well, small compared to Natasha anyway. She was all smiles, bubbly personality and, prior to becoming the guest relations manager, had a reputation for being a party animal and being free with her womanly... charms.

Natasha had wanted to go to the bathroom alone but Katherine had linked arms with her now and there was no getting out of it without any embarrassing explanations.

"Hey Natasha, how are you doing?" Katherine asked in her irritatingly bubbly voice. "You seemed a bit out of sorts earlier. Are you ok?"

"I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking," Natasha replied. She was trying hard not to snap at Katherine, she didn't want to alienate her just for being nice. "Just had a bit of a rough day, that's all."

Katherine blabbered all the way to the washroom. Once there, Natasha excused herself and locked herself in a cubicle. She pulled up her skirt, sat down and inspected the damage.

Her pantyhose was ripped in the crotch. Not that big but big enough to completely expose her pussy and ass. She pulled her thong from her pussy and looked at it: it was more white now than black, with cum crusting it all over and making it very stiff. Finally, she hooked a finger on the ring at the end of the anal beads. She couldn't wait to take it off. She started pulling...

What Natasha didn't realize was that all the lubrication from the beads had now dried up. Getting them out now felt a lot more painful than it had getting them in... and that had already been painful. Natasha made two separate attempts to pull them out, gave up both times. This wasn't going to be fun.

Still, she was determined. She took a few deep breathes, steeled herself, and pulled on the ring with all her determination.

The 7th, biggest bead popped out from her ass. Natasha was glad she was sitting down, since her legs turned to jello from the pain and she would have collapsed on the floor had she been standing. As hard as she tried to remain quiet she couldn't stop a quick gasp of pain from breaking through her lips as the bead popped out.


"Natasha, are you alright?" Queried Katherine from the other stall.

"Uhm, yeah... yeah I'm fine." Natasha replied after she had caught her breath. "Just that time of the month."

"Oh!" Came the reply. "Yeah, that's rough. Let me know if you need anything."

Natasha realized that she couldn't take out the beads here, not in a public washroom. She wouldn't be able to keep quiet, not if it had been that hard just to pull out one bead. She also wanted to dribble some lube in there to help... and that meant waiting till she got back to her room. Besides, she had no place to keep the beads. She could probably pocket it in her blazer but she didn't want to put it in there dirty, but there were now other women in the washroom and so washing them was out of the picture.

In the end, she just put back her thong and pantyhose, pulled her skirt down, and walked out of the washroom with the beads still in her ass... with one bead hanging out.

She had thought that getting at least one bead out, the biggest one at that, would help make her more comfortable. It didn't. When all 7 beads were in her ass they were at least snug. Now that there was one hanging out, every movement made it bounce and swing around, pulling on the other beads inside her and making them move.

She went back to the other officers accompanied by Katherine. She wondered if Katherine thought it weird how she kept trying to walk slowly. They got themselves some food and sat down in a big table. All the while Natasha tried her best not to move around while standing - trying hard to stop the beads from moving - yet once sitting down she kept moving, unable to find a comfortable position that wasn't pushing the beads in some way.

Finally, the dinner ended. People started excusing themselves as they turned in for the night. Natasha had been hardly listening to the discussions going on. She was too preoccupied with her ass and trying to pull down her skirt to cover the cum stains on her thighs.

She excused herself as soon as she could then caught the elevator as it was going down. She wanted nothing more than just collapse in her room. This had been one long night.

When the elevator opened on deck 6 she walked out hurriedly, looking forward to the solace of her own cabin. Her mind was so occupied in just getting to her room that she ended up colliding with a guest as she walked out.

The rule "the guest always comes first" had been so deeply ingrained in Natasha that even now, in the split second when she ran into the guest, her instincts prioritized the guest. She immediately threw her weight to the side, doing her best not to bulldoze over the smaller, frailer guest.

Her high-heels got caught in the carpet and the next thing she knew, she was lying on her back on the floor, staring up at the guest.

It was that same elderly man, the one who had commented on how hot she was. The one who had that prissy old wife who didn't seem to be with him tonight.

He was staring down at her, mouth hanging wide open. It took Natasha a moment before she realized that her legs were splayed open, with her skirt hiked up to her hips. The old geezer was looking directly down between Natasha's legs, where he had a clear view of her torn pantyhose, her cum-stiffened thong with her pubic hair peeking around its edges, and the pink anal bead sticking out of her ass.

Her gaze moved beyond the man and, with mounting horror, saw that the elevator doors were still open and everyone inside the elevator was staring down at her. She didn't see any crew in the elevator, thankfully, but there were at least 6-8 guests in there.

She picked herself up with alacrity as her face started burning a deep shade of red. She didn't even bother acknowledging the guests this time, no kind words or anything. The turned her back on them and started walking towards her She could feel their eyes following her.

She entered her cabin and almost slipped as she stepped on a piece of paper on the floor. It was a folded letter, presumably slipped in under her door. She had a very good idea of whom it was from but she didn't have the emotional stability at the moment to deal with it.

She undressed hurriedly, grabbed the bottle of lube in her drawer and went straight to the shower. It took a bit of lube, a lot of determination and one big muffled cry of pain but she was finally able to get the beads out in one long, torturous pull.

After showering and cleaning herself up she grabbed the letter and read it in bed.

Dear Natasha,

Wow! Just wow! Words cannot express just how wonderful... Wow!

I guess it's fair to say that I really enjoyed our afternoon together, and from what I saw of you I'd say you enjoyed it just as much as I did. I am really enjoying how our relationship is progressing.

As a reward for your... 'performance' this afternoon, and as proof that I'm not as big a jerk as you think I am, all I ask from you tomorrow is that you wear a thong. That's it. No anal beads, no blowjobs, no fucking. Just wear a thong for me the whole day and I'll be pleased.

Of course, I'll have to come on in and check on you... just to be sure. But I'm sure you'll be following these directions perfectly. After all, we've already established that it's far easier for both of us if you simply do what I ask. I hate having to resort to more unseemly methods, so it would be great if you just cooperate. We both know you enjoy it anyway.

Yours truly,


P.S. You might want to make sure you shred this letter. We'd best avoid anyone else asking embarrassing questions.

Natasha crumpled the letter and threw it across the room. Shit! She thought. She had only the one thong, and right now it was crusted white with cum. There was no way she would be wearing it dirty like that tomorrow.

She looked at the time - 09:10 pm. There were two ways she could get laundry done on the ship. The first was through the main laundry, which was usually reserved only for guests. They also did the crew uniform but not personal clothing... unless of course you were a senior officer. Problem was, she would need to fill up a sheet of paper that would itemize exactly what she was having laundered... and she didn't want the laundry staff to specifically see her cum-coated thong.

The next option was to use the crew laundry. Back in the day, crew were allowed to use the crew laundry at any time of the day and use the washing machines and dryers found there. You just had to bring your own detergent.

However, due to the number of missing clothing items and crew members fighting over the machines that rule was changed over a year ago. Now, there was a crew member who oversaw the laundry room, usually a volunteer. You bring them a bag of all your laundry clothes and pay them a dollar for every bag. They will be the ones to put them in the washing machine and move them to the dryer, and you just pick it up after an hour or two.

Since your laundry items came by the bag, they'll just upend the entire contents of the bag in the washing machine, without bothering to look at specific items. This appealed to Natasha more.

She packed a small laundry bag with various clothing items then discreetly included her thong and torn pantyhose. On second thought, she decided to not include the pantyhose. That could go straight to the trash. She dressed up in a jogging suit and went to the crew laundry down on deck 2.

When she got to the laundry room, a big black Jamaican guy stood at the counter. "I'm sorry little girlie, we're about to close soon."

Natasha looked at the posted hours, it said they were closing at 10 pm.

"No, you're not," she said. "I still have about 40 minutes left."

"Look, girlie. If I say we closed, then we closed." The big Jamaican replied.

Natasha pulled out her crew ID and flashed it in front of the laundry volunteer.

"First of all, never call me 'girlie' again. You can address me as 'Ma'am' or 'Chief purser'. Now," Natasha was using her officer voice. Cold, calm and commanding. "Please be so good as to take my laundry."

She could see the Jamaican's face drain of color. He had just realized that he called a 3-stripe officer 'girlie'. He should be grateful that Natasha was tired and just wanted to go to bed. He would have been facing a severe reprimand otherwise.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am," he stammered. "But we already have a line-up of laundry bags we still haven't finished. We won't be able to finish your laundry tonight."

Natasha thought about this. She could see the dozens of bags on the floor of the room, waiting to be laundered.

"If I leave my laundry with you, what's the soonest that it can be completed?"

"I can do em first thing in da morning, ma'am," he replied in his thick accent. "You can pick'em up at 7am."

"That will suffice," replied Natasha. "I'll be back tomorrow at 7am sharp. Don't disappoint me."

With that, she walked away and hoped fervently that her night was finally over.

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KristaMoraneKristaMoraneover 4 years ago
Wash the thong in the sink!

I've done this countless times. The shower gel you use on your body will work just as well on a thong. With a few rubs all clean. They dry quickly and if you have moving air stream from a fan in only a few minutes.

I understand she's domestically challenged. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
next chapter?

Please your story really is awesome! A next chapter would not only make my day...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Chapter 4


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
waiting for the next chapter

Please when will the next chapter cum?

kuskiekuskiealmost 6 years ago
Revenge on the bitchy...

"Esperanza" is the name of revenge?

CanĀ“t wait to see Natascha being told to shorten her skirts... ahahah!

When's next chapter?

kuskiekuskiealmost 6 years ago

Starting the day confident that "nobody tells me what to do"... just to finish it trying hard to comply with a simple order (because "it's easier for both of us if you simply do what I ask") is just... PRICELESS!!

I believe that she can't sleep all night long just worried that something goes wrong with her only thong...

Look forward the next update!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
very nice

Superb story - are you working/planning on further parts?

scman493scman493almost 6 years ago
Really good story

....surely a whore should be required to remove the hair around her cunt and asshole so she looks like a real will also bring her down psychlogically and humilate her further

krnrobeykrnrobeyalmost 6 years ago
This is just so well written!

You really are doing a great job showing the slow loss of control over her environment. It's wonderfully done, and very ... well, it has an effect on the reader. Keep going! :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Really enjoying this series! can't wait for the next chapter!

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