Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 29


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"Miss Williams, will you hold still and be quiet," Dr. Carolia said sounding irritated. "I need to demonstrate for the class how to stimulate the breasts and nipples. You were already informed in advance that this lesson is about sexual arousal. Now turn to face me and don't move," he hissed.

"Sorry, Dr. Carolia," Olivia mumbled as she tried to resist the urge to pull away.

As Dr. Carolia spoke to the class, he reached out with both hands and cupped Olivia's breasts. He lifted them slightly and gently squeezed them. Olivia's body stiffened as she sharply inhaled. With his chubby fingers, he stroked her soft pale orbs. Olivia parted her lips and slowly released the breath she had been holding in. Dr. Carolia smiled as he brought his fingers to the tips of he nipples. He began to softly pinch and tweak them. Olivia closed her eyes and sighed. "See, assisting with my lecture class isn't so bad, is it? And we didn't even have to give you a sedative this time," he said im\n a soothing but creepy voice.

Not every man in the audience could understand English. But the one's who did chuckled at the doctor's banter and young girl's reactions.

Dr. Carolia looked over at his bearded colleague, Dr. Brovachik. "Why don't you take over demonstrating this technique while I narrate for the class."

"It'd be a pleasure," Dr. Brovachik smiled.

Dr. Carolia took his place back behind the lectern and continued the lesson in Vulmonian as Dr. Brovachik approached Olivia. He stared down at her and grinned. Olivia felt like a gazelle being eyed by a hungry lion.

He quietly said to her, "Dr. Carolia is just explaining to the students that nipple stimulation is an very effective way to stimulate the female body." He reached out and lightly twiddled the tips of her nipples making her gasp. "But he's also telling them that a certain degree of pain can also be extremely arousing for some females." He then pinched her nipples and began to apply pressure. Olivia's eyes widened as she deeply breathed in. He pinched harder and began to twist.

"Ow," Olivia yelped. "Stop that!"

But Dr. Brovachik did not stop. Instead he pinched harder.

"Ah!" she cried. "I said, stop!"

Dr. Brovachik tightened up his grip and forcefully twisted her nipples outward. The assault on her tits took Olivia's breath away as she began to squirm. The physician smiled cruelly as he rotated his wrists and redirected her little nubs inward.

"Please stop," Olivia begged, almost in tears.

Dr. Carolia looked over at Dr. Brovachik and held up his hand indicating that that was enough. The bearded doctor released Olivia's red, inflamed tit-toppers. She immediately brought her hands to her chest, rubbing her sore teats.

As Dr. Carolia carried on with the lecture, Dr. Brovachik said, "He's just explaining to the class that even though your reactions indicate that you're experiencing sever discomfort, you actually found the painful stimulation to be quite sexually exciting."

"No, I didn't!" Olivia argued.

"Really?" Dr. Brovachik said cynically.

"I did NOT enjoy that AT ALL!" she insisted.

"Oh Olivia," Dr. Carolia called out to her.

Olivia looked over at the portly doctor.

"Would you come over here for a moment," he said, indicating the spot just next to the lecture podium.

Still clutching her breasts, Olivia hesitantly made her way over to Dr. Carolia.

"Miss Williams, would you please be so kind as to pull down your panties," Dr. Carolia politely asked.


"Miss Williams, please pull down your underwear," the doctor repeated his request.

Knowing that it was futile to refuse, Olivia inwardly groaned as she clasped the sides of her G-string and pulled the under garment half way down her thighs.

"Now open your legs a little wider," the gynecologist instructed.

Olivia moved her feet further apart from one another. Dr. Carolia reached down and felt between Olivia's fleshy folds. Mr. Vlangar, who was standing just below in front of the stage, zoomed in on Olivia's vulva. Up above on the wide projection screen, everyone in the auditorium could see Olivia's labia being rubbed by Dr. Carolia's fat fingers. The doctor's digits slid through her slippery lips. Olivia's cheeks burned as the physician effortless slipped two large fingers into her wet opening. He moved them in and out, making an embarrassing squelching noise. Olivia was so mortified, she wanted to melt into the floor and disappear.

The short stout man finally removed his fingers from her vagina and gave her clit a gentle pinch. Olivia squealed, making the entire audience laugh.

"Thank you, Miss Williams. You may return to Dr. Brovachik," he dismissed her.

Olivia quickly hiked her G-string back up and, on shaky legs, walked back over to center of the stage. Dr. Carolia once again spoke to the class in his native tongue as he held his hand up in the air. He rubbed his fingers together, sliding them against his thumb, showing off Olivia's wetness to the audience. Once again, Mr. Vlangar zoomed in with the camera.

"He's just explaining to the class that you produce significantly more lubrication than the average woman," said Dr. Brovachik. "While it's true that every woman's vagina produces moisture, yours seems to make an excessive amount. And while it is expected that a woman should get wet if properly stimulated, not all woman will get as wet as you. You're a ... special case," he winked at her.

Olivia cringed at the way her body was being discussed so openly in public. Did it not occur to any of these doctors that they did not have to tell everyone about every single detail of her intimate areas?

Then Dr. Carolia seemed to change the subject. But Olivia could not be sure since she could not understand exactly what was being said. However, Dr. Brovachik stepped directly behind Olivia. "What are you doing?" she asked as she looked back at him.

"Face the audience," he said as he grabbed her shoulders and forced her body back around. "Dr. Carolia wants me to demonstrate stimulating less obvious erogenous zones. But we don't want to block the view."

Reluctantly, Olivia faced forward, looking out into the crowd. The gawking faces of over a hundred men stared back at her. She shuddered as she felt her heart pound in her chest. Dr. Carolia continued to drone on in Vulmonian as Olivia felt a pair of hands reach around from behind. The hands came to rest on her abdomen. Strong fingers stroked her soft belly.

"OH!" Olivia squeaked. "That tickles!"

The men in the crowd began laughing as Olivia's body moved in a comically spastic fashion. The physician's fingers moved lower, ticking Olivia on her sensitive skin, just above her pubic mound.

Dr. Carolia could not help but chuckle slightly at Olivia's reaction. But he did try to remain somewhat formal sounding. "Miss Williams," he said, trying to sound stern, "please, get a hold of yourself."

"But he's tickling me!" she protested.

Dr. Brovachik moved his fingers lower and began rubbing the soft pale flesh of her upper thighs.

"Mmm ..." she moaned. As the bearded doctor continued to caress her smooth skin, she could feel a tinging sensation between her legs. Her clitoris twitched as her labia began to fill with blood. Her entire vulva felt full and engorged as the clinician continued to stroke her upper thighs.

"Open your legs wider," he orderd.

Olivia stood with her feet about shoulder width apart as Dr. Brovachik began to rub her inner thighs.

"Ahhh ..." Olivia sighed.

"I know how to get you warmed up," Dr. Brovachik whispered huskily into her ear. "I know what your young body needs." He began rubbing the crease between her thighs and her crotch.

Olivia could only grunt in response.

Dr. Brovachik smiled smugly as he slipped a finger into the gusset of her G-string and slid it right into her moist sheath.

Olivia gasped.

"Is she still wet?" Dr. Carolia sarcastically asked from behind the lectern. "Moist like the morning dew?"

"Morning dew?" Dr. Brovachik scoffed. "Her pussy is like an overflowing river during monsoon season." The men in the crowd - or at least the ones who understood English - chortled in amusement at the casual commentary regarding Olivia's vagina.

Olivia knew she should have been embarrassed. She should have been humiliated beyond belief. And yet, all she wanted was some sort of relief. With the way Dr. Brovachik was touching her, she desperately wanted to reach some sort of sexual completion. Olivia rotated her hips to the right ever so slightly. The movement was small, but effective. Now her clitoris was in direct contact with some part of Dr. Brovachik's hand. Without giving it a second thought, Olivia began to rock her pelvis very subtly back and forth. She gently rubbed her little erect love button against the large hand that was invading her panties.

Dr. Brovachik could feel the slight movement against the heal of his hand. He looked down at the young girl. "What on earth are you doing?" he asked. However, he did not move. He kept his hand where it was and gazed down at Olivia in fascination. He could not quite believe what was happening - that she was willing to hump his hand in a pact lecture hall full of watching men.

"Miss Williams, are you ... masturbating?" Dr. Carolia asked in a stunned voice.

The male audience broke out into excited chatter.

"I can't help it," Olivia whined. "No one will let me cum. I need to cum! Ooooh!"

Now that everyone was well aware of what she was doing, there was no point in trying to hide it. Abandoning her previous attempt at subtlety, Olivia began to aggressively thrust her hips, rubbing herself against the older doctor. Dr. Brovachik cupped her vulva increasing the pressure as she humped his hand.

"Oh yes ... oh YES!" she panted.

As Mr. Vlangar filmed, he alternated between focusing of the doctor's hand holding onto the girl's gyrating pelvis and Olivia's sweaty contorted face. Mr. Yavlov frantically snapped dozens of photos.

"Uh!" she grunted. "Oh god ..."

The spectators could not take their eyes off of Olivia. Some of them cheered her on, whistling and hollering. Some of them jeered in disapproval, admonishing her for her shameless behavior. And others simply watched, silent and captivated by the American girl's vulgar display.

Dr. Carolia cleared his throat. "Miss Williams, I think it's time we move you to the table," he said.

Dr. Brovachik took his hand off of her crotch and removed his fingers from her underwear. Olivia whimpered in disappointment as any sort of sexual satisfaction remained elusive. Would she never be allowed to finish?

"Remove your panties completely," Dr. Carolia ordered.

As Olivia's potential climax receded and her mind was no longer clouded by sexual need, her thinking began to return to normal. As her logic returned, so did her embarrassment as she stared out at the men in the crowd. Take off her panties? Here? Now?

However, she did not have much time to contemplate her options. Dr. Brovachik took the initiative to grab the sides of her G-string and yank her skimpy panties all the way down to her feet. As her crotch became completely exposed, some men in the crowd clapped. Others yelled things out in Vulmonian. Olivia covered herself with her hands and tried to turn away from the audience.

"You knew you were going to have get naked sooner or later. May as well rip the band-aid off," Dr. Brovachik reasoned.

Mr. Smurdir and Mr. Kaldoff wheeled over the examination table to the center of the stage. When Olivia saw the gynecological stirrups, she felt sick.

"Up on the table, Miss Williams," Dr. Carolia commanded in a tone that suggested impatience. Olivia hoisted herself up into a sitting position on the foot of the table. "That's it. Now just lie back," the doctor directed from the podium.

Taking a deep breath, Olivia reclined back onto her elbows. And then lowered herself down further until she was flat on her back. She looked up at the high ceiling of the lecture auditorium. Five o'clock, she said silently to herself. Just stick it out until five o'clock. This experience won't last forever, she thought. What's the worst they could do?

"First we're going to quickly go over the correct anatomical names for the various parts that comprise the female genitalia," Dr. Carolia explained.

Mr. Kaldoff grabbed Olivia's left foot and Mr. Smurdir took a hold of her right. They placed her ankles in the stirrups. Dr. Brovachik adjusted them, spreading Olivia's legs as far apart as possible. Olivia grimaced as her most sensitive flesh was obscenely displayed. Her labia were fully parted and felt hypersensitive. The entrance to her vagina felt as though it was gaping wide open. She could feel some of her natural lubrication trickle out. Cool drafty air wafted against her clitoris, causing the hood to retract, exposing her clitoral head.

Mr. Yavlov and Mr. Vlangar quickly ascended the stairs and strode across the stage toward her so they could get better photos and video footage. As she looked up at the projection screen, she knew exactly where Mr. Vlangar had angled the camera. There was the enlarged image of her plump shaved outer lips, puffy and full. Between them were her dark pink inner lips, shiny and wet. They lay open just below her erect little nub, turgid and twice its usual size.

Dr. Bovachik looked up at the screen mounted above on the back wall. Then he looked down at Olivia and grinned. "You've got to admit, that's one hell of a view!" Then he stepped to the foot of the exam table and stood between her thighs.

"Now let's make sure everyone know the proper names for the female anatomy," Dr. Carolia said and then switched back over into Vulmonian. As Dr. Carolia lectured in the Easter European language, Dr. Brovachik touched various parts of Olivia's womanhood, which was all projected onto the screen above. Even the men sitting in the very back row knew that when Dr. Brovachik's strong fingers stroked Olivia's large outer lips, those were called her labia majora. As he fingered her delicate inner lips, those were called the labia minora. An so on and so forth. But all in Vulmonian, of course. Olivia did not understand why Dr. Brovachik could not simply point to her various body parts. Why did he have to touch? And he did not just touch. He rubbed and caressed. Olivia's face felt felt hot and red. Her vulva felt full and engorged.

"Now Dr. Brovachik is going to demonstrate clitoral stimulation," said Dr. Carolia. "But since your legal guardian has not given you permission to climax, we need to monitor your body and stop the stimulation before you reach orgasm. Since we all know that the vaginal muscles contract during a female orgasm, Mr. Smudir will have his fingers inserted into your vagina while Dr. Brovachik applies stimulation to your clitoris. If you feel yourself approaching climax, you must say so, so that Dr. Brovachik knows to stop touching you."

So she was not going to be molested by just one man. She was going to be molested by two. At the same time. Great! Just great, she thought bitterly.

Dr. Carolia continued, "Now, what if you fail to inform us about your impending orgasm? And you sneakily allow Dr. Brovachik to bring you to climax? Well, we will know of your duplicity because Mr. Smudir will be able to feel your vaginal contractions. So you see, Miss Williams, there's no point on being dishonest with us."

Torture! What they're doing is pure and utter torture, Olivia thought.

"We all know about your inability to control your libido and we all know how badly you want to orgasm. But the point of this lesson is to demonstrate techniques in stimulation. Our aim is not to get you off. So you must tell Dr. Brovachik to stop before you reach climax. Understood?" Dr. Carolia asked.

"Yes, I understand," Olivia replied, glaring up at the ceiling.

"Excellent," he smiled. Then he returned to lecturing the class in Vulmonian.

Mr. Smurdir stood next to Olivia's right hip. He pulled a latex glove out of the pocket of his lab coat and rolled it onto his right hand. He brought his hand between her legs, but stopped just short of touching her crotch. "Now, if you cum, I'm going to be able to feel your pussy spasm. So if you feel that you're getting close, you need to say something," he warned.

"Yes, I know," Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Just making sure," the medical student said as he roughly jammed two fingers into Olivia's wetness.

"Oh!" she cried at the rude intrusion.

"Your pussy is so wet!" he grinned, looking her right in the face. Immediately Olivia looked away.

"Well, it looks like I have the fun part," Dr. Brovachik said as he also put on a latex glove. "Let's see if I can show you a good time without sending you over the edge."

Mr. Vlangar came over with the video recorder and stood right next to Olivia's left hip. He angled the camera down to get a clear shot of her private parts. She looked up at him, perturbed. Why did he need to be so close?

"Dr. Brovachik's blocking the view," the medical student explained. "Everyone needs to be able to see what's going on down here."

Olivia covered her face with her hands as Dr. Brovachik began to lightly stroke her large outer lips. She could feel her face getting redder while, down below, she was getting wetter. Copious vaginal secretions leaked out of her pussy around Mr. Smurdir's fingers. The moisture trickled down over her taint and into her crack. And Dr. Brovachik had not even touched her clit yet.

As Dr. Brovachik gently caressed her labia minora, she flinched as her breath quickened. "Deep breaths, Miss Williams," he said to her in a husky voice. "Don't lose control of yourself," he cautioned as he tickled her delicate pussy lips. Olivia gasped as her hips jerked. This sudden movement caused her Gspot to brush against the tips of Mr. Smurdirs fingers. She moaned as she tried to regain her composure.

"Dr. Carolia is just telling the class how important it is to stimulate other parts of the vulva before stimulating the clitoris itself," Dr. Brovachik said as he massaged the area surrounding her little pearl. "The more we tease other parts of your body, the more sensitive your clitoris will be when we finally do make contact," he said. He created a V shape with his hand by spreading his first two fingers wide apart. He placed a finger on either side of her sensitive little nub, without touching the actual clitoris itself. He pressed firmly against her flesh. He moved his hand from side to side like a windshield wiper, shaking the sensitive tissue at the base of her clitoral shaft.

"Oh!" Olivia moaned. "Oh ... Oh god ... OH!" she cried.

"See, I'm not even touching your clitoris. But I bet if I kept this up, you'd be cumming in no time."

Olivia panted as she closed her eyes and arched her back.

"Dr. Brovachik, I think you ought to stop," Dr. Carolia suggested. "There are other techniques to demonstrate. And besides, I don't think our volunteer will be able to hold on for much longer. Isn't that right, Miss Williams?"

"Uh ... Ah!" Olivia grunted.

"Point taken," Dr. Brovachik said as he pulled his hand away.

"Why don't we give our volunteer a few moments to calm down before we carry on with the demonstration," Dr. Carolia decided mercifully. "We have to be careful with this one. She's so excitable."

Olivia loudly exhaled as she tried to catch her breath. She opened her eyes and looked up at the projection screen. The camera was zoomed in on her face. Her lips were parted as she panted. Her cheeks were a rosy hue. Sweat glistened on her brow. There was a slightly mournful expression on her face as her much desired climax began to fade away. However, soon her disappointment was replaced with shame. Olivia realized that the audience was made privy to, not only her body's reactions. But also her emotions, as they were displayed on her face. It seemed as though they had robbed her of every aspect of her privacy. They would not even let her keep her feelings secret.