Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 29


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"And now to apply stimulation directly to the clitoris," Dr. Brovachik said. "It always helps to use a little lubrication. Mr. Smudir, would you mind removing your fingers out of her cunt for just a moment? I mean, I could use artificial lube. But our volunteer produces so much of her own natural moisture, it seems silly to bother with a tube of KY-jelly."

"Of course, Doctor," the medical student replied courteously. He slipped his gloved digits out of Olivia's wet hole and pulled his hand away from her crotch, gallantly giving Dr. Brovachik free reign of the young girl's nether region.

"You've got a steady flow of arousal fluid coming out of here. It's as if your body produces an endless supply of wetness," he said in astonishment as he used the first two fingers of his right hand to scoop up a substantial amount of her vaginal secretions.

Olivia squeezed her eyes shut tight and limply shook her head from side to side in silent protest. This was so much worse than she had originally imagined. Nothing Judge Thorsky had told her this morning could have prepared her for just how violated she felt now.

Making sure that Dr. Brovachik had a sufficient amount of natural lubricant, Mr. Smurdir reinserted his own fingers back into Olivia. He angled his hand with his palm facing up so that the pads of his fingers rested against her Gspot. He did not stroke or rub. But just out of curiosity, he gently pressed against the spongy tissue that he could feel on the front wall of her vagina. Olivia's eyes opened suddenly as she sharply inhaled. "Slut," Mr. Smurdir whispered with a smirk.

"And now we'll begin the direct clitoral stimulation," Dr. Brovachik smiled as he began to very softly touch the shaft of Olivia's clitoris. Using his well lubricated index finger, he stroked with the tip of his finger up and down the shaft with a feather light touch. Olivia once again closed her eyes and let out a long exhale. The doctor and medical student looked at each other and grinned.

As Dr. Carolia narrated in Vulmonian, Dr. Brovachik continued to gently stroke Olivia's clitoral shaft. Her breaths, while steady, became heavier. The sound was picked up by a microphone which had been placed near the exam table. He back began to arch ever so slightly, elevating her heaving bust and erect nipples. She brought her hands down to the sides of the exam table and gripped the edges with her fingers.

Dr. Carolia stopped his lecture suddenly and looked over at Olivia. "Miss Williams, often times when a woman is being sexually stimulated, after the initial arousal and excitement, she goes through a plateau phase. This is where the woman is experiencing intense feelings of heightened sensitivity for a certain amount of time before her orgasm. Usually her heart rate and breathing have quickened. She experiences extreme muscle tension. And her clitoris is ultra sensitive to the touch. Would you say that your are now in that plateau phase?"

"W ... w ... what?" Olivia gasped. "I ... I ... uh ... maybe ... AH!"

"Well, we can see from the way you're arching your back, your muscles are tense. And your breathing is so labored, you can barely speak," Dr. Carolia observed. "Mr. Smurdir, you haven't felt and vaginal contractions yet indicating orgasm, have you?"

"No, not yet, Dr. Carolia," the student replied. "Though, it doesn't seem like it'll take much longer.

"Dr. Brovachik, so far you've been applying stimulation to the shaft of the clitoris. And as we can all see, that's an extremely effective way to illicit a sexual response from our volunteer. Why don't you try applying stimulation to the clitoral head, right on the glands," Dr. Carolia suggested. "That is the most sensitive part of a woman's body."

"Gladly," Dr. Brovachik replied.

"Now be careful to do it very lightly," Dr. Carolia warned. "Too much pressure will be counter productive, making the clitoris overstimulated and numb."

Dr. Brovachik took the tip of his finger off of Olivia's rigid clitoral shaft and brought it just about half a centimeter from the head. But he did not make contact. The pad of his finger just hovered over her hyper sensitive glands. With a dazed look on her face, Olivia looked up at the bearded physician. She could feel the air in the room on her exposed nub. "What are you waiting for?" she breathlessly asked, opening her legs just a little bit wider and subtly pushing her pelvis forward.

"Oh my goodness!" Dr. Carolia said in surprise from the lecture podium. "You American girls are certainly not shy about asking for what you want. Dr. Borvachik, I don't think you should keep our volunteer waiting any longer."

Olivia winced in embarrassment. But she could not help it. She was desperate for Dr. Brovachik to continue touching her.

Looking down at her with a smug grin, Dr. Brovachik began to lightly tap the head of her clit. Barely making contact, he gently stimulated her throbbing little button. Olivia closed her eyes and threw her head back. "Yes!" she cried out. "Yes! Oh god YES!" Her back was so arched, only her shoulders and ass remained on the exam table. She aggressively thrust her hips, causing Mr. Smurdir's fingers to rub against her Gspot. Her head tossed from side to side. The auditorium was abuzz with excitement as the Vulmonia men watched the American girl in the throes of ecstasy.

"Any vaginal contractions, Mr. Smurdir?" Dr. Carolia seriously inquired.

"Not yet. But it's obvious, she's going to cum any second," replied the pupil.

"Dr. Brovachik, I'm going to have to ask you to stop the stimulation," Dr. Carolia instructed his colleague.

Reluctantly, Dr. Brovachik took his finger off of Olivia's engorged little kernel.

Her eyes flew open. "What!" she rasped. "Nooooo! Please keep going!" she implored.

"Miss Williams, you know the rule," Dr. Carolia snapped.

Olivia's hands, which had been grasping the sides of the exam table, loosened their grip. Slowly and surreptitiously, her fingers made their way from the surface of the exam table, to her hips, and slowly began to inch their way towards her pubic mound. However, her movements, while subtle, did not escape notice.

"Miss Williams! What exactly do you think you're doing?" Dr. Carolia demanded to know.

"Nothing!" Olivia said quickly as she clasped her hands over her soft tummy.

Dr. Carolia heavily sighed and shook his head. "Looks like we'll need to use restraints. Mr. Kaldoff," he said looking over at the two soon-to-be physician. "Please strap the volunteer down to the examination table.

Olivia immediately sat up. "What! No!" she cried. "Please, Dr. Carolia! That isn't necessary. I promise I won't touch myself. I promise, I'll be good. Please don't restrain me!" she begged.

"Miss Williams, it's for your own good," Dr. Carolia said. "You know you're not permitted to orgasm. But it seems as though you cannot keep your dirty little fingers away from your needy pussy. If you're caught masturbating, Judge Thorsky will delay your release. And you do want to be released this afternoon, don't you?"

"Of course I do!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Well then, let us help you. You won't be able to masturbate if you're restrained," Dr. Carolia rationalized.

"But I wasn't going to masturbate!" Olivia argued.

"Miss Williams, it was in this very lecture hall, only a few evenings ago, when you masturbated in front of a hundred male medical students," Dr. Carolia pointed out. "We all know what kind of girl you are. And if you aren't allowed to climax, then I think it'd be best if you were restrained. You know you can't trust yourself when you become sexually excited."

"No, that isn't true!" she contested as Mr. Kaldoff grabbed her shoulders and forced her to lay back down on the table. He secured a large leather strap over her chest just above her breasts.

He then laid a large leather strap across her waist, buckling it to the sides of the table and pulling it until it was snug. Then he placed leather cuffs around her wrists and attached them to a steel bar at the head of the exam table. Down near the foot of the table, Dr. Brovachik and Mr. Smurdir fastened leather straps around her ankles which were attached to the stirrups. Frustrated, Olivia struggled in her bonds.

"Let me out!" she demanded.

"Olivia, stop being ridiculous. We still have the rest of the demonstration to get through," said Dr. Carolia.

"Please untie me!" Olivia begged. "I promise to behave. I'll cooperate. I'll do everything you ask of me. I swear!"

"Miss Williams, are we going to have to muzzle you as well?" Dr. Carolia glared at her from across the stage.

Olivia immediately shut her mouth. She had to get it together. She had to regain her composure. What on earth had happened to her plan to remain stoic, she wondered. She had promised herself that she would not react to the unwanted stimulation. But maybe the stimulation was not so unwanted after all, she thought. No, she silently chastised herself. The stimulation was NOT wanted. She did not want any of this! She just had to get through it, she thought to herself. Just make it through until five o'clock.

"Alright, now that we've demonstrated how to get a woman sexually excited, we'll move onto sexual intercourse. Specifically penetration," Dr. Carolia said as he shuffled around some note cards behind the lectern.

Olivia began to grow extremely anxious. Penetration? How exactly were they planning on demonstrating that? Was Dr. Brovachik going to have sex with her? Was Mr. Smurdir? God forbid, was Dr. Carolia going to penetrate her?

"Mr. Smurdir, thank you so much for your assistance, but I think Dr. Brovachik can handle it from here," Dr. Carolia said, dismissing the medical student. Mr. Smurdir removed his fingers from Olivia and gave her a friendly pat on her privates before walking toward the back of the stage and taking a seat. So she was about to get fucked by Dr. Brovachik. Olivia closed her eyes and tried to mentally prepare herself for what was about to happen.

Dr. Brovachik walked over to the table with all of the medical instruments. He picked up a moderately sized rubber dildo. When Olivia realized what he was holding, she breathed a sigh of relief. They were going to be demonstrating sexual intercourse with a sex toy. She was not going to be penetrated by an actual penis. Thank goodness, she thought to herself. And it did not even look that big. It was certainly smaller than the dildo that had been forced on her the night before.

Dr. Brovachik came back over and stood between her thighs gripping the the rubber phallus in his right hand. He stroked her inner thigh with his left as he looked down at her and smiled. Olivia looked away. She was relieved that he was not actually going to be having sex with her. But she still found the whole situation mortifying.

Dr. Carolia went back to speaking to the class in Vulmonian. Dr. Brovachik looked down at Olivia and said, "He's just explaining that the man should choose whatever sexual position that he finds to be the most arousing. Even anal," Dr. Brovachik said with a mischievous wink. "However, when it comes time for ejaculation, obviously ejaculation must take place in the vagina. And the ideal position is with the woman flat on her back with her legs up in the air. This helps to get the semen deeper inside of the womb. Even after the man spills his seed, the woman should remain on her back with her feet up so that her husband's sperm doesn't leak out."

"If a man is really determined to father a child, he might even tie the woman to the bed with her lower half elevated to prevent any spillage," said Dr. Carolia. "So you see, Miss Williams, having you strapped down to the exam table like that really is the perfect position. Now Dr. Brovachik, if you wouldn't mind showing us . Please demonstrate the ideal angle for penetration."

"Of course!" the bearded doctor nodded as he slipped the dildo past Olivia's nether lips and into her slippery orifice. As the sex toy slid into place, it rubbed against her Gspot.

"Uh!" Olivia grunted as Dr. Brovachik pushed the rubber phallus into her. He withdrew it part way and forcefully shoved it back it. Olivia closed her eyes. He lips parted as she moaned. Dr. Brovachik slid the toy in and out of her, hitting her Gspot every single time.

As Dr. Carolia lectured, Dr. Brovachik translated for Olivia. "A downward angle is best for ejaculation. As we all know, sperm can swim. But you can use gravity to your advantage to help sperm cells get to their destination. That's why it's so important for the man to be on top and for the woman to be down below. This makes it easier for the man to dump his load into her," he said as he pumped the toy in and out of her. "A woman's main purpose in life is to receive a man's seed. That's how babies are made. And it's a woman's duty to bare as many children as her husband wants."

Olivia could not believe what she was hearing. Vulmonia had to one of the most archaic, backward, sexist counties that she knew of. A woman's main purpose in life was to make babies for her husband? Really? But the only reply Olivia offered up was a serious of amorous moans as the dildo continued its assault on her Gspot.

"Oh god ... oh god ..." she groaned with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment. She was both conflicted and confused by her feelings. How was it that she could find this situation to be so very degrading and yet so completely arousing? She wished she could cover her face, but her hands were now shackled to the top of the exam table.

"Thank you, Dr. Brovachik. You did an excellent job demonstrating the best angle for penetration," Dr. Carolia complimented his colleague. "But I think it'd be best if we gave our volunteer a bit of a break. Remember, we cannot allow her to climax."

Dr. Brovachik ceased plunging the dildo into Olivia and took the toy out of her vagina. As he withdrew the toy completely from her moist passage, it made an embarrassing wet sucking noise that was clearly picked up by the nearby microphone. The male spectators all heartily laughed as Olivia's face turned ever redder than it already was.

Even Dr. Carolia did nothing to hide his amusement. "My goodness, Miss Williams! Well at least we all know you're having a good time," the older fat doctor chuckled. This made the men in the audience - the ones who understood English - laugh even harder.

Olivia was absolutely horrified at the idea that all of these men believed that she was actually enjoying this abuse.

"Well, it's a good thing you're still sopping wet because ..." the gynecologist said, stopping to pause for dramatic effect, "... because now we're going to have some audience participation."

"W ... w ... what?" Olivia choked out.

"That's right," Dr. Carlolia grinned. "We need a volunteer from the crowd." He then repeated his words in Vulmonian.

Countless hands flew up into the air. Dr. Carolia pointed to a man in the front row. Olivia shut her eyes. She did not even want to see who it was. She just wanted the entire traumatic event to be over and done with. She could hear footsteps ascend the stairs and then walk across the stage.

"Hello again," said an all too familiar voice.

"Oh, that's right. You two already know each other," she heard Dr. Brovachik say.

When she opened her eyes, she wanted to scream. There, standing at the foot of the exam table between her legs was Gregus, one of the hospital custodians.

Gregus and his coworker Sergov had watched as Dr. Brovachik brought Olivia to orgasm during her first medical exam in Vulmonia. They had molested her in the hospital hallway when she was trying to get her clothes back. They had tricked her when she was trying to get back to her hotel - instead of driving her back to her accommodations, they had driven her to a dingy dive bar. They had charged the patrons in the bar to have sex with her. And then they sodomized her themselves. They had cut up her clothes, which resulted in her being convicted of public nudity. They had also forced her to climax in the pillory in front of Judge Thorsky and Mr. Davis of the American embassy. This had the unfortunate effect of convincing the men in authority that she truly was a sex-addict. And instead of releasing her early, they decided that she was in urgent need of more severe punishment to teach her a lesson and cure her of her over active sex-drive. Gregus had done nothing but cause her misery and embarrassment ever since she had met him. And now here he was, standing just inches away from her naked body.

"What is he doing here?" Olivia asked, horrified.

"Well," Dr. Brovachik said with a shrug, "this class is open to all men in the community. And seeing as how he works at the nearby hospital, I don't think it's unreasonable that he decided to attend this lecture."

"Just brushing up on my conjugal skills," he smiled at her. "A gentleman can never have too many techniques when it comes to pleasuring a lady."

"But keep in mind," Dr. Carolia said, "while pleasuring a woman is important, the real reason we arouse the woman is to prepare her body for penetration. By making the vagina lubricated, it allows for easier entry when it's time for sexual intercourse. Our main goal here is ejaculation and impregnation. So the woman's pleasure and orgasm are not actually necessary. But a moist cunt certainly feels better than a dry one."

The male audience all broke out into laughter.

"But many men find it sexually arousing to watch a woman become aroused and even climax. So if it helps to make you erect, by all means, do whatever it is you have to do," Dr. Carolia instructed. "Also, if a woman is brought to orgasm after the man ejaculates inside of her, the vaginal contractions can help to suck the semen up further into the vagina. So after you have planted your seed into the woman, feel free to make her climax. It'll only help your chances at conception."

This new bit of information caused quite a stir among the men in the lecture theater. Many of them yelled out, demanding that they wanted to see Olivia forced to cum. "Gentlemen, I'm afraid that won't be happening today. As we all know, Miss Williams does not have permission from her legal guardian to orgasm." Then Dr. Carolia turned to face Olivia. "But Miss williams, if you choose to remain in Vulmonia after you are released from Professor Pounding's custody, please feel free to volunteer for another one of our sexual education lectures. I'm sure our audience could learn a great deal from watching your body when you actually reach the peak of your sexual excitement. It would be a pleasure to watch you push past the plateau phase and reach full orgasm. Does that sound like something that might interest you?"

Olivia sullenly stared up at the ceiling refusing to respond.

"I believe Dr. Carolia asked you a question," Gregus said, leering at her from above.

Olivia looked over at the stout gynecologist behind the lecture podium. He looked at her expectantly, awaiting an answer. What should she say? Of course her real answer was a definitive and unequivocal "no." But she did not want to offend the doctor, lest he speak badly about her to Judge Thorsky. She did not want to do anything to endanger her release scheduled for that afternoon.

With a heavy sigh, Olivia said, "Um ... maybe. I mean ... if I decide stay in Vulmonia for a few more days ... I guess."

"Of course she'll come back and volunteer for another sex ed class!" Mr. Vlangar chortled, gripping the recording device. "She's absolutely loving this. Look at how wet her pussy is!" He zoomed in on the area between Olivia's legs. Her exposed splayed privates grew to a giant size on the projection screen up above. The audience burst out into loud laughter as the colossal engorged vulva, moist and leaking arousal fluid, took over the back wall above the stage. As the boisterous male howling echoed throughout the lecture theater, Olivia turned her face away. Her cheeks were scarlet. She wanted to die.