Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 37


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"Well, I'm not exactly 'trying' anymore," Judge Thorsky smirked as he placed his left arm around Olivia's waist. He grabbed her hip and pulled her body tightly against his own. He then rested his right hand on the lower part of her belly. Just above her pubic mound. "Miss Williams just took a pregnancy test. She's carrying my child in her womb!" he proudly announced.

The four men on the other side of the fence clapped their hands and cheered loudly in Vulmonian.

"This is cause for celebration!" Mr. Fedorov enthused. "Oleg, go into the kitchen and get that bottle of Lazan vodka. We need to help Isaak celebrate. He's going to have a son!"

"You don't know that yet," Nofel pointed out. "He could be having a daughter."

"That's possible," Judge Thorsky shrugged. "If that's the case, then I'll just have to breed Miss Williams again. And I'll keep breeding her until she gives birth to a boy."

"If at first you don't succeed, fuck and fuck again," joked Pavel.

"Oh, I don't think the fucking is going to stop any time soon," Judge Thorsky chuckled. "Just because Miss Williams is pregnant, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop using her body." Olivia did not enjoy hearing this new bit of information.

"Come on over!" Mr. Fedorov unlatched and opened the gate in the fence that separated their yards. He ushered the judge and Olivia into his garden. "There's enough vodka for everyone!" Then he turned to Olivia. "Except for you, young lady!" he said teasingly. "You need to keep that baby in your belly safe and healthy." He gave her a friendly pat on her bare tummy as she walked past him into his yard.

Olivia looked up at the judge. "Can't I put something on?" she asked in a low voice, hoping the others wouldn't here.

"Why?" Judge Thorsky exclaimed, as if it was a ridiculous question. "We're all friends. None of us mind seeing you naked."

"No," said Pavel. "None of us mind at all!" He winked at Olivia, making her blush.

There were six chairs arranged in a haphazard circle around Mr.Fedorov's backyard. The men all sat themselves down. However, as Olivia went to take a seat, Judge Thorsky held up his hand to stop her. "Not so fast, young lady," he said. "Not with that wet pussy of yours. You'll leave a wet spot on the furniture."

Olivia's eyes widened as her cheeks burned scarlet.

"Really?" asked Oleg. "Her pussy is really that wet?"

"It is," confirmed Mr. Fedorov as he generously poured five glasses of vodka. "I felt it for myself the very first day that I met Olivia. She's as wet as the Grivog River in spring."

The five men all chuckled as they took their glasses.

"Well, here's to wet pussy," said Nofel, raising his glass in the air. "And congratulations to you, Your Honor, on your big announcement!"

The other men congratulated Judge Thorsky in Vulmonian as they clinked glasses. They all took a swig of vodka as Olivia stood awkwardly next to the judge, unsure of what to do.

"So, you only just found out this morning that she's pregnant?" asked Pavel. "How'd you know?"

"As Miss Williams was doing her morning exercise, her breasts were extra sensitive. And they're even bigger and heavier than normal," Judge Thorsky explained.

"I must say," said Oleg as her stared at Olivia's bare bust. "At least your child won't go hungry."

"Yes!" agreed Mr. Fedorov. "Your baby will most definitely will be fed!"

"But keep in mind," Nofel interjected, "size isn't the only important thing when it comes to a good pair of tits. You need udders with a decent pair of nipples on them."

"Well, she seems to have those," said Mr. Fedorov.

"Hm, I don't know." Nofel skeptically studied Olivia's heaving bosom. All of the unwanted attention was making her extremely uncomfortable. And now that she knew she was most likely pregnant, her anxiety was at an all time high. She focused her attention on taking longer and deeper breaths as she tried not to panic.

"So, enlighten us all, please," said Judge Thorsky as he sipped his vodka. He held his glass in his left hand. The fingers of his right trailed across her stomach, making her flinch, before coming to rest on her left breast. "What exactly is it that makes a decent pair of nipples? What specific quality do you look for?" he inquired as he gave Olivia's nipple a firm pinch.

"Well, it's simple, really. They need to be suckable," said Nofel. "They need to fit in your mouth just right."

"Would you care to give us a demonstration?" Judge Thorsky suggested looking up at Olivia. He snickered as he noticed the look of alarm on her face.

"Sure, I love to!" said Nofel, swiftly setting down his glass.

Olivia tried her best not to show her revulsion. But she could not help but cringe at Nofel's eager reply.

Judge Thorsky stroked Olivia's breast a few more times before saying, "Go stand next to Mr. Fedorov's cousin. He's going to test out your nipples. We're going to find out just how suckable they are," he said, gently patting her on her round rump.

Olivia made her way over to where Nofel was seated and stood to his right. The other men keenly leaded forward in their chairs, curious to see if Olivia's nipples would pass the test.

Nofel turned toward Olivia and smiled. Her breasts were at his eye level. He drank in the sight of her bountiful flesh. As he brought his face closer to her breasts, she could feel his breath on her nipples. She had to look away. Seeing his grinning face was almost unbearable.

"Well, they look good from here," Nofel observed as he ran his index finger over the tip of her right nipple. Olivia closed her eyes and released a shaky exhale as he stroked her stiff pointed peak.

"They look good from pretty much anywhere," said Pavel as he downed the last of his vodka. "But you're suppose to be judging them on how good they are for sucking. Not on how they look. Stop telling us things we already know," Pavel said impatiently as he poured himself another shot of vodka.

"I'm getting to that," said Nofel dismissively. "But it's not everyday that I'm faced with a giant pair of American jugs," he said as he brought his hands under Olivia's breasts and cupped them. He lifted them slightly, feeling how heavy and full they were. "No wonder you weren't able to finish your morning exercise," he said in astonishment. "These are simply massive! I can't imagine trying to run with these things bouncing around." He pushed one up slightly higher. And then the other. He seemed to be weighing and comparing them. "Each boob must weigh well over a kilo!"

"Yes but what about the nipples?" Oleg urged.

Nofel released Olivia's right breast and firmed up his grip on her left. He pulled it towards his mouth until his lips were just a few millimeters from her left nipple. He looked up at Olivia's blushing face and smiled. He could see that the anticipation was killing her.

The tip of his tongue darted out from between his lips and he quickly licked the dark pink point. Olivia did not want to show any reaction. But she could not help but gasp as he licked her nipple again. And again. And again. She closed her eyes as the blush on her cheeks turned from pink to scarlet. But what disturbed her the most were the sensations she felt between her legs. She could feel her labia becoming engorged and her clitoris beginning to tingle.

Nofel's tongue swirled around Olivia's left areola a few times, coating the scrunched skin with his saliva. Making sure the entire area was slick and wet, he then enveloped her entire nipple in his mouth. He sucked the tip between his teeth, causing her to gasp. As he slurped on the rose colored little nub, he gradually increased the suction. Olivia opened her mouth and began to moan. As he sucked even harder, it actually started to feel uncomfortable. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain as he nipped at her with his teeth.

"Ah!" she yelped. "Stop it!"

"Now, now, Miss Williams," Judge Thorsky shook his head as he scolded her. "After you give birth, you'll be breastfeeding everyday. Many times a day. You'd better get accustomed to someone sucking on your teats. You have udders for a reason. And you'll soon get to use them. So you may as well practice now."

"But it hurts!" she lamented.

"You'll get used to it," the judge dispassionately said.

Nofel finally released her left nipple from between his teeth. Olivia sighed as she relaxed slightly. But her relief was short lived as Nofel grabbed her other breast and brought his lips to her right nipple. He licked the little nub and then blew on it. Olivia sharply inhaled. He then wrapped his lips around her right nipple and sucked on it hard. Olivia squealed and she tried to pull away.

"Ow! You're too rough!" she bemoaned.

"Miss Williams, stop being so dramatic!" Judge Thorsky snapped.

Olivia tried to clamp her mouth shut, but she still grimaced in pain.

Nofel eased up on the suction and simply massaged her nipple with his tongue. Not expecting the more gentle ministrations, Olivia was caught off guard. And before she knew it, an amorous moan escaped her lips.

"It doesn't hurt so much, after all. Does it, Miss Williams?" Judge Thorsky smirked.

"Oooh ..." Olivia sighed as Nofel continued to stimulate her with his moist persistent tongue. "Mmmmm ..." She instinctively leaned her chest closer to him as he softly sucked her tit further into his mouth. Without thinking, Olivia brought her hips forward. She subtly rocked her pelvis back and forth, unconsciously seeking out something to make contact with her throbbing clit.

"My goodness," said Mr. Fedorov. "She certainly knows how to enjoy herself."

"Yes," the judge said with both amusement and disapproval. "I'm afraid getting a handle on Miss Williams' sex drive is her biggest challenge. No matter what, it seems she simply cannot control her libido."

"And now that she's knocked up, you can only expect her libido to get stronger," said Pavel. "Especially during the first trimester."

"What do you mean," Judge Thorsky asked.

"Well, you know, when a woman's pregnant, her hormones are all over the place. And some of those hormones can increase arousal. If she had a strong sex drive before, she's going to be simply ravenous now that she's with child," Pavel explained.

"Interesting," Judge Thorsky remarked. Then turning to Olivia, he said, "Miss Williams, how are you feeling over there?"

"Mm ... oooh ...," Olivia gasped as Nofel continued sucking and teasing her right nipple. "I ... uh ... uh ..." She squeezed her legs together, pushing the flesh of her inner thighs against her vulva. She was desperate to feel something press against her pulsing little pearl.

"See what I mean," said Pavel. "She can't even answer a simple question."

Nofel released her nipple from his mouth. Then, using the fingers of both hands, he tweaked her nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. Olivia took in a deep breath in and then heavily sighed.

"So Nofel, what do you think?" Oleg asked dryly. "Are her nipples acceptable? Are they suckable enough?"

"Hm," said Nofel before giving each nipple one last lick. "I suppose they're passable. Judge Thorsky's baby won't starve," her surmised as he gave both nubs a sharp pinch.

"Ah!" Olivia cried out as he finally let go. She cupped both of her breasts, waiting for the stinging sensation to subside.

"Come here, Miss Williams," Judge Thorsky ordered, pointing at the ground next to his chair.

Olivia walked over, eager to get away from Nofel, and stood where instructed.

"Now, what do you think about what Oleg has just said?" Judge Thorsky asked his charge.

"What do you mean, Your Honor?"

"Well, since becoming pregnant, do you feel that your libido has gotten any stronger? Do you feel more easily aroused than before?" he inquired, as he reached out and lightly brushed the tips of his fingers against her crotch. Her body stiffened as he lightly rubbed the shaved skin of her pubic mound. "You sure seemed to enjoy Nofel's mouth on your tits."

"I ... uh ... I don't think so ... OH!" she blurted out as Judge Thorsky's fingers began stroking her labia. Her clitoris peeked out from between her puffy lips. He swiped her little kernel with his thumb, causing her to shudder.

"The first day I met Olivia, you let me feel her pussy," said Mr. Fedorov. "Send her over here and let me see if I can feel a difference," he offered, making a come-hither gesture.

"Alright," Judge Thorsky said as he patted Olivia between her legs. "Miss Williams, go to Mr. Ferdorov and let him feel your cunt. Let's see if he thinks there's a difference between when you first met and now."

Inwardly groaning, Olivia made her way over to the older neighbor with trepidation. She nervously stood before him and awaited his unwanted touch.

"Now, the first time I met you," Mr. Fedorov said as he rubbed the pale skin of her inner thighs, "you were already quite aroused. I believe Judge Thorsky had just given you a spank your bottom. And that had gotten you rather excited. Well, let's see how excited you are now," he said, forcefully prying her legs apart.

Olivia reluctantly widened her stance and Mr. Fedorov brought his hand to her flesh. As he ran his fingers through her feminine folds, Olivia braced herself for what he might say.

"My god! I think this has to be the absolute wettest pussy I've ever felt!" Mr. Fedorov exclaimed. "She's sopping wet!" He then plunged his fingers into her womanly passage. "She's simply dripping!" he declared. However, he could only get his fingers in a couple of inches deep before hitting a barrier. "What does she have up here?" he asked, puzzled.

"Ah, you've found Miss Williams' vaginal plug. I put it inside of her every night to make sure that my seed doesn't leak out. It's suppose to increase the chances of impregnation," the judge explained.

"Well, it seems to have worked," Nofel laughed.

"Indeed it has," Judge Thorsky smiled.

"Well, don't keep her all to yourself," Oleg complained to his brother. "Let the rest of us have a feel!"

"Yeah, pass her over, Sebbi!" Pavel demanded.

"Gentlemen, don't worry," Judge Thorsky assured everyone. "Miss Williams' cunt produces endless moisture. There's plenty to go round. Miss Williams, go let Oleg have a feel of your pussy," he directed her.

Olivia walked on trembling legs over toward the neighbor's brother, who was eagerly awaiting her with an outstretched hand.

Mr. Fedorov turned to Judge Thorsky and said, "Isaak, I can now see why you had to put her in a chastity belt. The little slut can barely control herself."

"It's true, Sebbi. It really is the only solution for such a problem. You know how those American girls can be," the judge said pointing at Olivia. She was standing in front of Oleg, who was not moving his hand. Instead, he was holding his hand steady. And Olivia was rubbing herself against his fingers, humping them.

"My word! I see what you mean!" the neighbor said incredulously as all five men burst out laughing.

Olivia closed her eyes as she listened to the men loudly guffaw at her undignified behavior. But she was too turned on to stop. She could feel an orgasm coming and she could not stop masturbating against Oleg's fingers.

"She's not actually going to cum right now, is she?" Nofel asked in disbelief. "Here outside? In front of all of us?"

"She might," replied Judge Thorsky as Olivia vigorously rubbed her privates against Oleg's thick digits.

"Um ... uh ... Your Honor?" came a deep male voice from the other side of the fence. "Aren't you going to be late for work?" Bogdan asked as he stared, open mouthed, at Olivia.

As Olivia turned to see the shocked face of the butler, she was overcome with a deep sense of shame. Bogdan was the only person in Vulmonia who had treated her with any respect or kindness. And here she was, out in the open, masturbating in front of five older men. She immediately ceased rubbing herself against Oleg's hand and quickly took a step back. She covered herself with her hands and sheepishly looked down at the grass.

"Don't stop, my dear! Please continue!" Nofel urged. "None of us mind watching a young girl pleasure herself. I can assure you, we all enjoy seeing you in the throws of ecstasy. We'd love to watch you reach the height of that ecstasy!"

Olivia did not know how to respond as she continued looking down at the ground.

"Well, I'm afraid you won't be seeing Miss Williams do that today," said Judge Thorsky regretfully. "We really do need to get going."

The other men groaned in disappointment.

"Got to get to work, huh, Isaak?" said Mr. Fedorov.

"Actually, I don't think I'm going to go in today," the judge replied. "I don't have any trials or hearings scheduled. I was only going to go into the courthouse to get caught up on some paperwork."

"Great," said Oleg. "So you two can stay! Olivia come back over here," he said to the naked teen. "I want to watch you finish."

"Well, now that Olivia's pregnant, I think it'd be best if I took her to the doctor's," Judge Thorsky countered. "I want a gynecologist to confirm that she is indeed pregnant. And I want to make sure that the baby is healthy and that the pregnancy is normal."

"The hospital isn't going anywhere," Pavel countered. "Surely the two of you can stay a while longer. Here," he said standing up and walking over to the judge with the bottle of vodka. "Have another drink. Relax! We're celebrating your happy news, after all!"

"That's very generous," said Judge Thorsky holding up is hand. "But I think I should get Miss Williams checked out by a physician as soon as possible." He stood up from his seat and walked over to Olivia. He placed his hand on her lower abdomen. "When I find out that my baby is healthy, then we can really celebrate!" he smiled.

The four other men grudgingly agreed.

"Fine, but you must promise to bring her back over here again before the end of the week. Before we head back to Lazan," said Nofel.

"I'd love to," said Judge Thorsky. "And I think Miss Williams would love to as well. Wouldn't you, Miss Williams?"

"Yes, Your Honor," Olivia muttered She just wanted the humiliating ordeal to be over with.

Mr. Fedorov, his brother and his cousins once again congratulated the judge on his exciting announcement and shook his hand. The judge thanked them all and Mr. Fedorov escorted them back over to the fence and held the gate open for them.

Before returning his own property, Judge Thorsky gave Olivia a stern and expectant look. "Olivia, what do you say to our gracious host?"

"Thank you, Mr. Fedorov," Olivia said, trying her best not to sound bitter. Though, she was not exactly sure what she was thanking him for.

"It was our pleasure, my dear. You just make sure you take care of the judge's little one," Mr. Fedorov said. As she walked past him through the gate, he rubbed her belly. The action was slow and sensual and made Olivia bristle. As she reentered Judge Thorsky's backyard, she could not bring herself to look at Bogdan.

Bogdan had seen her in embarrassing sexual situations before. But for some reason, this time felt different. This time, she had actively sought out erotic stimulation by aggressively rubbing herself on Oleg's hand. She had not behaved like a passive victim. She had been complicit in her own molestation. She did not like Bogdan seeing her like that.

The two neighbors once again shook hands. Then Judge Thorsky stepped back into his own yard and shut the gate behind him.

"Bogdan," he addressed his butler, "call the courthouse and tell my secretary that I won't be coming in today. Explain to her that I have a family medical situation. Then call the gynecology department at Nulmara University Teaching Hospital. Let them know that I need an appointment for my breeding slut. Right away," he added.

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Oh, and Bogdan, when you talk to the staff at the hospital, make sure to tell them who I am," Judge Thorsky sternly told his manservant.