All Comments on 'On Any Given Day Ch. 02'

by leapyearguy

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
One of the best revenge stories yet

A brilliant revenge - destroying all of her goals without breaking the law, destroying her family or damaging anyone excessively (apart from the idiot he beat into a pulp).

Thoroughly believable, especially since I once met a bitch like the one described here. Fortunately I wasn't the intended victim. An excellent end to the story! As for "her side of the story" - no need to bother about that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

It was like 2 different people wrote part on and part two. They were barely related. Either one would be good on its own but together they were disappointing.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 17 years ago
Interesting revenge, but. . .

LYG, for this part of the story, you took Tina in a direction that I didn't expect. It was obvious that something was up after the first part, but I never expected that you would turn her into the cold conniving bitch that she ended up.

The biggest problem I have with this shift in focus is the fallout on the husband. In this part, you portray her as a manipulative bitch that has totally played her husband for 14 plus years. If he was totally clueless for that time, then it doesn't say much for him. I know that there are people out there that can easily manage two or more entirely different personalities, I just find it hard to believe that he had no clue for 14 years.

One final point is the use of the anulment at the end. While this was a nice touch and served to slam dunk your revenge, it practice it suffered from "Perry Mason" syndrome (I know, I'm dating myself). There is no way that an anulment could be sprung as a surprise the way you have it happening.

One fundamental principal in the law is that both parties have a right (or at least an opportunity) to be heard before a decision is made. Ex parte actions (decision made without the opposing side having a chance to be heard) are limited to very few situations. The typical reason for an ex parte action is if it can be clearly shown that immediate and irreparable injury will occur if the hearing waits and even then the order is temporary until the other side has a chance to be heard.

In practice, there is no way that a judge is going to anull a marriage without both sides getting a chance to be heard. Tina would have had an opportunity to fight the anulment just the same way she would get the chance to fight the divorce.

Further, although fraud can be a grounds for anulment, I find it a stretch to call this fraud. He certainly has grounds for divorce and he could use this evidence to get a great settlement (including a large portion of the trust), but I'm not sure if this is the type of fraud that would anull a 14 year marriage. At the very least, there would be substantial grounds for a fight as the wife has 450 million reasons to fight him.

But, this isn't law school and this is something that would only matter to a lawyer. I've seen worse on Boston Legal. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Confused in California


Your chapter 2 is not the of the qualify that I recall from Chapter 1. Here you seem to be fishing for something to use to put twists into the story - this as you wrote the story. I remember 9M in the Will from Chapter 1, and something about if she cheated he got the 9M. She cheated and he found out. Actually she cheated with at least 2 different guys. Gee, what a doctor!

Now in Chapter 2 the Will is now worth considerably more, over 100M (150M?)! I do not understand. Then there is the annulment. You really did not explain the latter in sufficient detail for me. More details seem justified.

I still don't understand the results of the sperm count. Supposedly the report stated that he was essentially sterile. Okay, but what was that about a second test that was performed of which he was not aware? Is this something that is discussed in a suceeding chapter?


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Bravo- a fitting conclusion to the story!

Author- we enjoyed the ending and the most remarkable twist of events & plots. Keep up the good work! However, next time- do not take so long to conclude your previous work!

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
WOW the ending is SOOO bad ...

It was great story right up until the end.... thend its fell to shit

1. In the story Bill the dead father did NOT trust his daughter which is why his WILL was set up that way. As this story is written BILL wants her to stayed married and have a career or the hsuband to have a career and kids.... Nice stable and Middle class.

Yet in chapter 1 ... BILL's words in the hospital to BILL makes NO sense . BILL knowing or suspeccting his daughter is a more whore after the money tells the Husband to just forgive her?

shouldnt BILL who was supposedly a really Nice

decent guy have told the husband who was wrong so badly what was at stake?

shouldnt BILL have said .... "sonofabitch I knew she couldnt keep her legs closed" or something like that?

2 what is the deal with the earlier sperm they doctor has on record but he never took??

2 the cunt wife claims she is pregnant with his kid...

but he knwos that is impossible. He says NOTHING at the final meeeting about that

3 what about the Video?

4 how is it that with with 459 Million dollars at stake-- say the split it 50-50 which is 230 million that after lawyers fees and taxes he gets next to nothing?

there are several other problems. The argument about Fraud is weak one

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Enjoyed it

Good quality writing but a few oopsies detract from the final product. The characterizations were done well enough though I have to admit that I was surprised to discover the wife's conniving nature. I had accepted her hubby's view of her and had to unlearn what I had learned from early in chapter 1. That's okay, it kept me interested in the story.

Dan's character was well-presented and he acted in ways there were believable. I did find it a little hard to believe that he suspected nothing in twelve years of married bliss. Either his wife was the best actress on the planet or he was a tad clueless. That gong clanged discordantly and I kept thinking that somewhere in chapter 2 Dan would recount some things that had never quite made sense to him about their relationship but he didn't.

I have to agree with capecodemercury that the surprise annulment simply wouldn't fly. The judge could agree to hear the case but couldn't grant the annulment without hearing Trina's side to it. The idea made for an interesting plot twist so kudos on that.

I agreed with the previous poster who appreciated the idea of revenge without harm. I liked that as well.

Good fiction, LYG, and my thanks for a nicely done story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
they were right he is a moron.

what asshole wouldn't take 42million dollar for sixteen months of work sittting on his ass.that's a moron.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Some answers to Harry's questions

Harry said: "Bill the dead father..." Bill is Trina's deceased grandfather. Frank is Trina's father.

I do agree with Harry that some of what Bill said made no sense. Bill said, "Has she ever lied to you? I doubt it, she never could do it to me." As we learn in chapter 2, Trina was very capable of lying and, while Bill was sure that she wouldn't lie to him, I have my doubts. I think Trina was perfectly capable of lying to her grandfather if she thought it necessary. I believe that she had him snowed.

Harry didn't understand the previous fertility test but Dan tells us that he figured Trina had had his sperm tested. Is there some reason to doubt this? Now why Trina didn't conduct the test herself is a bit of mystery. Maybe she didn't think it was important to keep it secret.

Harry was vitriolic about "the cunt wife claims she is pregnant with his kid", claiming Dan said nothing to the contrary. I guess Harry was in a hurry when he got to that part of the tale. In fact, what Trina said was, "we're going to have a baby" which implies but does not state that the child is his. Dan leaves nothing to doubt when he debunks her statement with "Nice try Trina". I don't see what it is that Harry is on about here? Dan knows she's pregnant by one of her lovers and acts accordingly.

Harry asks, "what about the Video?" The videos that Dan got from Mike weren't important legally since the annulment trumped the divorce action. They might have some entertainment value, I suppose.

Harry's last question baffled me. He asked, "how is it that with with 459 Million dollars at stake...he gets next to nothing"? Um, I think you missed the point of the story, Harry. Nobody got anything from the trust since Trina failed to satisfy the terms of Bill's will. If we suspend disbelief and accept LYG's annulment ending, control of the trust reverted to the executor of Bill's estate, Trina's grandmother Bess, who was free to do with it as she willed.

Thanks again, LYG, for a interesting LW story.

rpsuchrpsuchover 17 years ago
Capecod: yes and no

We haven't been given much on what's in her diary and the outcome depends on what it said. If she married him to fulfill a term of the will, almost any judge will find that fraud and, particularly in the absence of children, will not find their remaining together 12 years a bar to such a late annulment. The marriage was not entered into for the ordinary purposes of marriage. That they may have been carried out had he not been infertile does not negate the fraud that they were not the purposes for which she entered into the marriage.

About the only ex parte ruling a judge will ordinarily make is one where the consequences of waiting could be catastrophic. Typically, a Protection From Abuse order may be entered ex parte, but a hearing will be set up to follow promptly and the defendant must be given notice by the Court of the hearing and the Order. An annulment carries no such danger so it is inconceivable that a judge would grant it ex parte.

It might have been more amusing had he filed for Annulment or Divorce in the alternative. Even if the annulment were granted in that instance, it would make the marriage magically disappear as if it never existed and she would fail the terms because while she appeared to be married at the 14-year mark, annulment would make that evaporate. Neither would this be eligible for common-law marriage because, though they stayed together for a long time and held themselves out a man and wife, she did not have an intention to be married to him in terms of the normal purposes of marriage.

As to the husband not having a clue she didn't love him when she married him, and maybe she thought she did, there is a subset of women who marry because they want to carry out a life plan: husband, family, kids. She will be committed to it without loving him because he fills her needs and is an adequate partner. Later in life she realizes she doesn't love him and thinks she deserves more, even though she created the situation. Typically, instead of divorcing him, he still provides materially and logistically with the children, she will cheat to get what she deserves because it was, is and will always be about her. In most such cases, the husband doesn't have a clue the marriage was lacking from the beginning. I've read about it and heard about one just this weekend, though she admits her initial mistake and divorced rather than cheat. I don't know if that was influenced by remorse, regret, morality or the fact that he was far below adequate.

I think many of us can't imagine how somebody could fake it so well that we wouldn't know because WE could not fake it that well. But when the world is about you and other people are in it for what they can do for you, it probably isn't hard to fake enthusiasm or love because there is enthusiasm and love - for yourself. You just pretend the other person is you.

I'm not sure her behavior is remarkably different in part 2. We just haven't seen her in that situation, with that amount of stress. She played whatever character was useful to her at the time.

fregenfregenover 17 years ago
Sorry, didn't work for me

I have some problems with Part 2. The whole tone seems to be quite different than Part 1.

Trina is demonized and while we knew she had at least 2 cheating incidents in Part 1 I never got the impression that she was "evil." Nor did I get the feeling of the conniving and loveless plotting in Chapter 1 that was the mainstay of Part 2.

The $9M from Bill was enough. Why make it an astronomical number (from farming?!?) Seems Dan might have been aware of Bill's net worth if he really had that much. Also the terms of her getting the money seemed unrealistic.

All in all Part 2 seems to be rather a different story than Part 1. As the author you of course have the right to make Trina anything you wish and I do admit to wanting to see her get her 'comeuppance' but this was a little too contrived. Sorry.

louguy35louguy35over 17 years ago
RPSuch Was Pretty Much on Target

I thought the second chapter (ending) was interesting and was appropriate to the story. As a reader I really appreciate that LYG decided to finish the story. So many writers do not.

RPsuch has it pretty well analyzed, and the wife's plan to marry in order to qualify for the trust fund certainly indicates a lack of sincerity regarding the marriage vows.

RP mentioned that some women believe they deserve the right to cheat after several years of faithfulness to their husbands. I believe that this attitude is much more prevalent currently than it was, say 30 years ago. The reason for the prevalence of this self justifying attitude is the profound effect of gender feminism in all of its scandalous meanness. Feminism has indoctrinated a very large majority of American women into becoming self-absorbed, narcissistic sluts. It is so much a part of the American woman that being called a slut these days is considered a compliment. No man...should ever, and I do mean ever, believe that any young woman he marries today will remain faithful or loyal. Women today can only love themselves (as RP implied) one else.

Loyalty is a word that today's women do not know the meaning of.

Cheers, I guess, but for what???

(My God! I think I let my bias show!)

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Very well done

I know there may be some legal things that don't float but I was just so well entertained with your expansive story line. Thanks and keep them coming


Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
I kinda differ from Harry here (^_^)

I liked it.

In part one, for me, while it seemed to have a different feel I felt it was disjoined. The grandfather didn't care she was cheating on the husband he just wanted "her" to be happy regardless of what it took. But in part two we find he just wanted her to stick it out long enough for the two of them to get paid. And with a good lawyer the husband Dan would have gotten a good chunk.

I say that because, the wife was cheating (2 that we knew of from the story) but we didn't know why. The wife in first story "appeared" to be distressed she was caught cheating, but didn't seem to care till caught. I say that because she had sex with George in her office, but that didn't prevent her from acting like nothing was wrong around her husband. In the first story she assumed that her husband was acting hurt because her nurse told on her. But up till then she acted no different from how she normally acted after "BOTH" events the husband knew about.

That was in part one.

In part two the wife starts to slip. The reason I could follow it was because in part one she was faced with doing all the work in putting the marriage back together. Once Dan started acting like he did in part one of the story Trina appears to get angry and slip up and yell at him. Then once he moved out the kid gloves came off for her.

But Harry one other thing, the reason the wife was having the sperm tested was because she needed a "child" to be born before her birthday. The husband was shooting blanks. I bet she had herself tested when she thought she should have been pregnant and she wasn't. Then she probably got him tested secretly when he didn't know. Once she figured out he wouldn't be able to father a child started sleeping with anyone that could. That would explain why George was in her office. After he was confirmed virile she probably didn't want to wait.

The other reason I liked the ending was that it was a new twist. In the effort to prevent the wife from using him to become rich he had the marriage annuled. That made all her scheming worthless. Could I see a judge doing this? Possibly if an illegal venture (such as defrauding someone to gain money) was going to take place. But again that would be for lawyers to argue. Worst case he could forgo anything form the marriage, seek a no fault, ask for "nothing" from the marriage, and get a speedy divorce. But again its up to the author.

And I have to comment about him being stupid for not taking the money. Sometimes when someone uses you for their own gain, sometimes a valid victory is to make sure "no one wins". He would have gotten a payoff, but hers would have been bigger, and with her lawyers she could have tied him up for a long time before he got a dime. With this ending she got nothing for all the years of scheming and cheating, and he walks away with just what he brought into the marriage.

I liked the ending, and I thought it was a different twist to cheating and revenge.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very Impressive - Again

Sterling in fact. You are a breath of fresh vision who does his homework before writing.

In this world of Marital Consequence, your scenarios are understatedly interesting yet written with flow and pictures as though we are there. The character conversations are like life would cast them even the peripheral ones.

In this mixing pot of emotions and greater or lesser complexities you are emerging as a force of significant interest. It is as though you not being satisfied with out of the box, seem to be lifting it up for what else there could be.

This doesn't in any way diminish anyone else's efforts for there are millions of divorces and therefore more than millions of different stories out there of greater or lesser intrigue but like life in every case. And therefore emotional and involving as we all know.

There is no other theme that embraces the good, the bad, the worst and the ugly yet is like life and deals emotions like 52 pickup. 99.9% of us want the humane fairness each of us deserve when cold heartedly disrespected especially in such a personal and illegal way.

And so Author, you are appreciated with hope for another at interval.

With Very High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Honorable Justice

A bit of nitpicking from others, but I loved it! An annulement can be granted in many instances including fraud, concealment and misunderstanding. These apply here. An annulement usually is obtained in the early years of a marriage, but can be granted later. It is usually treated as a divorce such as a summons, hearing and judicial dispersement of assests. But it wouldn't surprise me, with the evidence that he gathered, acceptance of a equal split of assests and with the way she was portrayed, that a summons couldn't be served on her by the fact she avoided being served which many do accomplish and subsequently lose the cases brought against them (would have been a nice touch to put that in the story), that a judge would grant him the annulement.

The thing that most here it seems can't get past is that he didn't have a clue in all those years. She was no dummy and was following her plan. It's easy to act a part with a goal in mind. She only blew her cover when confronted with her cheating and the thought that she wouldn't win in the end. She tried to recover, but once he knew he investigated further and wasn't a chump about it. He stood by his morals while sticking it to her. He wasn't in the marriage for any money, he was in it for love. Once broken, he stood up for himself without compromising his values.

Give me a man like this anytime. I would love to have a sexy, giving, loving, honest, respectful man who was a true husband and not one who posed as one for a short time then turned into just a room mate more concerned with sports, computer and beer. HMMMMM...wonder why more women are cheating?

MetzovMetzovover 17 years ago
I've thought about this story for 12 hours now.

And the more I think about it the more questions I have. It's worse then part one in that respect.

What happens to the money now? Will it be up to the Grandmother to decide or did Bill set it up so it go's to charity? Bill only knew about the one case of her cheating. For all he knew she loved Dan and they would be able to save the marriage. Bill seemed to like Dan. Could he have changed the will so that if the marriage did fail and it was Trina's fault the money went to Dan. And only the Grandmother knows about the change so it wouldn't influence Dan. Wouldn't that have be a kick in Trina's ass :)

What about Trina's parents? Why was all of the money going to Trina? What had they done that would cause Bill to write them out of the will, And how had they affected Trina's thinking?

Most of all I wonder about Trina. Was she really so self centered and greedy that she could live with someone that loved her completely and be unaffected? I get the impression of someone that thought anyone that knew about the money would try to screw her out of it. What caused that? I wonder if the thought will ever cross her mind that the money meant nothing to Dan? That she meant more to him then $459 million. Will she think he was a moron or maybe begin to see she lost something worth more then the money?

If I had an ounce of talent I think I'd be asking Leapyearguy to let me write a chapter about Trina.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
"farmer" made $400 plus millions?

the story was silly. over-all premise based on a lot of fake dollar signs; other than that, the story had no leg to stand on.

the author's correct, fortunately/unfortunately: he's just a masochist who wanted to turture himself. this part of the story was just ridiculously silly, it can not be taken at a fictionally believable level,,,

all the "money" is of coruse now Dan's because "Bill" trusted him more than Trina or her parents, yeah, right LOL

Dan WAS/IS really a "moron", like Trina and her dad said.

MetzovMetzovover 17 years ago
About the anon worried about the $459 million

They really should have people pass a literacy test before they allow them to post comments

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
good ....

...story Iliked it he got her but good. as the saying goes you cant miss what you dont have.

Mike from Texas

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
A couple of Points;I didnt HATE this story BUT

Interesting comments ... I wnated to clarify a few things First I am not going to get into Hypothetical here...

METZOV suggests that DAN might have changed his Will... Maybe but we dont know that and the story never implies that

2nd folks I fully understand that the Husband was shooting blanks but the issue IMO as to who did the 1st test and How the Husband' sperm was obtained was NOT explained.

RPsuch is as usual 100% correct about the issue of fraud and marriage and the conditions of the WILL.

ALVARON... No I was not in a hurry and I read the ending fully. Your descripton of was said at final meeting is accurate (BTW that scene was was Rushed IMO) but when she says "we are going to have a Baby" all he says is "Nice try"

so what? He doesnt tell the bitch wife what he knews and that is has all the winning cards. I mean whats the use of making this well written intricate story IF the hsuband Never finally shows his wife that KNOWS the game?

saying Nice try does NOT get that done.

jaggers0053jaggers0053over 17 years ago
as much as i liked it...

the ending just doesn't make any sense. talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face! getting the annulment for revenge and denying yourself is foolish and i hope he didn't pay all those lawyers too much money for their great advise.

MetzovMetzovover 17 years ago

I never said the story implies Bill changed the will. I wondered what happened to the money when Trina doesn't meet the conditions. Then I put forward a few possibilities including one with the money going to Dan that I'd like to see just for Trina's reaction. As for where the first sperm sample came from how do you think a wife would get hold of her husbands sperm Harry?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
This is one of your best story!

Don't let the nay-sayers bother you about the about of the estate. However, Dan should sue her about her broken promise of fidelity for 9 million dollars!

BTW:just because she did not get the estate did not mean that Grandpa would leave her penniless. Great story! Thanks!


HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 17 years ago
I really liked it!

I like your plots. I enjoy your style. I love your humor. I do not want to have your baby, but I'd have a beer or two with you! It seems difficult for many readers to imagine a man that didn't go for the money. Our hero preferred revenge and saving some pride. As a normal moron, (called man), he was able to support himself, but not willing to be a pawn in a cruel game. I look for your stories and enjoy them more all the time. Thanks for writing it!

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Great Work

You really let the wind of her was she really pregnant?

Pat Murray


bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Great Work

You really let the wind of her was she really pregnant?

Pat Murray


The NavigatorThe Navigatorover 17 years ago
Interesting story

Clever plot, well written (for the most part), nice changes in direction. It's the author's story, so all the previous comments are interesting but most of them are really issues with the plot, not the characters as the author developed (or didn't) them.

However, the author chose one thing that I found troublesome: the wife's profession. Why a medical doctor? She could have been, for instance, a lawyer and met the provisions of the will as having established a successful career. So, why a doctor? I hesitate to stereotype the MD's, but I'm 80 years old, a cancer survivor, my wife is a stroke survivor, and I'm an active Emergency Medical Technician, so I have seen tons of physicians in my lifetime. They all have a general makeup, more or less, that is hard to define, but this wife does not seem to have any of the characteristics I've observed in many hundreds of doctors.

Maybe I've missed the reason the author chose that profession for her, so if I have, I'd appreciate someone clicking on my name and telling me. For me, it was a distraction that reduced the "believeability" of the story.

louguy35louguy35over 17 years ago
A Legal Question Remains.

I just finished re-reading the story, and. like the first time I read it, there is a point that puzzles me.

The annulment granted by the judge was based upon evidence derived from Trina's private journals. Apparently the lock box in which the journals were kept was in Tina's name because Bill did not have a key, and had to think hard to remember the bank where the box was located. (The author wrote that Bill had to recall the bank, obviously indicating that it was not his own lock box.)

Since Bill took the journal without Trina's permission, does this not consititute illegal taking? And since the journals were Trina's private property taken without a warrant, does not this constitute forcing one to testify against oneself? We all know that, in the end, there is really no such thing as law, but rather what some judge and lawyer decide about an issue, but I sure wish that some legal begal would explain this point.


NucleusNucleusabout 17 years ago
Really good

This is a happy end, but part one of your story could "stand on it's own feet."

There is more space for readers fantasy. Nevertheless, this story and it's plot are very well. Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Revenge? Who got any? She got nothing, he got nothing... except he gets arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for assault on George. Then loses a civil suit to George, losing anything that he owns, and anything he will ever own, provided he can make any money once he gets out of prison. He really is a moron. The absolute worst case scenario should have been that he takes home the $9mil settlement for her cheating, even if he has to spend it to pay off George and his lawyers. Some positives to this revenge tale, but so full of holes that is negated.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Revenge is Sweet!!

A good story with a decent ending! Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

How does a shitty story like this get posted on this lousy site?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
No man was ever as mean and cruel as a woman

can be. This one was truly a piece of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
the best laid plans

as to the LEGAL question, this was all a non criminal matter, so the manner of acquisition may have been somewhat questionable, but not legally wrong. and the content did not help her, an understatement for sure.

there was the lesson concerning whose the moron, and the price that was paid.

the statement about the money may or may not have been correct, depending the manner the trust was set up.

the annulment sealed the deal for her, for her detriment. those other details as to the terms [ie, child]just laid a method to her plan, that did not go as planned. nice touch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Despite the holes some indicate in the plot it is

very good. Being a doctor is of little concern as a profession. She could have been almost any profession. That many doctors have failed marriages may be why. Her obsession with money, and that of her father, is the root cause of the story. She lost the money as she should have and is having a bastard child, that is the proper term. As a doctor she could of course abort the child, that is her option. I agree George could press charges on him, but then the whole story of him fucking the nonwife would come out and his wife would take that as a starting point. The revenge by the husband was very good, absolutely great. Donna came thru when needed and he doesnt need her phone number. He knows where she works and where she lives, very simple to reconnect. I for one believe in the war is hell philosophy. Sherman's march thru Georgia burning a 40 mile across path for three hundred miles was intended to cut the south's food supply. This man proved his wife did not enter into a marriage as required by law and annulled the marriage thus ending any possibility of her meeting the terms of the will. It ended the war before it began. She should have been happy with 20%, it was more than she got! Greed doesnt let people think clearly.

gyjunkiegyjunkieover 15 years ago
Not one of your good stories.

This was a disappointment. You left holes in this story to make it not even close to being believable. 1)He should have been arrested for attacking George. Depending on how much damage was done to him, he could be facing a number of years in prison. Even if he filed for divorce, her lawyers could tie the procedings until his trial for attacking George is completed. Between the trial and the following divorce hearings, things could drag out to more than 18 months. 2) A judge would not grant an annulment without first having a hearing with both parties. 3) How did he get into the safety deposit box? I've worked at a few places which needed boxes, but all the banks required that only those whose name is on a signature card would be allowed to have access to the box. Being a spouse or having a key was not enough. 4) Even if he was able to get into the box, the high priced and expierienced lawyers that the family would be able to hire would be sure that there would be a good chance that the journals to be removed from evidence. With that it would just be he said/she said. No evidence = no annulment.

The end result to all this is that she gets everything, he gets nothing. Who's the fool.

IrrumatioIrrumatioover 15 years ago
The guy IS a moron

He can reach Donna at his Doctor's office.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The woman is a whore, she married and fucked

for money. One person said a judge would never grant an annulment without both, it may surprise some people but if you have the lawyers, the money, and the proof almost anything can be done. The question of the safe deposit box, he said the key to our safety deposit box, means he is the co owner just had to remember where it was. For those that said she could tie it up, maybe she could but the will is specific and he has one weapon she cant fight, he can kill himself before the deadline. the woman is an out and out slut besides being a whore. Trash like her belong in a dump. The father is a total fool, you dont come in trying to convice someone to do something while you are being an asshole. I find it interesting she has time to go out fucking around during the day. Knowing what all she had done he needed to have her tested for STDs and AIDS and then test himself. Wouldnt attempted murder being filed against her be interesting if she was infected. As for beating George, hmmm, he did tell George to stay away, and then when George approached he feared for his life and defended himself. Hmmm, why not have George arrested for physical assault? Yes folks there were loopholes but for sure every one could have been caulked over.

jackiedanielsjackiedanielsover 15 years ago
In The First Place

In the first place george doesn,t have a leg to stand on for a law suit, Dan thought he was being attacked as George was coming toward's him so he warned George to stop, do not come any closer but Geo. kept on the attack and Dan defended himself the only way he could,I feel Dan made a mistake by not taking the 80% and giving her the twenty as she agreed to do, but I do understand why he did what he did, it was the princple of the thing, he had to show his cheating worthless wife ,he didn,t care diddly about her or her money,I hope Donna is good to him,

SingularMindSingularMindabout 15 years ago
A Legal Question Remains - Annulment

An annulment that's a surprise - No Way! Before the issuance of any court ruling, like an annulment, a court hearing must be held and all affected individuals affected notified as to the place, date and time of the hearing. If her lawyers are not notified the ruling can be voided. The kind of surprise annulment the story envisions cannot happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

there is a moron here and it is the author.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago

Well written fable... So he found out what he wanted to know. He found out that she was cheating to get pregnant for her trust money. It was hers after all and she was just trying to fulfill the requirements of the will. What about the 12 years that she made him happy? Was that worth nothing to him? Why would he want to ruin her life because she had an ulterior purpose in the mariage? Don't most women get married for reasons mostly known to them? The romance wears off any marriage after a few months or years. Most women marry to have family and social status. A life that is expected of all young women in America. I surely understand that his ego was wounded. After all, she was "only" supposedly happily married because she wanted to be rich. Yet, how many women have been married throughout history for status and wealth rather than true love? I think many more than we know! How many men have done the same? If he "ever" truly cared for could he ruin her so easily? Especially after so many good years? Once again, I see a self-centered egotistical man that will even spite himself of riches just to "Torch the Bitch"! She cheated for a 459 million trust because he was shooting blanks... Who could blame her? Oh I guess they could have gone a different route if he had known he was shooting blanks...but then you did not write the story that way did you? You wanted the "Torch the Evil Bitch" fans to be appeased in this one! Especially in part two! I normally like your stories better than most other authors...but not this one. I don't suppose it matters. It is your story isn't it? I just expect better then this crap... The first part was so damned good too!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Maybe RonWood has a point. From my wife's

view all married women are whores, every person that works for money is a whore. After all you sell yourself, be it sexual, physical, or mental, for money. Women marry men for family and social standing. Put in the simplest terms, I marry you for you to breed me and raise my brood, for that you have sole rights to my body and may use me sexually. So the husband pays the way, normally, and the woman lives in relative safety with her brood and takes on the social standings granted due to her husbands education and vocation. Dont like that, reduce it to a lower standing, how much money does a man have to spend on a date before the woman feels the need to repay him with sex of some type or another. Dont know what the current estimated amount is now but a few years ago it was $ 25.00 spent on the woman for most men to get laid. Spending money on the woman is basically the same as paying her and she puts out, can you spell whore or prostitute? Dont think the woman in this story was a whore, divide out the inheritance by the numbers of years she was married, how many hookers make that a year?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
This was fiction, now do you get it ?

Chalk on up on the good story side of the ledger. It always amazes me at some of the comments made about these fictional stories (a very small percentage are side to be true stories by the author with the appropriate name changes). To believe that a person could be so deceitful for so many years out of greed over an outlandish amount of money (too high a sum to be all that believable).

I liked the technique of Dan making Trina figure out what she had done quite unusal in these type of stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
show me the money?

This was a well done tale. She was very calculating, and lost after all that energy and premeditation. That trust was written by a well intentioned, if only for the results. $9m to him and 0 to her. very good ploy, and whose the moron, and her parents are out of the game? The child's actions were a pre-condition for the parents to collect under the trust? Given the reaction, perhaps that was it.

AS to the ANNULMENT, the diaries would take care of the legal needs, and appeal? The order would stand, until overturned on appeal. She loses on appeal, would have more cost to her for her efforts. That would be something to see and just smile and remain silent. She'll just have to find a rich doctor to marry, or someone else with it. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Moron--yes --he is a moron

This story is so unrealstic it is rediculous. He is a moron and she is or may be an adulterous wife. with all the exageration in this story it's hard to separate fact from fiction.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Justice is served

Lot of twists and turns but this was a great ending. Can't believe how greedy she was and to go to the length of getting herself pregnant by someone else to get the money in the will. Nicely written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I guess with all the "wimp" comments you just had to make her the most vile woman around. Oh well. At least he walked away a winner.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 13 years ago

Nice twist to the story... An annulment as the weapon if choice... Nice!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Why the fuck didn't you just put a period on this story a few paragraphs back. You didn't develope the final conclusion to Trina. Who got all that money. Did the system benefit or did Grandma? What about the parents?

And what happened to Dan. No one walks from real cash like that!

geopri71geopri71over 13 years ago

most of us would probably say ,ok have your affairs ,have your children ,I will even be a goood (daddy).Just be discrete and let me spend your money

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago

The story is so unrealistic that I didn't bother to finish it. I don't know what happened with the story and I don't care to know.

count2threecount2threealmost 13 years ago
Well one thing she had right

You are a fucking Moron.

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
A missed opportunity

The lady might have spent quite a bit on the expectation of her inheritance. That would have been too bad...

Once I got over the incredible aspects of the story on the second read, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

mike2710mike2710almost 13 years ago
Thank you

A very good story with an original twist for an ending. Thank you for the entertainment. Mike from Texas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncok is so stupid

she thinks "Meow Mix" is a CD for cats

JLRemoraJLRemoraover 12 years ago
Better the moron, than the fool

A well told story. I agree with what HDK and some other commentators have stated about the story.

I hope you have more like that in you, LYG.

norcal62norcal62over 12 years ago
If LYG has more in him I hope they aren't like this one.

He created a cowardly, passive aggressive jerk of a husband. Forget the wife. Unimportant.

Too many inconsistencies to accept; as commented on already. A silly story.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

others because of circumstance, for Dan it was fate. TK U MLJ LV NV

rixelsrixelsover 12 years ago
On Any Given Day He is a Twit

He was not a moron.... before he knew what was in the will. He walked away with nothing after 12 years. Walking away with 200+ million would have been a pretty good revenge in my way of thinking. Calling him an idiot, twit, or moron doesn't rise to the stratospheric level of his actions.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
even if it only fiction

i like to see a character that puts his personal values ahead of money. it was great. and she never did offer him the 50/50 - gave it a 5.

cohibaIVcohibaIVabout 12 years ago
A moron, but not stupid

Even though it was used already, I had to borrow that line. I liked a lot of things about the story, particularly Dan walking away from that money. Maybe it seems incredible to some, but you framed it well and made it believable. Spite and anger can cause us to do the damnedest things.

My only qualm is the disconnect between parts ! & 2. I felt like I was reading two completely different stories. Trina in part 1 was the agonized cheating spouse hoping for another chance; Trina in part 2 was a manipulative schemer who had fooled all those around her. As much as I liked it, the twist in part 2 felt gratuitous. A little tweaking and you would have two different well-written stand-alone stories, instead of one well-written two-parter that strains credibility.

Like your work; looking forward to seeing more.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Oh Yeah

How do you screw up a cheating wife' day? Take all of her money away. All Four Hundred Fifty Nine MILLION dollars. Gone in the blink of an eye.

I guess that's pretty good revenge against an unloving conniving cheating skank whore wife.

HA Ha ha

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 11 years ago
Now that is an ending that was not expected

A perfect way to burn her down to nothing and leave her with the bastard's child -

Well she is till a doctor and can male good money to raise the child -

The family would be shitting gold bricks lol

solotorosolotoroover 11 years ago
What a moron

He gets $9 mil but it's gone after taxes and attorney's fees? What kind of a stupid ass pays $5 mil for a lawyer to get an annulment. What a fuck-wit.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it!

An excellent ending with an even greater twist than the first. Brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
her number is


TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
money can not buy love !

Fantastic story, I loved the way the moron stuff Trina and her parents !

I am sure after taxes and legal fees Dam would have a very sizable chunk left to play with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Annon, retard. That was the clinic's number. Ha!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Typical lying cheating cunt. When you find you can't trust your spouse, whether male or female, you can never trust them again. If the cheater remarries, they will still cheat again. They can't help themselves. I had a buddy who just took it for granted when I agreed to accompany him on a trip, that we'd find a couple women. He was shocked when I told him no thanks. Really and truly shocked.

After a few days we had quite the conversation. He told me to never start cheating on my wife. He said that once you start, you CANNOT stop. It is like a drug until the day you die, and it was right up until the day he passed away. He introduced me to a few of his friends who were also cheaters and they told me the same thing. They were actually impressed I had no desire to cheat on my wife as I had expected to be razzed a bit. Nothing of the sort. They all to a man told me to stay true because if it happened just one single time, it can't be stopped after that.

So all you men, or women, who are putting up with a cheater that made you that promise that they were done, BELIEVE ME. They aren't done. They may curtail their activities for a while, a few years, but it WILL restart and you will be devastated even worse than the first time.

Oh and my cheater friend? His wife eventually found out before he passed away and started cheating on him and rubbed his nose in it. Sad thing was, she continued to cheat from then on until the day she died too which was within a few weeks of my friend.

rixelsrixelsabout 11 years ago
He Really is a Moron

Wouldn't revenge have been just as good walking away with $200+ million? That would have pissed her off for the rest of her life. Sure, she would have ended up with the same amount, but to someone that greedy giving up half is like losing the game. If he didn't want the money then give it to charity. MORON

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Well that was ugly.

He's going to stand on his principles and come away with next to nothing? After all those years - nothing? And he's not going to "pine over what once was?" Sure, like he hadn't been very unhappy with his marriage - now he's going to ignore it like it never happened? Who's he kidding? And what did he think was going to happen? You didn't spell it out. Does the trust revert to her parents? Most likely. And aren't they going to take care of their daughter? Most likely. After all, she's pregnant. Regardless of who the father is, it's going to be her baby. Even the Grandmother will likely help her with a great grandchild. The wife is a Doctor. She makes good money. And eventually, she'll have a LOT of money. So in my opinion he FUCKED HIMSELF! What did she say? WHAT A MORON! Dumbass story.

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago

I'm all for a good burn the bitch story, but in that case I may have been persuaded to walk away with 42 million dollars. I would have put up with the marriage even longer if I could walk away with 200 million dollars. All in all, burning the bitch would be way less satisfying than spending the bitches money.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Child brain, fantasy believing moron! Intelligent...Nah, don't think so!

I'll bet he still believes in the Easter Bunny, Brer Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland and Santa is going to bring him an safe and honest wife for Xmas...duh, oh, the writer thinks this way. Hmmm, somehow the grammar is at least 10th grade but the intelligence isn't quite Kindergarten yet?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I liked it, a lot: 5*****

Liked it so much I even waded through 75 comments. Damn, that was painful.

Thanks for writing. Wish you were still doing it.

tom anon #76

PearDrop3PearDrop3over 10 years ago
Excellent story....

Five Stars - But I have one request, please "think" before writing either of the words "wonder" or "wander."

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
what price dignity?

Obviously, it's worth a few gazillions bucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
229.5 million reasons

I might stay long enough for that.

Any less and bye-bye bitch.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
I personally think he was a moron. I guess his pride was worth over 200 million dollars.

But I am so happy his wife got fucked again, she will feel this one more and better than any of her other fucks. Ten stars if possible.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago

Because she was not willing to offer him half, she got nothing.

42 million is not even 10% of 450 million.

225 million dollars is not enough ? If she had dealt fairly she could have had it.

Who is the real moron ?

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
The "offers" he made her were phony

He had already gotten the annulment before they went into the room. He just said that to rile her up. He wasn't willing to sell out his self respect for any amount of money.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
fucking morons

seriously this world is fucked, why is it so hard for people to comprehend what they read? Fucking morons, if you can't understand don't comment

Great writing, not my cup of tea but your writings good.

PTraumPTraumalmost 10 years ago
Cut off his nose to spite his face...?

Very well written, though it felt a bit rushed. There was a lot of potential to elaborate and make this a damned sight more than just a story of a cheating wife. The fact that the father was at least aware of the deception, if not firmly involved in its planning was of note. The fact that the grandmother suspected the deceit was also noteworthy. Although I think the most interesting bit comes back to us from the first half, where the grandfather suggested "if you love her then get on with it" (obviously paraphrasing). I think that there are some issues with how all of this was carried out. Although this is a cheating wife story and it would have been out of place on an erotica site, there was very little sex anyway, so what would have been the difference if Trina actually was a loving wife instead of "a loving wife"? The whole sordid tale could have been avoided had Trina brought up the possibility of adoption.

Also, as I write this review, a few things occur to me.

1 - if Trina (and her father?) was capable of hatching this scheme to get the trust, how is it that they failed to overlook the possibility of The prospective mate being sterile? Seems to me that during the "dating" (application and interview process) "family" and the desire for one would have been one of the key prerequisites. Seems akin to JP Morgan Chase posting a job opening for an investment banker and then hiring someone with only bank teller experience on their resume. Yes, they are both "in banks" (which could be likened to Dan being male), but is really as far as the "background check" went?

2 - and then let's say that that really is as far as the "background check" went... Trina (and, again, her father...?) are going to plan a long game (the conditions of the trust stipulate the marriage had to last x number of years, etc) and then they allow for "let's wait on kids"? I understand that they wanted to make sure that the condition of career is satisfied, but really? That condition is all but done as soon as Trina has her doctorate. Even if she didn't have her own private practice, doctors are in demand in every major city in the world (think hospitals) or some type of medical specialist. No...I think that the only delay would have been getting hired. Once a year on the job has been put in then "they start trying to get pregnant". A staff doctor in any medical office is still going to make enough to raise a family, even in the military where the pay for the job is abysmally low.

3 - taking "2" into account, with the discovery that Dan is sterile, adoption still would have covered the "child born before..." criteria. The author himself pointed out that the trust made no mention of parentage.

There is more, but I'll stop there. The story that the author was trying to tell was done well...but I think that it was poorly conceived from a delivery standpoint. If you can accept that people make bad decisions (often based on either incomplete or wrong intel), and in this case monumentally idiotic decisions (on both sides), then the telling of the tale isn't the problem. The problem I have is with the tale itself.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

but stupidity only goes so far. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Challenge ?

I hope that one of the authors who "complete" partial or unfinished stories will take this one on. The author opened it up for someone to add another chapter describing the affair and everything else that went along with it from Trina's point of view. It would be interesting to see if someone could adequately describe the kind of convoluted thought process one would have to possess to try and "get away" with something like this.

The story had good dramatic points, definitely over the top in a few places. Just shows what blind lust and greed can possess someone to do. Damn shame he wasted 14 years of his life on someone he obviously really never knew.

Interesting story, thanks for submitting it.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
Should we worry about how stupid she was...?

She had to be married up until the point of getting the money - that meant he would have been entitled to half of it in their impending divorce...

If she had really and truly pushed the desire to have a child of her own, you don't think he wouldn't have been willing to consider a sperm donor of the NORMAL variety, i.e. going to a clinic...?

She could have ASKED him to get tested (knowingly) and worked from there. It certainly would have made more sense than fucking around on him.

I'm not saying she wouldn't have still PRETENDED to love him but he'd at least have stayed in the marriage since he'd have thought it was legit.

And fucking the guy across the street...?!? Really, how stupid WAS she...?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

what a load of crap. didn't like the first one much but this has taken an even worse direction. just bad.

sdc97230sdc97230about 9 years ago
He might not be totally out of the running for a payoff

Annulling the marriage crashed Trina's plans, but her father was part of the scheme and he seemed to have some means. Suing Trina and her dad for damages for the years he devoted in good faith to a fraudulent marriage might bring something in. Plus the added pleasure from turning their scheme into an even bigger money loser for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Being an attorney, I noticed that there is one big, big hole.

This could have been a pretty good story, except you couldn't get an annulment without a petition and service, or at least enough effort at service on her to satisfy the court. Since the surprise ending is dependent totally on the surprise of the annulment, the whole story rushes to an ending which is totally implausible. In answer to one of the commenter's suggestion that he just stay in the marriage to get his half, the general law, although some states might be an exception, is as long as she doesn't co-mingle the funds with his or joint funds, all remain hers. He would be entitled to a share of any profits from the funds, but he'd have to hang around for such profits to accumulate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Who cares

It's just a story........ I liked him for standing up for his principles. Money is not the end all and be all in life.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
greed is the downfall

While she might not have been legally obligated to give him any of the inheritance in a divorce, by refusing to give him half she ended up with none.

A postnup with an agreed 50/50 split and no child support could have gained her over 200 million dollars.

Her contempt and selfishness cost her everything.

She is the one that "cut off her nose to spite her face" not him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Cool story, tfud long lazting revenge......



Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

A great follow up chapter. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

not bad as a stand-alone, but I find it completely betrayed the original premise.

kdcee79kdcee79over 8 years ago
Just 1 question

Who finally got the money ?????? 4****

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Couldn't give it 5*

The protagonist was too outrageously stupid. Who is stupid enough to pay several million dollars to a lawyer just to file an annulment? You did say the taxes and lawyer fees took most of the 9 mil.

korba76korba76over 8 years ago
What I find strikingly irritating is

the CRITICS, many of whom have never submitted a story, on here who KNOW that this is fiction, who KNOW that they are supposed to be willing to suspend disbelief to a certain degree, but STILL complain when the reality of how judges rule, laws are applied, and one side or the other, or BOTH, gets shafted by the system in a way that the writer finds "over the top"

**********************************TRIGGER WARNING!*************************************


chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 8 years ago
Good read

For what it's worth, a chunk so gold will likely land on her folks and in time unto her, so she shouldn't lack for anything


RePhilRePhilover 8 years ago
Sorry Dude Donna is not available

I married her.

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