One Flew Over the Cuckold's Nest Ch. 01

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A young married couple's journey into cuckoldry.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/04/2017
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Chapter 1

Graham sat at the end of the bed and slowly began to undo his tie. Halfway through he stopped and allowed his arms fall to his side. It had been another pointless, paper pushing day at the Department of Work and Pensions where Graham worked as a clerk processing the claims of what he generally considered were the dregs of society. The position had been vaguely tolerable while his wife worked there but that had been six months ago.

Although only 28 he looked at least a decade older, a fact that did not escape his attention as he glanced at the framed wedding picture on the bedside cabinet. Taken just two years previously their smiling faces in the mid summer sunshine hinted at much to look forward to. His youthful looks had lost their vigour, a slight paunch had begun to emerge above his waistline and his receding mousey hairline lay lank over his watery brown eyes. To some he had a slightly grungy look made fashionable by bands such as Kaiser Chiefs and Green Day.

In terms of looks, Sally was seen as quite a catch for Graham; she possessed a full curvaceous body, large breasts, full hips and slender hips which gave her a noticeable hour glass figure. Her blonde hair that fell straight below her shoulders, big baby blue eyes and pouting red lips. She drew people's attention -- both men and women -- by her high full cheek bones which then tapered to an exquisite chin giving her an almost Oriental look.

However, her track record in relationships was somewhat chequered, a fact that Graham's mother was only too ready to bring to her only child's attention. Sally, he was at pains to point out, was just misunderstood. How else do you explain two divorces by the time she was 30? Five years her junior Sally saw in Graham someone with whom she felt truly comfortable. It was true she carried the baggage of two failed marriages but that was when she was young, impressionable and liked the thrill of being with men who were volatile and dangerous. Graham was the complete opposite. He had a degree in history, was non judgemental about her past and was so totally laid back it was untrue. Behind her back Sally's friends thought Graham a bit wet and nerdy although privately commented that at least she had finally met someone who accommodated her strong, and sometimes overbearing, personality.

Sally's voice from the bottom of the stairs broke his reverie.

"How long will you be, Graham?" she called impatiently.

"Fucks sake," Graham uttered under his breath and then more audibly over his shoulder in the direction of the bedroom door, "I'll be down in a sec. Just getting changed."

Five minutes later Graham descended the stairs in a faded black T Shirt and gray jogging bottoms. With a sense of foreboding he knew that there would be no meal ready even though the lazy bitch had given up work in order to pursue a career as a writer. Although this meant that there was less money coming in to the household Graham had raised little objection at the time.

"Anything to eat?" Graham enquired half expectantly as he appeared in the doorway in the sitting room. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry," replied Sally without averting her eyes from some mindless soap opera being played out on the television. "I've just been working hard on an article for a women's magazine."

"I'll nip out and get a takeaway."

Without waiting for a response Graham put on his tan leather bomber jacket, grabbed his keys and wallet and left the house for the short walk to the local Chinese. While leaning against the counter waiting for his order to arrive Graham flicked through the well thumbed tabloid lingering over the picture of the topless model posing in unfeasibly short cut off jeans, open check shirt and Stetson. Her tits were nice and pert but not as large as Sally's. He then let his mind wander on to the prospect of his own wife exposing her breasts in a national newspaper after having another man snap hundreds of shots of her in various poses. The thought was not displeasing.

Returning home Graham dutifully transferred the glutinous contents from the polystyrene cartons on to warm plates and fetching a couple of bottles of beer from the fridge he then ferried the trays of food in to the sitting room. Sally gave Graham a brief smile of gratitude before returning to the TV screen.

This is what their short-lived marriage had come to; TV dinners and sparse conversations which soon descended into irritability. Their love life had waned quite dramatically from the urgent, intense and sweaty coupling of the initial dating phase to the Friday night 'two minute wonder', as Sally termed it, which followed the routine visit to the pub. Sally was now bored with the customary 'few beers down at the The Crown & Cushion', an old fashioned ale house which hadn't seen any refurbishment probably since it was built in Victorian times but which Graham had deemed 'having character'. Ironic considering that he was beginning to lack any, she mused. They were invariably joined with a handful of Graham's work colleagues, all of whom were male, led dull lives and talked incessantly about work. After a couple of pints the conversation round the table of drinks would then descend to lewd comments about the physical attributes of the female members of staff. One of them in particular, Jimmy, a stocky 40 something caveman with permanent stubble, clearly had a penchant for women with large breasts.

"Have you seen the fucking norks on Jane in the New Claims Department?" Jimmy uttered in mock incredulity, cupping two hairy hands under his own developing man boobs. "Wouldn't you just love to bury your face in those dairy pillows?"

The assembled lads all guffawed and in an attempt to excuse his lack of political correctness, he turned and winked at Sally before involuntarily taking a long and indiscrete gawp at her own large tits which were thinly disguised under a loose fitting red V neck sweater. The reference to large breasts and the presence of Sally had not escaped the other men either who all took more furtive glances at Sally's large and firm breasts as they took sips from their pints. Sally just smiled and shook her head in mock disdain at the bawdy comments which she took in good humour. Boys will boys.

Being the only woman in a group of men did not bother Sally. Apart from Jimmy the Neanderthal the other guys were largely chatty and tended to buy her and Graham the drinks as an unspoken appreciation of the fact that she provided the assembled males with some rather tasty eye candy for the evening. However, what really intrigued Sally -- and was one of the reasons she kept attending these Friday sessions -- was the way in which Graham seemed totally unphased by the sexist and overt language which his wife was subjected to. He sat quietly on the periphery of the group occasionally contributing a witty story but largely laughing along with, and even egging on, guys like Jimmy to keep the banter going.

Sally herself recognised deep down that there was no spark anymore -- conversationally, socially and sexually. Not so long ago she was a young woman who took pride in her appearance, got a thrill from the looks she received from admiring men. Now she wore baggy tops which did little to hide her round globe-like tits but which did cover the start of a flabby stomach. She could no longer squeeze into her designer straight leg jeans as her upper thighs and butt had added inches in recent months and so longer and looser skirts and dresses had begun to appear in her wardrobe.

"Anything decent on?" said Graham

"Not sure..." replied Sally matter of factly and began flicking through the TV guide on the remote control. Sally lived off a diet of soaps and reality programmes, none of which particularly inspired Graham whose preference for documentaries was also routinely sidelined. Sally's search then paused on some obscure channel showing a Louis Theroux documentary on the swinging scene in America.

"Yeah.." guffawed Graham, "Put that on...should be a bit of a laugh."

Settling down on the sofa together the pair were soon engrossed in the fly-on-the-wall documentary featuring a number of couples whose lifestyle involved sharing partners with other couples and partners. Most of these sexual encounters took place at swingers clubs or private house parties. However it was the final Wisconsin couple which took the concept of swinging to another, more intense, level since they were introduced with their faces blurred to maintain their anonymity. 'James', the viewer was informed, is a cuckold, a fetish which involves the male partner watches his partner, in this instance 'Carrie', having sex with another guy. The film crew then shadowed 'Carrie' as she prepared for one of their meets in an out-of-town hotel with a black guy , often referred to as 'the bull' in these types of scenarios. 'Carrie', who had searched specifically for an afro-american on a swinging website, described to the interviewer - as she peeled on black stockings - how their cuckold fetish actually strengthened their marriage.

Slouched in the sofa with only the flickering light from the TV screen illuminating their faces Graham was aware that during the piece he had become highly aroused, so much so that the erection was making the crotch of his gray jogging pants stretched. He brought his knees up closer to slacken the material and as casually as he could he readjusted himself. Despite his actions Graham's physical stirrings had not escaped Sally's attentions.

Initially Sally had been taken aback by the dramatic events which unfolded on screen. Not unnaturally her imagination superimposed herself and Graham in the scene. Rather then dismissing the picture immediately she allowed her thoughts to work through the events, sampling the sensations that this evoked.

Suddenly conscious of the inexplicable fact that the thoughts resonating round her mind may be being picked up by Graham she glanced sideways to where he was sitting next to her with his legs stretched out in front of him. To her utter amazement she could clearly make out -- despite the dimly lit room - his erection pushing against those awful baggy jogging bottoms which she hated. His hardness lay almost flat against his pubic area, pointing accusingly up at his face.

Oh my God, he must be really turned on by this scene!

No sooner had the thought come crashing into her consciousness than it immediately posed the question, Is my husband turned on by the thought of his wife being taken by another man? Just as her mind alighted upon the latter possibility she watched as Graham furtively sought to conceal his state of arousal by adjusting the front of his sports pants.

For the remainder of the programme Graham and Sally sat side by side, their attention flitting between the programme and the new dark erotic chamber of fantasy they each had unlocked. As the programme's credits rolled down the screen Graham pulled himself to his feet and carefully rearranging his pants he stretched and then twisted his torso round enquired, "You going to bed?"

"Yeah...I guess so," replied Sally.

Fifteen minutes later they were both lying in bed, he in just a pair of thin tartan boxer shorts and she in a faded black Rolling Stones T shirt. Graham lay on his back with his hands behind his head above the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. Sally lay on her side in a semi-foetal position, her back to her younger husband, both of them revisiting in their own minds the subject of their awakening.

Graham's imagination soon fell on the general thought of what it must be like to watch one's wife being fucked by another man. Oh God...feeling a mixture of emotions....butterflies in my stomach. And how would one react if one was actually able to see happen in front of you. Shit, I'm actually aroused! How would one feel if one's wife knew one was watching? Jeez...sorta feels ok...I think...It would change our relationship for ever. Would one want the other guy to know you were watching? Er...not sure about that one...park that thought for another day....I'm getting hard....

Lying on her side Sally was turning over in her mind the possible cause of Graham's arousal. Their sex life had become fairly intermittent over the last six months so in one way she was glad he could still spontaneously get 'lead in his pencil'. She knew only too well that men had triggers which sparked them into action; sexy lingerie, porn, big tits, even a bloody football team winning! However, in the course of their relationship none of these 'triggers' had been identified in Graham. In fact he had often dismissed such things as being frivolous and not worthy of his intellectual abilities. She was sure he only said that to impress her.

Maybe now she had actually discovered one of his 'triggers'. Surely, he couldn't be a closet rapist? She had to suppress a giggle. Not Graham. Rapists came in all shapes and sizes but she knew from a previous abusive relationship that other psychological factors come into play such as need to control, abusive parents or a dysfunctional upbringing. Graham had no such past and had never exhibited such behaviour. If anything he was a pussy cat! In fact if they were both subjected to the same sort of incident as the one shown on 'Crimewatch'...Sally's mind froze as the realisation of the possible cause of her husband's arousal began to dawn upon her.

In that same moment her thoughts were broken by the Graham's arm placed over her shoulder. In itself this was not unusual as this was something he did -- followed by a chaste kiss on the back of her neck - before they both dosed off to sleep. Instead of the half anticipated peck she found her husband's arm pull her towards him just as he brought his groin into her ass. Graham manoeuvred his hips so that she became instantly aware of his hard penis rubbing between the crevice of her cheeks.

While Sally's previous relationships had been tempestuous affairs the guys she had been with were real alpha males; sporty types with well developed -- if not highly toned -- bodies. In addition they possessed well developed dicks which they used on her to masterful effect, something which rather laughably Graham didn't. In fact his manhood (if you could call it that!) was below average standing an undignified 5 inches in its most heightened state of arousal. Looking back to the time when the two had met hot, passionate sex had not been uppermost in Sally's mind having been subjected to a string of overbearing and abusive men. But, as they say, time is a great healer...

With her mind on all matters sexual Sally welcomed Graham's overture by stroking his arm to which he reciprocated by cupping the underside of one of her well formed breasts through the thin cotton material of her T shirt. She let out an involuntary moan which prompted Graham to push his groin firmly against her ass by grabbing the other breast with his other hand which he forced through under her side. Sally reached behind and sought out the waistband of his shorts, tugging them down as far his upper thigh. Quickly Graham disengaged himself and tore off his boxers before returning to his position behind his wife, this time working urgently on her nipples which began to harden quickly. Spooning behind Sally he hitched the T-shirt up a fraction allowing his erection to get better purchase between the crack of his wife's ass.

Because of his meagre size Graham invariably found it difficult in this position to get the head of his penis up towards the lips of Sally's pussy. Instead he would increase his arousal by massaging his hard dick between the large globe-like cheeks of her firm rear. Eventually - when they both needed to feel penetration - Graham would transfer his weight to his shoulder and ease Sally on to her front from where he would mount her from behind, part her legs with one of his knees and insert his hardness into her.

This particular night the couple repeated this ritual, only this time Graham's heightened state of arousal made his movements more urgent. Sally was taken aback by the fierceness of Graham's actions as he entered her abruptly. He grabbed her waist and pulled her up and backwards to meet his first thrust. As Sally adjusted her mind to the feverish activity of her otherwise placid (and often flaccid!) husband, Graham could not blank out the image of a well built intruder - whose face was masked by a balaclava -- thrusting his thick swollen manhood deep into his pretty blonde wife. Graham's mind desperately tried to extinguish the image but within four jerking thrusts he was unable to stop himself cumming. As he felt that last drop of sperm seep out of his contracting penis the room became immediately silent apart from Graham's panting. His clutch on each side of his wife's ass relaxed and as his dick shrivelled to an inch or so Graham eased himself back on his side of the bed.

Nothing else was said. Nothing else needed to be said. Graham and Sally both fell asleep.

[Chapter 2 follows soon! Please feel free to contact me by way of the 'Feedback' option at the end of this page and let me know what you think so far x]

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


amyyumamyyumover 3 years ago
A great title

one of the best

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

The title speaks volumes as to the place anyone writing about a mentally challenged man should find himself. Nurse Rachett has some nice pills for you.

suckermansuckermanover 6 years ago
Good understanding

Of the cuckold mind and feelings cant wait to see how it develops. The story arouses me as I not only understan the guys feelings but physically we are nearly a math. It is so refreshing to read of small cocked cuckolds. I am only 4" hard and had to smile when after sex he went back to a 1" stub I thought for a moment that the author knew me.

looking forward to reading the next episode.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great Story So Far

Very well-written and very exciting. Looking forward to reading the next two chapters.

Bogey3Bogey3over 6 years ago
Cute title

Looking forward to the next chapters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Gzzzz what garbage and nonsense story.....waste of time

The author did a very poor job on this ugly story. In fact it seems the author has some serious gay issues mixed with some cuckold issues that were transported to this pathetic story.

This story lacks of creativity, nonsense, shallow, low context, poor written and it is not even hot nor sexy story.

This story is not enjoyable and it is such waste of time reading all they way through.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Needs Proofreading

I quote: "she possessed a full curvaceous body, large breasts, full hips and slender hips"

InsigniaInsigniaalmost 7 years ago
The item that seems unique

Is the moment of discovery the couple share simoultaneously. Additionally, just because something is written that I have see done before does not mean its old hat to the author. This story appears to have legs and as guy thrust into a bull position once without having any knowledge of cuckoldry whatsoever it got my attention.

"But once you get that little red beaver right up in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all, and I don't think you do either."

kennyboy82kennyboy82almost 7 years ago
A 5 Star Effort.

Really excellent story - well written, a good grasp of the fundamentals of a burgeoning cuckold marriage, all in all a highly enjoyable read, written by an educated author.

Be aware that you will no doubt receive endless flack from trolls on here that dislike cuckold stories. (why do they read them in order to shoot them down in flames if they really dislike them that much? Doesn't add up) You'll have to ignore them, weather the storm as it were. You might consider posting them on a different forum, fetishes for example, rather than loving wives.

That having been said, I enjoyed this no end and am looking forward eagerly for the next chapter.

suckermansuckermanalmost 7 years ago
Good read

A good star and one or two interesting points that are lifting this above the usual.

The description of the husbands sexuality for a start, his general lack of drive and the short penis. Being a woman I hope you can handle the husbands short comings and from the story so far I think you will. However if you ver feel yhe need for how a husband really feels as a cuckold without shame I put myself forward as a fount of knowledge. I would love to let you know how a cuckold really feels . However it seems that at this point in the story you are doing very well on your own.

I hope the next chapter is not too far away.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good Start

Nice writing. Looking forward to chapter two.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 7 years ago
Keep Writing!

I found this to be a good beginning, however maybe you should have either used more pages for a start, or spread more of your description of Sally throughout the first few chapters. (Just an idea)

As others have pointed out, we shouldn’t put too much weight on what the trolls say they want, for I doubt they know themselves. I’ll bet that many writers on this site would attempt a story custom made to their outline if they asked, and could produce an outline. I have written several stories for others, and would have acknowledged their input but mostly they requested I didn’t—probably didn’t want to lose the anonymous status.

Anyway, I read your first story just before reading this one, and I do wonder why the long dry spell?

If you get tired of the crap some Anons pass out, you can refuse to allow their comments. About the only downside is, it will cause them to go back and one-bomb all your stories, but heck, they will do that to any new stories regardless, and you only have one old one anyway.

PS: Wouldn't you love to know just what these folks think could constitute a new plot? How many different basic ways can one write a plot about a wife who screws someone who isn't her husband?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

No matter how well you write, the Loving Wives section is going to judge your story harshly if you write about cuckholdry. It's unfair, but unfortunately that's the way it is over here. Don't let their trolling discourage you. If they could write a better story, they would. Since they can't, they just try to force the actual writers to accommodate them by making it difficult to write any other storyline than the ones they want to read. They want to force this genre into what they want it to be, even if what they want isn't what it was made for. They don't want erotica. They want a tale of justice. The cheater must be made to pay for them to feel better. No actual "extra marital fun" is encouraged.

As for this story, it was decent. It was erotic and sexy. My only critique was that there wasn't much to tell. Just a fuck scene with no background to get me to care about the people. Hope you hurry with chapter 2 and give more background.k

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

So does Sally have full hips or slender hips?

While many of the sentences are descriptive, they also seem overly wordy, to the point of distraction. But perhaps that's just me. When you're trying to paint a visual picture, sometimes less is more, and you must choose carefully.

I haven't read anything original here. This beginning is a standard plotline. One of the basic ideas of taking creative writing classes is to be CREATIVE, meaning, something outside the norm. This is fish n' chips, all day, every day.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 7 years ago
I read the writer's Bio and I have some questions...

I read the writer's Bio and I have some questions about this story: 1st - Who is this couple? Are they both white, both black, or one white and one black? Why am I asking this? They are looking for a "black bull"! If they were looking just for a "bull" this question didn't matter... 2nd - The previous question leads to this one: Black women don't cheat? Don't cuckold their husbands? Again, why this questions? The writer seems to be a black woman, so why would she write about a white couple looking for a black bull? Now, if for instance the writer was a black male, with a woman's aka, I would understand the why of this story...

The story isn't better or worst than similar uses the same ideas, the same plot, the same characters...1*

eviltwin52eviltwin52almost 7 years ago
Forget the trolling Anons

I like it and look forward to chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
HOT Story

Loved this story, hope you continue with it and share it with us.

Just ignore the trolls that come here every day and post hate comments all they want is sick B.T.B stories that humilate women.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Some of the comments made here are unbelievable...

Objecting to the erotic and fetish content of this story is like turning on a Sports Channel and objecting that a soccer game is being broadcast:

You may not like soccer but don't be shocked if it appears on a sports programme...there's plenty of other sports about!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Although Id never be a cuck in real life, it's just not my thing your first part of the story was good. My only thing as in most of the stories where the part of the hubby being aroused talking about that of watching a porn would make him to want to live it. Men are dogs and alway think about fucking but for me I could get aroused watching a porn like this and enjoy thinking about what it's about . I would never be able to tolerate anything like that in real life. A fantasy with dirty talk in bed is great but for me a most men I know would be a no go in reality. I did know one person who liked watching but it also backfired and she fell for a guy she was fucking for her husband.

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