One Summer Morning


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I was looking at her back and the blue sky beyond it. She had moved forward so she could sit upright and I saw her looking at my body. I touched her back and she reacted, as a kitten would, by looking back, with a dreamy, serious face.

"Tell me, Liz," I said softly.

She smiled again, her face trying to look happy but I saw that uncertainty behind her smile, again.

"Ok, but promise me..." she began.

"I promise!" I interrupted her.

"No, wait. Promise to believe me and promise not to reject me. Ok?" she replied.

"Liz, what is this? You're going to tell me you got pregnant and have a kid somewhere?"

"No, it's nothing like that but maybe it's worse. It's more personal," she smiled.

"Personal for who? You or me?

"Both, I guess," she replied, looking across me to the sea where the couple was returning to the beach.

4. ******

So, she told me her story about a couple she met last summer on an island. It was at the very beginning of her last week on the islands, where she had remained for the rest of the time. She admitted they had caught her eye because he looked a lot like me, as if we were twins, only with one small difference. They were obviously a couple, being together all of the time instead of being part of a group. Liz also noticed they were intimately physical, sometimes on the beach and sometimes in the water.

One evening, Liz was getting a drink and the girl had stood next to her. They had started a conversation and the girl had asked her to leave with her and have a chat as they had walked to the edge of the beach where some small dunes were. Their backpacks, a small tent, pillows and etc. was laid out between two dunes. They had sat on their sleeping bags and some towels together and, even with Liz in their company, they didn't stop caressing, lying against each other and sometimes stroking each other's breasts or stomachs only stopping short of genital stimulation. Of course, this had its effect on Liz, too, she confided in me. Especially because they had sat very close to each other, like we were.

After some time of talking, they told Liz they had spotted her and had followed her the whole day. Even in this crowd, with a lot of beautiful and naked people, she had stood out. They had also noticed she was looking at them from time to time. It wasn't by coincidence that she had turned up next to Liz to order some drinks so Liz had told them she had spotted him as well because he looked so much like her own brother. The girl's answer almost stopped Liz's heart from beating and it was almost like an epiphany to her because Liz was told the couple was, in fact, brother and sister.

"Say that again!" was all I could mutter.

"Yes, she told me he was her brother. I already knew there was only one year separating them in age. They had other siblings but as the youngest of seven children, they had always had a special bond."

"And they were having...?"

"Yes, they told me, very casually, that they had discovered sex together on their first holiday without their family and, escaping the confinements of their upbringing and social rules, it had been a totally liberating experience."

"Did they live together as well? And didn't you think it to be weird?" I asked.

"No, they didn't. They lived in separate cities and in separate countries. And no, somehow it didn't seem weird. They were, at the same time, very intimate but there was a distance. Not like people who were in love, where everything is based on feelings and 'I can't help myself'. This was much more of a conscious thing, something they choose to do. Anyway, that's how I saw it," Liz answered.

During the telling of her story, Liz had not looked at me. She had looked to the sea and its surroundings. She had watched the other couple and she may have looked at my feet, legs, or even at my crotch but she did not look around at me. She had put her hand on my stomach and with the images of her story going through my mind, my dick had responded and was hanging quite heavily between my legs, trying to get up. She went on to tell me about her first time having sex with another girl then having her first threesome with a girl and a boy that same evening, too. She had slept between them and, every time someone woke up, they would have sex again until the sun came up and the morning light filled the air. Then they had stood up and went to the sea, as today, to dive into the calm and clear waters.

"Geez, Liz! What a story! It does make me a bit jealous of course but excuse me, it's not something to disbelieve or to reject you for."

"You don't get it, do you?" Liz asked timidly, with shyness in her voice.

When I didn't react, she came out with it.

"I only saw you in him."

She turned towards me but kept her eyes on my body.

"I saw only you. I only thought of you when I felt him. I thought of you when he entered me. I thought of you when I came before his eyes. Now, tell me you don't reject me," she pleaded and I never saw her more serious in my whole life.

I looked down and was eye to eye with my totally stiff and erect dick. I had to laugh and so did Liz.

"I can't be more honest than my body but no, Liz. Of course you're still, and always will be, my sister whom I love. Whatever you do and whatever you tell me...I trust you. I won't let you go," I promised.

In one movement, she turned herself and swung her leg over me, landing on top of me. With her face right over mine, she laughed with tears in her eyes and looked into mine.

"You really trust me?"

"I do. I said so," I told her.

Becoming aware that her hips were above my abdomen, her knees next to my thighs, her breasts were touching mine and her lips so close to my mouth that I felt her words falling against my lips.

"You make me so happy!"

I felt her hips turning and her pelvis moving across my belly. Then I felt the tip of my penis against a very slippery pussy as it glided against the entrance of her cunt and all I could say was 'Liz' before her mouth locked on mine and her warm, soft cunt lips engulfed the top of my dick that was harder than I had ever felt it before. She started moving slowly, grinding her hips against mine. Her kiss was sweet and soft. Not aggressive or lustful, only her lips softly kissing mine. The top of my dick was feeling the heat from her pussy and pushing against her entrance that surrounded it. When she stopped kissing, she looked like a thousand suns.

"For one year, I have been dreaming it would come to this but we can't go on right now," she said.

I looked to the side where the couple was sitting and they were looking at us. They were clearly touching each other but their attention was on us, not on each other. I looked Liz in the eyes.

"You're probably right but very unkind as well."

"I'll make it up to you, I promise."

5. ******

When we arrived at the moped, Liz insisted she wanted to drive. That meant I had to sit against her like she sat against me earlier in the morning. With my dick still upright in my shorts, it didn't look to be a very good idea. It simply hadn't been possible to put my hard-on in my swimming trunks so I decided to leave them off and put on only my shorts. Liz had laughed again when she had seen me struggling and I had told her it wasn't fair that she could put on her panty when being aroused and she had smiled, pulled her panty off, again, from under her dress and had put it inside my backpack.

"So, now we're even," was her short reply.

When I got on the moped, behind Liz, it was clear there wasn't a thing I could grab hold of to hold myself on so I put my arms around her waist and admired the open back of her dress where the joints of her spine made a small ridge from just below her neck to the top of her bum crack. She drove us away and with every turn and application of the brakes, it made me glide against her back. That is, my still half erect member found itself trapped between my belly and her back. 'Oh, gee,' I thought while feeling Liz and the vibrations of the moped, again.

"I hope I can make it home," I said into Liz's ear and gently squeezed the sides of her body.

"Me, too!" she shouted into the wind.

The road had some steep parts on the way from the sea to the village and Liz couldn't stop herself from sliding to the back as well. She bent over a bit while holding on to the handlebars with both hands and I could see her tightening her grip. Suddenly, she stopped behind a bench at a look-out with a great view of the small bay we had just come from but that was not what Liz was enjoying. She kept the motor running, grabbed my hands, put them on her breasts and pushed them hard against into her breasts. They were more than a handful and firm but softer than what my eyes had guessed and I could feel her large and hard nipples between my fingers. I pinched them, and her breasts, quite hard as Liz dropped her head down and her body started trembling. A series of moans escaped her throat when the waves of her orgasm rocked her body, for what seemed like a whole minute, until she turned the moped off and straightened up, looking upwards to the sky. Finally, she turned around and gave me a kiss.

"Sorry. I couldn't make it home. I'm much too excited!" she whispered and gave me another kiss.

"Don't be sorry. I'm glad I got a bit of a time-out as well," I answered and planted a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Oh no, you don't! Get off the moped," she said.

Standing next to it, and before me, she loosened my shorts and pulled them down. I was standing, naked, next to the road! I looked around but, at that moment, there wasn't a car in sight. Liz put my shorts on the moped and took my hand, guiding me to the other side of the bench and sitting me down on it.

Standing in front of me, she gently took my face in both of her hands.

"Shhh," she said and gave me a kiss.

Her hand dropped down to my crotch and it took a firm hold of my erect, standing member.

"Liz, come on. The beach was 'in the spur of the moment', a complete surprise to me but now...! Hey, Liz, listen. We shouldn't be doing this. Liz..."

The words escaped my mouth but my body was more honest than my mind. I couldn't escape from the excitement that my beautiful sister gave me, especially now that she had loosened the top of her dress and her wonderful breasts fell free again. Her nipples were clearly as hard as I had felt them just a minute ago.

"Shhh. It's ok. That's what I learned that one night on the island. It's ok to be intimate as siblings. We're consenting adults, aren't we? Whatever society says doesn't matter!"

And she continued to stroke my dick slowly up and down, smearing the pre-cum all over the length of the shaft.

"If you want it and if you love me, it's ok. I love you more than enough to do this and to want this."

She kissed me again, first as sweet as the kisses on the beach but soon it changed into a more lustful kiss. Her tongue tasting mine, her lips sucking on mine. Tasting each other, I smelled her wonderful scent with the sea as a distant fragrance. Suddenly, she stopped and stood up in front of me, looked down and smiled a broad smile full of white teeth and for one short moment, the only thing I thought was, 'You still have your sunglasses on your head.' But then I snapped back into the moment when she pulled her dress up so it became just a piece of cotton around her hips. She stood upright, looked to the road where a car passed and waved. A long hooting was the car's answer.

"That was the couple from the beach," she said, grinning like a cat in a bird's cage.

"So, big brother, feel me!" she said and she posed, wide legged, in front of me, pushing her pelvis and her trimmed pussy towards me. I reached out and cupped her pussy with my whole hand, gliding my fingers between her legs. I couldn't believe I was grabbing my own sister's pussy and her only reaction was that she opened her mouth and gasped a big breath of air. But she never took her eyes off of me when I continued to feel her up until my middle two fingers stroked her clit before entering her very wet and slippery cunt.

It was then that she closed her eyes and all I felt were her muscles contracting around my fingers, as if she was the one milking my hand. Then she began moving her pelvis back and forth, as if she was riding my arm. As suddenly as she had stopped her kisses, I pulled my fingers out of her.

"What!" she almost shouted her frustrations at me but, this time, I was the one grinning.

I was past my inhibitions, seeing the lust on her face and all over her body.

"Kiss me," I demanded and she bent forward to kiss me.

"Honestly, I've never seen anything as sexy as you are, now, here, on the side of the road and with the morning sun on your face," I told her before her lips met mine.

"But most of all, I've never seen you smiling like this nor have I seen you as happy as you are this morning."

"I have never been happier!" she kissed me.

"I have waited a whole year for this!" she kissed me again.

"I want you inside me. I want to make love," she kissed me again, and again.

"Turn around," I answered.

She turned around while still holding her dress up with both hands around her middle. I placed one hand on her hip and held my erection with the other, spread my legs wide and sat on the edge of the wooden bench. She didn't look down or backwards, she just lowered herself to sit on my rigid erection that I was holding for her. The big, dark red glans disappeared between her buttocks and hit her in front of her anus. Slowly I moved it forward until it became engulfed in the dripping wetness of her cunt. Her pussy lips welcomed my cock and glided along the shaft as it entered her. She impaled herself on my wood-like hardness, with short movements, until she sat on my lap with my cock buried all of the way inside of her body.

She let go of her dress and placed her hands upon mine, intertwining our fingers, then she arched her back, pushing her pelvis to the front which felt like she was trapping my cock inside of her. The back of her head touched my forehead and she spread our arms as if standing on the bow of the Titanic. The sea was in front of us. The horizon was a curved line between the dark waters and the sun-lit sky. Slowly she began to grind her hips around and around. I could hear her breath getting shorter and shallower and sometimes allowing a moan to escape her throat.

Then she pulled at my hands and placed them on her breasts again. I felt those wonderful, firm, soft and rounded breasts in the palms of my hands and started kneading them as well as pinching and pulling her nipples outwards. I licked the back of her neck, where salty sweat had appeared in tiny droplets, and kissed her shoulders when I felt her fingers on her clit. They worked the whole area and with one hand she held my balls. The other hand picked up the pace towards her clit and it didn't take long before the first wave of her orgasm crashed through her body. I felt a very wet stream flowing alongside my balls when a second wave made her lose control and she arched her back, again, with her head on my shoulder before collapsing onto my lap.

While the rest of her body relaxed in some sort of post-orgasmic bliss, my dick felt like a third arm that was being pulled inside of her. I put my hands on her hips and started pushing them off of my body a bit. Now that she didn't move with me, she was too heavy, so I pushed her whole body to the front until her breasts touched her own thighs and were pushed to the sides. With her upper body lying on her thighs, I could move her up and down on my cock, which felt like it had grown inches. It moved deep within her body and she felt so tight and so easy at the same time.

Then, suddenly, Liz placed both of her hands on my thighs, that were outside of hers, and she remained bent over but now she made the moves that made my cock go all of the way out and then she would let herself fall back. After some long, deep strokes, I could feel my balls contract and I felt my orgasm creeping its way towards my enlarged cock that was moving, piston-like, in and out of my sister.

I held her still on my lap but she pushed herself up again. I pulled her back down, forcefully, which had the effect of slamming hard into her. Her moans were not quiet anymore and with every pull, with every slam, we both became more and more vocal. I opened my eyes and saw her beautiful, smooth back bending over, sweat now all over her skin, her ponytail dancing on top of her head, her sunglasses lying in the sand in front of her and stars exploding.

The first stream of semen hit her cunt lips when my cock was almost out of her pussy. The next pull on her hips pushed it all out and a second stream shot like water from a fire hose deep against the walls of her vagina. A third shot finished it off deep inside of her but I wasn't done. Liz's cunt contracted with all the force of her own orgasm and it held my cock in place for the following streams of cum that didn't seem to end.

When they finally did end, we just stayed the way we were. Liz was still bent over, lying on her thighs, shaking softly, her arms alongside my calves as I held her hips in place while I felt my cock softening inside of her. I stroked the smooth, stretched skin of her back and of her buttocks until she finally straightened herself and looked back at me. She had been crying.

I smiled at her and opened my arms. While I was still inside her, she swung one leg across mine and sat, sideways, on my lap, her head resting on my shoulder and her hand caressing my breast.

"Sometimes you dream your dream so hard that you get nervous when it actually happens but this wasn't like that. This was good, plain fun, even though I have been planning it for so long. It felt so good! I planned it all without writing the script. So, it all depended on you and how you would react. So, thank you, big brother. Thank you for taking care of me. Now, let me take care of you!"

She stood up and got the towel to clean us both up a bit. We laughed at all the stains, all the cum and her wetness. We laughed at the cars passing by and hooting for us. We laughed at her dress around her hips and at my shorts on the moped. We laughed at each other, loving each other.

Like she said, it was just plain fun with my sister.

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OseekerOseeker11 months ago

Nice descriptions of hot lust for brother & sister engeaged in a taboo act without caring what others think.

5 stars!

ROCKY70ROCKY70about 5 years ago
Not bad at all****

This story could go a lot farther,It might even be a great one. PLEASE keep writing.... BROTHER & SISTER Stories come in second for me ,but this one could be my #2. thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Total Load of Fucking Crap

Stick it up your fucking ass hole

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Such a romantic, erotic sibling story. Makes me wish I had a sister like that...

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623about 7 years ago

Nicely done. Please keep writing!!!

Robinius1Robinius1about 7 years ago

I can't add much to what those who commented before me said. Some editing might have made this story perfect, but I don't need perfect. I have the feeling that English may not be your first language and if so, you have done remarkably well!

I value most the way you told the story and it's content. Very well done! Thank you for making my day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So smooth...

Damn, you are good. Your story is so incredibly sensuous, you surely experienced this yourself....

mharrisonmharrisonover 7 years ago
Good story

Good story. Would benefit from the input of an editor as you've said... Would love to hear more about this couple. Looking forward to reading more of your work.

ProfessorlondiabazProfessorlondiabazover 7 years ago
Nice Story.

Not bad. Incest is not an easy subject to write. Keep it up.

sailorsixsailorsixover 7 years agoAuthor
Some editing to be done.

Thanks for the encouragement and feedback so far! I'll get this story to an editor, so an update will follow. The comments concerning grammer etc.also had a point.

horny2doithorny2doitover 7 years ago

Your story was so arousing and showed his sister's trust and love to share probably the most intimate thoughts and feelings she has for her brother much beyond just being a sibling. Raw passion, love, tenderness plus so much more. That he loves and trusts her equally and now they have a strong sexual bond that won't be broken. I hope another chapter or two happens soon and that they become lovers and continue to feel these loving moments and stay open to each other. For his sister to think this out and take the chance after a year of soul-searching and desire; is so wonderful. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

5 stars. Loved this story... please more of this story..

thank you.....

prop69prop69over 7 years ago
one of the best scenes. romantic and loving

I hope you will follow up

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very good read!

Aside from the typos, the blending of her earlier sexual experiences into her true desire for her brother was nicely done. Keep going.

Turtle1952Turtle1952over 7 years ago
I enjoyed this

please keep it going, this could develop into a very loving and sexy tale.

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