Orc Dominion: Rebellion Ch. 12


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As the last of the Zentaran foot retreated across the bridge, a great cry went up from the Hestens and they immediately began to charge after in pursuit. A lump formed in her throat as she watched her brave soldiers being hacked down from behind, sacrificed in the name of a greater victory. The orcs on both sides of the river were lined up, and shooting the last of their arrows to keep the Hestens distracted and slowed.

Jeanette licked her lips and leaned forward in anticipation, waiting for the moment her orcs would slam into the Hesten flanks. But as they crossed the bridge the Hesten soldiers suddenly split formation, forming two columns which wheeled around to face the waiting orcs. In the blink of an eye, before she even realized what was happening the Hestens had formed a square at the base of the bridge. When the orcs charged forward instead of ripping through an exposed flank they met a shield wall straight on.

Fools, we're damn fools she thought. Had I really been so blind as to not think Connor would see exactly what I was planning? My orcs had been sitting right there in position all morning! Willem signaled the reformed line to advance and soon her army was attacking the Hesten square from all directions. "At least they'll be tired, while the orcs fresh. Perhaps that will be enough." She said grimly, to no one in particular.

Tired though they might be, the Hestens fought with vigor, slowly expanding the square outwards as they pushed back against the advancing Zentarans. Their archers had renewed fire again, concentrating on the orcs at the flanks to assist the foot in driving them back. "Your Highness, look! Their knights are coming across!"

This was what they were waiting for, had all been going to plan. Instead a column of Hesten knights were filling up the hollow square, poised and ready to exploit any weakness and turn a wavering line into a rout. "Order our human archers to target their knights, fire all the rest of our steel tipped arrows. We need to keep them off balance!"

The archers weren't nearly as effective against the knights as she would have hoped. The Hestens simply raised their shields and relied on them to stop or slow the arrows enough that their armor would do the rest. At least they killed and wounded some of the horses, but not nearly enough. Jeanette scanned the horizon again, looking for her lovers. Nothing.

"Oh what now, Your Highness, look!" Daniels pointed towards the front of the Hesten square, where the foot soldiers were beginning to part. The opening wasn't left long enough to exploit however, for soon the Hesten knights began pushing through.

"Get ready my lords! The Hestens are coming to us, and we will greet them with sword in hand. Draw! Draw your swords and ready yourselves!" The knights drew their swords or unslung their hammers or maces at her command. The Hestens were fighting like mad, recklessly pushing through the foot as hard and fast as they could.

A banner with the bearded lion of Heste went up, and Jeanette could see the large form of Connor himself at the center of his wedge of knights, fighting forward through the Zentaran ranks. They're coming for me, she thought. He wants to cut me down or capture me. The Hesten knights finally broke through the Zentaran lines and began charging her position.

"Knights of Zentara! Charge!" Jeanette readied her crossbow as her knights rode forth to greet the Hestens. Connor had twice as many knights though, and now her line of infantry was in disarray. Steel clashed with steel as the two forces met. The Queen tried to stay back, picking off the enemy with her crossbow when able, and relying on her personal guard to keep any would be heroes at bay. She had learned the hard way that effective as her sword fighting lessons had been, she was still no match for a trained knight.

"Ish goth, nok to ran be gosh!" Attack! A trophy to whoever kills their king! Vrenchak's voice rose above the battle. Her captain must have seen what the Hestens were about and broke off a detachment of orcs to come help. The orcs hit the Hestens from the side. They were better armed and armored then in the last war, and stood up against the knights better than could be expected. But there are not enough of them, she thought, not enough.

Vrenchak must have thought the same thing, for he made a bee line straight for the King of Heste. His large battle axe took the arm off one knight, and then the head off a horse as he cut through the King's guards. She thought he might take off Connor's arm as well, but the King's stout shield withstood the blow. Jeanette bit her lip nervously as she watched him strike back, his sword flashing as quick as lightning.

The captain leaned back though, allowing the tip of the sword to only scrape the surface of his chain armor. He then swiped with his axe again, splintering Connor's shield. The King answered in kind, and nearly cut the orc's axe in half as he blocked the sword. Back and forth they went, blocking and attacking, ducking, weaving, stabbing, each trying to gain an advantage on the other.

Jeanette tried to aim her crossbow, to send a bolt into Connor from behind but she couldn't get a clear shot. Perhaps he doesn't need my help though; Connor's shield is almost gone. The King must have thought the same thing, because as Vrenchak raised his arm to deliver the blow that would shatter it completely he feinted with his sword, and then slammed the broken shield into the orc's arm. Already broken and splintered, sharp wooden shafts sticking out from the shield cut through Vrenchak's arm, making the orc snarl in pain.

When he tried to move the axe to his other hand, Connor was ready and jabbed the tip of his sword forward, severing the orc's thick grey fingers. Vrenchak jerked back, dropping his axe as he reeled away from the king. Jeanette desperately shot off a bolt from her crossbow, but in the chaos of battle and in her haste it deflected harmlessly off Connor's shooting. To her horror, the attack didn't even give the King pause as he raised his sword again. Faster than her eyes could track he struck, slashing the blade downward, cutting through the chain and leather and rending flesh and bone. Vrenchak's choked gasp died in his throat as Connor followed up with another stab, running the orc through.

Her brave captain slid off his horse and fell to the dust. "No, No!" Jeanette hurriedly reloaded her elfin hand crossbow, and when Connor turned back to her she shot again. The quarrel found its mark this time, lodging in his armor just beside his shield arm. The burly king shrugged off the attack, and moved his horse towards her as he resumed fighting his way through to the Queen. Her knights were falling one by one before the larger Hesten numbers. Vrenchak was dead, and her own lines were collapsing. It's over. I need to grab who I can and escape, before it's too late!

More Hesten soldiers poured across the bridge, burly knights in grey armor that refilled the Hesten square and exploded out from within. With Vrenchak dead the orc detachment began to rapidly lose ground. The Hesten reinforcements were expanding the square even faster, until it started to lose all cohesion. No, not knights she realized, orcs! Gor and Kat, they're here! Jeanette's face lit up as she looked out to the square. Her orcs were devouring the Hesten formation from within, and now it was their lines which were rapidly disintegrating.

King Connor wheeled his horse around at the sound of his trumpets blasting. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the orcs falling upon him from the rear. He tried to turn his knights around, to ride to their rescue, but they were already being enveloped. Spurring on his horse, Connor turned from Jeanette and charged into melee at the foot of the bridge, desperate to save his army. It's too late though, she thought, he should have escaped while he had the chance.


A ring of soldiers surrounded the tent, a mixture of orcs and humans still armed and armored for combat despite the defeat and scattering of the Hesten forces. The prisoner inside was too important to risk escape, and despite everything she couldn't trust just humans or just orcs to guard him. The humans might be collaborators, and the orcs, well, they might just do something stupid. She meant to end the war now, so no one else would have to pay the price Vrenchak did, and for that, she needed her prisoner alive.

Jeanette smiled at the guards as they parted for her, their eyes wandering over her figure. Now that the battle was over, Jeanette was back to wearing dresses, and she was thankful for it. Although the nights were getting colder, it was still a relief to be wearing something light and airy after months of heavy, stifling leather armor.

A silk blouse wrapped around her body, the soft black fabric melting into the night as she stepped away from the camp fires. The crisp night air made her nipples stiffen and tent the material, no doubt to the delight of the guards she had just walked past. Thin strings tied the shirt together between her breasts, allowing her cleavage to show through. The shirt was cut above and below the strings, baring the skin of her upper chest and navel. A similar cut was made in the back, creating a start contrast between her fair skin and the dark silk as she made her way to the tent. Gold trim lined the holes, bringing further attention to the bare flesh.

Around her waist was a long loincloth made of black velvet that reached to her knees. A gold stripe ran down the center of the loincloth on both sides, and the swaying of the cloth occasionally caught a glimmer of reflected light. Thigh high black stockings encased her calves and thighs, and she her high heeled black pumps made her legs look even better in them. Gold serpents wrapped around her biceps and matching gold bracers with inlaid ruby snakes covered her wrists. Every other finger was adorned with a lavish ring of ruby or sapphire, except for the large diamond wedding band on her left ring finger. A choker of gold mesh chain was wrapped tightly around her neck, and to finish off the look was her crown of three naked women resting gently atop her head.

Jeanette pulled back the flap of the tent and ducked her head as she stepped inside. When she entered, Garrett Ousten, Prince, no, King of Heste jumped off his cot and leapt to his feet. The young king's face was flushed, making him look even younger than he was.

"Your Highness, I mean, Queen Jeanette, w-what brings you here?" The young king looked her over fearfully, relaxing when he saw that she wasn't wearing her sword. A moment after that he realized what the Queen was wearing, and his eyes widened like saucers.

"We have many important matters to discuss, King Garrett. After all, you are the King now that your father has passed. It is time to discuss how to bring this conflict to an end." Jeanette smiled as she regarded the new King of Heste. He was built much more narrowly than his father, with almost slender shoulders and a waspish waist. It was clear that years of living under the shadow of his father he hadn't developed into the man he needed to be.

As the King of Heste stood up straight, his erection pressed noticeably through his trousers. "I'm the King of Heste?" He stammered. "I suppose I am...What, what things do you want to discuss? What do you want to propose?"

The Queen of Zentara smiled and walked closer to him. "You're such a nice boy, Garrett. It's a shame that you weren't older when your father arranged to have me betrothed to your uncle. Perhaps things would have been much different if you had been my fiancƩ." She arrived just before him, face to face, her large bust just barely brushing against his chest with every breath they took. "I'm married now, but maybe it's not too late to fix some of the mistakes of the past."

"F-fix it? What do you mean? You're married, as you said." The young king stammered nervously and his heart raced faster as he watched the sultry queen move closer to him. Garrett's eyes dropped as he felt Jeanette's breasts stroke across his chest, and couldn't help but try and look down the queen's blouse.

"Fix it, Garrett. Relations between Heste and Zentara, between you and I. Surely we would all benefit from a closer relationship?" Jeanette's smile widened as she watched Garrett's reaction, letting him leer at her breasts for several moments before she lifted his chin with her finger and leaned in to press her lips against his.

Garrett's eyes widened in surprise, and then he pulled back from her, half-stumbling across the tent. "You can't, we can't-You killed my father!"

"You're father died in battle, which is I'm sure how he would have wanted to go. Besides, Garrett, I saw how he treated you. You must be at least a little relieved now that he's gone, aren't you? Now that you're king, free to rule in your own way? Free to do what you want to do, how you want to do it?" Or how I want you to do it, she added mentally as she followed him.

When Garrett opened his mouth again she quickly silenced him with her lips, this time thrusting her tongue into his mouth as she clung to his arms, pressing her tits into his chest as he held him firmly. "Mmm..." Jeanette nipped at his tongue, suckling on the tip as she stroked her hands down his arms. The soft fabric of her loincloth brushed over his bulge, her thigh providing just enough pressure to make it rub up and down as she nuzzled against him.

The new King of Heste shivered in pleasure, and it took only just a moment for him to return the kiss, though tentatively. His hands stroked along the silk dress, but when they reached her tight rear they jerked away. Jeanette laughed, and guided his hands back to her bottom, and then pressed back against them. "It's alright Garrett, you don't have to be shy with me."

"I'm not-" As if to prove himself, he started to knead Jeanette's backside more firmly, even slipping his hands beneath the loincloth to touch the bare flesh of her ass itself. "I've been with a woman before; I am a man!"

"I don't doubt it! I know you have dear Garrett, but perhaps you haven't experienced everything there is to experience? Did your woman do this for you?" Jeanette slid down Garrett's body to her knees, and then pulled his pants down. She took his flaccid cock between her lips, and started to swish her saliva around it as she used her tongue to rub the head against the inside of her mouth.

"O-oh! What are you doing? Mmm t-that, that feel amazing Jeanette!" He shuddered as he felt a woman's mouth around his cock for the first time. His dick quickly grew erect, swelling in the Queen's mouth as she licked and sucked up and down the length of the shaft. Garrett started to move his hips, pumping between Jeanette's succulent lips as she bobbed along his cock.

"Mmmm! Your cock tastes wonderful, you must take great care of it. I'm going to enjoy doing this. When I'm done you'll want all your mistresses doing this to you all the time!" Jeanette giggles before diving down his cock again, taking it all the way until the head slipped inside her throat. It was much easier taking a human one all the way, and she was able to skillfully bob up and down, popping it in and out of her throat with ease.

"Mistresses? What Mistresses?"

"You're the King of Heste now, Garrett" she replied, jerking his cock up and down as she took a breath. "Women will be lining up to be with you. You'll have your pick! And you can keep as many as you want, for who will naysay you? I think you'll find it is much more fun than playing at soldier."

The cock disappeared in her mouth again as she resumed sucking it. This time she only took half of it in her mouth, keeping her fingers wrapped around the base to jerk the shaft while she stroked up to the tip with her lips. She wiggled her tongue beneath the head of the shaft, holding only the tip in her mouth as she jerked the cock faster and moved her head from side to side.

"A-aaah! Jeanette! Please I'm going to cum!" Garrett panted out the words, shaking uncontrollably as the Queen brought him to new heights of pleasure. His cock aches for release, desperate to shoot his load and end the teasing buildup of ecstasy.

It was not to be though, as Jeanette pulled off his cock before he could spill his seed. "So soon? Well, not matter, you'll have plenty more opportunities to learn to extend your pleasure. Lie back now." Jeanette stood up to guide Garrett down onto a cot, and then straddled it. She lifted up her loincloth to bring his throbbing shaft to her bare nether lips, rubbing the head up and down along her slit.

"A-ah, please, please Jeanette, don't do it, I won't be able to last! If I cum inside you, you might get pregnant!"

Small chance of that, she thought. But she couldn't tell him that. "So? If I do, I'll give birth to a child who will unite our Kingdoms in blood, so there will be no more war." Jeanette spread her labia apart and guided his cock inside her, and then immediately slammed her weight down atop him.

"Ah! Ah Jeanette!" Garrett groaned in pleasure as his cock disappeared inside the Queen. His sensitive head rubbed against the walls, so each movement they made caused him to twitch and jerk closer and closer to climax. The young King grabbed Jeanette's hips and started thrusting his own, humping madly into her. Quick, desperate thrusts smacked against the Queen again and again, making her bounce up and down atop his cock.

"Mmm! That's it, fuck me! Faster! Harder! Aaaaah it feels so good!" Jeanette cried out loudly for the King. A more experienced lover might have realized that her pussy was too loose to be feeling that much pleasure, and that her cries were feigned. He couldn't tell the difference though, and her wanton cries only spurred him on that much harder.

"Ah! Fuck! Jeanette! Nnng! I can't...I can't stop aaaah!" Garrett cried out as his cock started to spurt, shooting his seed inside the Queen of Zentara. He panted for breath, his chest heaving as he continued to thrust his hips while riding out his climax. When he was spent he collapsed with a sigh, still breathing heavily as he tried to recover from the orgasm.

"Mmm, what a stallion the new King of Heste is. It's a shame that you weren't old enough to marry me nine years ago." Jeanette smiled and softly stroked his chest. "But I'm sure there are some Hesten girls you'll make very happy. And all you have to do is pay fair recompense for the war your father started."

"R-recompense?" he asked, a blank look on his face.

"The low counties, to be sure. The Warne will make a much better border between our Kingdoms. I'll need your father's crown, as well, for a start." Jeanette purred as she kissed Garret's neck and nibbled on his earlobe.

"For a start?"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Adolf Hitler speculation

Jeanette seems to be set on having Garrett's kid, so what's in store for Heste after the Kingdoms merge? Surely the Hesten commanders, having done their best and performed admirably in the field, are pissed that they were "stabbed in the back" through Jeanette's manipulation of Garrett. Are we going to see an Adolf Hitler-like figure rise to prominence in the next story? Will it trigger a World War II type scenario where the entire continent is laid waste?

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor
ok, let me clarify

Maybe it's my fault for saying too much in comments, but people seem confused, so let me clarify.

At the end of this story, Orc Dominion: Rebellion, Turogg will be alive.

At the beginning of the next story, Orc Dominion: Elfish Descent, which takes place approximately 10 years later, Turogg will be dead.

Jeanette is now 28 years old. She currently has seven children, including Agmar. That did take a toll on her body, but with the physical activity of being on campaign she's gotten leaner and harder. The whole war has lasted about 7 months. Half-Orc pregnancies are faster than human pregnancies.

In the next story she'll be 38, and the years will have taken more of a toll on her body. I'll definitely be keeping her a MILF though, even if it isn't totally realistic given the number of pregnancies she's had!

However, the story will mostly focus on Lyriena, Princess of the Elfish Isles, and Trogar, Prince of Zentara (and third son of Jeanette).

I'm currently writing the 13th and last chapter of Rebellion. I'm about 75% of the way done. I hope to have it finished by the end of next week. I am hung up on a point though, and would like to get some opinions...so if you don't mind spoilers, email me through the feedback button (Be sure to include your own email so I can respond).

As always, thanks for leaving comments and taking an interest in my story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Jeanette on learning Turogg is dead, passage of time, etc

What will happen when Jeanette finds out that Turogg is dead? Further, Jeanette's years of sex and campaigning (not to mention giving birth to Agmar, and any children that may come out of her relationship with Garrett) must have taken a serious toll on her body and her health. While still undoubtedly the crazy whore queen and insanely attractive, surely she'd be forced to slow down by the physical constraints of her aging? It's been what, nine years in story time? Things change fast in the human body.

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor


That might work as a Queen's Castle story. It could shed some light on the fall of Heste and be some fun scenes with a milf Jeanette. I will think about it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Jeanette x Garrett...?

Would be hot, but of course Garrett would probably find Jeanette too much to handle. May help to flesh out Garrett more as a character if that relationship was explored. Cuckolding scenes possible...?

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback. I made a deliberate choice yo have Jeanette be more manipulative than wanton in the sex scene with Garrett. I can see where that might make it a little less sexy, but I thought it was better for the character. I will consider your point in the future though.

I also didn't have her domme him too hard because making him a sex slave over the course of one scene seemed a little unrealistic.

As for Agmar, I have plans for him. I don't know that I would have him with Jeanette in the main series, but I might do something like that in the mild side story (I am thinking of calling it Queen's Castle). Though in my imagination Jeanette is having an orgy, things get out of hand, and Agmar gets involved. Where it goes from there is anyone's guess!

gremlin52gremlin52almost 9 years ago
Love Jeanette domination

Initially I didn't really go for the long battle scene, but after reading through it a second time I actually liked how you played the different characters in and out of the battle.

With regards to the sex scenes the first one got Jeanette back in the action after a break in the last 2 chapters which was good. The second sex scene started on a good build-up, but then seemed rushed at the very end with Jeanette going through the motions quickly without getting any pleasure which made it end on a flat note for me. I would rather have seen Jeanette exert a more dominatrix role over the young king and use him as her sex slave to pleasure her in any way, to worship her, in order for her to confirm her control.

Thumbs up though overall. And another thumbs up vote for Jeanette as a milf and for a series of stories on her sexual exploits.

Do you think a maturing Agmar would ever look on his mother with a sexual eye? Stepping in to fill Turrog's role after spying on her having sex with Turrog?

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Future of Jeanette

Thanks for the comment anon. There will be one last kinky scene between Jeanette and turogg in the next chapter, but alas he is going to die off screen between the second and third stories.

However, we will get to see Jeanette as a MILF in the third story. However, I'm not sure how well a sex scene would fit in the story as I am planning it.

What I may do is create a third series, similar to Soiled Dove but set after turogg is dead which gets into her sexual exploits as queen. Is that something people will be interested in?

I will ask again when I write the afterward and as I submit the next story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great Developement

I really like the developement of Jeanette. She has become tougher and is more in control than in your first stories. She is a true ruler now. However, I would like to see her losing control once in a while (at least in the bedroom). Her recent sex scenes have been vanilla. I would like to see some kinkier scenes again. I would also like to see a good exit for Turrog. He should have a glorious death. Altough many readers do not like him, I think he was very important for JeaetteĀ“s developement From my point of view Jeanette is such a strong character that she does not need a co-lead in your stories, but good supporting characters like Kat and Gorath. I think her first son has great potential. I would also love to see Jeanette as a MILF in a third series..

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor


I know you like longer chapters but I tend to look at it from a series perspective. The totality of zentara was 93,000 words, which is a good sized novel. Rebellion will be 80,000+.

Individual chapters are anywhere from 5000-10000, with an average of 7000 which is about wat George r.r. Martin manages. Just for frame of reference, this chapter was 10,500 words long.

The issue which I eventually realized was that splitting a chapter between three characters really does eat into character and plot development.

The primary issue I need to work on for the next story is characterization. Going into writing, I thought characterization meant a unique voice, a personality, and interesting things happening. Looking back, there are some things I botched with the Jeanette/kat/for relationship that I will talk more about later.

But for the next story there will be much more deliberate chapter arcs which I think will make the characters more relatable, get the reader more invested, and make the debauchery that much more delicious!

I do appreciate all the feedback though, and I do think about it even if I don't always agree.

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor


Thanks for leaving a comment. Don't worry, there will definitely be more spoils getting divided up next chapter. I'm glad you enjoyed the battle. I was curious if people would enjoy the rapid back and forth or find it jarring.

Also, I don't mean to hype the next story too much, but it will have a ton of situational kink, at least if I am understanding the term correctly.

syd_v63syd_v63almost 9 years ago
The Bane of my existence

Just wanted to add a comment to your last post. There comes a time when you have to decide what type of story you're going to write. In this case the 'Format' is erotica over Sci-Fi as that is the nature of this website. That being said, the difficulty becomes one of balance. I find two things tend to happen; the first is the author is able to write a fairly decent sex scene, with plenty of good graphic information, that both entices and arouses, however this usually comes at the expense of the story and character development. We the readers are intrigued but not committed, that is we move on quickly to the next bit of dazzle that comes along. The second is that the author has a decent story with compelling characters but the sex is brief, blan, and frankly more of a turn off than a turn on.

Balance means more writing. Good story, good characters, good involved plots require room and this means more pages. More pages means longer stories, which in turn mean greater time writing. Writers, write it's what they do. Here within these pages are mostly amateurs and hacks (like myself). We write as hobbiest more than as craftsman. If you are going to develop these stories into something more than you will have to go beyond the two or three page posts you have here and submit seven or ten page posts. The difficult part of that for the layperson to understand is that requires 20 or 30 pages of actual writing, which is hard to produce as a hobbiest. Simply put we have other lives that pay the bills and the people here are reading for free. The authors here get nothing for their time and commitment.

You my friend are at the cusp of what it is you want to do. You have developed a mild following who have enjoyed your story. They are only marginally committed and I'm not sure if they'd pay for what you are currently producing. The stories need more depth and detail which will take time to write. It's not as though you haven't delivered, in fact on many levels you have. But if your intent is to move from the hobbiest to the writer, you need to write more. You need to broaden the page and explore the dead ends as well as the blatant paths. Some of what you write will be crap (don't get rid of it) and some of what you write will go no where (don't get rid of it) but some will be good and valued. Keep it all, review it, rewrite it, make it stronger and better. Add to it, take away from it, but build the story. If you're going to write, than write.

Your Audience Awaits

BladenessBladenessalmost 9 years ago
Awesome chapter

I think this was definitely one of the better chapters.

The Kat/Gorath/Jeannette scene is very vanilla which was well done. I wasn't necessarily too into it but thought it was well written anyways. I just like more unique situational kinkiness a bit more. :)

The battle I thought was amazing. It did feel suspenseful and back and forth. Usually I;m not here for this kind of stuff but I was still thoroughly entertained. There was a moment where I thought real harm could come to Jeannette which is great. I did find the early part of the bridge battle a little funny. Battles are always full of surprises.

Another great aspect I really liked was Jeannette blossoming to a deviously sexy war queen. She definitely feels less vanilla than in previous chapters. I really enjoyed her forwardness and really wanted to know how far she would take things. Personally, I hoped the chapter would have kept going on with the unreasonable demands aspects. It's usually my favorite part when the conqueror collects their spoils. I am very curious and looking forward to how the queen will rule her queendom(?) now that Turogg seems out of the picture. I want to see what the new orc/human political dynamics will be now that one of the main human rivals have been subdued. Really curious what is the fate of Cindy now as well. :)

Overall, seriously thanks for continuing writing this series. I think it is great and I feel the quality has gone up with your longer breaks. Thank you for writing this amazing tale. Always looking forward to what is next.

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 9 years agoAuthor
thanks for the comments


Thanks for the feedback. To be honest, the sex scenes for this chapter were hard to write. Everything else I managed in a week, but it took forever to get the drive to write them. I am going to talk about it more in the afterward, but for this story I was more interested in the plot than the sex. I was never really inspired by the sex scenes, but included them more for fan service. The next story in the series will hopefully be different, as I am more excited to write those scenes.


Thanks for the ideas. While the story is going to move away from Jeanette, I am eventually going to include minotaurs and centaurs, which you should enjoy. In the meantime, the next story will have sort of the reverse of what you're looking for. Instead of huge monsters with big dicks, it is going to be a tiny elf woman dealing with large orc cock.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Some ideas for the future

Thanks for not only this story, but for the whole storyline that you created so far. Personally I feel like this is the best and most interesting erotic storyline that I've seen for at least 10 years.

But to be honest, I preferred the first season over what I’ve reading in the second season so far. I for sure noticed the explanation that you wrote after you finished the first season and I understand that you wanted to change things for the future. But I think that by bringing to many characters into the game a few chapters turned out to be a little bit boring.

Personally I would like to see you bringing the focus back on Jeanette. She is an incredible character and I see a lot of untapped potential regarding her. So maybe you might be interested in some of my ideas. If not, please ignore them. ;-)

First of all I think that a new faction should come into the game. They should be even bigger than orcs, especially regarding their most important parts and they should be something really savage. Jeanette will immediately fall in with them, most of all because they are even more brutish than the orcs and because they know to use their tools very well. Unfortunately no (human) woman could so far survive their treatment. Jeanette is fascinated by the idea to be the first and only one to achieve that goal. During a banquet with hundreds of guest she finally gets her chance. She does the king of the new faction in front of everyone and survives. It turns out that because she did it with him, she has to take care of every one of his ministers too. All ministers do her right there, still in front of everyone. The thing lasts for hours and she survives again. It becomes clear that she can do it again and again. This gives her power over the new faction, because they all want to please her. She likes her powerful position and wants to get rid of Turogg to be together with her new friends. Because of this she kills Turogg. From here on everything is possible.

As I said, these are just some ideas.

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Orc SeedĀ She was the only one willing to get information from an orc.in Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Observation of a BreedingĀ Alise observes an Alpha Breeder in action, in every detail.in Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Breeding StationĀ An exploration mission turns into a bizarre experience.in Sci-Fi & Fantasy
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