Party At The Lake House


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My headboard is made of wrought iron rods and Suzy grabbed onto two of the rods as I fucked her with wild abandon! My balls were filling and I was going to cum soon, but I was at that point where it was almost hard to. I picked up the pace and fucked her harder and harder, faster and faster. Our headboard was now banging against the wall. Still I couldn't get myself over that edge! Sweat was pouring from my skin. My heart was racing. Suzy's legs were wrapped around my back and she was meeting me stroke for stroke! Then I exploded! My entire body seized and it seemed that every ounce of energy that I had flowed out of my cock and into her pussy! This might sound selfish, but I was so tied up in trying to cum that I hadn't noticed that Suzy was cumming too! As I grunted and shot my load into her she wailed again and came for a third time!

We both collapsed and laid there breathing. As my heart rate lowered, I heard Cindy and Darren laughing next door! Suzy smiled at me, kissed me on the lips and said good night. I rolled over to go to sleep. From where I was at I could see out my patio window down to the dock. Rachel was sitting on Billy's lap kissing him as his hand squeezed her breast, Jim and Kim were nowhere to be seen and I kind of felt sorry for Tracy because I could see her walking up the ramp towards the house all alone. I'd have to remember to pay her some special attention was the last thought that I remember before I fell asleep.

Saturday morning I woke up and was happy that I didn't seem to have too bad a hangover. Suzy was still asleep and I looked over and took a second to admire the curve of her hips as she laid on her side sleeping. I got up and stumbled naked to the bathroom. Agggga, maybe I had a bit more of a hangover that I thought! I took a piss, washed my face and hands and went back out into the bedroom. Suzy was still sleeping, so I went out to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

Walking through the great room I looked over at the sofa bed and Rachel was asleep with her head on Billy's chest. One of her long firm legs was sticking out from the sheets. I took a second to take the sight of her leg in. I know that this is a terrible thing to be thinking about my son's friend's but looking at her leg and thinking back to her yesterday in her swimsuit, I didn't know which one I would want to fuck more, her or Cindy? Kim really wasn't my type, but Tracy would be fun too! Darren would kick my ass if he knew what I was thinking!

I continued to the kitchen and was making coffee when Cindy came in. She was wearing one of Darren's tee shirts and looked like she was hurting pretty badly! I said to her, "You hung over?" She just groaned. I felt sorry for her.

The rest of the morning was slow. Everybody woke up, showered and drank coffee. Suzy and one of the girls eventually cut up some fruit and set it out and it got picked at. By late morning the guys had opened the cooler and were back to drinking beer. The girls weren't quite so quick, but by early afternoon they were back into the wine coolers. I decided that I was beered out and drank diet Pepsis. Surprising me, Suzy seemed to be matching the guys, beer for beer!

We loaded the boat back up and took off for party cove. If you haven't heard of it, Party cove is semi-famous, at least in the Midwest. It's a big cove located in a state park. People drive their boats, everything from 16-foot runabouts to 55 foot Sea Rays, to the cove, tie the boats together and party! You have everyone from families to fraternities partying in the cove. Other than drinking and swimming one of the biggest recreational activities is to drive your boat through these lanes that are created by the different boats being tied together. As you pass the different boats tied together you see and are seen. Everybody thinks of the Midwest as being somewhat prudish, but this is anything but! Since it's not a commercial enterprise it's legal for women to go topless and a lot of them do!

By the time we got to the cove, it was already pretty crowded, especially for being after Labor Day. Darren drove the boat through the lanes and we checked things out. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't pretty proud of the fact that I had a boat full of hard bodies! I ask Suzy if she would get up in front and take a couple of the girls with her so that I could get a picture. I really just wanted to show them off! Darren smiled at me, knowing exactly what I was doing!

The girls got up front and I snapped the picture. As I did we passed by a rented houseboat full of fraternity guys who yelled, "Show us your tits! I didn't think that any of the girls would, but then to my surprise Kim flashed em! The cove went wild! I had to give the girl credit. She had nice tits!

We got to the end of the lane and tied up to the last boat. We swam and Suzy and the kids drank. It was funny watching them get polluted. Some guys walked across the boats and tried to muscle in on our women, but Billy, Darren and Jim were having nothing of it and chased them off.

A radio station had a houseboat decorated and was doing a live broadcast, which was featuring a bikini contest. They were cruising the lanes when they came across us and stopped. Over the loudspeaker system they started trying to talk our girls into joining the contest. Cindy was having none of it, but Kim and Rachel were all far it. I went up to Tracy and told her that she should do it. She looked at me and I could tell that she was a bit intimidated. She said no, that her body wasn't good enough and I told her that she was out of her mind, that she had a great body! She looked at me and said, "Do you really think so?"

I told her, "Oh Tracy! Baby, you are on fire!" She smiled at me and encouraged by my support agreed to do it.

Kim, Rachel and Tracy got on the radio station's boat and the disk jockey, who was now on the air, said, "WHOA…don't go let. We've got two more on this boat!"

Both Cindy and Suzy realized that he was talking about them and started waiving them off. Cindy did the smart thing if she really didn't want to do it; she disappeared below deck, leaving Suzy all alone. The disk jockey, who was going out over the loud speaker's too, asked me if he could come aboard. I told him, "Yes!"

He came aboard and went up to Suzy and got the crowd going by saying things like, "Come on people, do you think that she should do it? OH MY GOD, You are beautiful, What's your name?"

Suzy said here name and the guy said to the crowd, "Okay people, who all things that Suzy should join the contest?" The crowd went wild! He said, "I CANT hear you!" the crowd went wilder!" Suzy had no choice! She went over to the other boat!

Before the radio station boat left the disk jockey invited the rest of us to join him and I told the guys to go ahead, I'd stay with the boat. They hopped on and the radio station boat moved on. I was sitting there chuckling when Cindy came out.

I said, "Oh Cindy! I forgot about you! You should have gone with them!"

She said, "I'm not up for that sort of thing. My tits are too small."

I looked at her and told her that size wasn't everything that I thought that she had nice ones! I laughed and she laughed with me. I then went on and said, "I don't think that Darren has any problems with them either!" Again, I smiled at her. She seemed a bit embarrassed and I told her not to be! "What happens at the lake stays at the lake."

She relaxed and got up to grab a wine cooler. As she reached into the cooler she looked at me and asked me if I wanted anything?

I know, I know, I'm a dirty ole man! I looked at her and before my brain engaged, it was out of my mouth, "I wouldn't mind you!" or something to that effect. Her jaw dropped! I think that I shocked her. Hell, I shocked myself! I couldn't believe that I had just said that to her! And I didn't even have the excuse of being able to say I was drunk!

I apologized and she blew it off. Cindy came back to the back of the boat with her wine cooler and sat down. She asked me, "Is the lake always like this?"

I asked her what she meant?

She went on, "well, I had heard of the lake being pretty wild, but yesterday I couldn't believe it. I mean, Darren and I are friends, I like him a lot, but it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything and the next thing that I know I'm in his room and we're having sex! Then we get done and the next thing I know we're listening to you and Suzy have sex!"

I laughed! I told her, "Oh my God, that's funny! Suzy and I were listening to you two and that's what got us going!"

She laughed with me and then she asked me, "So are you and Suzy like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

I told her the story about Suzy and I. She listened and she was surprised that Suzy still worked at her ex-husband's gym, but that explained how she kept such a great body. She told me that all the guys had the hots for her and that Kim did too! I told her that I thought that Kim might swing both ways and it was Cindy's turn to laugh.

Cindy was getting a buzz on pretty good and she turned out to be quite chatty. She told me how Kim and her were from the same town and had been roommates her freshman year. I was curious about Kim's bisexual nature and I asked Cindy when she had found out that Kim was bi. She told me, "Last year." That she had accidentally walked into their dorm room and Kim was going down on one of their dorm mates. I asked Cindy how she felt about that and she admitted that it had turned her on!

I know that I probably shouldn't have, but I pressed on, "so, did you and Kim ever do anything together?"

Cindy blushed and said, "yes, but I don't do that anymore."

I told her that I didn't mean to embarrass her and she told me that I hadn't. It got quiet for a second and I was starting to regret having asked her that when she spoke up again and asked me, "Bob, can I ask you a personal question?"

I smiled at her and said, "Well, I just asked you if you had ever had sex with another woman, so I guess you asking me a personal question wouldn't be out of line! Ask away!"

She blushed again, but went on, "Last night when we were listening to you and Suzy, you ahhhh, you seem to have lasted forever! Do you always take that long to, ahhhh, you know…cum?"

I laughed out loud! "No, I wish! Sometimes I get to the point where it's actually hard for me to cum and that is what happened last night." Cindy said, "Oh, I see." Then I asked her if I could ask her another question? Again, she said yes.

"You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but have you had a lot of experience?"

She responded that she hadn't. That she had been a virgin when she got to college, but had gone through a "wild" streak her freshman year and had slept with three or four guys at parties and such. Then she had gotten hooked up with one of her professors, but that they had just broken up.

"One of your professors?"

"Yeah, I guess that I was stupid. He was my advisor and my English lit professor and I guess that I got something of a crush on him."

"What happened?"

"Well, my schedule got messed up and I had to go see him several times right at the beginning of second semester. I thought that he was sooo hot and I guess that I flirted with him. He asked me if I would want to meet him for a drink sometime and I told him that I couldn't get into the bars, so he invited me over to his house and, well, you know…"

"If you don't mind me asking, how old was this guy?

"About your age."

"My age? I can't imagine you with a guy that old?

"Oh, I've always liked "older" guys. Though Steve was the only one that I've actually dated."

"Huh?" I thought about her being into older guys and was trying to think of something to say to keep this line of conversation going when the CD player stopped. The boat has one of those multi CD changers and I guess that it had been on since we had left the dock. Cindy noticed the music stop and I couldn't think of anything to say so I got up and went below to put some more CD's on. When I was down there going through the collection I called out to Cindy, "Hey Cindy, Why don't you come down here and pick some CD's out?"

She stumbled as she got up and came below. Now I hadn't "planned" on getting her below to take advantage of her but as she was standing there going through the CDs a wave hit the boat and caused me to "bump" into her. As I did, I put my hands on her waist to keep from knocking her over. When I had steadied us, our bodies were right next to one another. I guess that I should have let her go and stepped back, but I didn't. Cindy didn't make any effort to move away from me either. I looked down at her and she looked back up at me. I didn't know if what was happening was really happening or if it was just my imagination, but I thought that she might be okay with me kissing her? I took my time and slowly lowered my lips to her. I halfway expected her to turn her cheek or something, but she didn't. She set the CD's down and put her arms around my neck and kissed me fully back.

At this point I wasted no time, my hands explored her entire tiny body. Her little ass cheeks felt so good in my hands. Her little titties felt so nice when I reached up and squeezed them. It might have been because I had half way been fantasying about fucking her since I had met her the night before, but I decided that I was going to fuck her now, if she would let me.

As we kissed, I stepped back towards the berth. She stepped with me. When we reached the berth, I reached down and swept her up onto it. As I stood there over her, I looked down at her and smiled. She just smiled back and didn't say a word.

I untied my swim shorts and pulled them down. My hard on sprang straight out and I could see her eyes drawn to it. Still she didn't say a word. I climbed onto the berth over her and lowered myself onto her and kissed her. As we kissed I dry humped her pussy through the material of her bikini bottoms. Reaching behind her, I untied her top and pulled it to the side. Her titties were really small. I don't know all about how women's cup sizes go, but she looked as if she would only have needed whatever is the smallest size. Her nipples were firm and large though and I thoroughly enjoyed sucking and licking on them. I started to kiss her stomach and to go down on her, but she stopped me. "Bob, we don't have much time. Fuck me."

I pulled her bottoms off; played with her pussy to make sure that she was wet, which she was and I entered her. With my arms fully extended I looked into her face as I fucked her with a steady rhythm. Now, I'm a fairly big guy. I weigh almost 220 lbs and Cindy was tiny! If she weighed more than 95 lbs., I would be extremely surprised. The fact that she was so tiny turned me on immensely! Her pussy was as tight as any I have ever had before. While she was extremely wet, it still took a second for her to relax enough to accommodate me. Until she did, I took it very slow. My first couples of strokes were very tentative, then I felt her relax and I made my strokes fuller and longer. When I had fully entered her and my dick was buried in her tight little pussy to the hilt, I paused. I looked down at her and asked her, "Are you cool with this?"

She said, "Oh yeah! I just don't want to get caught."

I hadn't really kept track of how long those guys had been gone, maybe an hour or so? I didn't know how long they would stay gone, but I didn't think that they would be coming back real soon so I told her, "I don't think that we have to worry about hurrying." I told her to watch her head, the berth had a fairly low ceiling, and I rolled over to where she was on top of me. When the spin was over her body weight pushed her little pussy even further down on my dick and she moaned.

"Ummm, Cindy! I started to buck my hips and fuck her from beneath. At first she just kind of rode me, then I moved my hands up to her ass cheeks and kind of showed her the rhythm that I was looking for. Once she had figured out what I wanted she got into that rhythm and soon we were fucking like old pros! I reached up and squeezed her nipples and cupped each one of her breast in one of my hands. "Cindy, I love your tits! Come here and let me suck them!"

It was a bit awkward, but I got a nipple in my mouth and sucked. I also reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks. As I did, I moved my fingers to where I could just barely reach her pussy. I tried to, but couldn't slide my finger into her pussy next to my dick. I did get it wet from her pussy juices and move it up to her ass. I didn't want to freak her out, so I didn't slide my finger into her ass, but she did seem to enjoy we rubbing on it from the outside. My neck was getting sore from the odd position, so I leaned back onto the berth and she leaned back to where she was sitting pretty much straight up on my cock. At that point, I laid back and said, "Cindy, fuck me!"

She seemed to get into the encouragement that I was giving her. So, I kept it up. "Come on Cindy, Fuck me! Oh God, you feel soooo good! Fuck me girl! Come on!"

I started bucking my hips and bouncing her up and down on my dick. I looked up at her face and she had closed her eyes and was biting on her bottom lip. I kept bucking her up and down on my dick and she reached down and put her hands on my chest to steady herself, still having her eyes closed. At this point my balls were filling again. The feeling of her tight little pussy pulling on my cock every time that she went up or down was almost too much! I knew that she was getting close, so I encouraged her, "Come on baby, cum on my dick! I reached up and pinched her nipples and this sent her over the edge! She threw her head back and screamed, "I'm Cummmminggg!" I kept bucking her as she did! I thought that I was going to cum too, but before I could she stopped bucking, her orgasm having come to an end.

I stopped bucking and she sat there, her breath coming in short, rapid breaths. I watched her and couldn't help but smile to myself. Finally, she spoke, "Oh Bob! That was great!"

"You liked that, huh?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Well, here, watch your head." I rolled her off of me and pulled my dick out of her pussy. "Roll onto your stomach."

She did so, but I could tell that she was nervous about what I was up to. I think that she might have thought that I was going to try and fuck her in the ass or something, so I told her to relax. As she laid there I started massaging her firm little ass checks. I then pushed her legs apart so that I could gain access to her pussy. I took my index finger and lightly rubbed the outside of each of her pussy lips. "Does that feel good?" She just mewed. I kept talking to her and told her that when she was ready, that I wanted her to play with her clit. I wanted her to bring herself off again at her pace. As I spoke to her I continued to massage her pussy lips and then I slid one finger into her pussy and started finger fucking her. She reached below herself and started massaging her clit as I finger fucked her.

I could tell that she was again building to another orgasm from playing with her clit and my finger fucking her, so I waited until she was getting close and then I removed my finger and climbed behind her. I put the head of my cock to her pussy and looked down at the scene. My dick looked huge compared to her little ass and pussy! She stopped playing with her clit and I told her to keep going. I then slid my cock back into her tight pussy and started pounding away! As I did, she came for a second time! As she came, I pounded into her and shot my load deep into her!

We didn't have much time to bask in the glow because we heard a boat pulling up and the laughter of people. We both jumped up and threw our suits back on. I pecked her on the lips and thanked her. She adjusted her top and went up on deck. I started the CD player and to anyone who might have noticed, it would seem that we had been changing the CDs.