Party At The Lake House


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As I came back up on deck the radio station's boat was tying up to the boat several down from us. Our group was crossing over the boats between us. From the volume of the laughter I could tell that they were all having a great time. It was also pretty obvious that they had continued partying while they were gone. Billy was pretty much carrying Suzy, her wrap totally gone. Darren was the first back onto our boat followed by Tracy, then Billy and Suzy, then Jim, Kim and finally Rachel. The disk jockey guy was coming on board too.

I asked Darren if every one had a good time and he proceeded to tell me how I should have come. I quickly looked over at Cindy and smiled at her, I'm pretty sure that she was thinking of the same joke that I was. "So, how did we do in the contest?"

Tracy held up the trophy and the disk jockey guy said, "You have a winner!"

I clapped my hands and told Tracy congratulations. Darren told Cindy and me the details of how it had come down to Suzy and Tracy as the two finalists. Rachel piped up that she had been robbed! Darren went on and told us how the crowd had chanted for the two to remove their tops and how Suzy had refused, giving the victory to Tracy. I looked over at Tracy, a bit disappointed that I had not been there to see her tits. Then thinking back to what I had been doing and not minding all that much!

Billy took Suzy down below to let her lay down and I did not notice at the time that he had stayed down there with her. The rest of us partied with the disk jockey guy who stayed until his buddies yelled to him that it was time to go. Being the only sober one amongst us I decided that it was time to head home too and had Darren untie us from the other boats. As he was climbing back along the side of the boat I noticed him look in one of the porthole for a minute or two. He then came and stood next to me as I pulled the boat out of the pack.

As we were idling out of the cove, Darren leaned over and whispered in my ear, "hey Dad, you're not the jealous type are you?"

I looked at him and asked him why? He said, "Take a glance below."

I gave the wheel to him and stuck my head below and was amazed to see Billy with his head in-between Suzy's legs going to town on her pussy! I took the wheel back from Darren and didn't say a thing.

Darren looked at me and asked me if I was pissed? I told him no, that she was a full-grown woman and could take care of herself! Darren just laughed and told me that he was a little jealous. I told him that he shouldn't be. If he got a chance that he should take a shot at her! I don't think that Darren believed me. He was looking at me as if he were trying to figure out if I was bullshitting him or not. "Are you serious?" he asked.

"Yeah! I think that you've got a pretty good chance if you can get past Billy now!"

He said, "You sure? I don't want you getting mad at me if I make it happen?"

Thinking back to how I had just fucked the girl that he had been with last night, I decided to throw in one condition, "As long as you don't mind me taking a shot with Cindy?" Darren laughed, "I don't know? You might have a shot with her, she likes you old guys!"

I smiled at Darren and told him to fuck off!

We motored back home and as we pulled into the dock, Billy and Suzy staggered back on deck. We all got off of the boat and Suzy said that she wanted to go lay down again. I yelled over to Darren, "Why don't you help Suzy up to my room."

Billy looked at me like he was a kid who had got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Darren looked at me as he put his arm around Suzy and she put her arm around him and I just winked at him to let him know that this was his chance. As they walked up the ramp, I stepped up next to Billy and asked him if he was having a good time? He looked down at me and I smiled to let him know that I was cool with everything. I told him, "Let Darren have a chance at her, okay?"

He just smiled back at me and said, "Cool!"

The rest of us filed up the ramp and collapsed in the great room and sucked up some AC. We turned on the boob tube and Billy flipped through the channels and settled on some music video. I got up and told everyone that I was going to take a shower and a nap too.

As I walked past my bedroom and towards the hallway bath, Tracy saw were I was going and called out if she could get in there first. I stopped and told her, "Of course." She walked past me, as I was standing right outside my bedroom door. She looked up at me somewhat confused. I think that she was wondering why I wasn't going to shower in my bath. Her confusion ended when she got up next to me and could hear the sounds of sex emancipating from my bedroom. She looked up at my face and I just smiled at her.

I waited for her to exit the bathroom and when she did I stepped into Darren's room and asked her, "Tracy, can you step in here for a second?"

She looked at me and said, "sure."

She was still in her bikini, a yellow one that was cut low and which showed a lot of cleavage. I said to her, "So Tracy, Congratulations on winning the contest!" I could tell that she was suspicious as to what I was up to, so I continued, "Did you have fun?"

"Oh yeah, it was a blast! I can't believe that I flashed my tits though!"

I said, "I know! I wished that I had been there!"

She kind of blushed and I was going to ask if I could see them, but decided not to. It seemed like I was making her nervous, so I just said, "Well, I told you that you had a great body, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did, didn't you? I'm glad that you talked me into it!"

"Cool, well, I'm going to take a shower, then crash out for a bit. I'm glad that you're having a good time!"

She said, "Thanks, I am!" She then turned and walked back down the hall. Past my bedroom where she could still hear Darren and Suzy going at it. I was under the impression that it was all a bit much for her!

I hopped into the shower and turned the hot water up. It felt good to get the oil and lake water off of me. As I washed my dick, I thought back to it having been in Cindy's pussy earlier. I wondered if I would have the chance to fuck her again before the weekend was through. In my mind I tried to think of who all had fucked who so far? Let's see, I had fucked Suzy and Cindy. Darren had fucked Suzy and Cindy – like father, like son, I laughed to myself? Billy had fucked Suzy and Rachel. Jim, I assume had fucked Kim. Tracy, I think was the only one who hadn't fucked anybody. Too bad, I would love to fuck her too, but I didn't think that I would get the chance.

I threw Darren's robe on and walked back down the hallway. My room was quite, as was the great room. Billy was crashed out asleep on one of the sofas, Jim and Kim were no where to be seen, Tracy was laying on the other sofa reading a magazine and Rachel and Cindy were gone too. I went to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and went back down to Darren's room.

As I rounded the corner into his room, I noticed that Rachel was lying on her side on the bed, facing away from me. I stopped and was going to turn around and find a different room to crash in when Rachel rolled over and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! I thought that you were in your room!" She started to get up from the bed.

"Oh, don't get up! I'll go upstairs." I started to turn around and leave, but then added, "Unless you don't mind me laying down here with you?"

"Ahhh, no. That would be cool, I guess."

I then laid down next to her, still in my robe. I had intended to crash out naked, my clothes being in my room and my swimsuit still being damp. "You want a drink of water?"

She smiled at me and said, "Sure."

I handed the bottle of water to her and she took a drink and handed it back to me. I set it on the end table and laid down. I looked over at the door, which I had left open when I came into the room and kind of regretted not having closed it. "Oh well?" I rolled onto my side, told Rachel, "good night" and closed my eyes.

The sound of the door closing woke me up. I don't know how long I had been asleep, but I woke up to see Rachel walking back into the room. Apparently she had gotten up to use the rest room. Not that I expected anything, but I was glad that she had closed the door on her way back.

She laid back down, facing me, she said, "Did you have a nice nap?"

Stretching, I said, "wonderful! And you?"

"Good! I had a good nap too! Bob, can I ask you a question?"


"I don't mean to be nosy, but…ah, never mind."

"No, go ahead." I was pretty sure that she was going to ask me about Suzy and Darren.

"Well, okay…. Is Darren in your room with your girlfriend?"

I laughed. I guess that this was pretty fucked up. "Welllll, hmmm, yeah, I guess that he is."

"And you don't mind?"

"How to put this? No, I don't mind. It's not like Suzy and I are really boyfriend/girlfriend or anything and I know that Darren's had the hots for her for quite some time."

"So, you gave her to him?"

"Nooooo, she's not mine to give! She's over 21 and free. She can make her own decisions!"

"Oh, I'm only 19."

"Whoops!" I smiled at her. I guess I should have said that she was over 19 and could make her own decisions!"

Rachel laughed at my joke and asked me, "So, do you see other women?"

"Oh yeah. I'll be honest with you, I'm not all that hyped up on the idea of getting married again. If I was going to, Suzy would definitely be a contender, but she doesn't want it even more than me. How about you? You got a boyfriend? Anything between you and Billy?"

"NO WAY! He's so immature, it's pathetic!"

I smiled back at her and said, "What about the other night?

Rachel blushed, "Well, I was drunk and…."

"Don't worry about it, you don't have to explain yourself to me!"

"You're pretty cool! Darren is lucky to have you for a dad!"

"Why thank you! Darren is pretty lucky to have you for a friend! Actually, all of you guys seem pretty cool. I'm glad that you came down!

She said that she was glad that she had come down too and we made small talk for a bit. I really wasn't going to make a move on her but I have to admit that as we talked I couldn't help but notice again how similar she was in build to Suzy. As I was checking out her body, Rachel noticed me looking at her. She asked me, "Bob, is something wrong?"

"Ahhh, no. Nothing is wrong."

"Then was are you looking at?"

I decided to make a joke out of it and said, "Hey, How many 40 year old guys could lie in a bed with a knockout 19 year old woman and not sneak a peek?"

"You really think that I'm a knockout?"

"Rachel, you are a doll. I probably shouldn't say this, but do you know who you remind me of?

"No, who?"

"A young Suzy."

Rachel's eyes lit up! I could tell that she had taken this as a compliment so I went on, "Yeah, I've only known Suzy for a couple of years, but I imagine that when she was your age, that she would have looked a lot like you!"

"You think? She is soo pretty!"

"You are too!"

"You really think?"

"Oohhhh YEAH!" I smiled at her, seeing that she was eating the flattery up. "Can I tell you something and will you promise not to laugh or take it the wrong way?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"Okay, well the other morning when I woke up you were still asleep on the sofa with Billy"


"Well, I walked through the room and you had your leg out from under the sheet, I don't know if you were naked under the sheet, but just seeing your leg drove me crazy!" As I told her this I reached out with my fingertips and lightly ran them over her hip and down her leg.

"You're kidding? Just seeing my leg turned you on?"

"OH yeah! Big time! Seeing you all day in that bikini hasn't helped things either!" I motioned with my eyes towards the tent that had formed in the robe since I had started trying to seduce her.

Her eyes followed mine down to my crotch and when she realized what I was talking about she blushed.

"I'm sorry Rachel, did I embarrass you?"

"Ahhh, no. It's just that…."

I interrupted, "Hey, don't worry about it…I was just teasing with you. But, can I ask you one favor?"

"What's that?" she said with a slight hitch in her voice, I could tell that I was having an effect on her.

"Can I kiss you, just once?"

Before she could think about it, I scooted over and kissed her lightly on the lips. I was now a lot closer to her on the bed. The sexual tension in the room was starting to build. I could tell that she wasn't sure about it, but that she was also kind of interested in it. I raised my upper leg and ran my toe down her leg. As I did, the robe opened and my hard-on was visible if she looked down.

She looked down and saw my cock poking out of the robe. As she looked at it, I bent back in and kissed her again, this time firmer, my tongue parting her lips. I also pulled her closer to me, my bare cock now pressed against the flesh of her thigh. She kissed me back and ran her hand over my back.

She broke from the kiss and put her hand to my chest as if to stop me. "Bob, you won't think that I'm a slut or something will you?"

With her asking me this question I knew that I was going to make love to this beautiful young thing lying next to me on the bed. "No Rachel, we're cool," I said as I bent in to kiss her again. Rachel and I made love twice that afternoon.

After the second time we heard people stirring in the hallway. "We better get up, okay? I said.

"Yeah." She kissed me once more on the lips before she got up. As she was putting her bikini back on she said, "Bob, thank you! That was wonderful!"

"No Rachel, thank you! You were wonderful!" With that, we left the room. My door was open and the room was empty so I dashed in there and changed into some shorts and a polo type shirt.

When I entered the great room, Jim and Kim were still gone, but the rest of the group was all there. Darren was sitting on one end of the sofa with Suzy in between him and Billy. Billy was still in his trunks, but Darren had changed into a tee shirt and a pair of cut offs. Suzy had this little silk robe on that looked as sexy as hell! I remember thinking to myself that I couldn't wait to get with her tonight to swap stories!

Cindy was in the kitchen getting something to drink and Rachel and Tracy were sitting on the other sofa. The TV was on, but nobody seemed to be paying much attention to it. As I walked into the room everybody's eyes turned towards me. Noticing this I felt compelled to say something. "So, how's everybody doing?"

What the else could I have said? I saw Suzy look at Darren, then at Billy. I saw Rachel look at Suzy and then me. I could tell that Tracy was still a bit uncomfortable as she looked at the TV. Cindy came into the room and broke the ice, "I think that everybody is doing pretty damn good, thank you!" and she laughed!

Cindy plopped down on the carpet and looked up at me. She had obviously showered and freshened up too. Still feeling a bit odd I decided to press on, "So, what does everybody want to do tonight?" No response from the group.

Again pressing on, "Well, we could hang around here? Or we could go up to the strip? Or you guys could go out and do something and Suzy and I could stay here?" I looked over to Suzy to see if I could tell how she felt about that one.

Suzy spoke up, "Bob, why don't we just let everyone decide for him or herself what they want to do? If they want to hang out around here, then cool. If they want to go out, then we've got more than enough cars. I'm pretty much ready to stay home and veg."

Darren spoke up and said that he wouldn't mind going and checking out this new club up on the strip that was 18 + to get in. Rachel spoke up and said that the disk jockey guy said that he would be spinning records there tonight. Cindy laid down all the way on the floor and said that she would stay here, if that were all right with us?

Tracy said that the club sounded fun. She then asked, "Has anyone seen Jim and Kim?"

Billy said, "I think that they are down at the boat."

I said, "Why don't one of you guys see if they want to go with you?"

Darren went down to the boat and they did want to go. Billy cleaned up and the rest of them waited for him, then they piled into a couple of the cars and took off leaving Cindy, Suzy and I alone.

"So, what do you guys want to do tonight?" I asked them.

They looked at one another and I immediately realized that I had been set up! They apparently had a chance to talk and had done so! They both got up and each took an arm and led me back to my bedroom!

The three of us made love all night. I had never had a threesome before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was kind of funny watching Cindy take the lead with Suzy, who turned out to be a little hesitant when Cindy went down on her. Suzy eventually dropped her inhibitions and I got a big time kick out of watching her make love to Cindy. I kept up as well as an old guy could and I think that a good time was had by all. The rest of the group came in around 3:00, which was the time that I guess that the three of us crashed out.

When morning came the three of us were the first up. Tracy, who I think was the only person who didn't get fucked all weekend, was asleep on the one sofa. Darren and Rachel were in his room. Apparently Jim and Kim had crashed on the boat. Billy was in a room by himself.

The three of us went out on the deck and drank coffee and juice. Eventually everybody woke up and we hopped on the boat and went out to breakfast. When we got home the kids packed up and caravanned back to school. Before they left everybody gave Suzy and I hugs. Everybody, including Tracy asked me if it would be all right to come back down again and I told them, "Of course!"

Darren was the last one to come up to me and he smiled at me and said, "Dad, you know that you're ate up, don't you?"

I just smiled at him, hugged him and told him to watch out, it runs in the family!

Hmmm, I've proofed it and have changed the names. When I read it, if you're familiar with the lake that I'm talking about, you probably can guess which one it is. Do I take the chance that somebody might read this and be able to figure out who I am? I think that I'll go back and change a few descriptions of the place and take my chances. If you read this on literotica and do figure out who I am, I assume that you've got to be pretty cool, at least sexually, so I hope that you don't have a problem with any of this. If you do, keep it to yourself. If you don't, well, drop a hint and see if I pick up on it. Have fun and I hope that you enjoyed the story!

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