Peaches and Cream Pt. 06


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Catherine settled down on the couch with the mini breakfast Matt made before heading to the shower: a cup of coffee and peanut butter toast plus sliced apple. "So babies what to do you think?" They barely lifted their heads to acknowledge her from their beds. Cat took a sip of coffee. How did he remember how she took her coffee? John never remembered half and half, then coffee and 2 sugars.

John. Over breakfast, Cat would let Matt know about John. It was only fair. She took a bite of toast. Suddenly both dogs were up barking their heads off. They ran to the front door barking wildly. Catherine followed and peaked out the front door window.

"Oh, Shit!" She knew that sparkling white Lexus parked in her driveway. Catherine went into panic mode. She turned on the TV to drown out the sounds of the shower. Opening the door, she met John on the porch.

"Good Morning. I brought a peace offering but they are no match for your beauty." He handed her a bouquet of flowers. "Just a little something to say I am sorry. I reacted poorly at the coffee shop. You clearly did not want to talk and I pushed. Cat, you mean the world to me and this should not come between us."

He pulled her into a big bear hug. He kissed her on the cheek. "You look exceptionally dazzling this morning."

"Really? It is probably because you have not seen me in a few days."

"No, Cat. Your eyes sparkle and you have this glow about you. You look very happy. I hope that's because I am here." He hugged her again. "I missed you Cat." His hands began to rub her bottom. "Have I told you lately, how sexy you are? How incredible sensuous and provocative I find you?" He kissed her. "Why don't we go inside and put those flowers in water?"

Cat stepped back. "John, did you come to sleep with me or did you come to talk. Flowers and sweet words won't get you into my bed." John looked hurt. "You should leave. I will call you later today." Catherine turned and went into the house.

John followed her inside. "Cat, I came to talk. I want to make this work. I want to fix what's broken. I don't want there to be off limit subjects between us."

And do I want to make love to you, yes? I love the way your body feels next to mine, the softness of your skin and the taste of your mouth. I love hearing you moan my name right before you come. But using sex to avoid talking is your thing, not mine. Anytime I bring up marriage, children or even living together you take off your panties to avoid talking. Do you know how frustrated I am to date a woman for three years and not know where you stand with her? Or where this relationship is going?"

John ran his hand through her hair. "I love you, Catherine. Do you feel the same way? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Do you want to give birth to my children? Say yes and we will be in Vegas exchanging rings before midnight."

Catherine didn't say a word. She couldn't even look at John. "It's a yes or no answer, Peach" Catherine and John turned to see Matt standing in the doorway between the living room and dining room.

"What the hell is going on, Catherine? Is this why you missed my calls or texts last night. I sat home worried sick. Afraid that you were hurt or angry. It never crossed my mind you were fucking someone else last night." John screamed at her. "This is fucked up Catherine. I knew you were a selfish bitch at times but clearly, I had no idea."

"Don't talk to her like that." Cat saw the anger flash on Matt's face.

"Matt, please let me handle this Dr. Jonathan Dixon this is Matthew Walker, my college sweetheart. Matt and I dated my sophomore and junior years at Salem. Matthew Walker, this is my current boyfriend Dr. Jonathan Dixon. You overheard our relationship issues."

John looked from Cat to Matt and back at Cat. "Is this why you can't commit to me?" John paced around the living room. "So what's the deal, every few months or so you hook up?"

"I haven't seen Matthew in 18 years. The last time I saw him was in a parking lot at Salem. He wanted to get back together but I refused. I had no idea where he was until I saw him in the coffee shop. There were no secret rendezvous behind your back."

"Except last night. So what, you went back and got his number. I am trying to figure out how he went from the coffee shop to your bed. And don't insult my intelligence that you didn't fuck him. Guilt is all over your face."

"We ran into each other on the trail. The dogs went after a squirrel causing me to fall. Matthew helped me home."

"And you said "thank you" with your vagina."

"I warned you to stop talking to her like that."

John ignored Matt. "Catherine, did you love him. Did you want to marry him, give birth to his babies? Answer me! Did you love him!"

"Yes." Catherine croaked out before beginning to cry. "John leave. You're angry and hurt. Nothing good will come out of you staying here" John looked at her. Catherine was not prepared for the hostility in his eyes. "Why did you break up? You cheat on him too."

John saw the pain and guilt in Matt's face "Oh, he cheated on you. That is irony. He breaks your heart cheating on you. And you break my heart cheating on me." John stopped pacing. "Is he the reason you can't commit to me? Is this some romantic notion of young love recaptured that leave me out in the cold. You'd rather pine for a man who proved himself untrustworthy than commit to a man who loves you. I knew you were damaged goods."

Matt stepped in front of Catherine. "I know you are in pain but do not speak to Cat in a derogatory tone. This is your last warning. Keep your opinion about me or my relationship to Cat to yourself. Hurting Cat is the worst mistake of my life. There is not a day that goes by I don't regret it. I wonder what it would be like to wake up next to her, to raise children with her and discuss mundane things like dinner and the mortgage. She is my soulmate, my other half. Unless she sends me away, I plan to stay here."

"Aren't you special Catherine? You seem to inspire abject devotion from the men in your life. Hopefully, the sex was good. Good enough to set fire to all we built."

"The world sees a beautiful, highly educated, intelligent, good Catholic woman. The type of woman a man wants to marry. Turns out you are an amoral tramp. A strumpet with a Ph.D. Did you earn your Ph.D. on your back?" John didn't see the punch until it landed on his jaw.

"I warned him."

John left after Matt punched him. Fearing a brawl, Cat threatened to call the police. John was angry. He called her a few choice words on the lawn before getting into his car and driving off. Catherine was appalled at the number or synonyms he knew for whore: strumpet, tramp, Jezebel, and harlot.

Matt embraced Catherine after he left and murmured how sorry he was. He led her to the bedroom and put her to bed. He'd brought her tea and cookies, taken the dogs for a walk, and left her alone.

Catherine woke up unsure of what time it was. She could hear the tv from the living room. Pulling herself out of bed and went to the bathroom. Her eyes were puffy and swollen. Catherine cried mostly because John's words stung not because she felt any major heartbreak. She loved him but not in the deep passionate way she loved Matt. More in a comfortable, companionable way. She deluded herself into thinking she could live with that love.

Catherine sat on the edge of the tub with a cold cloth on her face. She would have married John, given birth to his babies, bought a vacation home and maybe a boat. They would go to couples retreats put on by the Catholic church. Blame her dwindling libido on age, children, and stress. Publicly it would have been a nice life, but privately hell.

Catherine thought back to a women's retreat she attended six months ago. It was about reconnecting yourself spiritually. John did not want her to go. He was not a fan of mumbo jumbo Christianity. Go to mass, do the rosary and attend confession was all he needed. The leader asked them to go within and ask the hard questions. Cat asked God if she should marry John.

Catherine heard a knock at the door. "Are you in there? The dogs are worried about you?" Catherine opened the door to find Matt in a new outfit. "I went home and changed while you were napping. The dogs stopped me from taking your car so I ran back to mine. By the way to find out you drive an Audi convertible gave me new respect for you."

"I work hard, I deserve nice things." Matt hugged Catherine. "You deserve more than nice things Cat."

"Are you hungry? I picked up some Chinese food earlier. I walked the X-dogs and fed them. I met your neighbor, Mrs. Phillips who whispered we should close the window when we have sex. And she thought John was a pompous jerk. Lastly, your mother called."

"Please tell me you did not answer the phone."

A wicked grin spread across Matt's face. "And deprive me the opportunity to talk to the one and only Patricia Miller. John posted on Facebook you crushed his heart. His post calls you a whore without calling you a whore."

"Or strumpet, Jezebel, tramp or harlot."

"I told her we finished having sex before he came over. He called you a whole bunch of nasty names and I punched him when he crossed the line. Your father gave me props. He said no one calls his daughter a whore even if it's true. I could hear your mother pursing and unpursing her lips. She is not pleased we are in contact, I answered your phone or you broke up with John. According to her, he was your "last chance". She said to call her when you are alone."

Matt sat next to her and patted her leg as Catherine sighed. "She loves John. What's not to love: successful doctor, witty, intelligent, Catholic, and up until today I never knew he was a complete jackass and verbally abusive. He called me damaged goods."

"Cat, I am sorry" He kissed her cheek. "A few years ago, I looked you up on FB. My marriage was failing and my ex-wife thought I wasn't over you. I wanted to see if you were happy or miserable and missing me. There was this picture of you sitting in a deck chair with a little boy on your lap. You looked so happy that I knew I would not contact you. When I saw you at the coffee shop and on the trail, it was an answer to my prayer. Cat, I don't want to bring you pain. If you want me to leave, I will."

"Did you mean what you said about hurting me? About missing me every day and wondering about the possibilities."

Matt looked at her. His eyes told her about first birthdays for their imaginary daughters, family vacations, making love during snow storms and silly arguments. Catherine remembered when she allowed herself such thoughts. It felt nice to know what they shared was real.

Catherine stood up. "Matthew you should leave." He was crestfallen. "But I am coming with you. If memory serves correct, you promised me pancakes, waffles or whatever my heart desires."

He stood up and hugged her. "Can I drive your car?" He pulled her into a kiss.

"Yes, but only as a thank you for punching John. And Matt, I am not making any promises. That's not true. I can make one promise, I give better blow jobs than I do in 1998." Matt slapped Cat's ass as she turned away.

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ncpecanpiencpecanpiealmost 6 years agoAuthor
It was rushed at time

I hit my stride Chapter 4. I published the first Chapter on a dare and people like it, so I posted the second one. By Chapter 3, I was writing a story with characters and a story arc. Chapter 4 I decided to go with it. Chapter 6 I tried to resolve her relationship with John and make them a couple so I could let the story go, so I took some liberties. On reflection, I would spend more time on the breakup with John.

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyalmost 6 years ago

I liked this story! It seemed rather rushed at times but once I got to the middle of the story I was hooked..

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 6 years ago
Amazing Story

You could truly see the progression in your writing from the first chapter to this one. The jumping back and forth from past to present is done very well. I truly hope to see another chapter in the coming months, you have built a great stroy here and it would be a shame if it were abandoned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

O, please give them a happy ending discussing mundane things like dinner and the mortgage.

ncpecanpiencpecanpiealmost 7 years agoAuthor
Thank You

Thank You, everyone, for your comments. I feel like I owe some of you a check! :) I am sketching out a Chapter 7 that will hopefully resolve some of the lingering questions. And thank you for enjoying Catherine and Matt as much as I have.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Every word was a delight! You, my dear, are a master storyteller....

...Iam told I'm an old school romantic, and a sucker for any decent story in the form of the great British romance novelists.

Maybe, maybe not.

But I know great stories when I read them. This was singular..... characterization was superlative, the settings, flow and direction were exactly what we would hope for in great storytelling. Your style is enjoyable in that easy, almost conversational style characteristic of some of the best writers from the American South.

Please, oh please, let there be a seventh and final chapter!! And while I'm sure you lead a very busy life, I hope you will put your gift to good use in more stories. You might even consider staring down the brutality of the mainstream and write something illustrative and more for consumption by the general public. You are that good.

I will say by way of critique, that some editorial help with the little technical mistakes that show up here and there would smooth things out some. Spelling, occasional glitches in grammar, perhaps colloquialisms, and the usual things that whole teams of editors work out in the publishing venues.

I had started those series when you first submitted and thoroughly enjoyed the first two chapters. My life took a turn and I lost track of you, becoming occupied with mundane but troublesome concerns.

I'm delighted to find you again at this juncture and look forward to anything else you are willing and able to offer.

Please continue!

And, Thank. You.

HTW2HTW2almost 7 years ago
Loved it

Thank you for this update. Definitely needs a chapter 7 to bring it together. Marriage and a child need to be part of the ending. Please.

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 7 years ago
I was glad to see this

Poor Matt and Catherine! Her mother's no help and that John was not the nicest guy.

I do hope you will decide to have one more chapter, because this is far from resolved and the ending was so rushed. While I can't suggest how to reconcile it all, I can say that while I can envision John and Matt meeting as they did, I couldn't see it ending after just one punch. Also, there's still the issue of Catherine's parents never having to face Matthew: in that, there's no symmetry at all, since they met John from your story but they didn't meet Matt. One chapter certainly won't resolve their feelings for or against him, but it would allow Catherine to stand on her own two feet because it's one thing when she was in college but now she's an adult and able to provide for herself: so she needs to either confront them and state in no uncertain terms it's her life and if they love her and respect her, they'll respect her decision and try to live with it even if they don't like it. I'm sure the dad would come around from how you've drawn him, but the mom's another story. The main thing is so much happened to them that after 18 years apart, they deserve another chapter to try and at least give them some convincing attempt at better closure--or at least something where the story could end on reasonable enough terms and yet still be open-ended enough to allow future installments if possible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Worth The Wait!

I've been waiting for the next installment...and it was worth it! Great story! Steamy passion. Definitely want to read more from you!

ObedientsubObedientsubalmost 7 years ago



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