Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 15: Conference


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"Yes! Yes!" I croaked amid the pain. "Do it, Pete! Let it all out!"

"Fuck you, Penny!"

"Do it Pete! Do anything you want! I don't care if it hurts! Just fuck me!"

And fuck me he did. Though I barely knew the word, my husband hate-fucked me, taking out on my helpless body all the bottled-up agonies my infidelity had brought him; all the humiliation, all the anger he had kept suppressed, all the torment he wanted to inflict on his cheating wife.

And I let him hate-fuck me; I didn't resist in any way.

I didn't protest when he crushed my boobs in his fists, when he pulled my dress so hard it tore, leaving red lines that lasted a week. I didn't feel the burns as his violent thrusts drove my lower back hard into the sheet or when my head struck the headboard with every stroke.

I didn't resist when he pulled out, flipped me over and took me from behind like a dog with my face pressed into the pillow. I loved it when he slapped my buttocks with his palms then dug his fingers deep into the flesh of my cheeks as he plunged agonisingly deep into my vagina, hammering into my cervix with every thrust.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I croaked through the wet slapping sounds and feral grunts.

This was what I wanted; this is what I deserved. It was I who had inflicted the hurt on my husband so it was my body that deserved to feel the consequences. I wanted it to hurt; I wanted to feel at least some of his pain. I didn't deserve to look my husband in the eye as he fucked me, I deserved to be treated like an animal, a fuck-toy; the focus of his justified anger.

I wanted him to fuck me harder than he had ever fucked anyone before!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck you! Fuck you Penny!"

His voice was hard and coarse, the anger wild and almost tangible.

"Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I growled back. "Cum in me Pete! Cum in your slut wife!"

Then for what was probably barely a minute but which felt like a lifetime, Pete seemed to lose control completely, his body slamming into mine from behind with a violence I never suspected he possessed.

"Fuck you Penny! FUCK your CHEATING CUNT!"

His cock hammered into my cervix over and over again, so hard it felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. His hands grabbed my neck from behind and squeezed. Sweat fell onto my back as his hips slammed into my buttocks from behind so hard I fell forwards.

Pete's body followed mine onto the bed, his cock still buried deep inside me, his knees spreading my legs wide as he thrust like a madman, his rhythm completely broken.

"Cheating CUNT! Cheating CUNT!"

"Oh Jesus! Jesus!" I wailed, partly in pain, partly with the realisation of how badly I had hurt him.


"Lying Cheating CUNT!"

But this amount of lust; this amount of anger could not last long and eventually Pete's passion broke, his climax rushed in on him and I felt the throbbing of his cock deep inside me as the force of his orgasm exploded in a massive ejaculation.


Pete's body went into spasm and emptied itself wildly into my eager, willing vagina. Rope after rope of semen spurted into my body as the monstrous pressure of his climax was released and along with it, the anger and violence within him.


His cock within me throbbed and pulsed wildly before, eventually the thrusting began to wane and finally slowed to a halt. For a long time we lay in silence, his body heavy on my back, my face pressed hard into the pillow, his cock buried deep in my vagina, both of us panting for breath. Then I felt Pete's erection begin to soften and the fullness inside me slowly slip away until his flaccid cock flopped messily from my body.

I lay face down, legs spread wide, exhausted and battered as my panting husband rolled onto the bed alongside me.

"Did I hurt you?" he eventually asked as his breathing returned to something like normal.

"A bit," I replied, still stunned at the power of his assault.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I wanted it. We both needed it," I replied, rolling onto my back.

"You're not angry?" he asked, almost puzzled.

"I'm not angry," I repeated. "It's what I deserved."

I looked across at my husband to find his eyes fixed on mine. For a very rare moment I couldn't read his expression at all.

"Did it make you feel better?" I asked.

"I suppose it did," he replied.

He reached over and held my hand. After what had just happened it seemed a ridiculously trivial thing to do but the love and intimacy was enough to bring the tears back to my eyes. We lay hand in hand for a long time.

"You want us to get back together? To give it another try?" he eventually asked.

"More than anything else in the world."

He paused again, making me even more uneasy.

"What about Penny the Hotwife?" Pete eventually asked.

"She's gone," I said firmly. "I'm a one-man-woman again!"

There was another of Pete's pauses, again a little longer than I had hoped.

"We said we'd be completely honest with each other, didn't we?" he said in an uncertain voice.

"Of course! No more lies, I promised," I replied.

"Well, if I'm being really honest with myself as well as you," Pete began then paused, infuriatingly.

"What, Pete?"

He seemed unsure how to go on.

"Well, the last couple of weeks have been horrible but..."

"I know. I'm really sorry," I repeated for the umpteenth time.

"I don't mean that. I mean that before it all went wrong, those months when you were a Hotwife were some of the most exciting of my whole life. Yours too, I suspect."

I couldn't argue.

"That's true. It was unbelievable while it lasted. But it's all over now. No arguments, no lies, no more fucking; I promise. It's all over!"

I meant it too; although it had indeed been the most exciting time of my life, I now knew that my amazing husband was much more important than any quick fuck could ever be.

"What... what if I didn't want it to be over?" he asked.

"What?" I could hardly believe my ears.

"So much has happened since December. We're not the people we used to be, Penn. You're not; I'm not. We've both tasted forbidden fruit now and it's changed us both."

This was an uncharacteristically earnest speech for my handsome husband. I listened carefully.

"I can't go back to where we were before. I don't want us to be a boring, middle-aged married couple, growing fat together, watching daytime TV, playing with the grandkids and growing to loathe the sight of each other as our sex life grinds to a halt. You're too sexy for that and I'm too young to give up on my biggest fantasies!"

"You mean..." I began.

"Sharing you with another man brought an excitement to our lives like we've never known. It made us both feel younger, sexier and, until the last few weeks, brought us closer together than we've been for years."

"But what about...?"

"Oh, there's no denying it nearly cost us our marriage too but I think that's because we made mistakes. I don't want to lose the good things, Penn. If we can learn from those mistakes, perhaps we can keep the good parts going and avoid things like..."

"Like the last few weeks?" I volunteered.

"Like the last few weeks," he agreed.

My mind was spinning as my husband continued.

"I don't think you and I ever saw this lifestyle in the same way. I wanted a Hotwife who would sleep with lots of men; who would have fantastic no-strings sex with me watching and maybe joining in.

"Your fantasy seemed to change on the way. At first you just wanted great sex too but once you had a regular boyfriend you got deeper and deeper into an emotional relationship. That's where we went wrong."

He was absolutely right, as were all my online friends. Though I suspect my love for Tony had started long before his cock entered my body, there was no doubt that at first it had been great sex and the way that sex made me feel that had driven my infidelity.

"When it comes down to it," he continued. "I loved being married to a sexy Hotwife."

"But I thought..." I began but he interrupted.

"Oh, I didn't like being married to a cheating wife or a lying wife," I blushed. "But the thrill of living with a woman as hot and sexy as you was the most exciting thing I've ever known."

It had been great for me too but I was too uncertain to say so.

"What do you want us to do about it?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

"Well the first thing must be to spend more time together; being a couple again; getting to know each other again and learn to enjoy each other's bodies." He laughed. "You must have learned a few things from both of your lovers; I'd like to feel the benefit."

I smiled. This was easy to agree to.

"Then maybe - after a few weeks or months - we could try the lifestyle again," he said earnestly. "But we would have to do it better next time."

"How do you mean?" I asked, pleased with the direction things were going but still unsure.

"Well the number one condition is simple. I don't want you to see that bastard again no matter how much you miss him or want him. I don't care how good in bed he is; it has to be over with him. Full stop!

Pete sounded hurt, as he had every right to be. But he was preaching to the converted; my love for Tony was dead.

"It already is over," I said honestly. "And forever."

"He's a shit, Penny."

"I know," I said with feeling.

Tony had treated me like dirt and like a cock-crazed slut I had let him do it, giving in every step of the way.

"He's already history, I promise," I told him again.

There was yet another of Pete's pauses.

"How do we do it? I've only had two lovers and both of them started by accident."

"Two lovers so far," Pete corrected me then looked down, embarrassed.

"Go on," I urged him.

"I've been looking into it," he began awkwardly. "There are websites to help people like us find other like-minded singles or couples."

"How long have you been looking at those?" I asked, surprised.

"Ever since we started having fantasies," he blushed.

"Before Tony seduced me...!"

"Long before. There are websites with stories too," he told me sheepishly. "I've been reading them for months. Some are unbelievable but some are really good. Maybe if you read one or two you'd have some ideas how we could do it ourselves?"

Pete clearly thought I would be angry or unimpressed with him looking at online porn. Little did he know there was a reasonable chance he had read one of my own stories - and enjoyed it, I hoped.

"We need to keep the dates short too; only fuck dates, no more romantic overnights. And from now we agree every time. Either I'm there with you or you check it's okay with me first."

"O-kay," I replied uncertainly.

"It's only common sense; you need to be safe." He thought for a moment. "Maybe I'll get to watch or even join in this time."

"Are you sure really you want this?" I asked, still amazed.

"I'm sure I want it if you're sure you want it too and can stick to the rules."

"I'm sure, Pete," I replied, unable to believe what was happening. "Maybe we'll try in a few months?"

"Meanwhile you'll just have to make do with only my cock for a while. Can you live with that?"

It was said jokily but the relief washed over me. Pete positively beamed. He leaned towards me, I leaned towards him. We kissed long and deep before he rolled me onto my back and reared over me again.

This time it was slow, loving and gentle. I was sore and my body ached but it felt so good to be back in the arms of the man I loved that I didn't even notice. Pete kissed my lips, my boobs - even the hickeys on my neck before his amazing mouth descended to its favourite place between my thighs.

The first climax followed swiftly, the second hard on its tail and, when his cock entered my body again, I had no trouble whatsoever reaching a wonderful, breath-stealing, life-enhancing orgasm at my husband's hands.

I looked up into the eyes of the man I loved as he filled my welcoming, still-fertile body with his warm essence. As I luxuriated in the wonderful, earth-mother sensation that insemination brought, I believed I now truly understood the difference between lust and love.

And knew, with my husband's agreement, I would find each one with a different man.

We missed the dinner completely. Poor Kasha.

At least room service was good.


"... beginning our descent into Birmingham International Airport.."

The drone from the plane's PA system roused me from the deep slumber that had lasted the whole of the ninety minute flight home. I shook the sleep from my head, smiled and apologised to the rather good-looking businessman on whose shoulder I had apparently been dozing.

"It was nice almost taking to you," he said with an ironic smile.

Having had so little sleep the night before, it was all I could do to manage the fifteen minute chat the two of us had enjoyed before take-off.

"I'm sorry," I grinned sheepishly.

"It's not a problem. Call me if you want to take up where we left off."

He passed me a business card. I blushed; it was a long time since any stranger had made such an overt attempt at picking me up. I looked down at my left hand where my wedding ring once again lay. There was a similar ring on his left hand.

He saw where I was looking and blushed himself.

"You never know," he smiled. "You might change your mind."


That night I lay in our marital bed feeling the aches in my body return with a vengeance. I was alone again but it felt very different from last week. My husband had not left me; he was simply away for work and would return in a few days.

After that, we would have a few wonderful weeks together, rekindling our relationship, sharing the excitement of all that had passed, making love when and where we wanted.

I felt very excited and very content. The ring was back on my finger; we had made our choices and were happy with them. Pete wanted a Hotwife; he would have his wish. If that meant he had to remain a cuckold it was a price he was willing to pay.

For me, the prospect of wild and exciting sex with other men was both thrilling and terrifying. But if it was what my husband wanted it was fine by me. The most important thing was that we were still married.

I began to doze, playing with my wedding ring under the duvet. It had been frightening to be free, even for two weeks. Now my so-called freedom had gone, in a bizarre way I felt more liberated. Secure in my marriage and my husband's love, my body could enjoy the new and exciting world of sex without risk to our relationship.

But however many men I might fuck in the future, I knew I would never doubt my relationship with the father of my children again.

A slut I might be, but I was Mrs. Penny Barker and Mrs. Penny Barker I wanted to remain.

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cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

Great! Now the fun begins ;)

cibixcibixover 2 years ago

loved the pullback the movement to conclusion here. ah, such a joy to read your chapters (even the heart-wrenching ones). looking forward to the next chapter of their relationship. :-)

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
A Do Over?

I want to go back knowing what I know now? How often do wish this, but are unable to. Pete and Penny can now proceed knowing more of the pitfalls. I foresee a lot of fun for the two them going forward. A 5 Star Rating and a Favorite.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
And so it begins...again!

A really well written, well thought out resolution to the dilemma which Penny and her cuckold have been through. It is true that the genie simply cannot be put back in the bottle. Penny is a natural hotwife, her husband a natural cuckold. I do hope that they now both realise how essential honesty and openness are to their chosen lifestyle. Can't wait to read about the next cock to fuck hotwife Penny!

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 4 years ago
NIce resolution

I love how Penny and Pete have reconciled with the hotwife part still in play. I look forward to more hotwife activities. Also, I am astonished that anyone can't doubt that this is a true story. Five stars.

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