Penny's Story Ch. 01


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"Your little Penny is almost ready to be brought into my home. I think she needs some time in the porch to think over what has happened and wonder what else will happen to her this evening." He smiles then laughs at the expression on Greg's face. "Don't worry, she will be very willing and attentive both this evening and I suspect for quite sometime afterwards. She looks to be good stock and with a bit of training a useable sub. Nice body, are the tits as firm as they look?" Greg nods weakly. "Good I'm quite looking forward to handling her."

Mr Martinet had explained to Greg that he thought that his and Penny's relationship has started to move from Dominant and submissive to a loving vanilla one. Greg had agreed. He also warned that he will have mixed feelings towards Mr Martinet and what is going to happen this evening, but it is in the long run a good thing and that the situation can be turned around. The matter of fact and perfunctory manner that Mr Martinet is talking about Penny is a step along that path back to where the relationship should be. Penny is to be thought of as an object once he has that idea in his head the rest will be easy. That is the theory according to Mr Martinet. For the next fifteen minutes, while he watches Greg closely, Mr Martinet talks about Penny, her body, describing in a crude manner what Greg must do to her over the coming week.

"I think it's time to bring the girl in don't you Greg." This is more of a statement than a question, after all Mr Martinet is in charge. Greg nods a little taken aback by the conversation that has just taken place. Besides he wants to see if he has the resolve to carry out what Mr Martinet has outlined and he is also eager to see Penny being handled by another. This is both a scary yet exciting prospect. He sinks back into the chair and the shadows, invisible to anyone coming into the room till they turn round.

Scared and shivering, Penny has spent the last fifteen minutes continually glancing down the drive at the main road. Freezing when someone walks past and breathing again when they do not look at the house. She has been displayed and paraded before, but this is different, this time she has been just left, being seen is almost an after thought to the position she has been left in. The door opens making Penny jump yet again. She has up to this evening been a confident and assured woman, even when she has submitted to Greg. But now! The sight of Mr Martinet brings relief as she hopes her ordeal is over. She is shocked that she is relieved to see a stranger who will do who knows what to her, just so this time alone will be at an end.

"Stand up girl." He takes hold of the lead and pulls up. Penny quickly scrambles up to stop her weight from being supported by her alone neck. It is not easy with her hands behind her back and no other assistance is given or offered. As she moves for the first time in fifteen minutes, the plug of hard plastic in her anus moves; her anal muscles scream their complaint as they have settled around their new friend. She almost doubles up as a stomach cramp hit her, but Mr Martinet's hold on the lead makes sure that she does not and that the pain is felt to its full. Once standing up right it subsides to a dull ache. He smiles at the expressions on her face she is pretty but looks so much better when in pain.

He pulls her towards the door, causing Penny to take a long stride to catch up. The muscles around the plastic plug complain again and Penny groans.

"Did you say something girl?" Mr Martinet stops suddenly and turns on her.

"Nnnnnno sir, sorry sir." She is still in the doorway and fears being put outside again. She tries to lower her head not daring to look at him directly, wanting only the relative safety of the house.

"You will only speak when spoken to." He glares at her. Turning he pulls on the lead and makes Penny take three steps into the hallway of the house.

"Kneel." A sharp tug downwards forces Penny to her knees. Passing her he closes the door then starts to walk down the hall. Penny is forced to scramble up again or be dragged. Her anus complains again at the sudden movement. This time she suppresses the groan.

Penny does not have time to take in the surroundings as she is pulled along the hallway. She does notice the change under her feet though as she is lead into a room and the soft carpet is replaced by smooth, hard wood. He does not stop pulling till Penny stands in what she assumes is the centre of the room. It seems that all the lighting in the room, such that it is, is directed at the place she now stood, naked, cuffed and full of plastic plug. A light aimed at her prevented her from seeing the room properly, but she gets the impression it is sparely furnished.

"Stand there and stop shaking." Mr Martinet waits a few seconds while Penny gains what is left of her composure, the lead is unclasped and thrown to the ground in front of her. "Better." He continues. "Now open your legs wider girl, they should be at least three feet apart." He makes the point of letting Penny see him look down her body then her legs to her feet. She has never felt so naked. She opens her legs.

Greg has bitten his bottom lip at they entered, knowing he has not to make a sound or Mr Martinet will end the evening and send them both home. He watches her gait as she tried to walk with the six inch butt plug secure in her anus. It makes him smile to see her obvious trouble as the unbending plug forces her anus muscles to adjust and readjust with each step. Now that she has stopped and has opened her legs, the end of the plug is visible as it nestles between her cheeks. His erection starts to grow.

"Did you shave your pussy this morning as instructed Penny?" His eyes have moved back up her body, Penny is red with embarrassment and now a little shocked at the frankness of the question posed.

"Y..y..yes sir" She manages to stammer.

"Then I will check to make sure it has been done properly." Mr Martinet has always maintained that the first touch a Dom should make upon a sub must be sudden and intimate. As intimate as possible. The sub must be made aware through actions as well as words that they are just an object to be used as and when required. Any sign of warmth or care would undermine this, so the first touch is a bench mark. His hand shoots out and he grabs her pussy, his palm flat against the labia major, the heel on the mound and the fingers extended as far as possible. In this case they touched the protruding butt plug. Penny yelps and jumps.

"Quiet girl, you must expect to be handled intimately on a regular basis. Now keep still while I check your shaving ability."

Mr Martinet starts to slowly grind his hand against Penny's most intimate part, causing her to lift up on her toes and stare wide eyed and open mouthed as the motion becomes rough. With practised ease Mr Martinet bends his middle finger as he pulls back and up and positions it on her opening. It is wet. Then with a forward shove it slides effortlessly into Penny's vaginal passage. A gasp escapes from her mouth. A few more circles and shoves with his hand hard against her sex and the finger is all the way in. The two fingers either side of the middle one then move a little inwards and take hold of the protruding edge of the butt plug. The circle and rubbing motion that he is now so rhythmically doing includes a new element as the butt plug is moved back and to. Penny's legs nearly give way as it began it's not to subtle movement deep inside her anus.

Greg starts to breathe hard as he watches his sub being man handled in this way, but keeps himself in check having been warned that it might spark a defensive reaction seeing Penny used. Mr Martinet takes the opportunity of Penny closing her eyes as she struggles to keep on her legs by looking at Greg and giving a reassuring nod. Greg is not reassured.

"Look at me girl while I handle you." His voice is harsh and sounds a bit distant to Penny, but an extra hard rub made her eyes fly open. He looks straight at her and deep into her eyes, defying her to look away.

"You seem to have done a good job Penny. I cannot feel any bristling on my hand." He smiles at the slightly puzzled look she gives back. The messages being sent from her body have already started to blank out all other thoughts and ideas. "You reach a satisfactory wetness very quickly as well." He crooks his finger slightly inside her. It now rubs a little harder against her vaginal wall as he continues the hard circular motion. She whimpers in response. But her eyes never straying from his as they are locked tight.

"I want to ask you a question Penny." His voice has now taken on a lilting tone. He knows that he has her full attention and the need for sternness has passed for the moment. "When did you masturbate last?"

"Wha..... " Penny can hardly concentrate on what is going on in the room let alone a direct question.

"I told you not to make me repeat myself girl." As he says this his hand starts to squeeze her labia as he circles harder. Penny whimpers again, but comes back to reality. "When did you masturbate last?"

"I... er... I" Penny is having trouble now as the messages from her pussy floods her mind. She has never been manipulated like this before the sensation is overpowering. "Yesterday sir. My Master gave me permission to masturbate yesterday evening sir." She manages to blurt out before moaning.

Mr Martinet continues with his manipulating of her pussy for a few moments, looking deep into her eyes, seeing more than she dare let him, then back in the lilting voice he used before he says, "I did not ask when was the last time you had permission to masturbate, I ask when did you masturbate last?

"I... er... I.. ooooo... I masturbated this morning sir." Penny sags as this truth comes out. It has been an effort to for her to say this, he can tell. She clearly does not like to be seen to let her Master down and will have held out if she had known he is sitting right behind her.

"Why did you masturbate this morning Penny?"

Now that the initial confession is out, saying more is not difficult. "Because I was aroused at the thought of coming here this evening sir." Realising what she has said she quickly adds, "Please don't tell him sir. Please don't sir."

"I don't think I need to tell him that Penny. I believe that you will tell him." He smiles.

Mr. Martinet's hand performs a few more circles, eyes locked onto each other, her arousal is almost complete the pupils give Penny away an orgasm is will soon follow.

"Where did this take place Penny?"

"In the bathroom sir. I said I needed the toilet before my shower sir. My Master often watches as I shower, especially if I am going to shave my pussy sir. I needed a little privacy sir."

"Was it a good orgasm Penny? Did you enjoy it more because it was not permitted, or because you were thinking of the delights that awaited you this evening?"

"I don't know sir. It is good sir. All I could think about was this evening sir."

As Penny finishes her confession, Mr Martinet removes his hand abruptly pulling it back and away, denying her the release of an orgasm. Penny then realises that it had been his hand that had been keeping her upright. She falls to her knees. Mr Martinet looks over her head at Greg who has now moved to the edge of his seat. His eyes are boring into the back of Penny's head. He is clearly angry by her confession. Greg thinks of how she will be punished for this, it has been a corner stone of their relationship that he controls her orgasms that she can only orgasm and therefore masturbate with his express permission. He will also make sure that she is not allowed any private time again for this misdemeanour. He had been unsure about letting this evening happen and is doubly so when he saw her stilted walk as she came in to the room. He has to fight his emotions as watches her being handled, but now, yes it has been worthwhile. He begins to wonder what other things she has been doing behind his back.

"Stay where you are girl." Mr Martinet returns to the sterner voice as he sees Penny make an attempt to rise. She does not know it but her next performance is about to begin. With her hands still cuffed behind her back she grimaces as the after effect of the rough handling her pussy has just endured starts to kick in. How she wishes she could give it a soothing rub. But this just helps to keep her distracted as Mr Martinet takes a black blindfold from his pocket and puts it over her head, then eyes. Penny gasps as the world goes dark and disappears.

"I have a little service I wish you to perform Penny. But as is my want, I don't want you to see me as you perform it. Besides not being able to see will heighten your other senses which will make it all the more interesting for you." Over her head he motions for Greg to join him. This is a planned part of the session that Greg knows about. He takes a moment to rise and join Mr Martinet his expression like thunder. He feels animosity towards the Dom who has just handler his sub in this rough and harsh manner, but it is fading fast as his anger grows towards Penny and the perceived lies and deceit she must have practised throughout their relationship. Can he ever trust her again, that trust is about to take another bashing. He takes his place a little in front of Penny and starts to undo his trousers.

Penny, her sight deprived is aware that there is movement, but can not tell what it is and has no idea that it is Greg that has just stepped in front of her. Then she hears the sound of a zip and groans inwardly. He is just like the rest, get them naked then get your cock in their mouth. She feels a bit disappointed as the evening so far had been so different which has made it scary yet exciting. It has not been like this with Greg ever.

Once Greg has removed his trousers and underwear, Mr Martinet stands behind Greg and over his shoulder he speaks so as to make the sound of his voice seem to be coming from the right direction.

"Now Penny, open your mouth."

"Yes sir." There is a note of disappointment in her voice that is not unnoticed by both men.

"Now, now Penny that is not the attitude I expect from girl who is going to perform for me. I want a bit of enthusiasm." He smiles as he said this. Oh if only she knew what is about to happen.

"Yes sir," is repeated with only a modicum of liveliness. Penny opens her mouth and waits.

Greg, who has not stopped glaring at Penny all this time, takes a step forward and without any ceremony puts his cock in her mouth. Penny closes her mouth and is pleasantly surprised at the fullness of the amount of meat that she has to work with. If she had not known better she would have sworn it is Greg's cock.

A pair of hands then grab her head and the fucking begins. Mr Martinet had instructed Greg not to hold Penny as he would do normally when being serviced orally and to use a different stroke pattern when he starts to fuck her mouth. This is easy with Greg being so worked up with her and the strokes in and out of her mouth are strong and hard, not like the gentler teasing that they usually do.

It is only a matter of seconds before Penny has to breathe hard and loud through her nose as she begins to struggle to keep up with the relentless thrusting that Greg is doing. Taking a silent step backwards Mr Martinet slowly circles the pair of them as they indulged in this viscous display of oral satisfaction. Watching, studying Penny as she struggles to keep up with the onslaught from Greg.

When passing in front of Greg's eye line, he looks up at the man who has exposed his sub for the liar she is and thrusts harder. Penny gags and tries to cough, but each time her mouth and throat are full of fleshy cock head. She is wrong, he is not like the rest of them, he's an animal.

After a few more circles Mr Martinet sits down by the low table that has his cup of tea on it. A little cold, but all the more refreshing for that. He sips and watches. Nice action from Greg he thinks to himself. But his eyes always stray back to Penny and how her body shakes every time her mouth is full of cock, the wobbling on her tits is particularly pleasant.

Not sure of how long Greg can continue this assault on Penny's mouth without exploding in it, Mr Martinet quietly replaces the cup and gets up. They have planned a little surprise for Penny and he is about to execute it. With a nod to Greg to indicate the next phase of their plan he stands to one side of Penny. Greg gives a look back at him that still has anger in it but understands what is about to happen. He takes a firmer grip on Penny's head and slows the action down to a more even pace.

Once it is obvious Penny has become accustomed to this more sedate mouth fucking, Mr Martinet squats down so that he can speak directly into her ear. Penny's face twitches as if she senses something, but is unable to do anything as the cock makes its way back into her mouth.

"Are you enjoying that cock Penny?" With Mr Martinet's voice coming straight into her ear, she knows it is not his cock in her mouth. She tries to pull back, but the hands that belong to the cock have a strong grip and she can hardly move. He smiles as she tries to struggle but Greg has her held tight. With another nod, Greg starts to fuck her mouth again with gusto.

"Good girl," he continues, "I think that you will receive a reward soon. Now be gracious and accept it all, any spillage will be punished."

Penny's head is spinning now. Whose cock is it? She is sure that the arrangement is for her to be used by Mr Martinet only, yet he has brought someone else into the equation. Oh my god, is it that old man from outside, he did say he would invite him in to have a play. No the cock is too firm, the thrusts too brutal to be that old man, but who is it.

Should she tell her Master when she gets home? What will she do, he may tell him anyway. The thrusts are more forceful now, she knows the cock is ready. Then it is pushed deep, it enters her throat, she gags which only stimulates the head even more.

Then it erupts.

She feels the first spurt as the cock throbs, then a second and a third. She tries to cough but is held firm. It takes all her swallowing ability to get the thick semen to go down. Trying to breathe hard as she does, she thinks she is going to suffocate.

The cock is pulled back so that the head lies on her tongue and she is able to gulp and take the last of the sticky fluid. She is breathing hard not knowing what to do, waiting for she does not know what. This is nothing like the sessions with Greg, she wants to be with him now, to have him soothe her and calm her heart as it threatens to burst out of her chest.

The sight of her throat as it bulges and bobs as Penny receives and swallows the precious juice has been a very pleasant sight for Mr Martinet as he remains squatting next to her. Mind, Greg has made it easier by keeping his cock deep in her throat as he pumps.

"Very good Penny. Now clean the cock. You would not want to owner to think you were an ungrateful girl after the lovely semen they deposited in your mouth."

Penny can only grunt in acknowledgement of this order and starts to lick the cock head as best she can given that the hold on her head has not lessened and movement is almost impossible. After a few minutes Greg has softened and pulls his cock out of Penny's mouth. For the first time in twenty minutes Penny's mouth is not full of blood hardened flesh that is trying to knock her teeth and tongue down her throat. She gasps and takes a huge breath. Then opens and closes her mouth a few times as she tries to get her jaw to move normally again.

"Say thank you to the nice man for allowing you to receive his semen Penny."

Another gulp but Penny knows she must follow the instruction.