Penny's Story Ch. 01


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"Thank you sir for using my mouth to pleasure your fine cock and allowing this girl the be the recipient of your cum juice." She hopes this will be subservient enough.

"Nicely said Penny. Now stay kneeling but lean forward and place your forehead on the floor."

"Yes sir."

Penny does as she is told, grateful that her mouth, at least for now will not be used again in such a manner. It is only when she is fully down, which is not easy with her hands cuffed and not able to see the floor as it approaches because of the blindfold, that she realises that her ass is raised and exposed. Once down she feels a hand on the small of her back as it pushes down forcing her ass up, then another hand taps each thigh in turn to indicate that her legs have to open, this releases the end of the plug from digging into her cheeks. She does as directed and feels the hand on her pussy again, the touch tells her it is his again, as he pulls it up and so that it is more prominent. Then the hands are gone.

"That's better Penny, when in this position I expect your arse to be high, your legs open and for you to have rolled a little so that the pussy is fully visible from behind."

She does not know but Mr Martinet is moving his head from side to side looking at her rear from different angles.

"Yes, I think you are about right. The position should have the girl's anus and pussy both exposed in such a way that they are on offer." Penny gulps as she hears the words and knows the he is right about the position.

Greg has pulled his trousers back on now and is looking down on Penny in disgust. She has taken his cock without a murmur and now she is exposed and ready for use. She has allowed herself to be placed like this so easily, he is beginning to see that Mr Martinet had been right. Don't get emotionally involved with them, just use them.

He looks up to see the other man smiling and indicating the door. Yes his part in the evenings proceedings have ended, but he will wait for her back at their home and then give her hell. That raised ass is going to be chained to the fence outside tonight and very red.

He nods to Mr Martinet and sweeps out of the room with the other man close behind. Before any words can be exchanged, Greg has the front door open and is gone. Mr Martinet smiles at the retreating back and wonders just how long it will be before he could ease Penny away from him. Given the reaction he has witnessed, not very. But judging by the way Penny has performed so far, she needs a change and he would provide it.

Closing the door he goes back inside, but not to Penny, no he had a few other things to do first, she can wait and think. Yes, the anticipation the not knowing that will help right now. She must be confused and scared a lovely combination to have to play with.

Nothing happens for what seems a long time. Penny knows it can only have been a few minutes, but it feels longer as she kneels in the middle of the room. Even if the blindfold had not been on, in this position she will not have been able to see much of the room. So she listens hard. She can not be sure if the room is empty, it feels it, but she had not known about the other man's presence before his cock is stuck in her mouth.

Her raised ass is feeling a slight draft so the door has remained open she surmises. What is to happen next?

Her mind traces over the events thus far and when she really thinks about it nothing extreme has been done, so why does she feel so aroused and used. She feels exposed and naked by the events and it has nothing to do with her current position, although it does heighten the effect.

Her arse twitches and she feels the plug. She had almost forgotten about it. Her anus muscles contract and relax about the plug now that she is thinking of it. It feels comforting to have it there, a solid presence in her silent naked world. How long had it been since they had both left, five minutes, ten, an hour, she can not tell. Her mouth has stopped aching and her pussy has just a warm glow from the manipulating it received.

Although she has been scared and confused when first left, she now feels warm and happy. Her anal muscles ripple along the plug again, yes she is happy.

Mr stands in the doorway and looks down at her. A nice butt, strong legs, shapely body and the tits have not lost their shape, very agreeable he thinks.

He is going to enjoy extracting the price that Penny has to pay for him helping Greg. It is an agreed price and one that Greg does not want to witness, but he has got his money's worth. Judging by the way he left, Greg is going to be a stricter Master from now on.

He can tell that Penny has relaxed which will help, however that will change when she is allowed to leave, yes, he has another surprise for Penny.

He finally comes into the room and removes his clothes. He is right, Penny is delightful, his thick erection bares testament to that. Penny jumps when he takes hold of her shoulders, his hands move down her arms t the cuffs. A quick turn of the key and they are open and gone. Penny's arms fall to her side, they are limp from the length of time they have been secured behind her back.

"Up on all fours girl." He pulls a little on her plait as he says this. Penny rises and settles again in this new position, which is not easy as she has little feeling in her arms still. "Good girl."

Moving to the back of her he takes hold of the end of the butt plug and slowly pulls. It opens up her sphincter as the wider part is pulled through and out. Penny groans as it is removed. So slowly that she feels every last bit of it as it leaves her. The anal passage closes where it had once been and a sense of emptiness grips Penny. When it is all out she gives a little whimper, her comforter has gone. She is all alone.

Mr. Martinet places the plug on a towel on the table. He picks up the tube of lubricant from the table and squeezes a good sized blob onto his middle finger.

"Now stay still Penny, this will feel cold."

The gel is cold as it touches the brown star. Then his finger starts to make a small circle motion and then it is in her. The gel is forced into her anus making her feel wet and sticky. After the pleasure of the plug, this feels horrid. The fact she is blindfolded only heightens her other senses and this is one she did not want or need heightening. But she can not stop herself from rolling her ass as the finger pushes and probes, the gel making a squishing noise. Then it is gone. Penny knows what is coming next and breathes deeply to try and relax. She senses first, rather than feels Mr Martinet as he positions himself between her legs.

Yes Mr. Martinet thinks to himself as he looks down on her firm ass. She will be a nice addition to his collection.

He smiles and places the head of his cock against her gelled anus. Then with one hand on her hip and the other guiding his cock he pushes forward and into Penny's ass for the first and definitely not the last. He pushes hard until all of his cock has disappeared inside of her, then moves position slightly, taking hold of the other hip in his hand and starts to pull back out till just the head is left in her, then thrust it back deep inside again. The rhythm is slow and steady as he feels her passage while allowing its tightness to slide his foreskin back and over the head. Yes he is right, she is a fine specimen, he will enjoy using her and discovering just what makes her scream.

The slow steady rhythm feels good to Penny, who has been take in the anus before by Greg many times in the beginning and one or two others, but somehow this is different and she sighs as an orgasm starts to grow within her. After all that has happened to her since she walked down the path to the front door she is at last having some pleasure. The stimulation of her passage is only the physical aspect of what her mind is racing around to try and define, to try and answer the question of why she suddenly is more stimulated than she has ever been before. She does not want this moment to end. But end it does as the thrusts became harder, her butt smacked by his thighs as he progresses towards his own climax. Her pleasure is of no consequence only his she is merely the instrument to be used.

Mr. Martinet feels the pressure build as he pumps her anus, her tight and very pleasurable anus. She will clearly reach orgasm this way, a bonus as it is another area he can stimulate and gain control over her. Now he knows this he increases the thrusts and the force, he feels her heading towards orgasm, but he has no intention of allowing her to find release. One final thrust and he's done. His cock throbs as it spurts its juice deep inside her. He feels her muscles contract around it and squeezes the last drops out. Good girl he thinks to himself you cannot stop how you feel or react, a natural submissive.

Then the warm feeling of hot semen hitting the walls and filling her up. It is over, but Penny is not ready, she has not been satisfied. Her body sags displaying the consequence of unfulfilled orgasm, a low sigh escapes her lips.

"Did you sigh Penny?" His words are harsh and cut through the calm that has descended upon Penny.

"I err no well yes I did not mean anything Sir."

As Mr. Martinet pulls his cock free of Penny's delightful bottom, he smacks the right cheek hard. Penny jumps and whelps. All the warm feelings disappear in that instant, Penny has fallen from an almost orgasmic high to realising she is naked and alone and has a sore bottom. She blushes she does not know why, she feels like a small child discovered doing something naughty, but a naked child who can hide nothing. She starts to apologise, but this is greeted with another smack to the left cheek.

"Quite girl. I do not want or need your apologies."

Mr. Martinet is now on his feet he reaches down and pulls Penny up by her plait. She instinctively puts her hands on his to stop him pulling, but it is all in vain. She is then pulled along the ground, she half crawls half stumbles on all fours. The blindfold making it more difficult as she tries to avoid objects that are not there, as he walks her out of the room and across the hall. Clearly the session is over.

At the front door Mr. Martinet stops for a second and pulls her head back, rips off the blindfold and looks deep into her terrified eyes. His free hand then roughly unbuckles the collar round her throat causing her to cough.

"I will see you again soon Penny and I'll pleasure myself with your body again and soon you will give it willingly to me. I can see in your soul you know that is what you want and need. Now be gone and try not to think of me as you pleasure Greg tonight." He laughs knowing that this last thought will swim around her mind and spoil anything she does with Greg tonight and possibly every time he touches her.

Penny's head is already dizzy with the hair pull and drag across the floor, but this last part has her brain in a fog, what does he mean, what has Greg agreed to and there is no way she is going to forget tonight in a hurry.

Mr. Martinet opens the front door and with one last tug Penny is all but thrown out into the porch. As she tries to pick herself up the door is slammed shut and a waft of air hits her naked arse. She lies there gathering her breath, trying to think, trying to bring all her senses back and under her control.

Keeping low, below the window line she turns and sits. The cold stone slabs welcome against the sting of her cheeks. With her back against the porch wall, she looks at the wooden door she had knocked on and instead of anticipation she now feels, oh my, satisfaction. While it had been exciting with Greg at the beginning, even scary at times, it had never been the rollercoaster ride she felt tonight. But even as her breasts gently rise and fall as sucks in air, and slowly calms down she smiles and hopes it will not be the last time she steps onto the ride.

Penny's gaze falls on the box that contains her clothes, as her eyes adjust to the light of the night, something is not right. She crawls over to it, and reaches out to the clasp. It is locked a small yet strong padlock stands between her and her clothes and more importantly her car keys. Horror fills Penny clearly this night is not over.

What shall she do, she looks around, but the porch is bare apart from the box. She knows that she must knock and ask for the key. But she has been thrown out, she knows not why, if it is because she has offended or displeased then Mr. Martinet might not help, or even answer. Her mind in turmoil she summons the courage and quickly stands knocks and sits down again in a flash. Hoping that she has not been seen by anyone walking along the road.

Seconds, then minutes pass, there is no reply, the door does not open. Breathing heavily now, her nipples erect with fear not cold, she stands and knocks again, harder. Risking a glance to the road, she stays upright, her hands covering what they can, but not enough.

This time the door opens. Mr. Martinet a bathrobe now protecting him from the cold of the night, stands arms folded a look of thunder on his face.

"Why have you not gone? Why have you disturbed me?" He barks the questions at her.

Shivering with fright Penny starts to speak.

"Why are you standing girl? Kneel or I slam the door on you."

Penny falls to the ground. Now she is below the window line again, she gains a little courage and puts her hands behind her back. She adopts a very submissive kneeling position, opening her knees so that he can see all of her. She lowers her eyes.

"Sorry Sir. Please forgive me." She is learning quick, quicker than she ever did with Greg. "The box is locked and I need to get my clothes sir."


Oh my god, he is going to drag this out, a deep breathe and Penny continues. "Please sir will you unlock the box so I may dress and leave. Please sir."

Mr. Martinet grunts, he is clearly enjoying her discomfort, it is after all part of the evening he had planned and this is going to be played out to the full.

"Stay there girl. Do not move." With that he turns and shuts the door after himself.

As the door shuts, Penny looks up, wide eyed, what is happening now. Her breathing becomes laboured again she suddenly becomes very aware of her nakedness. She risks a glance behind her to make sure she is below the window, well at least from the breasts down.

Minutes pass, they seem like hours to Penny, kneeling, shivering. The door suddenly opens and he is there again. He steps past her and opens the porch door. The key is in his hand. Penny watches the key, her salvation and stares in disbelief at what he does next.

"You want the key, go get it." Mr. Martinet throws the key down the driveway. It lands about halfway along it. "and do not knock on my door again this night or I'll take my crop to you and chase you down the street." He takes hold of her chin and lifts it so her eyes meet his. "Understand girl?"

Penny tries to nod, but the grip is firm, besides it is hard to nod when your eyes are trying to see where the key is and your mind is screaming, this is not happening.

Mr. Martinet pushes Penny's head to one side as he frees it she hardly feels the thumb and finger mark he leaves. Her eyes her whole being is focused on one thing, the key.

She can see it in the moonlight. A full moon one she would have enjoyed if it had not been for her plight. She dare not look away from the key in case it disappears and her one hope with it. The porch door has been left open, she feels up the door jam and crouches. Penny then realises she is in the doorway and totally visible from the road. But its night time and only the moon for light.

Then the light goes, a cloud passes in front of the moon and Penny sees her chance. The darkness the cloud gives is perfect if she runs. She will be back in the porch in a second, her mind has a plan and her body accepts it. The drive is gravel and it hurts her feet as it digs in. Only two steps and she stops, the pain though not great is a surprise. Still no one on the road, its very late, less chance there will be. Another step and her world is lit up as the motion sensitive security lights flood the drive with a bright white light and shows the world Penny, standing naked.

How long the panic lasts Penny does not know, but she has to get the key so she makes a dash and grabs it. Holding it tight she runs back to the porch, pulls the door shut and dives below the level of window, lying flat on the cold floor, panting, safe that she is now hidden from view. She is sure she saw a figure in the upstairs window as she rushes through the doorway. He knew what would happen, he had planned it. Of course, everything is planned he has been toying with her, maybe even testing her. Well, she opens her hand to reveal the key, I have it and I can leave now, the game is over. Penny grins at her triumph.

Penny takes a few more minutes to gather her breath the cold slabs a comfort now as they cool her body. She turns the key over in her hand and on all fours crawls the few feet to the locked box. The key slides in the hole easily the padlock springs open as she turns the key. It slips out of the clasp she opens the box and looks in.

It's empty.

No wait her car keys are on top of some sacking. She grabs them then pulls the sacking to one side even though it is obvious that her clothing would not be under it. The frantic swishing of the sacking does nothing to uncover any clothing, Penny finally pulls the two pieces up and out and piece of paper falls into the box from between them. She picks it up and sinks to the floor her back against the box she stares out of the porch window at the moon that has once again appeared from behind the cloud. The pale light gives her a chance to read the note.

It reads 'Penny, you will report back here on Saturday at 8 o'clock in the evening. You will be naked and kneeling when I open the door your clothes in the box, lid shut.' The writing is neat and clear, just like the message earlier. To her horror her first thought is of how can she get away from Greg on Saturday night, it is not how dare he, or the bastard. No she does not think of him like that, she wants to return, she wants to be used again.

A closer look at the sacking reveals that the two pieces are about a foot wide and four feet long, just the right length to be wrapped around her breast and waist to afford a modicum of dignity on her walk, no run, to her car.

It is not the cold that has caused Penny's nipples to harden it is the thought of being teased and humiliated like this again and the desire to return. Saturday it will be regardless of Greg. She ties the sacking and stands. Taking a deep breath she opens the porch door and takes a few steps along the drive gasping and scurrying to the bushes that go down the side of the drive as the security lights go on and illuminate her. She hopes, no, she knows he is watching.

The walk to the car seems longer than it is, especially as she keeps close to the hedges and freezes every time she hears an engine. Penny opens the car door as soon as the beep sounds and dives inside, safe at last. She masturbates as she sits in the driver's seat before heading home the craving is too great now to be refused, the orgasm one of the best.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
So Much for Safe, Sane, and Consensual...

So, anything goes in BDSM, is your message?

Weak writing in the early part of the story as well - the explanation of the sub neighbor was most difficult to follow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Only One

Good story,but please keep the as trainer as such.Though inexperienced her boyfriend should her 1 true master.

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