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"Please, Dave—"

He slapped me, hard, the shock making me gasp for a second. Before I could speak, he shoved three of his fingers into my mouth. They were coated in my own arousal, and now my own taste and smell overwhelmed me with the evidence of my body's betrayal. I groaned as his fingers drove deep, pushing against my tonsils and making me gag.

"Call me Big Dave, slut," he barked. The fingers were abruptly removed and I gasped for air. I swallowed a bit of the bile that had appeared in my mouth, but the acrid flavor actually helped clear my mind by erasing the maddening taste of my own juices.

"Big Dave, I don't want to—" I began, than screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure as he slapped my cunt! The wet thwack of his blow was incredibly loud and sprayed my overflowing juices around my crotch. He held his hand again on my mound, my entire vulva a raging fire of stinging pain and tingling pleasure, with pleasure dominating in the end as it throbbed hotly in time with my racing pulse.

"Shut up," he said casually, and placed his free hand around the base of my throat to pin me to the couch.

I found myself obeying, biting my lower lip and nodding as tears flowed out of my eyes. He was just too big and strong, what could I do? His fingers around my neck were terrifying. Even without squeezing me, I felt short of breath, and it seemed that with one clench of his fist he could suffocate me.

My hands, which had been fluttering around his chest, moved to grab the wrist of the hand that now kneaded my sopping wet slit. I tried to push his arm away, but it was like attempting to budge an iron pole anchored in cement.

The pleasure he was sending through my body with those fingers was enhanced by the stark contrast of the fading pain from his slap. It as was if his blow had energized all my nerve endings and flooded that already engorged flesh with fresh blood. I was freaking out because it felt too good, better than anything I'd done to myself with fingers, vibrators, and certainly better than anything any other man had done to me.

The idea that he'd make me cum this quickly, and just from just fingering me outside my panties, was too embarrassing to contemplate. I shouldn't be enjoying this, and he definitely shouldn't know that I was!

I tried to squirm away, but his other hand gripped my neck tighter. A light squeeze of my throat was all the warning I needed to make me keep my upper body still. My attempts at escape shifted to my lower body, my hips rolling as I frantically tried to free my sex from his iron grasp. Unfortunately, all my wriggling was doing was causing my mound to rub against his palm and make me even more aroused! I still tried in vain to buck away from his hand, moaning and sobbing in dismay as my pleasure continued to build despite my efforts.

"Nooooo! Please!" I wailed out. I was going to cum very soon and was mortified. How could this be happening? Why was I enjoying his assault so much!?

I'm not sure how long I struggled, but at a certain point, I realized that my sobs had turned into moans of pleasure and I wasn't fighting him any longer. In horror, I discovered that my body had betrayed me yet again, and now I was moving myself rhythmically against him, subtly adjusting my pelvis angle to better push my throbbing clit into the base of his palm. My hands no longer tried to push his wrist away, instead they pulled his hand harder against my slit.

Don't get me wrong, I was still very upset about this vicious assault, but my brain had decided that indignation could wait until after I came. As soon as I orgasmed, I could devote my full attention to talking my way out of this situation or escaping. Just a quick little cum, to clear my head and take the edge off, and I'd be back to being horrified, scared, and definitely not aroused any more! This was rape, or sexual assault, or creepy aggression, whatever you wanted to call it, and I knew I'd be properly upset once this damn surge of pleasure peaked!

"Now that's an eager little slut, trying to rub yourself off for a quick cum," Dave said, a smile on his face. I tried to protest, but the only noise I made was a squeaking, stuttering "N-noooo" that sounded more like a "Yes" in my ears. The sloppy, wet noises of my folds rubbing against his hand had become so loud that even my ears couldn't deny the evidence of what a slut I'd become.

A tiny voice in my head was worried I was going to soil the cushions with all my arousal.

He suddenly lifted his teasing hand, easily breaking free from the grip of my fingers as if I hadn't even been clutching his wrist. The wet hand hovered for a second, menacingly, and then he started spanking my cunt again, this time very hard! Not once, or twice, but three times fast in a row!

I howled in pain and swiveled my hips frantically to avoid his blows, my hands unable to block the rapid strikes. My thighs, happily spread as I had quested towards orgasm, now futilely tried to snap shut as his knee pinned me open. "You haven't earned your cum yet, though. Have you?"

"P-please... Dave—" I began, but was cut off by another vicious slap to my face. I realized my mistake at once and moaned out my next words using his preferred name. "Sorry, B-big Dave! P-pleaassseee..."

"Please what? Make you cum, or stop?" he asked mockingly.

His fingers tapped around my mound and I reflexively splayed myself open for him again, thighs spreading wider, as my body sought a return to pleasure. His hand teased me with a horrible and frustrating mix of mini slaps, soft rubs, and pushes into my passage through the sodden fabric of my underwear. Anytime I thought a rhythm was building, he'd stop and torture me with light brushes against my clit or sharp tugs on my swollen lips. The thong itself had become a wet and crumpled strip of cloth that split my slit like a wedgie.

"Answer me. What do you want?" he asked.

Had he asked me a question? I'd been simply whimpering and moaning from his teasing.

"I-I don't know," I wailed out, barely remembering the choice he'd given me. I was crying again. My hips moved, chasing his fingers pathetically. My body had a mind of its own and wanted the pleasure back. "Cum. Please, just let me cum."

I hated myself for saying it, knowing that I had legitimized his assault on me in some sick fashion by begging him to give me more pleasure. I should be hating him, scared for my life, and trying to escape, but I was instead begging for an orgasm like a cum hungry whore! I was undeniably turned on by his roughness and my lack of control.

How had this happened?!

"Let's have you earn it, then," Dave said with a smile. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulled me up to sitting, and shoved his juice covered fingers into my throat again, gagging me on my own arousal for the second time. This time he didn't let up, forcing his fingers deep to make me retch, pulling them out briefly, and then jamming them back in again. I thought I was going to vomit, in fact I hoped I would to make him stop, but he seemed to know just how far to push me. "I doubt you can deep throat my big cock, but I'm sure you'll try your best no matter what."

"Ack, ugh," I spat out, saliva streaming from my lips as he pulled his fingers out one last time. I shook my head "No" again as he pulled me off the couch by my hair and drove me down onto my knees. As the immediate lure of orgasm faded, some semblance of self-control was coming back and I grabbed at his hand in my hair to try and pry it off and end the searing pain in my scalp. "No, Please! Da— BIG Dave, stop! I don't want this! I'm not a kinky slut! Just have normal sex with me!"

A cuff clicked onto one of my wrists. He'd reached into his backpack and grabbed the handcuffs while I'd been distracted with my hair. With one on, he muscled my arms around behind my back and cuffed them together. My hands twisted frantically as I tested the unyielding metal cuffs.

In horror, I realized that I was truly helpless now.

A stranger had me cuffed and on my knees, and was about to have his way with me. The setup was a huge fantasy of mine and I'd cum to this exact scenario several times this week while enjoying porn. Reality was a bit different, it seemed, and I was frantic, my stomach roiling in fear as I looked around the room for some means of escape.

Yet, I couldn't deny that I was also incredibly turned on, my sex throbbing and tingling with arousal and my nipples hard and aching to be touched. A rosy flush darkened my skin from my neck to my belly. Adrenaline and arousal, fear and lust, all these emotions seemed suddenly jumbled up in my mind and indistinguishable from each other.

Dave began stripping off his clothes and I found myself watching in terror-filled fascination. Okay, a sick and perverted part of my brain did admire his body as he pulled his shirt off. He looked like a fucking fitness model with more abs than I could count and muscles growing on top of his muscles, so at least my rapist was really hot! I felt disgusted at myself for even thinking that, but it was true. As he unzipped his jeans, my eyes grew wide. I noticed for the first time the impossibly long and thick bulge going down his thigh that I knew was going to be in my mouth very soon.

"Big Dave, I don't want to.. oh my GOD!" I screamed out, a new carnal fear filling my mind as his monster cock erupted from his pants and proudly pointed straight out in front of him. Up close and in person, it was bigger than in his pictures. Perhaps his hands were just very large and had made it seem smaller? In any event, as he kicked off his jeans and fisted himself slowly in front of me, I fell silent in open mouthed horror.

The thought of that thing in my mouth, let alone my asshole, was terrifying. I could probably get it in my pussy, although it would stretch me like I've never been stretched before. That was a challenge that was worth the risk as I imagined how satisfying it would feel to be filled by that thing. I'd be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey! I ran my tongue around my suddenly dry lips as my mouth hung open in what had become pure awe.

"Look at you, mouth open and hungry for me," Dave said. "That's it, lick your lips and get ready for my cock."

I snapped my jaw shut at his words. I cursed myself for the dirty thoughts that had been filling my head, which clearly were sending the wrong impression to Dave. This guy was a monster, as evidenced by his monster cock, and I needed to concentrate on escaping, not wasting my time fantasizing about taking that obscenely large penis in my suddenly hungry vagina.

I shook my head at him and gave him an appealing look, my lower lip quivering, hoping for some shred of sympathy. There was no way that horse cock was going to fit in my mouth!

"Don't be shy, open up again." The slap was unexpected and knocked me into the couch. He yanked me back up and bent over to whisper in my ear as I blinked fresh tears out of my eyes. Both my cheeks stung now. He grabbed me by my throat and shook me, his fingers squeezing hard enough to make me gasp for air. "You either suck me, and give it your all, and I just might leave after giving you a good cum as well. Or you keep resisting and I fucking hurt you the rest of the night and never let you cum. Do you understand? Either way, I'm fucking the shit out of you, so you choose how much pain you want."

To emphasize his point, he yanked on my hair and jerked my eyes up to meet his own. They were cold and merciless. He was deadly serious. A chill of dread swept through my body and I trembled under his gaze. Again, though, my arousal seemed to spike in lockstep with my fear. I felt my sex grow hot and my thighs quivered with a decidedly different primal emotion.

I nodded reflexively. The threat he made was quite clear and I didn't want to get hurt. My mind reluctantly joined forces with my traitorous body and I shifted into appeasement mode. It seemed obvious that playing along with his perverted plans was the easiest route to getting him out of my apartment quickly, particularly since I might get a cum out of it as well. Wait... that shouldn't matter!

"Y-yes, yes. I'll do it," I said, opening my mouth as wide as I could. "Please don't hurt me!"

"That's my little slut," Dave said, rubbing my head like he might a good pet. It was humiliating, but I felt a perplexing sense of happiness that he was pleased with me. The massive cock loomed in front of me as he lifted it to my lips. The bulbous tip looked impossibly swollen and its veined and thick shaft seemed to stretch forever before my face. Straining my jaws wide, I took the head into my mouth and began to suck it gently. He grasped my face and guided me with two hands, unsatisfied with my efforts. I tasted his salty pre-cum and gurgled gently, my tongue toying with the soft and sensitive flesh at the bottom of his circumsized tip. "Good girl, that's it. Please me."

Just the tip was enough to stretch my lips wide, and I tried to focus on my job, ignoring the horror that this night had turned into. His big cock was a nice distraction, in some perverted way, as it gave me something to work that was ostensibly productive to my situation. Dave stretched my cheeks in every direction, bulging them obscenely as he explored the recesses of my mouth. I didn't have to do much at first, just keep my tongue under his shaft and lips wrapped around his meat. Then he started to push against my throat.

"Ack, ugh, glub, glub, gluck" was the only thing I could say. I was trying to warn him that I couldn't deep throat that well, and had only done it with much smaller penises in the past. With my nervously clenching hands cuffed behind me, I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him from forcing me to try. He had my head firmly in his grasp and started pushing further into my mouth. I began gagging immediately! He'd pull back, let me gasp for air briefly as a river of spit and bile streamed out of my mouth, then push back in deeper almost immediately.

"No! Please!" I'd scream out between thrusts, but his cock battered against my throat again and again. "Glub, gluck, gluck. Ack." I sounded like a choking duck.

Eventually, whether he just pounded my throat into submission, or my muscles grew tired of fighting him, he pushed past the back of my mouth and lodged his tip into the top of my throat, leaving me feeling like I was in the middle of inhaling a giant sausage. The mental trick of imagining I was swallowing food caused my gag reflex to wane and he stayed like that as I panted through my nose, bloodshot eyes wide and staring up at him.

"Ack, Ack. Gluck. Ack. ACK!" I was spasming on his cock now, trying to tell him to pull out. I could still barely breathe through my nose, but he was on the verge of pinching my airway shut if he want deeper.

"Excellent, now let's fuck the shit out of this tight little throat," Dave grunted out and began to thrust into me. I squirmed and tried to shake my head to dissuade him, but I was impaled on his big cock and gripped tightly by his hands. To my dismay, the back and forth motion of shaking "no" just helped his cock slide in deeper! There was nothing I could do to stop him!

"Keep it open. Mouth wide!" He started to slide in and out of me, plunging deeper each time. I fought to suck down air when his dick slid out far enough for my airway to open back up. I'd never experienced a cock this big anywhere in my body, let alone my throat, and every forward push made my eyes bulge in terror at the impossibility of that thick tube fitting inside me! My body adjusted it's angle intuitively, my throat lining up with his cock to take it as straight as possible, and he eventually started fucking my face like a hungry pussy!

He was already filling me so much, going deep down my throat, and yet I still had a lot of cock left to swallow. I realized in mute terror that he was going to go in all the way, that there was no stopping until he was balls deep in me. The pragmatic part of me decided that I better get this over with as quickly as possible and I started trying my best to accommodate him.

"Gluck. Gluck. Gluck. Gluck. Ack." The noises he was forcing out of me made the whole experience even more humiliating, like I was a voiceover artist for some filthy porno.

Drool, bile, and spit were overflowing my mouth when he pulled out, but I hungrily pushed against him with my mouth when he drove back in again. My throat fluttered and spasmed, but I ignored my now overloaded gag reflex and forced myself to picture his cock as a delicious tube of hot meat. I'd never felt so stretched and full before, and frankly I was shocked that I was able to get any of it in my throat, let alone almost the entire thing. I felt a perverted sense of accomplishment, like I'd achieved some slut merit badge for deep throating monster cock!

"Yeah, that's it. Be a good slut and touch my balls with your tongue," said Dave as he pulled me forward one last time and drove his full length into my now eager mouth. He was buried so deep down my throat that it felt like he was pushing into my larynx! My nose smushed into his smooth pubic mound and, sure enough, I could feel his heavy sack on my lower lip. With a groan of effort that vibrated his thick cock, I darted my tongue forward and licked his hairless balls.

I couldn't breathe like this, my airway was totally collapsed, and I started to struggle against him until a primal call for oxygen make me full out panic. At the last second, when I was squirming and jerking on his dick frantically, he released me with no warning. I went flying backwards to sprawl on the floor, a fountain of pent-up drool and spit followed my mouth, spraying into the air and splashing on my disheveled body.

"I"m very surprised you haven't tried to use your safe word," said Dave as he straddled my torso. "Not that I'd even give a fuck that is. You know this is real, don't you?"

Those words sparked a perverse sense of hope. Safeword! That was the missing thing I'd forgotten. I'd given him one while we talked on the phone last night, but hadn't thought I would need it as he'd sounded so sexy, yet considerate. Maybe this was all just a role play, a very good one I'd have to admit, and he was trying to remind me in a gentle and caring way that I had a means to pause it! I just had to give him the safeword to request a time out. That would be great as I could catch my breath, and then we could resume, because, honestly, I was incredibly turned on at getting used like this. I felt a little surge of hope and smiled up at him, not that he acknowledged my expression in the slightest.

He wasn't a rapist! I clung to the hope like a life preserver in a stormy sea.

Now, what was my safe word? Horror filled me again as I realized I had no fucking clue. I'd been in the grocery store and picked something at random. What was it? Shit. He was squatting down now and I tried to squirm away, but he had me pinned again. His balls were being fed into my mouth and I obediently sucked them as my mind raced. He rubbed his wet cock around my face as I sucked, fisting his ridiculous dong slowly with two hands.

Fuck, it was hard to think with that massive cock in front of me.

"You are such a sloppy little slut. You'd be horrified to see what a mess you pretty little face is already. And I haven't even gotten started," Dave said, reaching back to give my cunt another spank.

I actually could imagine what I looked like as I'd seen plenty of perverted porn videos this week in which the actress was turned into a sloppy mess from facefucking. I guessed my face was an explosion of smudged lipstick, drool, tears, and saliva, with my cheeks glowing bright red from all his slaps. And of course, my eye makeup was likely everywhere, maybe running down my cheeks like Cheetah tears. I made a mental note to not put on heavy makeup, especially eyeliner and mascara, the next time I was going to get fucked like a filthy whore.
