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"You are mine," he grunted out, pumping me harder. "All mine. I can do whatever I want to you."

"Y-yes!" I moaned back, then, trying to rekindle some of the hot shame of the situation, I added, "N-nooooo..... please! STOP!"

My little attempt at a protest was the trigger that sent me over the edge. The waves of pleasure he was sending through my entire pelvis were too much, as if my lower body had become a pulsing and smoldering fire that threatened to consume me in its inferno. Some of the heat was pain, for he was surely making me sore, but most of it was hot and dirty pleasure at being used, ostensibly against my will. My mind threw gasoline on that fire as I tried to force myself to fight against him one last time. My arms futilely tugged against his hands and my back arched in a pathetic attempt to throw him off. It was enough, and another orgasm erupted in my tortured body.

"N-noooo!" I kept screaming out, a fitting word to cling to as I shuddered and twitched under his dominating body. "No! No! No! NOOOOO!" And then, finally, "YESSSSS!!"

Dave kept fucking me as I came, waves of hot pleasure washing over me in rhythm with his relentless thrusts. He never slowed down and for a while, it felt like I wouldn't stop cumming, but eventually the waves became ripples and my mind started to unfog.

Fuck, that had been amazing. I tried to wallow in the dirty guilt of enjoying that cum so much, but I quickly became distracted by a new thrill as Dave started groaning in pleasure. He was cumming as well! Maybe he was done, finally? Did that make me relieved, or a bit sad?

"Damn you little slut!" he screamed out, an angry tone in his voice as if he was pissed at me for making him cum so quickly. Was it that quick, though? I couldn't even tell anymore. "You want my fucking cum badly... don't you?"

I moaned out what sounded like assent. He was fucking my spent body fast and hard, using me as a fuck toy to get his rocks off like he had before. I couldn't do anything to help him at this point as I was thoroughly spent. Coming down from the adrenaline and fear I had earlier had left me exhausted, and now, basking in post-orgasmic happiness, all I could do was whimper and moan encouragement as I lay there under his weight and took his pistoning cock. He didn't seem to mind and maybe even enjoyed the total control he held over me with his strong arms and large body. A final strong set of thrusts, hilting himself all the way again, and I felt his cock jerk deep inside my passage.

The wet squirt of his first load of cum erupted deep inside me, and he pulled out as I lay prone under him to finish his orgasm on my skin. Still holding my wrists, as if he thought I'd summon the energy to try and escape again, he let his cock rest on my asscheeks as it fired another series of sloppy cumloads down my back. I whimpered and shuddered as I felt his hot seed hose me down again, heavy and wet splotches falling on me that reached up almost to my neck.

"Oh fucking god, you are so fucking dirty," he breathed out with what sounded like real amazement. He let go of my wrists and rolled over to lie on his side, studying my face. I couldn't even lift my head, I was so spent, and just turned my neck a bit more to stare at him with glazed eyes. I was a little wary still, but too tired to even care anymore if he was a rapist, or still roleplaying, or whatever.

"What are you going to do to me now?" I asked eventually, as he lay there breathing hard and just watching me. There a stupid smile on his face, almost friendly, and the look made me annoyed enough to say something despite my utter exhaustion. Part of me was mildly curious what else he might even consider doing to me at this point, as every one of my holes had been throughly fucked. What had I left to offer him?

"Hmmm," he said, rubbing his stubbled chin thoughtfully. "Maybe fuck you with a banana?"

A banana? Had he lost his mind?! Wait... BANANA! That was the fucking safeword!

Of course! I remember choosing it now, looking over the produce section and picking them as they stood out so bright and yellow, as well as vaguely phallic. A little smile came to my face and I

chuckled softly as I cursed my stupidity in my head.

"Banana..." I whispered, enunciating it as if it was a strange and foreign word. "Fucking banana."

God, what had I just done to myself?

"As long as I don't have to move, go ahead," I replied a couple seconds later.

Dave laughed and leaned forward to give me a surprisingly tender kiss. I kissed him back, but it took all my energy. He reached over with his arms and pulled me into him, holding me tight as I nuzzled into his powerful chest. Just like that, he wasn't scary anymore. Instead, being within his big and burly arms felt safe and comforting. I sighed in deep contentment as I smelled his intoxicating man scent. This was more like it.

"I've never, ever, had any girl I've fucked not use the safeword," he said at last, giving me another soft kiss on my head. "You are incredible. I mean, and don't take this in the wrong way, but I've never had a girl as wild and... well... as kinky and slutty as you! And you seemed so proper..."

He went on and on about all the things I'd let him do, the rimming, the chase and wrestling, and the ass to mouth with the buttplug and his cock. It was an embarrassing catalog of every filthy act I'd permitted, including many I wished to forget, but at least he seemed to have truly enjoyed my "performance". I nodded along, praying the list would stop.

But he kept coming up with more.

"Oh, and then, when I had you pinned and you were screaming at me to not fuck you! Wow! But you were so wet and ready... it's like the more you fought, the more excited you got!"

"Oh yeah, that's me, a crazy slut!" I said at last, mostly to cut him off. I kept my face buried in his chest the entire time he talked, trying to hide my deep red blush of shame. My only hope during his play-by-play was that he'd forgotten at least one of my sluttish acts, but nope.

What did he have a photographic memory for filth?

"Dave, wait, I have to tell you something. Actually..." I began, then paused.

Should I tell him that I'd forgotten the safeword? It would explain a lot of my "sluttish" behavior and I could argue that I wasn't that kinky after all! But if he knew, he'd probably feel bad about pushing me past my comfort zone in all the various ways he'd just described in detail. I liked him amazed and happy with me, not feeling bad about what he'd done.

Now that I thought about it more, I felt a sudden stab of fear at telling him the truth. How would I explain all the orgasms I had while believing he was really raping me, or at least massively violating my limits? Oh God, I realized with grim certainty that there was no way I could ever tell him, or anyone, what had really happened. I would rather let him think I was just a kinky slut that enjoyed rough roleplays, as opposed to being a perverted whore who enjoyed thinking she was actually being raped!

"What?" he asked after I trailed off into silence. He sounded a little concerned.

"Just, you know," I said, my fingers tracing around his strong chest, "I was hoping you'd have another round in you still." I gave him a challenging look. I felt a surge of pride as a bit of worry crept onto his handsome face. Even Big Dave had his limits and got tired it seemed! "Just kidding, I'm pretty spent now as well and, well, a bit sore... everywhere."


I called in sick to work the next day. Everyone thought I'd been coming down with something anyway, it turned out, because of how odd I'd been acting and how distracted I'd been all week.

As I warned Dave the prior night, I was indeed sore everywhere. My throat was hurting from his deepthroating and my screaming, my voice raspy and hoarse. My ass and pussy were aching for obvious reasons. Those were all expected. What I didn't expect was how the entire rest of my body felt beat up, like I had gone twelve rounds in a prize fight boxing match. My cheeks were still pink and bruised, my ass was already turning purple from his spanking and my slamming into the coffee table, my nipples were still swollen and achy, and I had rug burns all over my body, including in some unexplainable spots. All my muscles had weird aches, including my neck from being pile driven into my bed as Dave had fucked my ass.

Even my psyche hurt as I studied my beat up face in the mirror. I couldn't look myself in the eye with the knowledge of what I'd done, and more specifically, the fucked up shit I had enjoyed. My own face seemed to be accusing me of being a slut, and I couldn't deny it to myself!

My apartment was also a mess, with the tattered remnants of my clothes strewn around next to pieces of broken furniture, soiled cushions, and scattered sexual toys. Had he really destroyed every article of clothing I had worn, even my shoes? It appeared so. He had been sweet last night about offering to pay for them, although I had turned him down as I felt all of the damage was my fault forgetting the safeword. As further atonement for my depravity, I spent time trying to get the wine out of my rug and cushions, but ultimately decided I was going to have to call a steam cleaner.

Thank God it was Friday and I would have the entire weekend to try and recover and clean up!

I still made lunch with Yasmin, although I moved the venue to be far away from my office to avoid running into co-workers. I wore loose clothing, that covered me head to toe, and a pair of oversized, dark sunglasses.

"Oh my God, Anna!" said Yasmin after we'd hugged. She looked as glamorous as always, this time in some expensive Ralph Lauren workout outfit. "You can barely walk! I assume that means you had a good time?"

I gave her a sour look, as if she was far off the mark. Then, against my better judgment, I cracked a grin as she lifted her eyebrows skeptically. It hurt my cheeks to do that. Her knowing nod turned my grin turned into a full smile, making me wince in pain, and soon we were both laughing, until I begged her to stop as it hurt too much.

"Fuck, it was intense," I said at last. I decided to not tell her about the safeword fiasco. It was definitely more discreet this way and I was suddenly okay with her just thinking I was a normal kinky whore, not a sick perverted whore that enjoyed being actually assaulted. "I'm not sure I can handle that kind of fucking again. Please swear that you'll tell no one?"

"Amazing! Trust me, my lips are sealed! As for the fucking, well, give it a couple days at least. You'll be surprised at how quickly you recover," said Yasmin, barely able to contain her excitement that I'd had a good time. She was so great and reassuringly non-judgmental. It felt wonderful that she at least clearly did not think my behavior was at all shameful or deviant. But, a couple of days to recover, yeah right! It felt more like a month at this point. Yasmin continued, "I texted Dave—"

"BIG Dave" I interjected, getting a giggle out of her.

"Yes, I texted BIG Dave this morning and he was blown away. He said you were the best he's ever had, and I've even fucked him! You must have had a LOT of fun!"

I flushed deep red. I couldn't believe Dave had told her that, although I did feel proud at the compliment. Of course, I shouldn't really, because he was basically saying I was the most depraved whore he'd ever fucked, and he'd likely fucked a lot of them. Still, it felt good to excel at something, I rationalized.

Then I felt guilty again. Maybe I should go to Church this Sunday for the first time in a decade? God might save my soul, or perhaps I'd be blasted by lightning at the entrance. Either way, I'd feel better about myself and end this conflict about embracing my kinky side.

"Uhm, yeah, well he was good too," I said at last, picking at my salad a little forlornly. I felt sad thinking about him for some reason.

"He'll want to see you again," said Yasmin with a wink. "But, you know, I kind of think variety is the spice of life with Persephone. A new person is much more fun, the energy you know?"

I thought for a second and then nodded enthusiastically in agreement. She was absolutely right!

There was no way that Dave and I could rekindle the magical combination of fear and uncertainty that had made last night such a turn on. That was why I was depressed! As hot as he was, I knew that any subsequent date would be a disappointment versus the raw emotion I had experienced with him, partly due to my own stupidity. I mean, would I even be scared if we repeated? The fear was half the fun, I shamefully admitted. Maybe more than half, if I was truthful to myself. I guess I'd have to find someone else.

Wait, I was already thinking about a second date?

"Oh, also I want to tell you about a new service I just launched for Persephone users," prattled on Yasmin. I perked up, curious and nervous about what else she could dream up.

"I call it Persephone To Go," she said, showing me an app on her phone. It was a map of our area, with a flashing blue dot at the restaurant we sat inside. A couple icons were moving around nearby. I gave her a quizzical look as I realized they were masked men, like robbers. "You can order a rape date anytime and anywhere, within thirty minutes typically. You don't know who your rapist will be, or what they will do, just that they will come and give you a good time. We have screened participants to be only our highest rated men."

"You can't be serious, Yasmin!" I said, giving her a horrified look. "Random people raping you on demand?!"

"Yes!" she said excitedly. "I am nicknaming it the Uber for Rapists!"

"Yasmin!" I said, getting flustered at the crazy idea. Had she no sense of decency at all? All the safety mechanisms that I admitted now made sense were gone! "You can't get a feel for your partner, plan ahead of time, set boundaries, have safewords, discuss the roleplay... all that stuff. It's not safe!"

"We have a couple basic roleplays they'll follow, depending on the situation. Either snatch and grab or home invasion, typically, with one option for a public setting, say if you go for a jog in a secluded park. They'll follow your preferences for kinks closely and will text you a safeword beforehand. It's only our top and most trustworthy guys," she continued smoothly, brushing aside my concerns with a wave of her hand. "It's great because it's a total surprise! So much fun!"

"But, no one will use it!" I knew I was making up things now.

"All the girls I've beta tested it with love it! Even more than regular Persephone."

"I don't know... it seems wrong."

"Will you check it out for me, please?" she asked sweetly.


"I'll send you the download link. It imports your Persephone profile automatically! Just take a look."

I tried to appear skeptical, but my mind was already spinning at the idea. Last night had been fun because of the newness, and honestly, a pre-planned roleplay discussed thoroughly in advance might be a little boring. Where was that spark and uncertainty? The fear of what they would do next? How would I react to an unattractive guy forcing himself on me? Had I really become so kinky that a good, hard fucking was not enough to get me turned on?

It would be interesting to just push a button, and wonder who was going to show up and what they would do. I mean, it could be anyone, maybe that guy over there checking me out, the waiter, my Uber driver...

"I don't know. I guess I could take a look."

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Ilov2fckIlov2fck22 days ago

Wow!! Good work

DesirablemilfDesirablemilf26 days ago

I wish someone to do that to me..loved it

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Incredibly well written. Pace and cadence are perfect. Action is described in a way that makes you feel as though you were there. Well done, hope to read more amazing stories like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is the best story I’ve read thus far, especially in this category! Most stories featuring this fetish are very dark and leave me depressed afterwards but not this one!! Also love how you blurred the lines by making her forget her safeword essentially making him take her for real. You captured the true essence of cnc imo!! Keep up the good work!! 🔥🔥🔥😩😩😩

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is the best story I’ve read on here!! So great! Thank you!

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